What I love about the freedom convoy protest is that the regime was forced to go mask-off to deal with legitimately peaceful protesters. This is because
you were never allowed to go against the System's interests, regardless of however much (non) violence your cause uses. These people actually believe that noble, hymn-singing negroes, homosexuals, and Indians won their freedom solely because they peacefully sought after their goals. And so I am sure it has been a rude wake-up for people to find that the Canadian Federal government has formally announced that...
It is illegal for White people to protest in Canada.That's all you need to know, really. Their law formally states that if you're a "protected" type of "person" in their eyes, this order need not be applicable to you.
If you're a registered Indian under the Indian Act, you can block off streets and railways and threaten to kill "colonizers" as part of your protest.
If you're a recognized "refugee" or gay or a "visible minority," you can join up with BLM and tear down statues of former prime ministers and chant death threats against yt (whitey) while receiving millions in crowdfunding.
If you're White and are against your "democractically elected" government's policy, you
cannot hold a welcoming, loving sit-in with your children in bouncy castles.
So while
convoy supporters lose their jobs over $100 donations, and have their bank accounts shut down for being true political dissidents... people are making bank runs. They're panicking and taking as much fiat as they can from banks who now have complete authority to seize their income, savings, and investments on a whim. And that's led to bank outages across the country. Many ATMs and bank branches are no longer allowing people to cash out.
It is definitely a wild ride up there. Never before has the government been viewed as less legitimate. People should be stocking up on supplies, vices for trade, etc rather than holding cash while their purchasing power is lessened by the day.
This has been a far greater red pill than any infograph or statistic you could ever show someone. I would strongly encourage everyone to get enough food, protection, and means of getting clean water ASAP.
If you foolishly thought it was a wise choice to donate to either crowdfunding campaign or use crypto-currency that is tied to your identity, you are in danger. They
will be coming for you. Regardless of which side of the border you reside, or even if you are across the pond, this is officially a domestic terrorist group. I predict that anyone who has financially supported them may be hunted by the RCMP, FBI, INTERPOL, etc in the near future. [
Feds were behind these crowdfunding efforts, since not only do they now have accurate lists of dissidents to persecute, but people have messaged me saying they were banned in convoy groups for sharing guides on using Monero.]
There is no denying that this regime is an imminent threat and an enemy of the people. This can't go on much longer. Be ready.