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    UPDATE: Apparently the DDoS attack is being caused by a trojan some 4chan users have downloaded. If you've downloaded ANY FILES linked on 4chan, please immediately go to this link and download the removal tool: Trojan.Vundo Removal Tool @ Symantec. Otherwise, all users are encouraged to run a full system scan to ensure their system is clean. The sooner people do this, the sooner /b/ & /r9k/ will return.

    File :1242062132.png-(140 KB, 300x232, moot.png)
    140 KB Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:15 No.1944996  
    what would /x/ do to moot if it could?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:16 No.1945023
    brush his hair
    caress is slight frame
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:17 No.1945050
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:18 No.1945065
    come on /x/ i know you can do better than that
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:19 No.1945098
    consensual sex in the missionary position
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:22 No.1945180
    smooch on the lips, i am a straight male
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:29 No.1945303
    not anymore.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:31 No.1945331
    buy that dude a fucking drink
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:31 No.1945353
    let him lick my tight arse
    >> ̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎ 卐✈ ▌▌卐 !.t0THEgAmE 05/11/09(Mon)13:32 No.1945373
    i would slap the ever living shit out of him for letting /b/ go to complete shit an being too goddamn lazy to do anything about the cancer.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:33 No.1945381

    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:33 No.1945393
    surpris buttsecks?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:33 No.1945400
    take him out for drinks and just chill. he seems like a cool guy.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:35 No.1945424
    I'd fuck him so hard he wouldn't be able to sit down for a week.
    >>   05/11/09(Mon)13:35 No.1945442
         File :1242063348.jpg-(14 KB, 195x243, problem time2.jpg)
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    vote him to the top of the time 100
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:35 No.1945448
    Love him tenderly
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:36 No.1945458
         File :1242063383.jpg-(37 KB, 340x445, 1237511837670.jpg)
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    Play WoW with him

    seems like he'd be hilarious to play with
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:36 No.1945461
    Punch him in the face
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:37 No.1945475
    ask for some cash. fag is hiding his trillions while we are starving here
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:38 No.1945485
         File :1242063489.jpg-(101 KB, 986x740, 1241975030195.jpg)
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    call him out for being a furfag
    then ask him for money
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:38 No.1945488
    /x/ would probably turn him into a ghost or something lame like that
    /b/ would dress him up like the little girl, then put on a pædobær suit and have it's way with him
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:39 No.1945511
    Oh god I'd fuck him so hard
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:40 No.1945522
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:42 No.1945569
    moot, PLEASE permaban all the ddosing ip's to rid us of the newfag plague for good.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:43 No.1945576
    He wears a smile yet those eyes do not hide his troubles ;-;

    Anyone ever run into him in the city or around -- I wonder if he would find it weird for people to offer him drinks or lunch
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:43 No.1945586
         File :1242063819.jpg-(66 KB, 750x600, 1239219699122.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:43 No.1945589
    boot to the head
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:44 No.1945610
    >/x/ would probably turn him into a ghost or something lame like that
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:45 No.1945616
         File :1242063918.jpg-(302 KB, 1536x2048, 1240159172305.jpg)
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    I'd make a real woman out of him
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:45 No.1945619
    cuddle :3
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:48 No.1945691
    i wonder what moot's butt hole smells like
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:58 No.1945873
    steal his macbook

    (im black)
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)13:58 No.1945894
    oh god, this
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:00 No.1945919
    i would shake his hand and say "hello. how are you"
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:01 No.1945936
    Ask him why he tolerates a certain moderator that bans people every time he gets butthurt about other peoples opinions (worthless post, eat shit and die) instead of enforcing the rules as he's supposed to.

    and generally why this moderator is important enough to keep despite the fact he provokes a large proportion of the DDoS attacks 4chan suffers.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:01 No.1945940
    drink a beer and post on 4chan while he is looking me
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:04 No.1946012
    Marry him.
    Spend his money and fuck him every night.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:05 No.1946020
    say to him:

    "Hola amigo! como estas?"

    Since I suppose he knows spanish
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:05 No.1946022
    Wasn't that originally about the guy who made Myspace?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:06 No.1946056
    Change him in too M00t-Chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:06 No.1946059
    I would walk up to him, shake his hand firmly, thank him for the shit he caused by making 4chan and giving him a high five.

    It'll probably end up buttsex anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:07 No.1946077
    a barrel roll!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:08 No.1946086
         File :1242065314.jpg-(230 KB, 768x1024, 1241733406301.jpg)
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    dress him like the little girl he wishes to be
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:08 No.1946098
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:10 No.1946117
    slap on the rist with my machete
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:11 No.1946144
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:14 No.1946186
         File :1242065651.jpg-(25 KB, 444x374, Moot-bacon.jpg)
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    >> ‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫Манул‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‫‮‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !YlJatiloLw 05/11/09(Mon)14:14 No.1946195
    >> 05/11/09(Mon)14:15 No.1946216
    is that mick jagger?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:17 No.1946255

    thats you moot right?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:18 No.1946258
         File :1242065898.jpg-(1.26 MB, 2200x3137, josef-fritzl-1.jpg)
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    build him a basement here in Australia
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:18 No.1946265
    convince him that he needs me for some glamarous buttsecks.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:18 No.1946266
    Ask him why he tolerates a certain moderator that bans people every time he gets butthurt about other peoples opinions (worthless post, eat shit and die) instead of enforcing the rules as he's supposed to.

    and generally why this moderator is important enough to keep despite the fact he provokes a large proportion of the DDoS attacks 4chan suffers..
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:18 No.1946270

    let him use yours, why not?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:19 No.1946276
    /r/ing a good picture of him.

    I'd like to hang it in my room.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:22 No.1946327
         File :1242066139.jpg-(873 KB, 1920x1080, 1210378488521.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:24 No.1946355
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    It was raided last night, but it's too empty at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:25 No.1946375
    I meant to post in a new thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:26 No.1946398
         File :1242066400.jpg-(89 KB, 392x266, handbanana.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:27 No.1946410
    There's just so many to choose from!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:27 No.1946417

    # Vundo will cause the infected web browser to pop up advertisements, many of which claim a need for software to fix system "deterioration".
    # The desktop background may be changed to the image of an installation window saying there is adware on the computer.
    # The screensaver may be changed to the Blue Screen of Death.
    # In the Display Properties Control Panel, the background and screensaver tabs are missing because their "Hide" values in the Registry were changed to 1.
    # Both the background and screensaver are in the System32 folder, however the screensaver cannot be deleted.
    # Windows Automatic Updates (and other web-based services) may also be disabled and it is not possible to turn them back on.
    # Infected DLLs (with randomized names such as "__c00369AB.dat" and "slmnvnk.dll") will be present in the Windows/System32 folder and references to the DLLs will be found in the user's start up (viewable in MSConfig), registry, and as browser add ons in Internet Explorer.
    # >Vundo may attempt to prevent the user from removing it or otherwise impede its operation, such as by disabling the task manager, registry editor, and msconfig, thereby preventing the system from booting into safe mode.....

    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:27 No.1946418
    thank you, good sir.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:28 No.1946432
    show him my bellybutton than go to sleep
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)14:39 No.1946640
    So post the cutest

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