garden faerie
Can you imagine if everyone sent Trudeau a letter in support of the convoy? As the convoy sits outside Parliament, our letters can arrive inside Parliament.
Mail may be sent postage-free within Canada to any Member of Parliament at the following address:
Name of Member of Parliament, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Contact a senator
Mail may be sent postage-free to any senator at the following address:
Name of senator
the Senate of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A4
I know the letters arrive and are read, as I always receive a written response to every letter I send. Tell Trudeau how you feel!! Maybe even your MP, Ministers and Senators! (They like mail also!)
Here is a sample template, however, I urge you to write your own. Simple, one page letters are most effective.
Dear Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
I am demanding that the masking/lockdowns/distancing/vaccine mandates and vaccine passports be cancelled immediately. We are no longer in a state of emergency and the public health emergency was only meant to go for two weeks. There is no evidence of a pandemic at this moment, thus, it is time to lift all Covid restrictions and mandates.
This is not just about truckers and a fringe minority; it is about ALL Canadians. It is about our Charter Rights that Provincial and Federal Governments have been trampling on. Everything that has been implemented in the last two years must be reversed immediately. Canadians want their country back the way it was before you began your tyrannical reign of destruction.
Whoever is technically in charge of the Canadian Government policy at this moment in time has been breaking a contract with the Canadian people. The contract is such that the people agree to follow reasonable laws and regulations in return for the Government providing basic services.
The Constitution Act,1982 entrenched the Rights of all Canadians. Whoever has been determining policy in Canada since the alleged pandemic began has not been adhering to this Supreme Foundational Law of Canada. Our fundamental freedoms are being discarded as the masking/lockdowns/distancing/vaccine mandates and vaccine passports interfere with our Rights and Freedoms under the Charter. Our legal rights are being denied with these draconian mandates, as well.
Canadians are entitled to an open and honest conversation/debate about the validity of the handling of the alleged pandemic and the methods of treatment and control. Proven safe and effective prophylactic treatments have been derided and banned by Health Officials. Doctors, nurses, and scientists are being silenced. Liability is an unknown concept for those involved in our treatment plans and those who are ordering that our medical freedoms be revoked.
Thank you for respecting my Rights as a Canadian Citizen and opening Canada back up. It is time to remove the masking/lockdowns/distancing/vaccine mandates and vaccine passports and allow people to make their own choices. The Constitution is the Supreme Foundational Law in Canada, and the government must uphold it.
(Your name and address if you want a response)