💥Global Breaking News💥💥
Jan. 15, 2022 (GMT).
This landmark announcement proclaims condemnation of those involved in global genocide. It gives every man and woman on the planet the authority to seize and destroy all Covid-19 paraphernalia. At the same time, we can arrest anyone named in the verdict for crimes against humanity.
The court's ruling and arrest warrants are at
www.murderbydecree.com under "ITCCS Updates " and
www.republicofkanata.ca under "Breaking News."
Brussels and Vancouver:
The International Court of Justice that ousted Pope Benedict in 2013 has dealt a blow to the COVID corporateocracy by convicting top officials from Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, China and the Vatican of crimes against humanity.
The court's ruling sentenced 75 individuals to life in prison, seized their assets and dissolved their companies, and lawfully banned the further manufacture, sale or use of their COVID vaccines as "products of medical genocide and mass murder."
Following a four-month trial convened under international law, judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) today issued their historic verdict and sentence, as well as arrest and expropriation orders against the defendants.
Those sentenced include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, CEOs of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, "Pope" Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), "Queen" Elizabeth (Windsor) and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada .
According to the court's Public Affairs Office.
"This case is about a monstrous, generational crime and its equally massive cover-up. The highest officials of church, state, and corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited from the systematic torture, child trafficking, and murder of children in lethal drug testing experiments to produce the COVID "vaccine" as part of a criminal conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. This conspiracy murders innocent people, traffics in weapons, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.
"Our court has put a legal end to this conspiracy by criminalizing the individuals and companies responsible and banning the further sale and use of the COVID "vaccines" that are the product of medical genocide and mass murder of children."
The court's ruling and judgment casts a wide net over those responsible, tracing the roots of the COVID regime to the planned genocide of Indigenous peoples in Canada by the Vatican and the Crown of England, including in the murderous "Indian Residential Schools."
The court notes that public opponents of this genocide, particularly Kevin Annett, have been consistently targeted for extermination by the convicted defendants responsible for the murder of fifteen activists and several recent assassinations of Annett.
"Our warrants empower not only our sheriffs and deputy police, but people everywhere, to enforce the court's judgment by arresting the convicted felons, seizing their assets, and stopping the sale and use of the genocide-derived COVID 'vaccines,'" says the court .
"The killers of children can no longer evade justice by using executive or corporate privilege or by hiding behind the cover of artificial public health crises."
Court documents are attached to this announcement.
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