Introduction to
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)CALL TO ACTION:
“All that tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”T
homas Jefferson
Dear Canadian Citizens, Indigenous Communities,and Permanent Residents:Thank you for choosing to take part in this unprecedented Nationwide movement.
Canada Unity represents and defends a coalition of ConcernedCanadian Citizens,Permanent Residents, Indigenous Communities, Employers, Employees from private and government bodies, Institutions andBusinesses at large.
The bond we have in common is that we stand opposed to the current unlawful restrictions and discriminatory SARS-CoV-2 (and not limited to SARS-CoV-2 subsequent variations)mandates.
The key to ending the current spike in discrimination and segregation issues impacting millions of Canadians resides within this attached
“Memorandum of Understanding”or MOU. Few of us may be familiar with what this document is.
To briefly summarize,an MOU is a document describing the broad outlines of an agreement that two or more parties have reached.Inthiscasethepartiesare
“THEPEOPLEOFCANADA”,the“SENATEOFCANADA”,and“THEGOVERNORGENERALOFCANADA”,thehighestauthoritiesrepresentingtheFederalGovernment.Themattertobediscussedandagreeduponisthis;TheSenateofCanadaandtheGovernorGeneral,combinedreferredtoastheFederalGovernmentaretoupholdandenforceallCanadianandInternationalHumanRightsLawsthatareclearlylaidoutintheMOUor“RESIGNtheirlawfulpositionsofauthorityImmediately”.By having the Senateof Canadaand theGovernorGeneralof Canadasign this MOU into action, they agree to immediately cease and desist all unconstitutional, discriminatoryand segregating actionsand human rights violations.
It calls for an immediate instruction to all levels of the Federal, Provincial, Territorialand Municipal governments to not only stop but furthermore waive all SARS-CoV-2 (and not limited to SARS-CoV-2 subsequent variations)fines that have been issued and imposed upon its citizens, institutions, and private enterprises.
Further, to immediately re-instate all employees in all branches of all levels of governments and not limited to promote the same to the private industry and institutional sectors employees with full lawful employment rights prior to wrongful and unlawful dismissals.
Lastly it instructs all levels of government and private Sector that the Illegal use of a Vaccine Passport to cease and desist immediately. 🛑
What can I do as a Canadian?You can be a hero; you can stand for truth and justice today with hardly any effort. ❤️🙏☀️🇨🇦🚛❤️🙏☀️🇨🇦🚛
Please take the time to read the attached MOU. If you believe in what Canada Unity is doing, add your signature and your voice to this document before it heads to Ottawa. Let the Senate of Canada and The Governor General of Canada know that you are aware of your Human Rights and that you are demanding they be upheld and enforced.
You are not just standing for yourself by doing this. You are standing up for everyone you know and even those you will never meet. By signing, you are saying you want the Law to be returned to Ottawa!!
Let us make history in Unity, we trust and thank you for your commitment and undivided support. Respectfully, From the Desk of Canada Unity