Food, Fasting and
By Lester Roloff
To Receive Food, Fasting and Faith in Print Form
By Mail
we can not currently accept requests for literature by E-Mail, we enjoy
hearing from our friends in old-fashioned letters. The booklet "Dr. Law
And Dr. Grace" is available in a print edition for a donation of any
amount to the Roloff Ministries (although a $1.00 donation is requested to
cover both the printing expenses and the postage). To reach the Roloff
Ministries by mail, please write:
Roloff Ministries
P.O. Box 1177
Corpus Christi, Tx 78403
If you are able to listen to the Family Altar Program, please include the
CALL LETTERS of the radio station in your letter along with a request for
the booklet "Dr. Law And Dr. Grace." If you listen to The Family Altar
Program over the internet in TrueSpeech, please use the word
INTERNET for the call letters.
By Phone
The Roloff Ministries does have a 1-800 phone number for requesting
literature, cassettes, videos, and the book "Lester Roloff - In Life and
In Death." The 800 number is ONLY answered weekdays (M-F) between the
hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Central Time USA, and we can only take orders
associated with credit card donations on this number. The requested donation
for "Dr. Law and Dr. Grace" is $1.00. This donation covers both the printing
expenses and the postage. When ordering by credit card, we do request a
minimum donation of $5.00 (additional item(s) may be added to offset the
$4.00 difference between the suggested donation for "Dr Law and Dr Grace"
and the minimum credit card donation). We do accept mail-in credit card
orders with the stipulation that the minimum credit card donation is still
$5.00. Please include the credit card number and expiration date with your
request in any mail-in credit card orders.
For requesting literature, cassettes, videos and books only, call 1-800-772-7507.