Let us not mince words..
If your ancestors fought in the Revolution, built the roads, and actually made America into the power it is today, you will be hated, be denied healthcare, be denied business loans, be slandered as a racist™, won't get a job because of affirmative action, be denied a tribal identity, you won't be allowed to defend yourself, and will be treated as a second class citizen.
If your ancestors just came in 5 seconds ago from a third world country, you will be pandered to, get priority on healthcare, have statues torn down to make you feel better, be allowed to burn down cities have special interest groups and caucasus for your tribe, and get special treatment in all areas of life
If anybody can just come into America, hop on welfare, and be "more American" than the people who actually built this country, then America is no longer a nation. It is an economic subscription service for the benefit of globalist bankers and businessmen