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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

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    110 KB vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)01:55 No.3768192  
    Ask a real vampire anything
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)01:57 No.3768202
    How can I save more money on my car insurance?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)01:58 No.3768205
    Well the simple answer is to sell your car and buy a bike, or you could compare companies
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)01:58 No.3768207
    How can I prove the existance of the higgs boson?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)01:58 No.3768213
    Is it better to buy in bulk even if I'm not sure I'm going to use all of what I purchase?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)01:59 No.3768216
    interview god
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)01:59 No.3768220
    What do you think of moths? Are they kinda like flies but not really?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:00 No.3768222
    of course
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:00 No.3768224
    i think they are more like butterflys
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:00 No.3768226
    What's the ideal time of day to mow the lawn, for both summer and winter?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:01 No.3768233
    How many times a day do you bath and/or shower?

    Do you feel you are using water efficiently?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:02 No.3768235
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    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:02 No.3768237

    during summer i would say early afternoon, and for the winter its obviously the dead of night
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:02 No.3768242
    You call yourself a vampire. You digust me you foolish shit. You are not suppose to speak of us, You will be punish
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:02 No.3768243
    Sure, that's the deal here.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:03 No.3768246
    hree identical balls are thrown or projected from a cliff at a particular height (h) above a horizontal plain. One ball is projected at an angle 45 degrees above horizontal, the second is thrown horizontally, and the third is thrown at an angle 30 degrees below the horizontal (downward). If all of the balls have the same initial speed v, which one will have the greatest speed when it hits the ground? Justify your answer mathematically.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:03 No.3768247
    What do you think of grass? Is it too green, or just green enough?
    >> Vp 03/11/10(Thu)02:05 No.3768251
    Ho guise I'm a vampire too, I like to buttfuckorangemonkeys and I have 3assholes for masturbation because I am so cool. I love to suck blood from my orangemonkey named sofakingawsomemonkeyfaggotry
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:06 No.3768255
    Honest opinion, margarine or butter?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:06 No.3768256
    I will be punish? Please, if you are to threaten one of my kind, at least do it properly you imbicile
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:08 No.3768260
    the one at 45 deg, it has the largest h to fall thus more time falling and TA = speed

    I like blue grass

    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:08 No.3768262
    Oh shit fucking vamp thinks he is so cool. Well let me tell you something, if you are a so called vampire then I am Belial.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:09 No.3768268
    A prince of hell? I would like to meet you.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:09 No.3768269

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:09 No.3768272
    google: a newfag's friend
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:09 No.3768273
    Which would be fun, what with Belial being the god of lies in judaeo-christian tradition.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:10 No.3768275
    Omg a-fucking-nother one!
    This one is just as fake and guy as the others too!
    >> Vp 03/11/10(Thu)02:11 No.3768279
    Belial is that really you? Oh my vampirenuts whatsup how's the fucking of the orangemonkeys going? Have you ducked the sacred raindowshitmonkey of Netherland?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:11 No.3768281
    Wrong, I study theology

    Try me
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)02:11 No.3768285
    What's your favorite blood type? Which vampire group, in literature or movies I guess, do you most identify yourself with? How would you describe yourself? What myths are real and which are false?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:11 No.3768287
    I'll bite. How old are you? Will you turn me? Do you know that vampire from an earlier thread?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:11 No.3768288
    >> Belial 03/11/10(Thu)02:12 No.3768294
    Foolish mortal trying to be funny, but what he doesn't know is that I am right behind him.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:15 No.3768306
    Blood type really doesnt matter, after all blood type is based of of antigens on the surface of the cell. That is not something we can distinguish.

    The blood of the young, and those who take care of their bodies is always the sweetest, and most satisfying. Similar to a fine wine.

    We are just beings trying to get by like every other creature on the planet. Similar to humans there exists a caste system of social classes. We have a rich aristocracy and a group of "untouchables". Similar to criminals or lepers.

    A majority of the myths are false, ask about specifics and I will answer you better.

    What would you like to know about me specifically?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:16 No.3768309
    So I see you are going on the "new" idea a vampires and not the original. Of course who'd want the original any ways? I am going to go ahead and guess you know nothing about vampires other than the whole romanticized idea Bram Stoker gave us. I have to laugh at any one who says they are a vampire. Please continue to entertain me with your misunderstandings and lies!
    >> JesusIsaechChrist 03/11/10(Thu)02:18 No.3768314
    Ask Jesus anything.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:18 No.3768315

    I was born in Iowa City, Iowa in 1840

    I will not turn without reason

    I may or may not know him, i cannot say for sure
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)02:18 No.3768316
    I guess Specifically, age, does your kind have the ability to turn people, or are you just born that way? I don't know what myths to ask, uhh garlic? Strength? Speed? How much blood do you need a day?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:18 No.3768317
    How do you procreate?
    How do you feel about transmittable diseases?
    How hard is it for an old vampire to move his limbs, what with atrophy and general body-wide rot setting in after a while?
    How do you deal with putrefaction?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:19 No.3768321
    What kind of reason?
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:21 No.3768331
    Fellow member of darkness why are you expressing yourself out to public, don't you think the master will find out and punish you?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:23 No.3768339
    All that is needed to turn a person is a transfer of Vampiric blood to a human host.

    Garlic is a joke, it has no effect.

    I am faster and stronger than a normal human by a significant amount, but nothing ridiculous. I cant pick up a car, although it is rumored that some of the Ancients posses unbelievable power and speed.

    Just like your caloric intake, the amount of blood I need to survive depends on what i have been doing. On average about a quart a week is enough to survive. 2 to 3 quarts is my usual
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)02:25 No.3768345
    What exactly would it take you to turn someone? How many people have you turned? Vampire babies? Did you fight in the Civil War? Whos side were you on if so? Meet anyone famous?
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:25 No.3768348
    Please say no more, you are revealing way to much, Master will get furious if he finds out what you're doing.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:26 No.3768352
    The right one, it depends on the situation and our relationship, it is not a joy to be one of us

    I am my own master, i live and do as i will
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:26 No.3768354
    are you still in/around iowa? have you at any period of time resided in or near ottumwa
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:27 No.3768356
    Are you not afraid of Master Lucifer?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:28 No.3768359
    I have associates in Fairfield, i have been to ottumwa several times

    you doubt me?

    who do you call master?

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:28 No.3768361
    shut up fag
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:28 No.3768365
    You question my authenticity?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:30 No.3768376
    hm, it would be interesting to see if we have any commonality of acquaintance, the chances are slim i would think
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:30 No.3768377
    Have you met Lucifer? For I believe he would Like to meet you.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:31 No.3768380
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    seriously how much does twilight piss you off
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:32 No.3768385
    I have turned 1 person.

    For me to do that, I needed her complete trust, and i needed to be able to trust her completely. I also must know she can adjust to her new life, and deal with the burden.

    Yes, vampire babies exist. Creations of sick individuals.

    I spent a majority of the Civil War exploring the territories to the west.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:33 No.3768391
    I read Anne Rice and watched Twilight I am vampires!
    I have no real understanding of them vampire lore, I am so scary and awesome! LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:33 No.3768392
    Ha, I do not fear him
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:34 No.3768398
    The lore is based off of fairy tales spread by scared peasants

    More than likely not
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:34 No.3768400
    meet any historically significant people?
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:35 No.3768402
    Have you vampire ever witness the power Lord Lucifer? For his power is Great.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:35 No.3768404
    Are you a man or a woman?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:35 No.3768407

    none come to mind
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:36 No.3768413
    As is mine

    I was born a male
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)02:36 No.3768414
    Sick creations, how so? If you don't mind me asking. Were/are you with the person you turned? What is the burden you speak of? Do you age, ie gray hair wrinkles, like a normal human, or do you age slowly? When and how were you turned?
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:37 No.3768419
    There is no creature on earth that can come close to his power, you would be a fool to think that you can compare your power to the Lord
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:39 No.3768426
    Imagine a 2 year old little girl, who must learn to prey on other children to survive, a little girl destined to remain a child for eternity.

    We age, but not in the normal sense. It is much much slower than humans. Most of the Ancients resemble old men

    I was turned in the Summer of 1861 by a woman i loved.

    The burden is the fact I must feed of others to live, and that i must live in hiding
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:40 No.3768429
    I do not fear your lord, I am no creation of his
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:40 No.3768436
    >a child for eternity
    >We age
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:41 No.3768440
    Then who or what does the vampire believe created him?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:41 No.3768442
    Okay so make me believe you, after all that's way you posted this thread is it not? None of that I don't have to prove anything bullshit. The burden of proof in your case is heavy. You have thus far stated things in popular culture, nothing is original, not to mention your ask me anything thread is among at lest 3 others floating around /x/ at the moment. So lets have it Mr. Vampire, prove you are not some bored kid trying to act out a fantasy.
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)02:42 No.3768446
    Touche good sir, touche. I didn't even think of that about the children. I'm guessing love doesn't stay long with your kind. Do you fear death? What is a life-time for you in years? If I met you on the streets confronted you about it, what would you do? (Random Stranger). How many of you are there in this world? Any in Oklahoma? O_o Just curious... Or Texas....
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:42 No.3768447
    splitting hairs, aging in a different sense, like how trees age. it happens but it happens SLOWLY
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:44 No.3768464
    I did not mean a literal eternity, I meant a very long time, I was not very clear and I apologize
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:46 No.3768473
    Not inclined to accept your apology.

    Every single user of this board knows practically everything about the human condition, without seeing herself as being special in any way.
    If you are a vampire, you are quite dumb by human standards.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:47 No.3768474
    I know that there is a worldwide council of my kind, that is the strongest force of government in the world. They work with national governments to guide the path of our planet
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:48 No.3768481
    She created me
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)02:50 No.3768492
    And what a fine job they do, all working in unison not accomplishing anything.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:50 No.3768493

    Love, as with your kind,, comes and goes. Some last, others dont.

    I do not fear death, I have lived near 200 years and have seen much. my life has be extraordinary, and i would hate to see it end. But do i fear the end? No.

    There is no maximum natural life span that is know to me. Some of the ancients are supposedly thousands of years old
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:50 No.3768496
    who is this she the vampire speaks of? Also what is the vampire beliefs?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:51 No.3768504
    To you maybe, but my kind is relatively unknown to your kind. Somehow our society remains separate from yours.

    Most vampires are avid scholars. In a life that spans centuries, there is much to learn and see
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)02:51 No.3768505
    So your ancients are little black people with the minds of morons, easily outwitted by any average Joe of today.

    And you work for idiots? Poor you.
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)02:52 No.3768510
    Somethings you won't answer, that's fine. What reasons would you have for turning someone? What would they have to exemplify?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:52 No.3768513
    If i was confronted i would deny it, and you would look like a lunatic.

    There are many of us, thousands, all over the world
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:53 No.3768516
    Is your name bill?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:53 No.3768519
    How are we outwitted?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)02:53 No.3768520
    There is no secret element to any society interacting with another society. Humans have a tendency to spy, infiltrate, observe and understand - you are giving us way too little credit here.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:54 No.3768523
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    These threads are so stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:54 No.3768524
    does your mom know you're not a vampire?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:54 No.3768526
    Just like humanity, they vary. I suppose i still cling to shreds of my Christian past
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:55 No.3768532
    So from what I have gathered, Vampires are nothing like what they've started off as, "walking corpses" I mean. They are very much the Bram Stoker sort, age slowly, and are Free Masons. wow
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)02:56 No.3768533
    Same way I am outwitting you. I use my mind rooted in the now, the everchanging present.

    A vampire is pure stagnation, a pathetic joke.

    Besides: I wasn't talking about your race, I was talking about your ancients.
    They are idiots by virtue of "age".
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:56 No.3768535
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    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)02:56 No.3768538
    Does the vampire know of the Illuminati organization?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)02:57 No.3768544
    All threads are stupid topic-wise. But that is not the reason we post.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)02:58 No.3768551
    But yet, our existence is still considered a myth even though oour kind is all over your world. We saturate your media, your world. yet we are myth.

    Many reasons. Rage, love, anger, sorrow, jealousy, need for companionship

    They would need to be honest, trustworthy, intelligent, morally right, and have the right motivation for wanting to be turned
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:01 No.3768561
    You assume we cannot learn or adapt. That is the way of the world is it not? Adapt or perish? The ancients serve as traditional leadership, the same as a village elder might.

    And how can you call us a joke, when your kind is destroying our precious planet and trying their damnedest to kill each other off?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:01 No.3768564
    Because we enjoy a good story. Yours.. not so much.

    By extrapolating your assertion, it would be just as valid to replace Vampires with Aliens or Mass Murderers.

    Heh, imagine that: a global conspiracy of serial killers controlling the media and every country.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:02 No.3768566
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:02 No.3768567
    I have heard stories and tales, as have you I am sure. I have no direct contact with them, and cannot say for sure if they exist
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)03:03 No.3768576
    I'm guessing selfish gain is not the right reason. So why were you turned? Love? How old was the woman that turned you, not trying to be rude by asking her age just curious.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:04 No.3768579
    But have those tales been around for thousands of years? I also never said we control your media
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:06 No.3768587
    Curiosity is a trait most of my kind hold in high regard my friend.

    I do not have her exact age, but i was turned for love as you guessed. She was older now then than i am now, i know that for sure.

    Personal gain is never the right reason, although some will turn for money or favors, or even just as amusement. These are the monsters responsible for the children.
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)03:06 No.3768588
    You are very interesting vampire, I would like to speak with you more, but I must go and do other business. Is there another possible way of contacting you vampire?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:07 No.3768592
    You know, after puberty, that mind you have beyond the age of 25, that's your problem-solving template right there; you don't get smarter after that and amassing knowledge doesn't equal intellect or 'brains'.
    Since you do not work in a biological sense, neither does your brain (because, to put it in terms you'd understand: were you alive, your cells would replicate and die, reaching a point of 'no more reproduction' and you would age just the same way we do; if your aging is slowed down, then so is your healing of bruises and everything linked to that).

    Make up your mind on whether this planet is yours and ours or ours alone.
    We kill each other, because we have no natural predators and we try to establish the easiest access to the resources we deem to be essential to us.
    I call that selection, a pretty smart thing.

    Something that apparently doesn't work for vampires, because vampires are made of suck and fairy dust.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:08 No.3768597
    If you are a real Vampire I urge you to come to me, even if it's a short conversation, I must speak with you! Please, it's of the greatest importance!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:09 No.3768601
    curiosity? so if one were simply curious as to what it would be like to BE one? wouldn't that be a lot of people?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:09 No.3768604
    I think I am in love with you, sigh.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:09 No.3768605
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:09 No.3768606
    I think that you would be more fit to answer that question, because us humans haven't a collective library of tales, myths and truths.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:11 No.3768614
    What is it?
    Yes, i suppose
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)03:11 No.3768615
    Well I guess Curiosity turned the cat. I've always just been interested in vampires, and being one. I wouldn't know what to do with all the time I would have. Do your teeth retract or are they there fore ever? How do you Eat, or drink I guess I should say? I defiantly wouldn't mind becoming one.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:13 No.3768625
    Your logic is sound save one flaw. Who says our physiology is the same as yours?

    My teeth are no more pronounced than mine, just sharper. I drink from cups, like a civilized being. I let the blood, collect it, and drink
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:14 No.3768634
    Yes, Agape is a cool thing.
    Also © Mankind
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:15 No.3768638
    so someone could just be curious like a few of us here, and just ask a vampire to turn them? is turning into one painful?
    >> 6139 03/11/10(Thu)03:15 No.3768641
    I am looking forward in speeking with you fellow vampire.
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)03:16 No.3768649
    Agreed, What is the logistics of turning OP? What goes down during the turning process?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:17 No.3768651
    Painful is not the correct word to describe it. It is agonizing and drags on for days, but it is not altogether physically painful
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:18 No.3768654
    Please just find me, do you know anything of Western New York? The Buffalo and surrounding areas?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:18 No.3768660
    The "becoming a vampire" does. No flaw there, at all.

    If you can become a vampire, you are still, by all accounts, human, including your mislabelled physiology.

    You know, physiology relates to your physis, like having eyes, hands, arms, legs, feet, an abdomen, guts.. you might get the picture.
    Walking on two legs, upright spine, a nervous system, innerved muscles (yeah, how does that work for you, being all dead?).
    How's entropy treating you, honey?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:19 No.3768665
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    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:21 No.3768672
    First a transfusion must occur, the method is not important. About a pint of blood must be transferred, although a little more or less wont hurt. A vampire knows when the amount is right.

    After the correct amount of blood has flown, he can feel her start to make her connection. Her coming into our collective conscious.

    She rests, and her body slowly changes for several days. The body must purge itself, and then the connection is finalized, and one of us is she
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:21 No.3768677
    >>How's entropy treating you, honey?
    You are a female? Just wondering if you are interested in women?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:23 No.3768683
    A lot of the things you say sound like Anne Rice... do you read much of her stories?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:24 No.3768693
    Just an old perverted guy. Old pervs call kids 'honey' regardless of said honey's gender ;)
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:25 No.3768697
    Physiology is the way the bodies systems function. I agree we share anatomy, and I was once human. Whereas my body used to run on calories and enzymes, it now runs on blood.

    A persons blood contains part of their soul. Basically, we sustain ourselves on the souls of others. As part of the turning process, out body ceases normal function, and can fuel itself on fractions of souls of others. Also, i never said i was dead, i am very alive
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)03:25 No.3768698
    Purged? Could you go more into that?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:25 No.3768701
    Oh, hello Necroscope lore!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:26 No.3768704
    how would i be able to identify one of you if there are any around?
    (i couldn't do any harm i assure you I'm just curious as hell)
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:27 No.3768706
    Do you know where the analogy between blood and soul comes from?
    You stop using calories to fight entropy, you are dead, without having to regard what you think of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:28 No.3768710
    So then you are attracted to females? Your intelligent way of speaking and debunking this fool, it's sexy! Ha! I don't know why I find intellect so intriguing, but you sir have my attention! :D
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:29 No.3768717
    Our body must change the way it functions, see my above post.

    No, you misunderstand. This is not necromancy here. We are all living beings. When we are in proximity with one another we can share thoughts, feelings, memories and emotions. But only if both parties are willing.

    However, some of my kind are strong enough, they can force themselves into others minds
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:29 No.3768719
    I am a psionic type, do you guys see us as your retarded cousins?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:30 No.3768721
    I am attracted to a female and that female only.
    You might be barking up the wrong tree.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:30 No.3768726
    Perhaps we are dead in your sense, but we consider ourselves alive
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:31 No.3768729
    Necroscope is a series of books.. dealing with vampires differently to say the least.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:32 No.3768732
    You really couldnt. We appear just like you, we blend in. We are only noticed when it benefits us and we wish to be known
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)03:32 No.3768736
    When would you wish to be known?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:32 No.3768737
    so it would be impossible to seek one out?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:33 No.3768742
    How do you deal with Trypanosoma? Or AIDS?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:33 No.3768746
    ah one day.... I'll find the right fellow.

    So anyways keep making this guy look like a fool!!!!
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:34 No.3768751
    Not online, you won't.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:35 No.3768753

    When we seek something we need human help for, or to seek out companionship perhaps. Or to educate and inform. As i do now.

    You can try to seek us, many of my weaker breathern have fallen prey to vile hunters. The strong and the smart, the ones who survive, stay hidden.

    We watch you humans. We notice things, and make observations. We may approach you if we see fit.
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)03:37 No.3768761
    So now you seek out to educate and preform, or were you talking of companionship? And what kind of companionship? Like someone to be with, or someone just to hang out with? Do other liquids hurt your system? Like if you drank some water, or alcohol would it hurt you?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:37 No.3768762
    would you approach any of us who are seeking you? how would you know that we were seeking you?
    and would doing so or coming under observation be harmful for someone?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:38 No.3768767
    As long as a vampire is properly fed, he will never fall prey to illness or parasite. The constant influx of souls allow out bodies to repair and cast out negative influences upon them.

    Similar to a human immune system The new souls heal and fight disease. Although much more effectively than yours i might add.
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:38 No.3768768
    >Or to educate and inform. As i do now

    With yourself, yes.

    Besides, us humans would never hunt vampires to destroy them only.
    Should vampires exist, they would be caught, experimented on.. if there were hunters, then there would be people interested in.. well.. let's say that humans tend to develop very exotic tastes after some time.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:43 No.3768781
    I come to tell my story, share my knowledge. As well as to converse. Companionship can mean many things. Vampires are not immune to sexual desires.

    We can eat and drink. But just for pleasure. We do not get intoxicated, and the explosion of waste can be messy. That is why dining is considered a rare delicacy.

    You wouldnt know unless we wanted you to know. i do not know any of you well enough to say whether or not you warrant observation, only your behaviors and acts can decide that.

    Normally observation is harmless, just watching. If you pose a threat to us however, things can get...messy
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:43 No.3768786
    You don't know enough about immunology to claim that to be true.
    Quite possibly, a vampire is not very interesting to life in general, what with being an evolutionary dead end.

    You know, maybe you should sort this shit out before starting a thread on /x/; first you get nourishment through blood, then the blood holds a fraction of someone's soul feeding your body, without noticing the obvious problem of us humans donating blood to each other.
    Following your train of logic, I'd be us who would have to share a consciousness, not vampires.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:46 No.3768799
    First off, we do get nourishment in your sense from the blood and souls. Its what keeps us alive, as food does to you.

    Second, your body takes blood and absorbs it into your bloodstream, where as our bodies pull the soul from the blood to fuel us
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:47 No.3768802
    fascinating, makes me want to try and get noticed :P
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:48 No.3768803
    How would you go about that?
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)03:51 No.3768808
    So then would you travel to a place farther away from where you are to observe someone for the greater good of your kind? Or would you go to observe for your own desires? Would you go just because you had a friend? How old do you look? Reflection?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)03:52 No.3768812
    Food doesn't keep me alive. It's more complicated than that.
    So a soul is quantified, you say?
    How much blood equals one soul, then?
    What if you drained a human over years, wouldn't that constitute to creating 'excess soul' as compared to draining her completely at once, what with us regenerating blood cells hourly?
    If its souls feeding you, then blood is the wrong vector for it.
    Ever tried brains? Hearts, yeah, or hearts?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:53 No.3768821
    Of course. I have traveled for many reasons. Both my own and for my clan.

    I look to be in my early 20s.

    Of course i have a reflection. Light bounces off of me does it not?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:54 No.3768827
    not sure, i don't mean in a harmful way if that was the implication.. I don't want any trouble I'm just one of those people who are too curious for their own good.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:55 No.3768834

    i took no offense, I merely found your inquiry humorous. I encourage your questions and will do my best to answer them all
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:56 No.3768836
    Get to Orchard Park NY as soon as you can
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)03:58 No.3768844
    Sorry, another myth was curious about. :D Where have you gone? What have you done that would be in the history books?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)03:58 No.3768848
    Im aware it is more complicated than that. So is the way blood fuels us.

    A person can regrow lost soul by their actions. Good, virtuous people have a large, more fulfilling soul. One can never have excess soul, it merely grows. Evil people provide little nourishment.

    Blood and souls are not quantified the way you are thinking of them as.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:01 No.3768858
    how do you get your blood? does anyone die in the process?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)04:02 No.3768861
    So, you are a karmic vampire now?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:05 No.3768874
    Do you live out in the open or do you confine yourself to solitude?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)04:06 No.3768879
    How can I contact you when i arrive?

    I have been all over the world. 6 continents. I have seen just about everything.

    I have done a tour in WWII, i was at the 2nd olympics in at the paris world exhibition in 1900
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)04:07 No.3768887
    I live in the open. The world knows me as a 21 year old college student
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)04:08 No.3768889

    Hah. Sure you went to Antarctica.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:08 No.3768893
    a tour in WW2? ever meet anyone with the last name Galbraith?
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)04:09 No.3768894
    Olympics, do tell. Know any other languages? What education have you had? Highest level? Where do you get your income? If you go all the way to New York, would a stop in Oklahoma be possible? I would very much like to meet you.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:11 No.3768905
    What my good Dunkellied is attempting to elucidate here is that if you could kindly stop dressing up in a costume supply store cloak while you add your ludicrous non-knowledge on the subject of what it means to be a "vampire", (i.e. walking dead, bloated from eating flesh), perhaps you would find yourself better situated to add something of even infinitesimal value to the board. Especially since, (I'm making a wide assumption here), this is a board that has a considerable deal of pride for it's originality. Do more research on playing a character than picking up the latest half-assed romance novel and reading some fan-fics.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:11 No.3768906
    Remember Mentholatum Orchard Park NY
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:11 No.3768908
    Is it strange that I feel connected to you somehow? I cant explain it I just have this feeling.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:12 No.3768912
    theology huh? i'll bet i could prove that you are full of shit. also this thread is as bad as that werewolf thread i've been saging
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:13 No.3768918
    what would gain me negative attention if i were to try and seek your kind out.. No attention in this case would be better then negative, and i don't wanna piss anyone off if i do attempt.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:14 No.3768920
    did you fucked yourself?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)04:14 No.3768922
    The 6 besides that fool.

    It was spelled Gallbreth

    I speak spanish fairly well. I have spent my whole life living in America, i have chosen not ot study languages. I am currently working on my first college degree believe it or not. The fact i wont age visibly or change at all in 4 years makes standard education difficult.

    Perhaps, i cannot make promises. If you stay in contact, the chances will increase
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:15 No.3768926
    Do spiders live alone?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:16 No.3768931
    vm !!RQacfQoudff
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)04:17 No.3768932
    Not all all. I encourage you to contact me off of this board.

    bad people get bad attention. Make it clear your intentions are benign. We are a very protective group. We will do anything to protect ourselves.
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)04:17 No.3768934
    Well I have added you on yahoo. Not sure if you have a yahoo messenger or not, but you're in my email. What degree are you going for?
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)04:17 No.3768935

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:18 No.3768937
    gallbreth do you remember if he was wounded or not?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:18 No.3768938
    tell me more about this collective consciousness.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:20 No.3768946
    I assure you again i mean no harm, just far too curious for my own good, I'm not a threat in any way shape or form.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)04:21 No.3768947
    1 North America
    2 South America
    3 Africa
    4 Asia
    5 Europe
    6 Australia

    Shot in the shoulder if i remember right

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:21 No.3768951
    ITT:ask a clinically depressed neckbeard anything
    >> ♠ǤϺ♠ 03/11/10(Thu)04:22 No.3768955
    Engineering, what kind? Like Mechanical...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:22 No.3768956
    holy shit you knew my great grandfather O.o
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:22 No.3768957
    How can I contact you?
    This is >>3768908
    >> Dunkellied !!w45s9DxsKmN 03/11/10(Thu)04:24 No.3768960
    The geographic community laughs at your worldview.

    Oh well. I have been entertained by OP's limited imagination.
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)04:24 No.3768963
    I do not doubt that you mean us no ill will, and i encourage curiosity.

    We can share thoughts, memories, emotions and the such when we are in proximity, but only if willing. A great amount of strength must be had to force out ones memories or thoughts.

    We can sense each other when we are close, so we can identify and communicate without disclosing our nature
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:26 No.3768968
    at least OP didnt affect a shitty vampire voice when posting, ie. ' I assure you sir, this is merely curiosity, i mean you no harm' That shit is so teenage and embarressing
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:26 No.3768969
    have you ever mind 'raped' and forced yourself on someone else, or been the victim?
    also, how often do you meet a new vampire?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)04:27 No.3768970
    contact me here
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:27 No.3768971
    would you mind at all if i kept in contact with you as well?
    me and my curiosity that is?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)04:29 No.3768983
    i would never do such a thing, and some have attempted and failed

    not at all
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:30 No.3768989
    also, how often do you meet a new vampire?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:31 No.3768993
    Do you by chance have a name? So i know what to call you when i email you?
    >> vm !!RQacfQoudff 03/11/10(Thu)04:32 No.3768995
    more often than you think. we are all around you
    call me V
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:32 No.3768997
    >>ask a gigantic faggot anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:33 No.3768999
    see: the post above you

    i cant believe these vampire threads are given any kind of creadance, they stink. The writing in this one is particually inconsequential and stunted
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:33 No.3769001
    take a picture... oh wait.

    you guys never do.
    >> Drusilla !xRqCvnYexY 03/11/10(Thu)04:36 No.3769014
    >> sage sage 03/11/10(Thu)04:36 No.3769015
    after asking some questions, i am disappointed with you. I believe that the many years alive have caused your brain to be over loaded and has begun to degenerate.
    but thats just me.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:39 No.3769020
    alright V
    I (the too curious for his own good) anon will e-mail you soon, heading off cuz its almost 5 am here.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:42 No.3769027
    is it true that vampires caused AIDS
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:51 No.3769045
    I emailed you I would greatly appreciate it if you could reply with your thoughts.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:58 No.3769061
    watch out for Harry Keogh

    Fiodor Firenczy get your ass back in that tree
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)05:01 No.3769070
    Now OP is talking about souls....GTFO RAZIEL

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