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Solar System thread.
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I can't be the only one here interested in the sounds of planets, some of them are beautiful(Jupiter's sounds are soothing) but some can be scary as shit.
For some reason this makes me imagine thousands of trapped souls crying in pain in Saturn's rings.
this is one of the oldest sites on the internet. made by Davis flynn

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that place actually scares me now. hearing rumors that the occult/elite worship Saturn, and that Saturn = Chronos/the time keeper. and now this transmission. fuck that. the saturn hexagon = to put a hex on someone. the moon/ship Iapetus supposedly getting trapped in saturns gravity and never being able to escape. the ring makers of saturn. but that sound... straight outta DOOM
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Prometheus, which comes out in theaters in a week and a half, is also the name of an inner satellite of Saturn. Despite its unusual shape it is designated a moon. Prometheus is a Titan in Greek mythology. Pandora, Epimetheus and Janus, are also the names of other Saturn Satillites.
yfw saturn/satan has trapped 62 moons. one if which is larger than Mercury
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I used to think Saturn was beautiful with it's huge rings, but after hearing the sounds it makes and reading about the weird features it has (such as the hexagon) I don't think it is anymore, in fact I think it's scary as shit.

Jupiter is probably the most beautiful planet, listen to this.
It doesn't have much to look at but scientists theorize that it acts as a shield for the inner area of the solar system by pulling nearby asteroids hellbent on colliding with a planet into it's orbit, which is beautiful in itself as it means that it allowed life to thrive on Earth.
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yfw Saturn is probobly the only reason why we are alive due to it acting like a fuckhueg magnet that sucks in otherwise harmful objects that possibly could've been sucked up by earths gravity
i love that sound personally. makes saturn all the more beautiful in my opinion
I obviouslt meant Saturn/Jupiter but my brain derped, reptilians and illuminati tinfoild chemtrails

are you and alien or a demon

Holy fuck.
That made the hairs on my back stand on end.
nope, kinda a nightmare junkie though, so that explains some of it. i guess i sorta assumed most of /x/ was the same...

Yeah, except that isn't the sound of the planet.
That's an obvious ambient track created on a computer.

Planets have a single tone resonance, not a whole fucking soundtrack.
Ya'll crazy, Saturn rules. Such an odd planet, and the only one that has a moon with an atmosphere.
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My bad, didn't realize this one was from NASA.
And it isn't from the planet, rather, from the aurora over the north and south poles.

Seen too many fakes so I was quick to denounce you. Sorry bout that.
NASA disagrees.

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Scientists cannot explain all observed features. The current dilemma facing scientists is that Cassini is detecting extended objects like those pictured here.


why don't scientist ever have names. that shit pisses me off
That is beautiful. I could sleep to that.
so what's the other planet in our solar system that's like earth except more advanced technologically but was "announced" as being a major fucked up planet that's unlivable?
was it venus?
Nigga wut? Is you high? Or am I! Still, I know not why.
do you people seriously believe this shit?

/sci/ and /sp/ out
Norman Bergrun's "The Ringmakers of Saturn"

it was the 1st planet nasa made a report about.
Something about the planet being full of gas and how its super hot yet they were able to "shoot" a remote controlled machine that lands via parachute and take pictures that only show rubble.

how did the parachute work if its so warm then?
Alright you fucking retard, what you just said has fuck all to do with venus being technologically advanced. You do know a parachute can be made out of somethibg other than canvas/plastic, right?
same way all parachutes work: creating drag.

it wouldn't be so hard for a cloth parachute to survive those temps given that combustion requires oxygen, which is non-existent in the Venusian atmosphere.
the point is. isn't it supposed to be something exaggerated to the point that we wouldn't be able to send squat even less so it made it to the surface to take pictures since anything sent there would just turn into combustion or melt?
yet they claim to do so...shithead
Nigga you is full retard. Check the post above yours and go read a text book.
if something is close to, or even above, a substance's melting point, it takes time for it to melt (place an ice-cube in the middle of a room and see how long it takes to melt, at room temp). before a machine melts, it can still function to a degree, dipshit...

how dumb does one have to be to fall for a half-baked conspiracy theory? a fully baked one I can understand, but a half-baked? dumbasses
>niggers be blinded by old textbook explanations that we're pulled out of "scientists" asses.
>mouth-breathing neckbeard who thinks he "knows" all
>idiots who cannot into empirical evidence and legitimate sources
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this is now a parachute thread!
With enough heat, any substance can simply fall apart. Making cokes for example.

But, fuck this thread, this nig is talking about "some planet with gas".
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hes right though i think nasa could make a parachute that could withstand melting long enough to take some pictures
no u!!!

and how the fucking hell do they expect me to solve the captcha if it has a fucking picture in it?
The fucking Russians sent a probe, built like a god damn tank. It made it down, took some photos then got crushed/melted by the high temps and pressures.

fucking babies cant into astrophysics
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DYK, that to breach the light barrier is to enter the realm where alien spaceships reside. they use stars as portals. this is why we see so much activity and anomalous object around the sun. they are comming for dec 21st 2012. consciousness assembles light. life can exist beyond light. light is the highest frequency in our matrix. not the highest frequency in the forever expanding universe.

here is an ancient artifact explaining this:

That 'artifact' looks fake as shit compared to other mayan carvings.
Fuckin blubeam propaganda.

this dude tells us about what anon mentioned about the populated planet within our solar system.
forgot link

what is the john leer test?
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what evidence do you have for there being life on venus making contact with us. ill take any example. iv'e never seen one.
val valiant thor
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Yeah I wondered about Saturn's hexagon too.
I was looking at a map of Earth's ley lines and noticed they form a pentagon at the north pole. It would be interesting if Saturn's electromagnetic streams were organized in the same manner, but in hexagons, and this affects the clouds in some way.

But Saturn's south pole has no hexagon, so that's a bit doubtful.

who said they made contact with the general population?

You so realize that you, as an individual that belongs to general population, doesn't know shit right?
In the grand scheme of things. you don't know S.H.I.T
fuck all.

you are like a lost child that is blind and deaf and can only manage to crawl through information only because it is defecated onto us.
ie: we get the watered-down, shit tier information.

well the general public does.
then there's somewhat adequate but perhaps crazy conspiracy theories tier.

5 is the number of our earth and humanity

6 is the number is saturn/satan. this is why the star of David, a hexagonal symbol, has 6 points, 6 lines, and 6 triangle. it is the symbol of satan. and commence shitstorm
well, I mean, as far as I know there's an entire elementary school on Venus.


This movie scarred me as a kid.
wait, what suggested 5 is Earth's number?

well we have 5 points, head, 2 arms, 2 legs. then fractaly we have 5 fingers on our hands


Christ, you're not kidding. That is some horrifying shit out there on Saturn.
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oh god the moon. we havnt even gottn to the moon. is it really the only object in our solar system that spin in relation to us?
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source? explanation?
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im about to flip my shit where is this from?
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It's from the God within...
I'm failing to see how this is "creepy" or "scary"
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26,000 miles per hour, we float through the galaxy held in ether by God's power
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mfw Saturn and Jupiter sound like ripoffs of my last avant garde project.

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Uh, what's that old Disney channel logo doing at the bottom right corner?
you're so edgy and cool! Nothing affects you man.
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bamping for more weird shit in space
how bout them martian caves?

I like the sound of Neptune the most.
Very peaceful.
Uranus makes the best sounds.
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dat hexagon
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Whirl Winds from the pyramids
Vimana Gang all day!
brrrrap brrap
Jupiter sound amazing.

Uranus sounds like some metal music instrument.

Mercury sounds like death and I once heard something that sounded like crying souls (that's the only way I can describe that sound).
BTW Hermes, the mythological god, stole the scepter of Hades, the god of death, as a prank, and so Hermes is somehow linked with death and his Roman name is Mercury, not by chance it sounds like death to me.

Also Neptune is the god of sea and I listened to a recording of Neptune and it sounded like a sea.

Mars sounds like a desert and I heard a sound in one of the recordings that sounded like drums of war.
Mars is the Roman name of Ares, the god of war, so again, no wonder...

Only Earth sounds very weird.
It sounds like a combination of organic sound and electronic sound.
It sounds bad, like its hallow and broken.


well it's nice we can agree on something
It was an experiment made by some scientists on small scale models using electricity. That isn't one of the stone pyramids of Giza.
google, x3tc earth, jupiter, mercury themes.
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My face when "Iapetus" literally translates to "He who pierces through".

That's gotta be a coincidence though, right...

It's definitely got me thinking about the sort of weird situation with our moon here on Earth. I mean, the moon literally always has the exact same face pointing to earth, and it will stay that way forever. The odds of that happening are (quite literally) infinite to one... and yet, there it is.

Plus it's entirely covered in that grey shit, but no other planets or celestial bodies around us are, so where the shit did all that grey shit even come from?
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Solar system thread... okay, not the right place to ask, but this has been bothering me and I figure you guys would know the terms.
Had a dream where I was in a different dimension. What would that be called? dimensional shifting dream or something?
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This, what is this doing here?
>Lol guys look it's the sounds of planets!! omg
>"Hello, space is an airless vacuum, and sound requires the vibration of air molecules. So impossible."
>Wow u dumb bitch I know that. it's the vibrations of the electric current retard lol.
>"In order for that to be, a massive conductor would needed to be attached to Jupiter. Even then, Jupiter is so large that it would be impossible to tell what "it" sounds like. With that said, saying electric waves can be compared to sound is very, very stupid."

You people realize how dumb you sound when you talk about planets have distinct sounds, right? PLANET MAKE NO SOUND. The electric magnetism of something changes constantly, even more so with outside interference. Besides, JUPITER IS FUCKING MASSIVE AND HUMANS ARE FUCKING SMALL. HEARING IT MOVE WOULD BURST OUR EAR DRUMS.


Deal with it

in b4 hurrr NASA told me they would never lie even though they are fucking useless and need something to stay relevant every once in a while
are you telling us you go outside w/o a foil hat on?
Son are you dense?Are you retarded or something? most of panets have an athmosphere, so at their surfaces, there is sound.

You seem to be ill-informed. The sounds of the planets are not sounds the planet is making from movement, but rather their radio wave frequency converted into audible "songs." Every body with sufficient mass to keep an atmosphere gives off radio waves.

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