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    Updated @ 2:50AM on 5/9/09

    File :1241975732.jpg-(10 KB, 324x283, lame 4.jpg)
    10 KB Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:15 No.1921807  
    Thanks a lot for bringing your enemies here, /b/
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:17 No.1921819

    /b/ is no longer here.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:17 No.1921827
    You're welcome
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:18 No.1921831
    I don't think you can blame /*/ for this. Blame the spammer.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:23 No.1921860
         File :1241976238.jpg-(58 KB, 400x600, Ben Linus.jpg)
    58 KB
    /b/ is evrywhere, my friend
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:24 No.1921861
    well as a /b/tard i must say i am sorry i am leaving this place and going to /k/ i hate those guys
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:25 No.1921867
    if /b/ didn't exisit, and it does right here at the moment...
    if /b/ didn't exisit 4chan would fold, /b/ brings the numbers
    that attract highly lucrative banners like sexy wicked water which pay m00t millions and millions of millionths of a cent per click
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:26 No.1921871

    Oh please. The only reason /x/ is getting attacked by the Russians is because you guys crashed here.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:27 No.1921876
         File :1241976470.jpg-(43 KB, 500x379, 1241975778020.jpg)
    43 KB
    this IS /b/
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:29 No.1921880
    aloha 4 that

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