Trudeau's emergency is an assault on everyone's civil liberties
The Prime Minister is losing control and fast marching Canada to a darker
Urgent : We need your help this is IMPORTANT:
Justin Trudeau is now proposing the Declaration of Emergency act in the House as we speak and must be approved by House
of Commons & Canada's Senate this
coming Friday. We only have one last
opportunity to defeat Justin Trudeau and his descent into authoritarian
tyranny. If we fail in this task, it is highly likely that our freedoms will
be gone forever. We need every citizen to immediately begin to contact
Federal MPs and Senators, urging them to publicly oppose these emergency
measures and vote against them.
Please add your voice, take 2 minutes of your time to write and email to
your MP and our Senators
You can find your Federal MP name and email by entering your postal code
here : You can find a contact list of Senators here: family member can sign a copy then share far and wide with everyone .
The more Trudeau Divides Us The More Canada Unites
Sample letter
Dear MP or Senator
_ I am angered and disgusted with the Prime Minister's misappropriation of
power through invoking the Emergencies Act. The Trucker's peaceful protest
does not warrant drastic and sweeping new federal powers. Using existing
powers, courts and judges already stopped the truckers from honking, broke
up the blockades at the Ambassador bridge and Coutts Alberta, and seized
millions of dollars that had been donated to the truckers.
The Emergencies Act affirms the supremacy of the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms, the Canadian Bill of Rights, and the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, and defines the nature of the sort of National
Emergency that would precipitate this extraordinary and historic action.
* seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of
such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a
province to deal with it, or
* seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to
preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada
Neither has been the case. The declaration does not meet the factual or
legal requirements of the Emergencies Act. Worse, these vast powers are
being seized by a government that has refused any dialogue whatsoever with
the Truckers
As a Canadian Citizen, I call upon you to vote against a motion for
confirmation of a Declaration of Emergency.