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folder-parentParent Directory
file(p3) PTSS - All Melinated People of America Have and Suffer from Some Form of PT_2823 [oz6mipKxZYA].mp42022-04-22 22:1415491 KB
file2022 START THE VIOLANCE [n3cWwV7Pjyo].mp42022-04-22 22:1551898 KB
file21yr old black mother of two killed over dumb sh@# [VHlGety7MgU].mp42022-04-22 22:1445390 KB
fileA CASE OF MIND MANIPULATION [Xnyilpnn-PA].mp42022-04-22 22:1539041 KB
fileA NEW WAY OF THINKING [ms6Sm6Q1iL0].mp42022-04-22 22:1441366 KB
fileA NIIGGAS GOTTA DO AND A NIGGAS GOTTA DIE [jP8b139dM_A].mp42022-04-22 22:1570274 KB
fileA SIGN OF THE TIMES [6SrYtSZvfdI].mp42022-04-22 22:1549921 KB
filea sixteen year old blast from the past [LnvIX4hupXc].mp42022-04-22 22:1649326 KB
fileACT LIKE A MAN [vS7_kf_78z8].mp42022-04-22 22:1978167 KB
fileADOPT AND ADAPT [hZAe20VunbU].mp42022-04-22 22:1659833 KB
fileAFRICAN STRONG MAN WRONG MAN [nS2FuCudYq0].mp42022-04-22 22:1871742 KB
fileAFTER FOURTH CHECK IN [oZQqmCsubxc].mp42022-04-22 22:1749409 KB
fileAGAINST THE NATURAL [6keh3ABUskQ].mp42022-04-22 22:20107477 KB
fileALMOST WON A STUPID PRIZE [mc__HypMzUA].mp42022-04-22 22:2089048 KB
filealong for the ride [iJKK18vvAfk].mp42022-04-22 22:1961869 KB
fileALPO MARTINEZ DOPE OR DOG FOOD [V1qm0bw_y9M].mp42022-04-22 22:1823964 KB
fileAMHED ARBURY my thoughts [N4cFu66lwE4].mp42022-04-22 22:1944796 KB
filean N word and proud of it [zLY5yB-mKQk].mp42022-04-22 22:1946857 KB
fileAND NOW I AM BECOME DEATH [s_zTGjUo56I].mp42022-04-22 22:2175622 KB
fileANTI AFRO THE WHITE MAN COMETH [37FJ2vc9hn4].mp42022-04-22 22:23109065 KB
fileare black woman the most unprotected group in america [whGg4k7HZhc].mp42022-04-22 22:2172130 KB
fileare we at the end of the feral [kPPtahpysMc].mp42022-04-22 22:2036922 KB
fileas a man thinketh [eRncje4qsrQ].mp42022-04-22 22:2157845 KB
fileat home with the greatest [xiHZuHaiCd8].mp42022-04-22 22:24136126 KB
fileBACK AT IT [eF_OqBG8i04].mp42022-04-22 22:25158968 KB
fileBACK TO THE OLE COTTON FEILD [hJMTZrRM41w].mp42022-04-22 22:2133623 KB
fileback with a classic P.O.T vid [SGudGzl2GPg].mp42022-04-22 22:2137167 KB
fileBEFORE AND AFTER [fBmxhdSlqQs].mp42022-04-22 22:2113247 KB
fileBEING HUMAN 101 [OGhaRetl8DQ].mp42022-04-22 22:2478565 KB
filebest cold weather glove combination [N2EUpVTHjn8].mp42022-04-22 22:2112920 KB
fileBETTER NEW YEAR [VGAOMvv_524].mp42022-04-22 22:2121606 KB
fileBIRTH CERTIFICATE DEATH WARRANT [FQH5eAGFVtg].mp42022-04-22 22:2232047 KB
fileBIRTHDAY BASH ANNOUNCEMENT [XQHwsDUa4NE].mp42022-04-22 22:2382236 KB
fileblack history month rant [XXGwgtT6GRU].mp42022-04-22 22:2333609 KB
fileblack lives don't matter [H_O3f2ieLXo].mp42022-04-22 22:2484861 KB
fileblack lives matter but a nwords life does not [ZtzE0HaOtKo].mp42022-04-22 22:25102126 KB
fileblack lives matter putting an extra target on blackmens back [CcwOaWUCU3Y].mp42022-04-22 22:24124258 KB
fileBlack On Black Homicide vs Police Shootings-TWO SEPARATE ISSUES_7539 [ySYFxgA1Y-g].mp42022-04-22 22:228844 KB
fileblack people are transracial [1aoglYpWWt8].mp42022-04-22 22:2226875 KB
fileblack preditor [72maBtoUVYc].mp42022-04-22 22:2586805 KB
fileblack skin white mind [eOBzneaHfnc].mp42022-04-22 22:2750507 KB
fileblack women be warned [TC48m1YXofo].mp42022-04-22 22:2422277 KB
fileblame it on he al al al chol [px7_QGpPwlA].mp42022-04-22 22:234447 KB
fileborn in a insane asylum [9Jb1vkQaUO4].mp42022-04-22 22:2984193 KB
fileBRAIN WASHING PROPAGANDA [c_SPukIE7qg].mp42022-04-22 22:2651689 KB
fileBREONNA TAYLOR and mistaken identity [0mYWLK9kJ2Y].mp42022-04-22 22:2993045 KB
filebrother polight and what's wrong with the black comunity [iK7uGp7dRW0].mp42022-04-22 22:2846326 KB
filebrother polite what can i say [nvp2WFkjons].mp42022-04-22 22:2888002 KB
filebrothers and sisters or litter mates [La2yViNWAOY].mp42022-04-22 22:2760858 KB
fileburger king and pitbulls [a3a3LX084kc].mp42022-04-22 22:2744685 KB
fileBURNING HOUSE [3kTKBefH6-4].mp42022-04-22 22:28100964 KB
filecan you be a failure as a human and a success as a man at the same time [5VVkyJBlSkU].mp42022-04-22 22:2620867 KB
filechannel down [EeDCTGUiQ-A].mp42022-04-22 22:264946 KB
fileCHEAP TALK 2020 [5T3zxB3jruQ].mp42022-04-22 22:35271526 KB
fileCHEAPER TO KEEP YA [3rdn8i4es2g].mp42022-04-22 22:2832654 KB
fileCHINA VS INDIA ANBODY WANTA BET [3gsOeLGZVR8].mp42022-04-22 22:2820850 KB
fileCODE OF THE GHETTO [vkZLpbIBZ88].mp42022-04-22 22:2981860 KB
filecold as ice [_jvK0iwHCXw].mp42022-04-22 22:3081621 KB
filecold weather car start [MgcFZjSaUFc].mp42022-04-22 22:289356 KB
fileCOMIN TO GET YA [8lW1Wy-UeKk].mp42022-04-22 22:2961757 KB
filecomin to get yah [XtT7K_SG-dY].mp42022-04-22 22:3084442 KB
fileCOPS FIRED PROTEST ENDS TILL NEXT TIME [W01uexJLGFw].mp42022-04-22 22:2927295 KB
fileCORRECTION [EfLQNEqXR6Q].mp42022-04-22 22:3073218 KB
filecould nature boy be the next [-OyEalURet0].mp42022-04-22 22:3086709 KB
fileDAVID CAROLL A HARSH REALITY [osOw4WESlnM].mp42022-04-22 22:3084769 KB
fileDay five trip day [6fA-QY7Vces].mp42022-04-22 22:42352780 KB
fileDEAR MR MAYOR [E48hc47Crs8].mp42022-04-22 22:3035479 KB
fileDEATH [5Z9R4QyY6co].mp42022-04-22 22:3023768 KB
fileDEATH STYLE [cGSNZpt3mVI].mp42022-04-22 22:3295442 KB
fileDEFUND THE POLICE NOW [tTUWu1eJP9k].mp42022-04-22 22:3160734 KB
filedestroying faces of oppression [617WfLQRPaA].mp42022-04-22 22:3141926 KB
fileDETOX TO RETOX [rY6Ddhoq-iQ].mp42022-04-22 22:32128621 KB
fileDIEING TIME (2012) [gKPa2uJ0JtQ].mp42022-04-22 22:3389954 KB
fileDO NEGROES HAVE A FUTURE [-Nrjgow905I].mp42022-04-22 22:3292804 KB
filedo we really want to change [VeYaTDwzaRU].mp42022-04-22 22:3495807 KB
fileDOCTOR UMAR JOHNSON PLEASE SHUT THE F UP [nLiSCSsT5jc].mp42022-04-22 22:3236934 KB
fileDOMESTICATED AVERAGES [4YpJSad7kic].mp42022-04-22 22:35184858 KB
fileDONALD TRUMP AND MUTANT STRAINS [yos1_IDakMo].mp42022-04-22 22:3253266 KB
fileDR UMAR JOHNSON AND THE MONEY PIT [eckruVdjbn0].mp42022-04-22 22:3231658 KB
fileDR KING a dream denied [yUuSEUZvhR8].mp42022-04-22 22:3365979 KB
fileDR KING DAY 2020 [0qukDL3AChU].mp42022-04-22 22:3347442 KB
fileDR UMAR JOHNSON WHO THE MAN [_s85wf1d1cM].mp42022-04-22 22:3376304 KB
fileDR UMAR JOHNSON you fn s- bag [la7foJdtrsw].mp42022-04-22 22:38101687 KB
filedr umar johson and the fear of the strong balck man [8LLKBr1kYI4].mp42022-04-22 22:3789351 KB
fileDRINKING VOKA AND OJ IN MY CAR [0ksnxJbwVS0].mp42022-04-22 22:3312998 KB
fileEMPIRE OF LIES [W-h7i_90nzU].mp42022-04-22 22:3571407 KB
fileEnemies from the closet [pMhG6shijt0].mp42022-04-22 22:38104404 KB
fileequality nevre [cNas_4WtghE].mp42022-04-22 22:38184894 KB
fileevery sister is not a sister [n5mwq7lVy2U].mp42022-04-22 22:3667444 KB
fileeverybody is against us including us [0_1365umxcI].mp42022-04-22 22:38113767 KB
fileexcuse my tinnitus [JJrPtU-p7Es].mp42022-04-22 22:3735746 KB
fileEXTRA NICE WHITE PEOPLE [4MR8-3B273E].mp42022-04-22 22:39126248 KB
fileF#$%& BLM [Hvx_FGYNjYQ].mp42022-04-22 22:3879116 KB
fileF$%# THE WHOLE WORD [DlbwbgSeIFk].mp42022-04-22 22:39124643 KB
filefastest gun in the west or east [uOqzjq4nb0Q].mp42022-04-22 22:3875358 KB
filefeaturing the rev albert cleage [5UIts6ArA9g].mp42022-04-22 22:3832792 KB
fileFIIIIIRE [EEaX2SFSIIk].mp42022-04-22 22:3948966 KB
fileFIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR A DAY [PybOhmd9Xlo].mp42022-04-22 22:39117621 KB
fileFORCED EQUALITY [6ojo-1sHHyU].mp42022-04-22 22:47397483 KB
fileFROM GANG BANGERS TO POLICE OFFICERS [fBP_zu0cYSk].mp42022-04-22 22:3967018 KB
filefrom_rags_to_niggasHD_LOW_FR30 [jtZrndhQtZU].mp42022-04-22 22:4285010 KB
filefrom_rags_to_niggasHD_LOW_FR30 [rD6uwMKGG5I].mp42022-04-22 22:4068528 KB
fileFull Bodycam- Paul O'Neal Shooting [tztjfLxf_C0].mp42022-04-22 22:3951042 KB
fileFull Bodycam- Paul O'Neal Shooting_9675 [OHD6XekbXE0].mp42022-04-22 22:3913593 KB
fileFull Bodycam- Paul O'Neal Shooting_low [qd6VPC1TRsM].mp42022-04-22 22:3925346 KB
fileGARAGE TALK [Bl_Jri-jbes].mp42022-04-22 22:399977 KB
fileGEORGE FLOYD AND BEYOND [_1LOinzucDA].mp42022-04-22 22:4165392 KB
fileGET ON THE BUS [bBNbipk8F24].mp42022-04-22 22:4056552 KB
fileGET YAH GOT YAH [dPWQ3hJD7W0].mp42022-04-22 22:4166424 KB
filegetting at the root [poIw0ob5ZJM].mp42022-04-22 22:4023865 KB
filegetting rid of excess baggage [IRJlFcIGnKA].mp42022-04-22 22:4034354 KB
fileGIVING THANKS [sYsgDsiQI20].mp42022-04-22 22:43130624 KB
fileGOD BLESS THIS MESS [xW5Ec_a-uEM].mp42022-04-22 22:43103048 KB
fileGOING BACK TO THE GARDEN [WDLGdK9hK6M].mp42022-04-22 22:4150716 KB
filegone with the future [QdKS66hLy2k].mp42022-04-22 22:4398354 KB
fileGONE WITH THE WIND MY THPOUGHTS [-lj6yBilMyA].mp42022-04-22 22:4124939 KB
fileGRATITUDE [lnXinrS4nUs].mp42022-04-22 22:4230803 KB
fileguess who coming to amazon [vyGWISf-gsk].mp42022-04-22 22:4236523 KB
fileguess whos back [gNTUGFK38U4].mp42022-04-22 22:4249952 KB
fileguilt by association [47_YhTW8nB0].mp42022-04-22 22:43116267 KB
fileHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME [LAhg9NtWNqI].mp42022-04-22 22:4343456 KB
fileHAS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE BLACK BEEN HIJACKED [wWeRU8XF86M].mp42022-04-22 22:4256228 KB
fileHASSAN CAMPBELL A REAL BIG YOUTUBER [u-xCeOCyjyI].mp42022-04-22 22:4225434 KB
fileHASSAN CAMPBELL FROM THE HORESES MOUTH [gii4bccjARo].mp42022-04-22 22:4431075 KB
filehassan campbell kitchen heat [PqesBNFzJdY].mp42022-04-22 22:4338578 KB
filehassan campbell why he wants to die [FYhpQl8Bvag].mp42022-04-22 22:4331618 KB
fileHAVE THEY CREATED A MONSTER [TSygw8pkujw].mp42022-04-22 22:4485424 KB
fileHE DID IT [Df0rFscccJc].mp42022-04-22 22:4478655 KB
filehere we go again same ole shiiiiii again [oeLDYkVF8Ic].mp42022-04-22 22:45100926 KB
fileHERE WE GO UPDATE [VTzcXquUJJ0].mp42022-04-22 22:45109410 KB
filehit a run [6Sdd2mu4huE].mp42022-04-22 22:435519 KB
filehow could she [DyNLGQnejK0].mp42022-04-22 22:4599810 KB
filehow did i do [ZkTAoVsvhns].mp42022-04-22 22:4322562 KB
filehow much blame can we take [YCuXNd46FDo].mp42022-04-22 22:4563642 KB
filehow much_ the crash [vI8I-3Xquko].mp42022-04-22 22:4413326 KB
filehow you gonna help me [iDxgMkWAbw8].mp42022-04-22 22:4685724 KB
fileHUGHEY P [N5LH5A3jn4U].mp42022-04-22 22:4543425 KB
filehumans or farm animals [cKxpTySNVys].mp42022-04-22 22:4541531 KB
filei am here [kxQMtC7JmDw].mp42022-04-22 22:4561436 KB
filei am the PROFITOFDOOM [xbes_MLM2KQ].mp42022-04-22 22:4681811 KB
fileI GOT IT [TEBFoAjtVfE].mp42022-04-22 22:456175 KB
filei love to be in AMERICA everything free in AMERICA [NMzGqJ4WlTQ].mp42022-04-22 22:48102661 KB
fileI will gladly give you a baby tomorrow for a cheeseburger today [THhBlbtZqbM].mp42022-04-22 22:4648640 KB
filei'ts cause i'm black not how I act [PjGe0W62_kQ].mp42022-04-22 22:4787369 KB
fileif it had been your child [089VwHDkUbI].mp42022-04-22 22:453869 KB
fileIF YOU CAN'T BEAT UM [5I8LF9r-O8Y].mp42022-04-22 22:4644872 KB
fileif you don't know now you know [8r1TgPU-4K4].mp42022-04-22 22:451024 KB
fileif you say your a man you should want your own land [6W0sC6TCtpw].mp42022-04-22 22:4781985 KB
fileignorance of the law [YHICdJp7gEs].mp42022-04-22 22:4762244 KB
filein front ofb the scene [cqTFiQZq-js].mp42022-04-22 22:4987772 KB
filein order to be FREE [sDbyuSRvkgo].mp42022-04-22 22:50197716 KB
fileINTERESTING OR CATASTROPHIC [n86oXJqHM7o].mp42022-04-22 22:4781037 KB
fileIS IT RACISM [e_be_x4-Yl8].mp42022-04-22 22:4744176 KB
fileis it really people [iQ_cjDLnWD4].mp42022-04-22 22:4745681 KB
fileIS THE BLACK RACE FINISHED [jRDoA-N13IM].mp42022-04-22 22:4989877 KB
fileIT CAN'T LOVE YOU [kL-82heFWS4].mp42022-04-22 22:4842709 KB
fileIT GIVES ME NO JOY [nGE9naDhTKc].mp42022-04-22 22:4840897 KB
fileIT TAKES A FOOL [_i_4ZFDsjlY].mp42022-04-22 22:51212133 KB
fileIT TAKES A FOOL [q9Q30ZpqlNw].mp42022-04-22 22:4845857 KB
fileit wasn't my intention to offend [wZqDnQYpA0k].mp42022-04-22 22:4860909 KB
fileit's not because your black it's because you don't know how to act [FybvDWsLmM4].mp42022-04-22 22:50141660 KB
fileIT'S NOT NATURAL [GPIQXPV1Z68].mp42022-04-22 22:4957511 KB
fileIT'S NOT QVER [e-bEXs87kgg].mp42022-04-22 22:5078282 KB
fileIT'S ON [18xCOGFWNlA].mp42022-04-22 22:5052384 KB
fileIT'S PAST NATION TIME [-uGkMPdIIxg].mp42022-04-22 22:51124199 KB
fileIT'S WAR [TB1gnz4s43M].mp42022-04-22 22:4946758 KB
fileits official [js8B4uru-N4].mp42022-04-22 22:4949659 KB
fileJOHN LEWIS FREEDOM FIGHTER [Fa7VjwMyYVs].mp42022-04-22 22:5054142 KB
filejudge joe brown breaking it down about black lives matter [gTFfwDUkCpo].mp42022-04-22 22:4916210 KB
filejuneteenth what does it mean [GPLxXv3kn2A].mp42022-04-22 22:5040021 KB
fileJUNKIE LOVE [7x5RSNnUZp8].mp42022-04-22 22:5183023 KB
filejust because you won the battle [c2r5JM_UaJ0].mp42022-04-22 22:5150468 KB
fileJUST BEFORE YOU QUIT [a4rsAtr2qNs].mp42022-04-22 22:56267064 KB
fileJust checking in [LGWecM4S2Vc].mp42022-04-22 22:5016447 KB
filejust trying tp survive [nUbGKzvbd90].mp42022-04-22 22:5289517 KB
filejust wanted to talk [4bmo7RxVqyo].mp42022-04-22 22:5379998 KB
fileKEEPING US MALCOLM LITTLE [c8PkModf7SE].mp42022-04-22 22:5270293 KB
fileKEVIN SAMUALS THE BLACK FEMALE WHISPERER [rvg-DUsEwaU].mp42022-04-22 22:5117602 KB
fileking day park and talk [0xj9ml__B5I].mp42022-04-22 22:5216875 KB
fileKWAMA BROWN YOU SAY JOB I SAY BAD JOKE [xA8A0JPrJbw].mp42022-04-22 22:5254233 KB
filelast generation right [xQEbXphRCUI].mp42022-04-22 22:5211874 KB
filelast day of the old year video has been posted [S3L6wOstcI4].mp42022-04-22 22:517098 KB
fileLast drunkin rant for a while [J4Hd-zRCVWg].mp42022-04-22 22:5128256 KB
fileleft_in_the_dustHD_LOW_FR30 [ALe6bZYbIzY].mp42022-04-22 22:5397388 KB
fileleft_in_the_dustHD_LOW_FR30 [YaVTEcNwtM0].mp42022-04-22 22:5392488 KB
filelet it cook [3fh5Kntj5J8].mp42022-04-22 22:5271545 KB
fileLET THE BACKLASH BEGIN [EpeF_Agi3Tw].mp42022-04-22 22:5228562 KB
fileLETS TALK [_m2Rc5TdoqM].mp42022-04-22 22:5482219 KB
fileLETS TALK ABOUT THE N WORD [oZ9hmNFvXco].mp42022-04-22 22:5495067 KB
filelets walk lets talk [G66rdOTNg1Q].mp42022-04-22 22:54126884 KB
fileLIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT [tpmIfKDKwS0].mp42022-04-22 22:5354876 KB
fileLIGHT SKINNED BY CHOICE AND NOT [3m_rktWcefQ].mp42022-04-22 22:5474723 KB
filelike a chain with disconnected links [iGoJXE287t8].mp42022-04-22 22:5330628 KB
filelike trying to reason with children [C4d5vtjE--o].mp42022-04-22 22:56173653 KB
fileLITTLE BILLY [f2jJ4xsgdJA].mp42022-04-22 22:55146168 KB
fileLIVE AND LEARN [2Z8IlAxBkmw].mp42022-04-22 22:5315411 KB
fileliving under the divine right of kings [ECuB_-V8Lu0].mp42022-04-22 22:5428409 KB
filelost [ZC3T4QdeVB4].mp42022-04-22 22:5441916 KB
fileLOST IN SPACE [WMCLb2zs8G8].mp42022-04-22 22:5322870 KB
fileMA DEAR [YDwfTdDEPgQ].mp42022-04-22 22:5447359 KB
filemake sure this 4th is not your last [ttQ5vtqYbKc].mp42022-04-22 22:5679983 KB
filemaking ourselves feel better [jPokV-93jo0].mp42022-04-22 22:5652642 KB
fileMAN LIKE [Z2YC7JQyKVc].mp42022-04-22 22:5671600 KB
fileman that's messed up man that's messed up [EzRWFdHj2yw].mp42022-04-22 22:5571681 KB
filemask up walk and talk [gl6tJVq1Wuw].mp42022-04-22 22:5556370 KB
fileme or your liein eyes [iYoEtrugIdI].mp42022-04-22 22:5524978 KB
fileMEANS OF PRODUCTION [V2cqnwXshrQ].mp42022-04-22 22:5523379 KB
filemike and dike [uZPboGEFA40].mp42022-04-22 22:57117648 KB
fileMOMENT OF UNITY BOOED BY FANS [xmoFw4JUnwQ].mp42022-04-22 22:5685595 KB
filemothers_of_the_movementHD_LOW_FR30 [qqVqxowgaEQ].mp42022-04-22 22:59137636 KB
filemovement [mFOa6i3wx14].mp42022-04-22 23:02147673 KB
fileMULATTO LIKE MULE [03gap0lDK_w].mp42022-04-22 22:5793411 KB
fileMY FAMILY MY ENEMY [UwOrnplzd8I].mp42022-04-22 23:00165999 KB
filemy fellow AFRICAN AMERICANS [mRGH4IggokA].mp42022-04-22 22:5646727 KB
filemy neighbor is a racist [jf-qtWoKdp0].mp42022-04-22 23:00171821 KB
filemy place your place [qAKEh21IFHQ].mp42022-04-22 22:5772126 KB
fileN WORD HYPOCRITES [tDpMCigQpq4].mp42022-04-22 22:59104815 KB
fileNATURAL AND NORMAL 101 [ezZZSOFdLgk].mp42022-04-22 23:02147184 KB
filenegrotude [TMQHx2Q2cU4].mp42022-04-22 22:5992966 KB
filenew windshield today [iVctXc5Wq4E].mp42022-04-22 22:575730 KB
fileNEW YEAR SAME SHIT UPDATED [HfoOAXGkjuM].mp42022-04-22 22:5980806 KB
fileNEW YORK IS UNDER ATTACK [j3oEut_gxYM].mp42022-04-22 22:5828170 KB
fileNew York trip day six [QtlNCLupXEQ].mp42022-04-22 23:00119624 KB
fileNICOLE MURPHY AND THE FRIENLY KISS [e2r_9Ofra6I].mp42022-04-22 22:5923867 KB
fileniggaration gap [ZzgpEasOZHA].mp42022-04-22 23:03156646 KB
fileNIGGER LOVER [uhsT68VG4LM].mp42022-04-22 23:0285740 KB
fileNO HUMAN WOULD WANT TO LIVE THERE [jZJmev7xZY0].mp42022-04-22 23:0152807 KB
fileNO NEW WORLD FOR NEGROES (a past blast) [IGWQPMriIEA].mp42022-04-22 23:0025667 KB
fileNO WAY TO TREAT A LADY [MNOGA5xlqSA].mp42022-04-22 23:0025882 KB
fileNON SLAVE RELATED [JFEvwyfRsMo].mp42022-04-22 23:0379112 KB
filenothing sacred [qHeGqjCP-lE].mp42022-04-22 23:0142713 KB
fileObama explains the FEMA Camps_low [JOZRj16Omt0].mp42022-04-22 23:0113739 KB
fileObama explains the FEMA Camps_low [yLZ_d4Vqlug].mp42022-04-22 23:0013739 KB
fileOctober 2, 2020 [mhKk8XCK6gQ].mp42022-04-22 23:0144820 KB
fileOctober 3, 2020 [jqyKuvqHpkI].mp42022-04-22 23:0275952 KB
fileOctober 6, 2020 [egUxkDsXO3s].mp42022-04-22 23:0228895 KB
fileOctober 6, 2020 [RmS7zxVH13w].mp42022-04-22 23:0231542 KB
fileold job rant [XVCPJgPXE4I].mp42022-04-22 23:0373006 KB
fileon the rode again [zhw2dsrMun4].mp42022-04-22 23:0127427 KB
fileonly an alert and knowledgeable citizenry [JmN_Qi4fkxo].mp42022-04-22 23:0387030 KB
fileOUR ANCESTORS WILDESS DREAMS [sZ3ufjDXEGo].mp42022-04-22 23:0591177 KB
fileour lives should be a protest [ddQCPKpkp9U].mp42022-04-22 23:05140676 KB
fileour problem is we cannot see the problem [tngJDjavxRA].mp42022-04-22 23:0243510 KB
filepaper_freedomHD_MEDIUM_FR30 [2NEWqmCuXrs].mp42022-04-22 23:0345229 KB
filepaper_freedomHD_MEDIUM_FR30 [6UhCJB2cBTY].mp42022-04-22 23:0445229 KB
filepaper_freedomHD_MEDIUM_FR30 [MXXXK5KJAlM].mp42022-04-22 23:0339635 KB
filepart 2 your not the man you use to be [L-fVyIYfjA0].mp42022-04-22 23:05190944 KB
filepassing the test [8WWJfCa1uOY].mp42022-04-22 23:0341451 KB
filephase one of my NY trip [WVFFGU_rgGo].mp42022-04-22 23:0313952 KB
fileplay stupid games two [pKoAgFmHN8U].mp42022-04-22 23:06121294 KB
filepolitics and the negro [1_Sto51XYQ4].mp42022-04-22 23:0590036 KB
filepre birthday vid [8O1ufwGk1LI].mp42022-04-22 23:06122787 KB
fileprofitofdoom and the cocooon prophecy [sWvUT0a8V5E].mp42022-04-22 23:0449586 KB
fileprofitofdoom fat joe vision [TYQsVcuhJBE].mp42022-04-22 23:0425921 KB
fileprofitofdoom rat hunter [wac7O6xalcE].mp42022-04-22 23:0560780 KB
filePROFITOFDOOM ROLLING LIKE A RIVER [CR64nH1PHLg].mp42022-04-22 23:09156342 KB
fileprophetoftruth88 back at ya [JCpna1HpQWc].mp42022-04-22 23:06123623 KB
filePUT THE BODIES IN THE BAGS [0aLk6jEgv1c].mp42022-04-22 23:0546263 KB
filePUT THE GUNS DOWN FOR WHAT [w5upvdviyMs].mp42022-04-22 23:0789643 KB
fileR KELLY black womens frankenstien monster [fZiq4lS8Hys].mp42022-04-22 23:0640323 KB
fileracial orientation [iYobUNXeSlE].mp42022-04-22 23:0538420 KB
fileREADY SET [7JApk6K2VlY].mp42022-04-22 23:0670018 KB
fileREDEEMING THE SOUL OF AMERICA [Tx-Rgz-2pl8].mp42022-04-22 23:0646042 KB
fileREJECTED [ZP6wEs46W_Y].mp42022-04-22 23:0764541 KB
filerejected by the rejected [b4nMXVVnr80].mp42022-04-22 23:08119539 KB
fileREPARATIONS VS REHAB [Sy7zwlTnFF8].mp42022-04-22 23:0753464 KB
fileROOT FINDING [Ua5fuEUG_H8].mp42022-04-22 23:0867631 KB
fileRV SHOW TRIPLE X RANT [gl5LV27WKgU].mp42022-04-22 23:09114070 KB
fileself hate making news in my city [MhwrpfvOlzc].mp42022-04-22 23:0881663 KB
fileSENSIBLE VIOLENCE [VpuOGKTXRYg].mp42022-04-22 23:11166473 KB
fileShopping with the end [ym58Nm-6g2M].mp42022-04-22 23:08104958 KB
fileSLAVERY IT'S IN THE BOOK [MhJ7hJV1Dzk].mp42022-04-22 23:0832334 KB
fileSLAVERY VS LGVTQ+++ [24xx53eG6mQ].mp42022-04-22 23:0828701 KB
fileSTOP ONE COMPLETE [0SOW94_trKU].mp42022-04-22 23:0956466 KB
filestupid prize one [AFGaCWPq9To].mp42022-04-22 23:11145112 KB
fileTAKEN [teoXRmEYrJU].mp42022-04-22 23:0941587 KB
filetaken humanity [BlaBjCugTyc].mp42022-04-22 23:0970231 KB
fileTAKEN MANHOOD TAKEN HUMANITY [Ra1jfKJoe88].mp42022-04-22 23:0949140 KB
fileTELL ME HOW YOU REALLY FEEL WHITE LADY [o7Ib7MLBU6U].mp42022-04-22 23:0938840 KB
filetest_projectsHD [a6S5ecC7f68].mp42022-04-22 23:1077521 KB
filetest_projectsHD [IWGI-jSZPn8].mp42022-04-22 23:1080127 KB
filetest_projectsHD [Wz358o5f6y8].mp42022-04-22 23:1177525 KB
fileTHE BREAK [sOTds9yI-vY].mp42022-04-22 23:099879 KB
fileTHE CHOICE [3yxhr4lfiig].mp42022-04-22 23:1287949 KB
fileTHE CODE THAT KILLS [V5kwUehLrL8].mp42022-04-22 23:12173180 KB
filethe death of us [ID3fHoU49-k].mp42022-04-22 23:1052565 KB
fileTHE DEVIL IN US [_Fexm7rqOGI].mp42022-04-22 23:1155803 KB
fileTHE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT [bZ8Fl_CBggY].mp42022-04-22 23:12185062 KB
fileTHE DISRESPECTED BLACK WOMAN [hP1XYzvwAqM].mp42022-04-22 23:1046187 KB
fileTHE DUMB DOWN [J9V6crEIqrI].mp42022-04-22 23:1142747 KB
fileTHE EMPEROR_ KING HAS NO CLOTHES [1zClRBUVuMY].mp42022-04-22 23:12101281 KB
fileTHE FACE OF GOD [K8F0VXabseY].mp42022-04-22 23:1241979 KB
fileTHE GOOD OLE DAYS [ymmrhE6P8f0].mp42022-04-22 23:116433 KB
fileTHE HAND WRITING IS ON THE WALL [lxr5L8hJMRU].mp42022-04-22 23:1342123 KB
fileTHE INCIDENT WALK AND TALK [EZNhn3NKDz8].mp42022-04-22 23:1284179 KB
filethe mask real fast [aERv0OgCnqw].mp42022-04-22 23:1135778 KB
filethe masked worker [9mdHqv9EDnY].mp42022-04-22 23:116712 KB
fileTHE MEAN SURLY FERAL SLAVES [wqbf3PdHt5M].mp42022-04-22 23:1231131 KB
filethe miracle of the hit and run [eBau7FuOKHk].mp42022-04-22 23:1231805 KB
fileTHE MORE THINGS CHANGE [9XAxiuqSKrU].mp42022-04-22 23:1345708 KB
fileTHE MORE THINGS CHANGE THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME [32cxHiXda10].mp42022-04-22 23:1211678 KB
filethe noose [DPfKSAnRYbM].mp42022-04-22 23:1558856 KB
fileThe profitofdoom is still here [KwU0epT7noI].mp42022-04-22 23:1217074 KB
filethe profitofdoom was attcked yesterday by a female dog she almost got me [YGeii9kBUc4].mp42022-04-22 23:1347780 KB
fileThe rest of day one of my trip [arJzZP8R4AY].mp42022-04-22 23:1364095 KB
fileTHE RUSSIANS ARE COMING [OSQ5dLJ4FaM].mp42022-04-22 23:14115755 KB
filethe sky is falling fu [oij1vMCJjTc].mp42022-04-22 23:16150420 KB
fileThe sound of silence [wvgBtsKffTM].mp42022-04-22 23:128121 KB
fileThe state of nigga America [OgQqOgwQOo4].mp42022-04-22 23:13110086 KB
fileTHE TICKET [bfP2iaJVjVc].mp42022-04-22 23:1311360 KB
fileTHE TWO CRASHES [YAouT4Ae0LQ].mp42022-04-22 23:1316983 KB
fileTHE WHITE MAN AND GAME CHANGE [zGqCS-53-6U].mp42022-04-22 23:14109120 KB
filethe_noble_hood_savageHD_LOW_FR30 [psSNcYtjRsc].mp42022-04-22 23:1594210 KB
filethe_noble_hood_savageHD_LOW_FR30 [sqU1cf-OSbw].mp42022-04-22 23:16101482 KB
fileTHEM 2022 [3WcAUIX7yOU].mp42022-04-22 23:1674172 KB
filethere gonna need somebody to blame [8ZZlIBRJdPk].mp42022-04-22 23:15167909 KB
filethere is a blue print [kUh4iEoWfpE].mp42022-04-22 23:1434905 KB
filethere is no happy ending [M3LpP-VNsFs].mp42022-04-22 23:1458265 KB
fileThese itches tried to have me killed [OBBs8VK8ZF0].mp42022-04-22 23:1466562 KB
fileTHEY JUST CAN'T WAIT [rTmHSy7y6EU].mp42022-04-22 23:1412272 KB
filethey want to replace us [nAAysOqvR3U].mp42022-04-22 23:1599124 KB
fileTHIS HAS TO STOP [4nFcc7lUJ6M].mp42022-04-22 23:20384600 KB
fileTHIS IS WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE WHEN THUGS CRY [OxiX3e42JUk].mp42022-04-22 23:1519694 KB
fileTHIS SHIT IS REAL [ty851_oAEcE].mp42022-04-22 23:1522128 KB
filethis video is a month over due [a5ImHxWFe_Y].mp42022-04-22 23:1635568 KB
fileTHOSE WHO FORGET [koPq_AG3icM].mp42022-04-22 23:1657720 KB
fileto all my cannibals and wild animals [rmEu32NIvDo].mp42022-04-22 23:17101721 KB
fileto late walk and talk [jxfRBkYd5lc].mp42022-04-22 23:1677573 KB
fileTOLD YOU SO [_mPsKn8guS0].mp42022-04-22 23:1659721 KB
fileTRIP DAY FOUR [I7UUHqccoyM].mp42022-04-22 23:1731867 KB
fileTRIP DAY THREE [CgWPAOVgMyE].mp42022-04-22 23:20205535 KB
fileTRIP DAY TWO [K9Ge6VzPWO8].mp42022-04-22 23:1780967 KB
filetrying to impress a victim [hy_96oks8x8].mp42022-04-22 23:18104518 KB
fileTULSA HOW FAST THING CHANGE [l5aFdwrQ6cA].mp42022-04-22 23:1867500 KB
fileTURNED BLACK [ceCbzPK6CUI].mp42022-04-22 23:2181664 KB
filetwenty seven mil [8wvMN30aPRs].mp42022-04-22 23:1879644 KB
fileunderlying condition over the top stupidity [LR6FRAzlo1E].mp42022-04-22 23:21110621 KB
fileUNDERLYING CONDITONS [S8l3RhRi02o].mp42022-04-22 23:1826884 KB
fileUNTIL YOU CAN LIVE WITH OUT MASTER [pQp-9G4MMpg].mp42022-04-22 23:1850586 KB
fileup your gas [c5sbNCQYJSI].mp42022-04-22 23:1956041 KB
fileVIOLENCE IS THE ANSWER [qxNJIQNQfwA].mp42022-04-22 23:20104489 KB
filewaiting for the bus in a snow storm [YHdljoH6iKI].mp42022-04-22 23:1820458 KB
filewake up [k99ZRg-cbNY].mp42022-04-22 23:1816785 KB
filewalkin with your profitofdoom [WDq-qiK8kTc].mp42022-04-22 23:21134211 KB
filewalking and talking with you know who [PaKYH6Tw5Bs].mp42022-04-22 23:21141958 KB
filewanting to be like juan [kGWcwxE_nUI].mp42022-04-22 23:20115138 KB
fileWATCH MY BELLY JUMP [6NZOyXM_SO8].mp42022-04-22 23:1986549 KB
filewe are not a well people [OKLmIhuN0Yo].mp42022-04-22 23:2062117 KB
fileWE ARE THEM [K48D0zd8AZ0].mp42022-04-22 23:1922537 KB
fileWE HAVE NOT SPENT ENOUGH TIME [mqns2NAjK5Q].mp42022-04-22 23:1920602 KB
filewe need change [RnToQo4SKUw].mp42022-04-22 23:2059987 KB
fileWE NEED TO STOP PARTYING AND START NATION BUILDING [A6a6v3K2v_M].mp42022-04-22 23:2022048 KB
fileWE ONCE WERE KINGS [pfGRzWVx7iU].mp42022-04-22 23:2041476 KB
fileWE'RE FALLING [vT62CSdjWeQ].mp42022-04-22 23:2040522 KB
fileWELCOME TO NWORD TOWN [xI6DSnEUVPI].mp42022-04-22 23:23139944 KB
fileWHAT A DAY [YUjcuzzGp6o].mp42022-04-22 23:2271673 KB
filewhat can you expect [Lo0N5w12qW4].mp42022-04-22 23:2022004 KB
fileWHAT IS THIS [iXbpL5zlZMM].mp42022-04-22 23:2141833 KB
fileWHAT TIME IS IT [G64fFgMFB7Y].mp42022-04-22 23:2164350 KB
filewhat we want [V4j2bfQYn5I].mp42022-04-22 23:2147684 KB
filewhat would have to happen [M6C76QaXydk].mp42022-04-22 23:26238253 KB
filewhat's up next for your profit [wXeHU4dNZJg].mp42022-04-22 23:2133015 KB
fileWHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE [DpLF1AUf6EQ].mp42022-04-22 23:2147591 KB
fileWHAT'S YOUR NAME [y_-sr1cIkpU].mp42022-04-22 23:2246277 KB
filewhen are we gonna deal with the nword [391er3IS-_Q].mp42022-04-22 23:24108009 KB
filewhen the looting starts [SU9TIFZJzrE].mp42022-04-22 23:25110673 KB
fileWHEN YOU NEED YOUR ENEMY [fYKilIgrZjA].mp42022-04-22 23:2383448 KB
fileWHEN YOU TELL A LIE [cKnPxDqQKSo].mp42022-04-22 23:2234278 KB
filewhere the hood [rWRhA022520].mp42022-04-22 23:2242931 KB
filewhipped like runaway slaves [DuA_RlDSOl8].mp42022-04-22 23:2250449 KB
filewho raised you reloaded [p_m12VcXg8w].mp42022-04-22 23:2386825 KB
filewho's gonna take the weight [eN5anft0zO4].mp42022-04-22 23:2218820 KB
filewhy AIN'T NOBODY TALKIN ABOUT THIS PIECE [tsxRWUBZBdA].mp42022-04-22 23:28168048 KB
fileWHY DO THEY TREAT US LIKE THAT [bQFEOanmjmk].mp42022-04-22 23:2336875 KB
fileWHY ISN'T THIS WORD IN OUR VOCABULARY [F3rxx3smbjU].mp42022-04-22 23:2324163 KB
fileWHY NOT [3JibktoRBmY].mp42022-04-22 23:27175752 KB
filewhy shouldn't we be [Y7slVp7_PPM].mp42022-04-22 23:2682888 KB
fileWHY WE ARE DIEING [9XTTG14BYZ4].mp42022-04-22 23:27111755 KB
fileWHY_SHOULDnt_THEY_KILL_USSD_MEDIUM_FR30 [J6yL8sjvK9A].mp42022-04-22 23:2434194 KB
filewinners and losers [pBlbge7BZuY].mp42022-04-22 23:2552294 KB
fileWISHIN FOR A WHITEMAN [GS7XoynzO6E].mp42022-04-22 23:2551714 KB
filewolf pack heat pack [rOTsKSbA-Uw].mp42022-04-22 23:2442422 KB
fileWOMBS OF MASS D [6VP6jtkUIZA].mp42022-04-22 23:2534448 KB
fileworking with the enemy [j7R-V_lEdag].mp42022-04-22 23:2527635 KB
fileWORSE CASE [EK5a6rSlbPQ].mp42022-04-22 23:2531996 KB
fileWOW ok [kQoipQ6saGk].mp42022-04-22 23:259062 KB
fileYALL JUST GETTIN TIRED [pIYuP5Japig].mp42022-04-22 23:2768667 KB
fileYES THE ENEMY WITHIN [JX41F8XyDqU].mp42022-04-22 23:2643746 KB
fileYOU BROUGHT WATER BOTTLES HE BROUGHT BULLETS [0MKHsgxC30Y].mp42022-04-22 23:28132507 KB
fileyou dirty rat [xnjry3vKbUI].mp42022-04-22 23:2646745 KB
fileyou gotta watch yo back in this town [paUM8LyPYns].mp42022-04-22 23:264662 KB
fileYOU JOB I SAY BAD JOKEI RATHER [2R_8Axz3bek].mp42022-04-22 23:28110597 KB
fileYOU SAY JOB I SAY BAD JOKE [G1mJoQwlWY4].mp42022-04-22 23:2757233 KB
fileyou say job I say bad joke [jgTbxvZDks4].mp42022-04-22 23:2849981 KB
fileYOUNG DOLPH GOOD IN THE HOOD [NS4Bmk-Xtu8].mp42022-04-22 23:2622121 KB
fileYOUR NOT THE MAN YOU USE TO BE [ZwGHWoYv0og].mp42022-04-22 23:31190316 KB
fileyour place [s-lu-9GUdFk].mp42022-04-22 23:50842387 KB