They got triggered so much next show might be in my honour. Oooh scary... cooking vs cakes of light is a more apt title for your forthcoming video.
I never made any claim spirit cooking linked to the gnostic mass. I made the claim human blood drinking linked to cakes of light ritual and gave sources.
Be sure to play the cakes of blood and light and aids video from david shriven head of OTO USA from pinned message #9 in - that also appears in my freemen report interview on or you are doing a shit job of rebutting even before your video airs.
Also unban me jewtube account. I don't usually operate alts, so don't make me make one. As I saved the chats last time I was proven right on everything but David Shriven's current position in the OTO.
David B? How is your satanic monument going ahead now that Waverley council says on letterhead you were never given permission that you claimed you had in your gofraudme against other Crowleyite Satanists? Problems in Gnostic Catholic Child Orgy black mass paradise with a minimum of two real children not adult stand-ins as dictated by David Shriven aka Frater Sabazious X in his "children of the mass training video"? David do your two tranny sons act as cup bearers in the gnostic catholic mass at ACT templar lodge or are they just for pimping out to judges like Brian Meager SC at ACAT?
On Thursday, February 10, 2022, Luke M <> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Thank you Waverly council for your adequate response. The matter is not closed until the rights holder to the grave can confirm in writing the monument isn't going ahead or is issued a subpoena if necessary to comment on the matter, but I doubt Bottrill would want to set foot near a courtroom anytime soon.
> His homopedo minions at the ACT Human Rights Commission have been calling John Sunol and threatening him prosecution on behalf of Bottrill for contempt of court for calling the OTO a "Satanic Sex Cult" just like the Guardian newspaper does should take notice.
> I just had a 36-minute call with the current interment rights holder. He knows the OTO are scum so he says orally but won't put anything in writing.
> He states that David Bottrill of blood-drinking child abuse cult was nagging him for years to build the monument and he states no OTO Australia pedo cult satanic monument will be built as long as he lives, nor has he ever given tacit approval to David Bottrill. He only claimed the rights he says to stop David Bottrill from carrying out his plans after David contacted him. One wonders how my stalker David Bottrill who contacted the CEO of is always able to get such personal information on people he is interested in. Shortly after David Bottrill stalking of me abroad, Heidi Hendry approached me in person claiming to be my boss in the company, but never took the job when I quit before my first day due to her associations with David Shoebridge MP, and his associations with him pedophile rights activist Garry Burns who sued my father for homosexually vilifying convicted baby abusers Mark J Newton and Peter Truong. My father speaks of the matter here: (click on the speaker for Hour 2)
> Case law and transcripts from the ACT Small Claims Tribunal Bottrill Vs Vivivanne Legg & Devine suggests Bottrill is an Australian intelligence operative who had overseas business in Turkey. The audio proceedings of the court matter were censored and the tape was lost, though some of it made it into the partial transcript they were able to get before being disappeared.