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/wsg/ - Worksafe GIF

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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

File: 1359949729881.gif-(267 KB, 512x512, Final Fantasy 7 - Coolant Tank.gif)
267 KB
267 KB GIF
Original FF7 gif thread. Will post the 30+ gifs i have. Including the ones posted in /v/.

Post your own.
File: 1359950340497.gif-(264 KB, 512x512, Final Fantasy 7 - Gears.gif)
264 KB
264 KB GIF
File: 1359950453010.gif-(807 KB, 512x512, Final Fantasy 7 - Rocket.gif)
807 KB
807 KB GIF
File: 1359950529914.gif-(109 KB, 320x240, Final Fantasy 7 - Cockpit.gif)
109 KB
109 KB GIF
File: 1359950590145.gif-(213 KB, 320x512, Final Fantasy 7 - Dead Snake.gif)
213 KB
213 KB GIF
File: 1359950627078.gif-(311 KB, 352x256, Final Fantasy 7 - Snow Bank.gif)
311 KB
311 KB GIF
File: 1359950697799.gif-(479 KB, 640x480, Final Fantasy 7 - That On(...).gif)
479 KB
479 KB GIF
File: 1359950734299.gif-(400 KB, 480x672, Final Fantasy 7 - Old City.gif)
400 KB
400 KB GIF
File: 1359950774877.gif-(270 KB, 320x224, Final Fantasy 7 - Sky Ship.gif)
270 KB
270 KB GIF
File: 1359950878806.gif-(865 KB, 640x480, Final Fantasy 7 - Juno.gif)
865 KB
865 KB GIF
File: 1359950918287.gif-(294 KB, 592x432, Final Fantasy 7 - Red Sub.gif)
294 KB
294 KB GIF
File: 1359950971240.gif-(612 KB, 1088x240, Final Fantasy 7 - Dungeon.gif)
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612 KB GIF
File: 1359951019337.gif-(380 KB, 320x400, Final Fantasy 7 - Midger (...).gif)
380 KB
380 KB GIF
File: 1359951052821.gif-(589 KB, 320x640, Final Fantasy 7 - Section(...).gif)
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589 KB GIF
File: 1359951133473.gif-(143 KB, 320x240, Final Fantasy 7 - Chicks.gif)
143 KB
143 KB GIF
File: 1359951187580.gif-(782 KB, 512x512, Final Fantasy 7 - Midger (...).gif)
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782 KB GIF
File: 1359951236136.gif-(384 KB, 480x336, Final Fantasy 7 - Sector 8.gif)
384 KB
384 KB GIF
File: 1359951320432.gif-(112 KB, 319x272, Final Fantasy 7 - Elevator.gif)
112 KB
112 KB GIF
File: 1359951379156.gif-(163 KB, 320x240, Final Fantasy 7 - Gaia mt.gif)
163 KB
163 KB GIF
File: 1359951466483.gif-(694 KB, 512x512, Final Fantasy 7 - Gongaga.gif)
694 KB
694 KB GIF
Very nice, bump
oh god, moar
File: 1359954111658.gif-(101 KB, 448x368, Final Fantasy 7 - Command Room.gif)
101 KB
101 KB GIF
File: 1359954287303.gif-(126 KB, 320x304, Final Fantasy 7 - Hill plane.gif)
126 KB
126 KB GIF
File: 1359954373276.gif-(334 KB, 640x240, Final Fantasy 7 - Costa d(...).gif)
334 KB
334 KB GIF
File: 1359954423303.gif-(192 KB, 480x368, Final Fantasy 7 - Costa d(...).gif)
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192 KB GIF
File: 1359954480146.gif-(229 KB, 480x240, Final Fantasy 7 - Crater01.gif)
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229 KB GIF
File: 1359954520988.gif-(619 KB, 576x432, Final Fantasy 7 - Corel B(...).gif)
619 KB
619 KB GIF
File: 1359954575645.gif-(161 KB, 320x304, Final Fantasy 7 - COLNE 2.gif)
161 KB
161 KB GIF
File: 1359954621189.gif-(370 KB, 512x416, Final Fantasy 7 - COLNE.gif)
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370 KB GIF
File: 1359954685009.gif-(469 KB, 320x784, Final Fantasy 7 - Mechani(...).gif)
469 KB
469 KB GIF
8 new gifs.
File: 1359954751020.gif-(204 KB, 880x512, Final Fantasy 7 - Temple (...).gif)
204 KB
204 KB GIF
File: 1359954835214.gif-(666 KB, 576x576, Final Fantasy 7 - Gaia shine 1.gif)
666 KB
666 KB GIF
File: 1359954967665.gif-(189 KB, 640x288, Final Fantasy 7 - Junon Dock.gif)
189 KB
189 KB GIF
File: 1359955038266.gif-(188 KB, 384x240, Final Fantasy 7 - Door Fire.gif)
188 KB
188 KB GIF
File: 1359955116598.gif-(299 KB, 480x240, Final Fantasy 7 - Gaia shine.gif)
299 KB
299 KB GIF
File: 1359955250260.gif-(426 KB, 320x480, Final Fantasy 7 - Boneville.gif)
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426 KB GIF
File: 1359955513159.gif-(939 KB, 640x480, Final Fantasy 7 - Cannon spark.gif)
939 KB
939 KB GIF
And the last and probably most complacated hif i attempted.

*looks at ff8....annoyed at how complicated it is.
my god this is incredible. Thank you

I think I have to go replay FF7 now...
File: 1360101290523.gif-(447 KB, 480x352, FF8 - fan.gif)
447 KB
447 KB GIF
Half a dpzen ff8 gifs coming up.
File: 1360101328899.gif-(429 KB, 480x224, FF8 - Ifirit Cave.gif)
429 KB
429 KB GIF
File: 1360101391057.gif-(113 KB, 320x224, FF8 - Satalite electricity.gif)
113 KB
113 KB GIF
File: 1360101438256.gif-(1.04 MB, 512x400, FF8 - Train ready to go.gif)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB GIF
File: 1360101542716.gif-(205 KB, 336x240, FF8 - dollet mission.gif)
205 KB
205 KB GIF
Or just five.

8 uses more frames in its motion backgrounds.
I wish there was a tool for ff9.. :(
All these images are so firmly implanted in my mind.
Final Fantasy 7 is really a beautiful game. Games certainly aren't made like it was in its day. Brings me back.
Wait? No Gi cave gifs? Regardless, I fucking love you OP.
Man it's been so long since I've played either of these games. 8 certainly has aged better than 7, but jeez... those games look like total ass.
>>106408 (OP)
>Never beat the game because I never want the adventure to end

And yet I've played it 5+ times up to the end.

And I've beaten plenty of other FF's
I just refuse to personally finish this one.
i dont remember some of these screens

b-but ive already started ni no kuni :(
my eyes are filling with water...

today..OP is a god
Omnislash on sephiroth is so fusking satisfying though...

Op is playing ni no with his nephew, whenever he comes around otherwise I don't play it. It is mostly great...the excess explainations are a little tedious though.
Gi caves didn't have much of anything moving...maybe that spirt boss. Was that at gi? Or cosmo canyon
File: 1360139715893.gif-(610 KB, 480x224, FF8 - Ifrit cave 2.gif)
610 KB
610 KB GIF
8 uses more frames. And around fishermans warf lots of seperate moving bits. Such as fans and what not. They've make 20+frames for f'ing fans...
File: 1360139779030.gif-(523 KB, 320x224, FF8 - tonberry tower or w(...).gif)
523 KB
523 KB GIF
File: 1360139897291.gif-(210 KB, 480x320, Dollet foutain.gif)
210 KB
210 KB GIF
Also the bigger size maps from 7 don't seem to come into use for 8...like 512x512s.
File: 1360140134423.gif-(234 KB, 640x320, FF8 - Dollet beach.gif)
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234 KB GIF
File: 1360140258459.gif-(391 KB, 448x224, FF8 - Foster Home.gif)
391 KB
391 KB GIF
File: 1360140296539.gif-(264 KB, 320x224, FF8 - Dusk.gif)
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264 KB GIF
File: 1360140351907.gif-(337 KB, 320x224, FF8 - Emo Squall.gif)
337 KB
337 KB GIF
Dunno when i'll do more...
Great thread, great memories. Thanks for these gifs.
did you get these from the PC versions? (I'm assuming so)
This is literally exactly how I felt looking through all these. God damn they don't make games like this anymore.
No. These are rips from the psone versions.
Using 7 mimic & 8 mimic. I wish there was a 9 mimic...
File: 1360219644998.gif-(210 KB, 320x416, FF 7 - Shooting Star.gif)
210 KB
210 KB GIF
Missed this one the first time through the game.
File: 1360219711712.gif-(622 KB, 640x480, FF 7 - Meeting the flower girl.gif)
622 KB
622 KB GIF
Good old loveless
File: 1360219783831.gif-(237 KB, 320x320, FF 7 - Caves of GI Spirit.gif)
237 KB
237 KB GIF
File: 1360219838968.gif-(547 KB, 384x672, FF 7 - Caves of GI.gif)
547 KB
547 KB GIF
Not 100 percent about the previous upload.
It was kind of a messy piece together.
File: 1360220239458.gif-(196 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - elevater 1.gif)
196 KB
196 KB GIF
Shit is much more complacated...
But alot fewer big maps in exchange. It seemed like 9 had both things going on...

I am not a programmer...i wonder if someone could reverse engineer a 9 mimic, from the 7 & 8 versions.
File: 1360220323772.gif-(346 KB, 320x480, FF 8 - Turbines.gif)
346 KB
346 KB GIF
Each turbine had it own control "button"
File: 1360220503247.gif-(335 KB, 368x224, FF 8 - Timber Hotel.gif)
335 KB
335 KB GIF
20+ frames here...haven't tried the 30+ frame bg's yet.
bumb for greatness
OP, you are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you.
noooooooooooooo the midgar zooloon
looking at all of them. saving a few from a god teir game....really brings me back. Still got the game and the old PlayStation sitting around. might whip it out one day and play it again.
moar FF8 backgrounds please
great fucking thread OP
saved a bunch
OP, you little wonder you!
job well done op how excatcly are these being made btw my verification is oramic soilder, seemed relevend for this ff vii thread
File: 1360368244937.gif-(1.68 MB, 320x240, dateanim.gif)
1.68 MB
1.68 MB GIF
Just spent half an hour digging for this old gif. Excuse the poor quality.
Lol. Barret saying Earith...that game needed a spell check so bad.

I save each frame from 7mimic & 8mimic. Then use jasc animation shop to merg them together

Ff8 doesen't have every background on every disc unlike ff7. I'll go through disc3 of 8 next see if i can find something interesting.
File: 1360397573970.gif-(82 KB, 320x272, FF 8 - Leaving Fishermans Warf.gif)
82 KB
So thats 41 ff7 gifs...not sure if there is much more worth putting an effort into for that one.

Made a grip of ff8 gifs that will bring the total too avout 36 gifs so far...
File: 1360397605544.gif-(243 KB, 320x352, FF8 - Throne.gif)
243 KB
243 KB GIF
File: 1360397718409.gif-(72 KB, 416x224, FF8 - lvl 1.gif)
72 KB
These are mostly disc 4...

Might need to redo this one not sure if that light is suppost to be on.
File: 1360397781164.gif-(223 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Escape Pod.gif)
223 KB
223 KB GIF
This one came out pretty good though.
File: 1360397821568.gif-(239 KB, 640x448, FF 8 - Elevator One.gif)
239 KB
239 KB GIF
File: 1360397864970.gif-(260 KB, 496x368, FF 8 - Face my wrath for (...).gif)
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260 KB GIF
File: 1360397904016.gif-(202 KB, 320x320, FF 8 - Clock Gears.gif)
202 KB
202 KB GIF
File: 1360397942705.gif-(152 KB, 352x224, FF 8 - Flood Gate.gif)
152 KB
152 KB GIF
File: 1360397992942.gif-(265 KB, 368x272, FF 8 - Laguna beach.gif)
265 KB
265 KB GIF
File: 1360398055966.gif-(300 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Ragnarok Door.gif)
300 KB
300 KB GIF
File: 1360398102806.gif-(153 KB, 384x224, FF 8 - Ragnarok Door 2.gif)
153 KB
153 KB GIF
File: 1360398135773.gif-(360 KB, 416x272, FF 8 - The Core.gif)
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360 KB GIF
File: 1360398229140.gif-(307 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Ifrit boss.gif)
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307 KB GIF
File: 1360398266194.gif-(279 KB, 480x336, FF 8 - Balam Garden Hall.gif)
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279 KB GIF
File: 1360398298711.gif-(290 KB, 320x240, FF 8 - Basment Boss.gif)
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290 KB GIF
File: 1360398330985.gif-(131 KB, 320x480, FF 8 - Dollet town.gif)
131 KB
131 KB GIF
File: 1360398363140.gif-(118 KB, 480x224, FF 8 - Tube walkway.gif)
118 KB
118 KB GIF
File: 1360398456613.gif-(151 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Tube elevator.gif)
151 KB
151 KB GIF
Not 100% on this one
File: 1360398494426.gif-(368 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Welcome.gif)
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368 KB GIF
File: 1360398599053.gif-(196 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Fishermans Warf.gif)
196 KB
196 KB GIF
Soo many area here with fans moving...at least 14 frams per fan normally. A couple with over thirty frames not done yet.
This gif didn't seem this fast when i put it together...

Can someone make tools like 7&8 mimic for ff9 chrono cross and saga frontier 2, im a fucking wizard and need tedious bull shit to do.
these all need to be bundled into 1 download, too much awesome
Always had a special place in my heart for this game, the whole artstyle and soundtrack is so nostalgic to me
OP these are just great.

Please don't stop.
If someone does this

I would keep going
Brings back memories when i had a crush on Tifa ;)
File: 1360480137954.gif-(64 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Eden enter.gif)
64 KB
File: 1360484982863.gif-(247 KB, 448x480, FF 8 - Lake side.gif)
247 KB
247 KB GIF
File: 1360485024377.gif-(290 KB, 688x368, FF 8 - FW Roof.gif)
290 KB
290 KB GIF
File: 1360485409507.gif-(302 KB, 480x224, FF 8 - FW Bridge.gif)
302 KB
302 KB GIF
File: 1360485458192.gif-(209 KB, 432x320, FF 8 - Launch.gif)
209 KB
209 KB GIF
File: 1360485532024.gif-(191 KB, 320x240, FF 8 - hospital.gif)
191 KB
191 KB GIF
File: 1360485568614.gif-(436 KB, 400x224, FF 8 - Suddenly, an Estha(...).gif)
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436 KB GIF
File: 1360485602432.gif-(374 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Ragnarok in flight.gif)
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374 KB GIF
File: 1360485645910.gif-(453 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Wait whats going o(...).gif)
453 KB
453 KB GIF
File: 1360485678754.gif-(353 KB, 320x368, FF 8 - Minator.gif)
353 KB
353 KB GIF
File: 1360485712284.gif-(303 KB, 416x224, FF 8 - water way.gif)
303 KB
303 KB GIF
File: 1360488126216.gif-(157 KB, 320x480, FF 8 - Galbadia Station e(...).gif)
157 KB
157 KB GIF
File: 1360488172442.gif-(501 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Water way wheel.gif)
501 KB
501 KB GIF
File: 1360488227619.gif-(511 KB, 320x448, FF 8 - I dont' remem(...).gif)
511 KB
511 KB GIF
Fucking save'd; all of them.
what has been felt cannot be unfelt.
you do know that FF7 allowed you to put in your own custom names, right?
>not realizing i was laughing at name choice. Still stating that the whole game needed spell check.
That's Trabia University, you fight Edea here at the end of the 2nd CD I think.
pretty sure its galbadia, trabia its destroyed by the missiles, but yeah its the 2ndcd final boss
Great thread. Thank you.
Takes me back. :)
File: 1360557055393.gif-(79 KB, 352x224, FF 8 - Timber house.gif)
79 KB
File: 1360557095771.gif-(196 KB, 352x384, FF 8 - Space capsule.gif)
196 KB
196 KB GIF
File: 1360557136977.gif-(446 KB, 336x240, FF 8 - Ragnarok Cockpit Door.gif)
446 KB
446 KB GIF
File: 1360557229950.gif-(179 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - FW Top View.gif)
179 KB
179 KB GIF
awesome thread. thank you
File: 1360627967038.gif-(2.98 MB, 332x245, italybros_medium.gif)
2.98 MB
2.98 MB GIF
File: 1360741151259.gif-(197 KB, 448x224, FF 8 - Ocean dock.gif)
197 KB
197 KB GIF
File: 1360741200570.gif-(554 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Escape pod seating.gif)
554 KB
554 KB GIF
File: 1360741308266.gif-(278 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Balam elevator.gif)
278 KB
278 KB GIF
Lots of frames for this gif and the last.
I love pre-rendered backgrounds.

Thanks man
Got linked from /vg/
Fantastic job, guys

That's the dream sequence in Esthar with Laguna as a slave.
That's not an Esthar ship, it's the White SeeD ship.
great work, dude!
hey could you maybe make one of Cid cursing out that dumb bitch Shera?
If you have a you tube link i could..otherwise no.
Yes, i used a quote from the game to name the file.
The white seed ship is a modified, old Esthar ship.
i played ff7 for the first time a year or so ago and looking at gifs feel so familiar but I can't remember wtf what's was going on through most of these. Definitely one of those games i need to revisit
First, awesome work.
Second, where are you getting these names?

>Dead Snake
Midgar Zolom
>That One Town
>Old City
City of the Ancients
>Sky Ship
Highwind (docked at Junon)
Temple of the Ancients (Core)
>Sector 8
Corel Reactor
Midgar Sewer 1,2
>Gaia Shrine
Great Glacier 1,2

Overrated game is insanely overrated, and stated every bad trend in JRPGs
Archive this shit.
I suspect you have no idea what you're talking about and have founded your opinions on ignorance, hearsay, and falsehoods.
For me, FF VIII was nowhere close to FF VII. The junction system ruined it for me. Who thought it was good idea to have your party changed every 30 minutes and make you switch those junctions to new characters ? FF VII was a perfect gem, on the other hand. It had message to it, cute graphics, minigames, it was fresh overall. Maybe Im just nostalgic
File: 1361157735950.gif-(177 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Balam Gate.gif)
177 KB
177 KB GIF
File: 1361157804515.gif-(410 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Balam Graduation Party.gif)
410 KB
410 KB GIF
File: 1361157881588.gif-(125 KB, 320x480, FF 8 - Dollet Antenna.gif)
125 KB
125 KB GIF
File: 1361157950927.gif-(691 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Galbadia Carnival.gif)
691 KB
691 KB GIF
File: 1361158025854.gif-(114 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Timber Maniac Smokers.gif)
114 KB
114 KB GIF
this thread is simply amazing

thanks so much for this!

hopefully someone can make that mimic thing you were talking about for ff9/chrono cross
I wonder what board here would have the most programmers we could go beg for?
File: 1361219222378.gif-(173 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Opened Latch.gif)
173 KB
173 KB GIF
File: 1361219281912.gif-(595 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Fishermans Warf Edge.gif)
595 KB
595 KB GIF
File: 1361219356433.gif-(314 KB, 320x272, FF 8 - Fishermans Warf Hotel.gif)
314 KB
314 KB GIF
36 frames for one fan.....
File: 1361219509404.gif-(812 KB, 512x320, FF 8 - Fishermans Warf To(...).gif)
812 KB
812 KB GIF
File: 1361219637485.gif-(666 KB, 320x320, FF 8 - Galbadia Witch.gif)
666 KB
666 KB GIF
30+ frames for almost nothing.

this man knows what is up
i preferred the junction system to the materia system

but i beat VIII before i beat VII..despite playing VII first- so that might be the reason i like VIII more.
This is awesome OP. They had such a beautiful hybrid of 3d modeling with 2d spite animation. It's really quite impressive.
I've got one more from 8. Then thats about it.
Will post soon.
You are a gentleman among men...I have been saying that for years and it doesn't go over well
File: 1361317222063.gif-(307 KB, 320x224, FF 8 - Ragnarok sealed door.gif)
307 KB
307 KB GIF
Could /tech/ have the program power to make a ff9 mimic?

Cause i don't have anything else worthwhile from 7 or 8 unfortunately.... I would like to do this for 9 and Chrono Cross and hell any other PlayStation 1 game.
Archive pls.
>cables and pipes with no support

This always bugs me when games try and create industrial environments. Just the little things.

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