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  • File : 1277311513.png-(495 KB, 1048x1048, 1275605806089.png)
    495 KB Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:45 No.4754096  
    Deleted the last thread because it was full of stupid, (that includes what I did)
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:45 No.4754100
         File1277311538.jpg-(107 KB, 500x375, 4244705334_f546251776.jpg)
    107 KB
    Now I'm just going to post gas masks.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:46 No.4754105
         File1277311581.jpg-(85 KB, 1024x768, 1275097004583.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)12:47 No.4754107
         File1277311629.jpg-(94 KB, 628x287, weepingangelgasmask.jpg)
    94 KB
    I approve of this turn of events.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)12:47 No.4754108
         File1277311661.png-(62 KB, 459x395, 1277147624464.png)
    62 KB
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:49 No.4754114
         File1277311747.jpg-(80 KB, 800x538, 1275097161306.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)12:50 No.4754118
    So anyways, like IO said, I can get it published but:

    1. Only I will be financially profiting from it. But I'm doing all the work anyways so you should be happy just to get your shit published.
    2. Pewn name will be used, there will be no dedications except for Lovecraft and/or Stephen King.
    3. Start posting stories, stop spamming thread with shit.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:50 No.4754119
         File1277311823.jpg-(492 KB, 1680x1050, 1275103947570.jpg)
    492 KB
    Almost lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)12:51 No.4754124
    This isn't for you op. You do not really belong. If you want anonymous attention on a world wide scale this is the way to achieve it. Think long and hard about the mental stability, emotional level and capability of anonymous as an organism. We're not well balanced and rational people.

    And you would become the Kimmo of /x/.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)12:51 No.4754125
         File1277311888.jpg-(88 KB, 500x400, 3182302010_4f30c28382.jpg)
    88 KB
    You, shut the fuck up.
    Also well done Mr. Anonymous, you did the right thing. You hereby retain your rightful place as one of the few tripfags I don't hate.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:51 No.4754127
         File1277311903.jpg-(265 KB, 1280x960, 1275104037275.jpg)
    265 KB
    I abandoned that idea.
    I, unlike you, am actually quite afraid of the fury of 4chan.

    This is a gasmask thread.

    Now git out.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)12:52 No.4754130
         File1277311921.jpg-(56 KB, 517x369, 1274487521522.jpg)
    56 KB
    your not doing work.

    your copypasting words.


    go away now plz.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:52 No.4754133
         File1277311960.jpg-(11 KB, 467x347, 1275248001404.jpg)
    11 KB
    Hah, thanks.
    >really stupid emoticon smiley here.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:53 No.4754134
         File1277312007.jpg-(14 KB, 300x400, Gas_mask__by_Psycho_Slut.jpg)
    14 KB
    Dis be da creepiest one I have.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)12:53 No.4754141
         File1277312039.jpg-(7 KB, 262x246, emptychild.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)12:55 No.4754146
    We self publish in our own unique format. WE DON'T NEED;

    Old media
    Publishing houses
    Profiteering gluttons
    Condescending newfags
    People with big ideas
    People with bad ideas
    New members
    Old members


    Get it?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)12:55 No.4754147
    You think I can't do it without you? because I can. I can take all that stuff from and etc because no one holds any copyright on them. I can basically just say I wrote them. It would just cause less noice if you gave me some that are not so known instead.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:56 No.4754153
         File1277312160.jpg-(96 KB, 471x600, 1275347887120.jpg)
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    >> Spoon 06/23/10(Wed)12:56 No.4754160
    As long as all money goes to moot and it doesn't get mainstream, I'm not as horrible about it as some of you.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)12:57 No.4754162
         File1277312234.jpg-(27 KB, 600x400, pic24_gasmasks_gallery.jpg)
    27 KB
    guys, how about we stop feeding this troll and get on with our gas masks?
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)12:57 No.4754166
         File1277312266.jpg-(4 KB, 143x113, imag.jpg)
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    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:58 No.4754167
         File1277312290.jpg-(146 KB, 375x500, 1277251034888.jpg)
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    Stop defending yourself.

    Yeah that's how things work in the real world. But these stories didn't come from the real world. They came from the microcosmic community that is /x/

    I was simply trying to introduce the real world to our stuff. But I realized it was a retarded idea.

    Also. I'm not sure if I used "microcosmic" correctly.

    I just love that word.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)12:58 No.4754170
         File1277312308.jpg-(7 KB, 640x360, EC072.jpg)
    7 KB
    >no one holds any copyright on them.
    DMCA nigger.
    Thread isn't about that any more. Thread is about gas masks.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)12:58 No.4754172
         File1277312324.jpg-(245 KB, 525x839, gasmasks.jpg)
    245 KB
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)12:59 No.4754176
         File1277312347.jpg-(155 KB, 1280x960, 1277251159344.jpg)
    155 KB
    Get those small images out of here, they sadden me.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:00 No.4754183
         File1277312411.jpg-(1.14 MB, 2208x1566, 1277251342834.jpg)
    1.14 MB
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:00 No.4754186
         File1277312450.jpg-(27 KB, 450x531, 1277251441541.jpg)
    27 KB
    This one makes me wat.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:00 No.4754188
    My writings have been copy writed. I am officially warning you for the second documented time that if you sell or reproduce my unique work you will be pursued by jewish attack lawyers. They do not forgive, they do not forget.

    I have screen capped both my warnings to you. Now I'll just sit back and wait for you to go make me my money through all your 'hard work'.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:02 No.4754195
    My writings have been copy writed. I am officially warning you for the second documented time that if you sell or reproduce my unique work you will be pursued by jewish attack lawyers. They do not forgive, they do not forget.

    I have screen capped both my warnings to you. Now I'll just sit back and wait for you to go make me my money through all your 'hard work'.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:02 No.4754196
    Well you started this, blame yourself.

    DMCA means nothing if you cant prove you're someone who is qualified for it. See, if a story is owned by someone named faggotree !Bc4Doefg etc, I can just claim that that is my pen name, and unless someone steps in and proves otherwise, that's all the affirmation they need. And how the fuck are they gonna prove anything when everything was posted on a imageboard? - ha.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)13:03 No.4754209
         File1277312618.jpg-(53 KB, 800x633, GasMasksOnBikes.jpg)
    53 KB
    srry, heres a better one.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:03 No.4754210
         File1277312621.jpg-(40 KB, 352x540, 1277251559108.jpg)
    40 KB

    THis is the one reason I want him to make the book.

    But it's overpowered by me not wanting it to be done.

    If this happens, you'd better post results.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:03 No.4754212
         File1277312636.jpg-(14 KB, 640x360, EC392.jpg)
    14 KB
    Because a lot of creepypasta originates elsewhere, people have timestamped blogs to prove it.
    It's shady anyway, no publisher in their right mind would accept the idea.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)13:05 No.4754219
         File1277312700.jpg-(6 KB, 129x129, gas masks durrrr.jpg)
    6 KB

    gasmasks. come on.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:05 No.4754221

    This user [see: faggot] is being blocked by Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:06 No.4754229
         File1277312768.jpg-(576 KB, 800x1067, 1277251631306.jpg)
    576 KB
    I love this one.

    And poopie, I forgot my image.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:06 No.4754235
         File1277312814.jpg-(115 KB, 681x393, 1277251763213.jpg)
    115 KB
    Nuns? As someone suggested yesterday.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)13:07 No.4754239
         File1277312864.jpg-(48 KB, 476x476, gas masks durrrr.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:08 No.4754244
         File1277312923.jpg-(19 KB, 640x360, EC777.jpg)
    19 KB
    The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:09 No.4754246
         File1277312957.jpg-(17 KB, 640x360, EC778.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:09 No.4754249
    So you're going to approach a publisher and say "here's a bunch of short stories (the least profitable form of writing besides poetry) that I don't have the right to publish. But hey, maybe the original writers will never find out!"?

    Good luck with that.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)13:09 No.4754250
         File1277312976.jpg-(55 KB, 362x400, GasMask01US.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:09 No.4754251
         File1277312991.jpg-(14 KB, 640x360, EC776.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:10 No.4754255
         File1277313049.jpg-(13 KB, 640x360, EC780.jpg)
    13 KB
    Okay. I'll look out for it and get in touch with the publisher before it goes to print. Saved this thread for reference.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)13:11 No.4754257
         File1277313065.jpg-(65 KB, 437x650, 5.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:11 No.4754260
    Anonymous is literally threatening your life and the life of anyone engaged in creating a collection from our works for old media profit.

    The new Kimmo.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:12 No.4754266
         File1277313127.jpg-(22 KB, 500x375, 1277251952491.jpg)
    22 KB
    Porcelain and the Tramps... anyone?

    No wait she's just "Porcelain" now.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:13 No.4754275
         File1277313186.jpg-(50 KB, 348x500, 1277251933102.jpg)
    50 KB

    yeah. I don't get it either.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:13 No.4754279
    Anonymous is literally threatening your life and the life of anyone engaged in creating a collection from our works for old media profit.

    The new Kimmo.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:13 No.4754280
         File1277313231.jpg-(15 KB, 640x360, EC806.jpg)
    15 KB
    Also THE FUCK?
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)13:14 No.4754284
         File1277313245.jpg-(31 KB, 400x300, gasmask.jpg)
    31 KB

    lol, he deleted his post..
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:15 No.4754294
    I got a contact at a publishing company as I mentioned in the earlier thread. This is a medium-big company, and can afford pretty good lawyers, if it comes to that, but I doubt it will, and heres why: The original authors may protest against it, but in the end there is no way they can legally build a case over "screenshots" of an alleged thread, on a imageboard as shady as 4chan, it's just not possible. Have all the screenshots and whatever but it just isn't legally enough to prove I did not post it before them. And no I'm not gonna tell them they're others stories, I'm gonna say they're mine, but I will use a pen name tho.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:17 No.4754307
         File1277313443.jpg-(19 KB, 640x360, EC894.jpg)
    19 KB
    Oh please. It's common knowledge. So many people will testify against you.
    This happens all the time. Look at all the lawsuits eBaum's World has been involved in, and at least they can claim they aren't profiting from the material itself.
    You're stealing other people's stories without their permission and selling them. It doesn't matter if you say "I didn't make these", it's still illegal.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:18 No.4754312
    I deleted it because someone obiviously wasn't getting my point yet, which I thought everyone got. I can publish it f I want and theres nothing you can do about it Bwahahaha., etc
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:18 No.4754315
         File1277313519.jpg-(19 KB, 640x360, EC900.jpg)
    19 KB
    Feel free to try, but believe me it's not going to work out.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:18 No.4754316
         File1277313528.jpg-(25 KB, 336x230, 1277252023268.jpg)
    25 KB

    i hope this guy gets reeeeaappped. (yes, reaped, not raped) with a jagged scythe.. to his rectum.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:20 No.4754328
    So your big plan is to exploit legions of internet users in a malicious manner for personal gain.
    You don't have the minerals. I will kill you. Permaban irl.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:20 No.4754333
         File1277313637.jpg-(16 KB, 640x360, EC904.jpg)
    16 KB
    I'm starting to wonder if he's trolling.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:20 No.4754335
         File1277313645.jpg-(811 KB, 1950x1200, 1277252065316.jpg)
    811 KB
    Where are you getting these from?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:23 No.4754360
    You're probably trolling, but I am drooling over the prospect of making bank off your idiocy. God I hope some of my intellectual property (which, I assure you, I don't need timestamps or screenshots to prove I wrote and own) makes it into your book.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:23 No.4754361
         File1277313814.jpg-(1.58 MB, 1997x1664, 1277252189897.jpg)
    1.58 MB
    I am quite afraid of what I've done.
    I am legitimately sorry, /x/ for anything I've started.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:23 No.4754363
    I wrote a copypasta called 'Barb' that gained some notoriety. Where can we send submissions for this? Go about this another way and this may work.

    But if you want to push the issue we'll find you. We kind of run this.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)13:24 No.4754367
         File1277313846.gif-(24 KB, 400x300, gasmask.gif)
    24 KB
    lol, ok, u got us troll.

    trololollolol and all that good stuff.

    you can stop now.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:24 No.4754368
         File1277313847.jpg-(15 KB, 640x368, DD05898.jpg)
    15 KB
    It's a secret.
    Also the Doctor Who episode The Empty Child.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:24 No.4754369
    I'm not doing anything yet, this is a hypothetical discussion until I actually do something, which I'm totally not planning to do ha ha. Anyways, you can testify all you want, you still got no legitimate proof of anything except you got few words on a html/jpeg/png file, which could be altered by anyone, it's your word against mine + publishing company who has to back me up with expensive lawyers.

    It might not, but it's not much of a pain to try either.

    Legions? Since when was /x/ legion, you're bunch of spineless meme-spouting slenderfaggots nowadays. I miss the old /x/.
    >> comrade darthinus !w.U590nqPo 06/23/10(Wed)13:24 No.4754373
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:26 No.4754386
         File1277313980.jpg-(15 KB, 640x368, DD05894.jpg)
    15 KB
    Believe me, we have legitimate proof as >>4754360 said. Despite what you may see in the movies, court cases aren't a OUR LAWYERS HAVE MORE MONEY THAN YOUR LAWYERS competition.
    Also if you miss the old /x/, show respect for it instead of stealing its work for personal gain.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:31 No.4754420
    No, believe me when I say you got nothing legitimate(you might want to check up the meaning of that word).I know the law, and I know what I can and can't get away with, and this is pretty open and shut CAN. And sure, expensive lawyers make difference, they make a big difference, believe me, it's not just movies, I could throw atleast few hundred examples, but I dont feel like googling all day.

    I'm not stealing any of the classics from oldfags, only this new generation bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:31 No.4754422
    So one time I found a guy online through e-mails, google, zabasearch and google maps. I couldn't believe how easy it was to find old myspace pages and such. All the information I needed for my BIG FAT KIlL was just sitting there. So I worked over the summer and saved enough money to take a train/bus combo to his town. Did you know Amtrak has no cameras or accountability for passengers? It's mind blowing how easy and cheap it is to travel. They don't even scan bags for weapons.

    So I arrived at his town and found his address. No major security, a couple open windows with screens. So I'm inside posting this from a stolen blackberry right now lol.

    And when he gets home and sees me wearing a lacy bra and wizard hat with my illicitly purchased Springfield XD (XD lol) imma make him understand my disease.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:34 No.4754434
         File1277314456.jpg-(29 KB, 450x454, 1277252872920.jpg)
    29 KB

    >I'm not doing anything yet, this is a hypothetical discussion until I actually do something, which I'm totally not planning to do ha ha

    >this is a hypothetical discussion until I actually do something, which I'm totally not planning to do ha ha

    >which I'm totally not planning to do ha ha

    >not planning to do ha ha

    not sure if serious.jpg.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:35 No.4754445
         File1277314551.png-(87 KB, 350x459, 1277255959848.png)
    87 KB
    Di wun I rike.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:36 No.4754450
         File1277314600.jpg-(17 KB, 640x368, DD06647.jpg)
    17 KB
    Oh but we do. You think creepypastas are /x/ exclusive? A lot of creepypasta originates elsewhere (Ichor Falls for instance) where the author is indisputable.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:37 No.4754453
         File1277314624.jpg-(269 KB, 1276x819, 1277253676700.jpg)
    269 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:38 No.4754463
    >Deleted the last thread because it was full of stupid
    >Last thread was full of stupid
    >Last thread
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:39 No.4754466
         File1277314746.jpg-(12 KB, 180x240, 1277255345428.jpg)
    12 KB
    Okay guys, be right back, gonna go make myself a sandwich, as I have no wiminz to do it for me.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:39 No.4754469
    >No, believe me when I say you got nothing legitimate(you might want to check up the meaning of that word).I know the law, and I know what I can and can't get away with, and this is pretty open and shut CAN.

    You are so adorable.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:43 No.4754494
    The thread where I asked /x/ if I should compile creepypasta, sell it, and give themoney o aliens
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:43 No.4754495
    lol, okay I'm done for real now. That was some good trollsports, dont you think? You sure take the bait easy /x/.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:44 No.4754499
         File1277315043.jpg-(121 KB, 694x1190, 1277255596078.jpg)
    121 KB
    Oh, and I'm back.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:44 No.4754503
         File1277315074.jpg-(22 KB, 640x368, DD06776.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> SAGE SAGE 06/23/10(Wed)13:45 No.4754508
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:45 No.4754509
    We've been trolled? No.

    You've been told. And you don't have the balls.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:47 No.4754515

    Wether trolling or not... FUUUU.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:48 No.4754524
         File1277315284.jpg-(270 KB, 1709x925, 1277255923189.jpg)
    270 KB
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:49 No.4754534
         File1277315376.jpg-(105 KB, 683x772, 127723918535686565479977.jpg)
    105 KB

    Wether or Whether?
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:50 No.4754542
         File1277315423.jpg-(34 KB, 283x318, g045.jpg)
    34 KB
    bam boom bop bippity boo
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:51 No.4754545
    lol u mad?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:51 No.4754548
    So hey Mr. Summerfag how about you make us some fresh pasta and we'll call it even steven?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:52 No.4754555
    Mr. Anonymous is a stupid tripfag looking for attention/validation. Chances are, he will quote this post and argue with me. Take your shit back to /b/. Newfags to /b/=/b/tards to /x/
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:52 No.4754559



    We all mad, brah.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:53 No.4754566

    I'm quotin' your post, bro.

    But not arguing.

    I am a bit of an attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:53 No.4754569
    Not who you're talking too, but I hit up /x/ looking for creepy inspiration.

    It's, uh, not going great
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:53 No.4754570
         File1277315635.jpg-(17 KB, 640x368, DD06974.jpg)
    17 KB
    >I'm trying to provoke someone!
    Mr. Anonymous is a high tier tripfag. He's made some good threads, which you'd know if you'd been here for more than a week.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:55 No.4754575

    The nice people are why I love /x/

    But. I'm not really that great. I'm just not a douchemuffin.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:55 No.4754578
    Mr. Anonymous

    Kind of a whore
    >> Caustic 06/23/10(Wed)13:56 No.4754582
    No but have some old, used and recycled pasta you've read 100 times:
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)13:58 No.4754588
         File1277315885.jpg-(1.68 MB, 1594x1599, 21e8g41.jpg)
    1.68 MB

    Am not.
    A whore.

    unce unce unce unce uncee
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:58 No.4754594
    Tripfags are always fags and attentionwhores, it's nothing personal, it's just a fact of life.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:59 No.4754598
    Ok, so anonymous is prolly not going to get on an amtrak line and hide out in your easily entered home with a lacy bra, wizard hat and stolen fire arm.

    We all know that. We



    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:59 No.4754601
    You, go away. You're even worse than Rafu.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)13:59 No.4754605
    Does he make good threads in /x/ or /b/.
    I'm not trying to argue with anyone here. I just dislike coming to my /x/ and seeing non-paranormal threads. Like I said, /x/philes feel the same way you do when newfags waste space with their threads.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:00 No.4754614
         File1277316035.jpg-(35 KB, 253x257, 1275016712146.jpg)
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    check ur closet, brah.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:01 No.4754624
    Oh shit is that the real Caustic? Or is it one of the troll livestream reportes assembled to ruin that bitches name?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:03 No.4754638
         File1277316209.jpg-(20 KB, 640x368, DD06987.jpg)
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    Mr. Anonymous is not a newfag, he's been here a while.
    And anyway, the kind of threads that Mr. Anonymous makes are definitely /x/-related. Let's not get into the whole 'gas masks aren't paranormal' shit that Rafu started last night.
    Gas masks are a common phobia and the kind of thing you'd find on any paranormal board. The real problem with /x/ isn't /b/ coming in and asking for The Grifter, /x/ is slowly learning that they can just ignore those threads.
    The problem with /x/ is people complaining about how bad /x/ has become, or how suchandsuch isn't paranormal.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:04 No.4754651
    lol, caustic is just a name we here in /x/ use to troll livestreamers, there's no actual reporting done, sherlock. I just forgot to clear the name box after I posted with it.
    TL;DR There is no caustic.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:04 No.4754659

    Dunno. I haven't been making threads that long.

    AND. I've made maybe one or two threads on /b/
    -- then I grew up and moved to non retarded boards. /x/ and /k/
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:06 No.4754674
         File1277316377.jpg-(12 KB, 640x368, DD07058.jpg)
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    There was originally a real Caustic if I remember correctly, and he did report streams (some were actually taken down).
    Afterwards though I think it did become something of an in-joke. The real Caustic probably left months ago.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:06 No.4754675
    Guys listen to me oh god.

    Mr. Anonymous is in my closet wearing a bra and a wizard hat. He's an old man and looks just like the picture. Oh god he has a gun and he wants you to know that

    Mr. Anonymous runs this shit like a motherfucking mob. You best step in line or he will "Smoke you fools."

    Ok. Ok, he's leaving now.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:06 No.4754686
         File1277316414.jpg-(55 KB, 320x480, gas_masks_for_all.jpg)
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    AW SHIT.

    Let's get back to gas masks.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:08 No.4754719
         File1277316538.jpg-(66 KB, 520x384, gas-10.jpg)
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    psh. I changed.

    > I put on my robe and wizard hat

    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:09 No.4754725
    Yeah, it's true. He became famous for taking down 2 major /x/ livestreams, but left almost instantly and I dont think he uses that name anymore. After that, the name kinda just became basically this inside joke used to troll livestreamers.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:09 No.4754728
         File1277316570.jpg-(138 KB, 476x500, Gas-Masks-871.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:10 No.4754738
    You might not believe me but I have pretended to be Caustic reporting streams for like six months or since the thread image with terminator was screencapped. Soooo glad it's caught on.


    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:10 No.4754740
         File1277316613.jpg-(26 KB, 400x512, Gas-Masks-873.jpg)
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    ITT: Proof I'm a newfag.

    What is this livestream of which we speak?
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:11 No.4754755
         File1277316661.jpg-(156 KB, 542x825, Gas-Masks-882.jpg)
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    I'm the scat man.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:11 No.4754759
         File1277316677.jpg-(15 KB, 640x368, DD07115.jpg)
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    It's a website. Where you stream things. Live.
    /x/ usually uses it to stream /x/-related movies and such.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:11 No.4754762
         File1277316692.jpg-(52 KB, 512x297, gas-masks-crowd1.jpg)
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    Scoobie doobie doop doot do doop doop.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:12 No.4754780
    Come to /x/, complain about it being slow.

    Make a livestream HA HA!
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:12 No.4754788
         File1277316771.jpg-(90 KB, 538x743, random gas mask.jpg)
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    OH WAIT. I think I've been on one of those.

    Continguing scat man.
    Doop doo doo doop.
    >> SAGE SAGE 06/23/10(Wed)14:13 No.4754803

    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:13 No.4754808
         File1277316832.jpg-(125 KB, 700x466, stalker_03.jpg)
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    Beee bam bap badam bom.

    Bam badam bom.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:13 No.4754809
    My name is anononymous, and I'm a Caustic.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:14 No.4754823
         File1277316869.jpg-(91 KB, 400x600, the-most-memorable-comic-book-(...).jpg)
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    I am wonder at greentext not working.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:14 No.4754830
    Sage bombin'
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:15 No.4754854
         File1277316959.jpg-(49 KB, 240x177, uiuiuiuiuiu.jpg)
    49 KB
    Oh look . This is the last one.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:16 No.4754866
    So, being realistic the idea for an actual dead tree edition of /x/ related stories is not going away any time soon. I propose that forver after anyone wanting to make an /x/ comic, viddya game, book, movie, t-shirt or vanity mug be named Mr. Anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:19 No.4754929
    I think we should give al our stories and give copyrights to Mr. Anonymous.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:20 No.4754935
         File1277317203.jpg-(10 KB, 338x198, 1252085278588v36d.jpg)
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    Are you glorifying me... or... hating me?

    I cannot tell.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:20 No.4754946
    We should send money to Mr. Anonymous via paypal to so he can get this project started she so hot in porn Thnks OP
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:21 No.4754952
    First off gas masks are creepy. Secondly this is /x/ related. Thirdly I am not wearing any pants so let's keep this from getting too srs bzns. This is 4chan, not football.
    >> sage 06/23/10(Wed)14:21 No.4754961
    Anyone who tries to copy other peoples work exactly as it was originally written by them and sell it on for his own profit is a MASSIVE DICK HEAD. No matter how "Legal" it may technically be.

    However, if you where to use the story lines and write them yourself, it wouldn't be so morally wrong.

    If i ever meet someone who has just CP'd another persons work and sold it as his own i vow to punch him/her in the face.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:21 No.4754966
    The right thing to do is do what Mr. Anonymous says!
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:23 No.4754988
    Augh. Samefag.

    Not sure if samefag.

    I explained this last thread.
    Not gonna do it again.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:23 No.4754989
    I'm writing a story about you being a faggot.
    >> sage 06/23/10(Wed)14:25 No.4755004
    You know my balls?

    Lick em
    >> sage 06/23/10(Wed)14:26 No.4755013
         File1277317597.jpg-(35 KB, 500x375, 1277003061695.jpg)
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    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:26 No.4755017
         File1277317611.png-(141 KB, 320x320, 1276561321819.png)
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    I like this kid.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:28 No.4755029
    In 4chan tripfags rarely last. They are often singled out and mocked and trolled, brow beaten and threatened endlessly. People will take all a tripfags posts and correlate the data, trying to find clues to the identity of their hated enemy. Some, through skill or luck or happenstance achieve notoriety.

    The_Solipsist changed the internet with Grifter. I have IRL friends asking me about this ellusive film. So we add to the myth.

    Matador will do quick and neat drawings and has an amiablea, humble personality.

    /x/strologer left after the filter business but he may still lurk.

    Fingerling is.a poor kid who lives in a tarp with his mother in Florida. We got him through a rough patch but then got vicious when he camwhored too much.

    Stolas is our 'natural mage' deluded roleplay pathological Liar.

    Effen Lied Guy is a bag of cocks whp should kill himself.

    And... all the lost over time.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:31 No.4755047
    There are only two people who post on /x/; you and the ghosts.

    The ghosts don't even exist.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:32 No.4755054
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:35 No.4755069
    Once upon a time there was this faggot who liked to put things in his butt. One day he decided to go into intrawebs to share this exciting announcement with all his friends over at ebaums. As he started talking about his newly found interest, he noticed that NOBODY GAVE A FUCK. So, he whined and cried, rolled in the ground for a good time, but nobody still GAVE A FUCKING FLYING FUCK. That's when his dad stepped in his room, "Son", he yelled, dropping his pants to the cold cement floor, "It's time for some father-son time".

    That's what I've come up so far.
    >> Mr. Anonymous !RAsRgB.SMc 06/23/10(Wed)14:37 No.4755084

    If they're gay they need shag carpeting.

    Just because it involves "shag"
    >> Anonymous 06/23/10(Wed)14:37 No.4755089
    Oh noes it's goofy tyme!

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