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/wsg/ - Worksafe GIF

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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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748 KB GIF
How about some SCIENCE?!
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1.99 MB GIF
>>108042 (OP)
>science thread

is that really the best you can do
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3.34 MB GIF
>>108042 (OP)
here take another one you slinky casual
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3.53 MB
3.53 MB GIF
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2.82 MB
2.82 MB GIF
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2.31 MB
2.31 MB GIF
Science and nature share a folder for me, hope OP does not mind.
File: 1360295108478.gif-(2.43 MB, 256x209, 1266882773835.gif)
2.43 MB
2.43 MB GIF
more more more
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2.02 MB
2.02 MB GIF
File: 1360295385967.gif-(1.22 MB, 633x475, 1229593381242.gif)
1.22 MB
1.22 MB GIF
A classic (goes a bit slow)
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788 KB
788 KB GIF
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1.74 MB
1.74 MB GIF
Damn, duplicate file

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373 KB
373 KB GIF
File: 1360296073540.gif-(1.9 MB, 320x180, funny-gifs-phoenix-haboob(...).gif)
1.9 MB
1.9 MB GIF
Heh, I live here, this shit's weird to be caught in.
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2 MB
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3.93 MB
3.93 MB GIF
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1.98 MB
1.98 MB GIF
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1.95 MB
1.95 MB GIF
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1.72 MB GIF
science this
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741 KB GIF
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1.72 MB
1.72 MB GIF
oh hey, this thread actually survived
will keep contribooting til i run out of gifs
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3.64 MB GIF
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3.62 MB GIF
Can anyone tell if that is male or female?
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925 KB GIF
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965 KB GIF
nigga is you retarded
Oh god what the fuck is it?
It's that cornstarch mix you make in chemistry class. It's a non-Newtonian fluid and reacts awesomely when put on a speaker (as seen in the gif.) Get enough of it and you can run across it, but if you stop you sink.
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472 KB GIF
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2 MB
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947 KB GIF
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989 KB GIF
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1.22 MB GIF
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2.63 MB
2.63 MB GIF
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1.97 MB GIF
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1.99 MB GIF
...and that's all for now
Why? So you can know whether or not to fap to it?
It's a man, you sick fuck.
What the fuck
It had male genitalia...so I'm gonna go with...girl?

Am I right?
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3.67 MB GIF
OC from Carl Sagan's Cosmos
What is this ?

is this real?
>>108042 (OP)
your gif fits perfectly with dani california
Those things grow in my yard, I used to play with them as a kid
Liquid nitrogen in a pool. The source is on youtube somewhere.
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1023 KB GIF
Get some Bill Nye up in this BITCH!!!
Gosh. And just like that, we too could be sucked up. How scary black holes are. How odd and voilet and quiet they seem.
Where is this? Siberia or some place in russia?
go home sun. ur drunk.
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1.99 MB GIF
The crotch went by too fast to make out any genitals. So imma go with male, because fuck you.
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19 KB
It really didn't
What is this?
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2.58 MB GIF
I remember that one. Looked out the window and everything was just fucking orange.
mimosa pudica
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2.79 MB GIF
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1.45 MB GIF
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2 MB
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495 KB GIF
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2.69 MB GIF
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3.88 MB GIF
gotta love nature
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1.1 MB
1.1 MB GIF
I find this strangely erotic
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433 KB GIF
why put a shrimp on a treadmill? Because science, that's why!
The horror.
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2.03 MB GIF
lol yeah. It sucks to be outside in, but I'd take wall of dirt to this >>108614 any day.
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242 KB GIF
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2.93 MB GIF
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1.14 MB GIF
for your lulz pleasure
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2 MB
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1.5 MB GIF
Can anyone post animations of the motor effect, or animations of the difference between A/C and D/C motors?
Sorry I couldn't post a gif but I wanted to share this pretty neat time lapse video of Vancouver


Use this link instead

I don't know the exact place but we get that here in sweden aswell.
And then the reverse in the winter
I really, really want to make this happen in my life.
is that full of pure oxygen or something?
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Benny hill music background
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isopropyl vapor
I have a hard time believing that two galaxies colliding would mean much of anything "violent".

It's like 99.99999% empty space colliding.
Like an atom, galaxies are definitely made up mostly of empty space just as you said.

The interesting part comes from the effects of gravity the parts of each galaxy have on each other.

The galactic cores, for example, might start orbiting each other like an unimaginably-large binary system. This would probably consume many stars in both galaxies, create many starts from all the gases and interstellar materials involved, and fling many other stars out into the space between galaxies.

the first frame of that gif ruins any credibility they have concerning intelligence, prediction, etc.

in +50,000 years, humans will "most likely be exploring beyond our solar system"

fucking idiots. when do they project we'll get k-core processors for consumer use.. 13,000 years?

i mean fuck, dipshits.
that actually looks more like a sandstorm

They said mostly likely because there's always the possibility that we're wiped out or wipe ourselves out before that point.
universe sandbox, right?
If you ever have a large gash in the future, an EMT may use a derivative of the venom to quickly close up wounds.
It is a sandstorm. Or a dust storm, anyway. Haboob is just the Arabic word for it.
Can anyone explain what exactly is going on here?

If the star is being absorbed into the singularity then why is matter being jettisoned? Shouldn't the gravitational pull be enough to prevent that
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it's a parabolic/hyperbolic trajectory.
this makes me feel how insignificant i am. i should defo try lucid dreaming LSD and OBE now...
Not all of the matter hit the event horizon. At that point, inertia made a sizable amount of the matter just swing around and outward, while it was being pulled in at the same time.
It's actually one of the coolest and most interesting things in the animal world.
That snail is infected by a parasite that took hold of his nervous system and made him pulsate vibrantly and stay still in the top of a plant so it can be easily seen by birds, which are the next host in the parasite's life cycle
>>108042 (OP)

Pardon me for asking, but what's the story behind this?
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2.85 MB GIF
MRI body shot
how long would it take, from the moment they start pulling each other to the moment they become one?
This was great until that motivational shit at the end.
no way you are a liar!
Nope. Human cold cuts.
Summer back home
Invisible Hulk SMASH!
>Oh shit run nigger!
what is the name of that plant!?! I MUST KNOW
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimosa_pudica">Mimosa pudica</a>
Cornstarch and water on a speaker driver. Lrn2science
Fuck me, I need a drink after that one...

Also I espected something slightly less serious from the YTMND Educational Department.
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If you live in Southern Arizona, you know that "sandstorm" isn't descriptive enough. We have "haboobs" and "monsoons". Monsoons are sandstorms with rain following right behind, and a haboob is a sandstorm caused by a storm cell imploding; ergo, no rain following.
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1.32 MB GIF
this one's fun and easy:
>take a 5 gallon bucket
>put two capfuls of rubbing alcohol
>swish it around the whole bottle
>light the inside on the top
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993 KB GIF
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919 KB GIF
supposed to be a representation of the diversity of life at a given time. don't know how accurate it is
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This fucks with me so hard.
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I think this one's SCIENCE.
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Space is so scary man. Whats even scarier is whats going to happen to the universe in the future.

Black Hole Era

The Black Hole Era is defined as "40 < n < 100". In this era, according to the book, organized matter will remain only in the form of black holes. Black holes themselves slowly "evaporate" away the matter contained in them, by the quantum mechanical process of Hawking radiation. By the end of this era, only extremely low-energy photons, electrons, positrons, and neutrinos will remain.
Dark Era

The Dark Era is defined as "n > 101". By this era, with only very diffuse matter remaining, activity in the universe will have tailed off dramatically, with very low energy levels and very large time scales. Electrons and positrons drifting through space will encounter one another and occasionally form positronium atoms. These structures are unstable, however, and their constituent particles must eventually annihilate. Other low-level annihilation events will also take place, albeit very slowly.

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>Lighter used Flame Wheel!
this makes me wish i lived somewhere where it wasn't so bright. i used to live out in the country, 80 miles from the nearest city and you could see every single star and the milky way on a clear night. it was awesome.

now i live only a few miles from the city and i can only see a handful of stars and planets now :(
>>108042 (OP)
science of mother faggots
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3.02 MB GIF
what's this?
look up fusing a car between 2 semis
Why are there still cars on the road at that point? Wouldn't you just go home?

It's called wake turbulence
can someone explain this one?
yea I wanna know too

My guess is something to do with time and a black hole.
DUDE i need the sauce on that one... its amazing!!!!
What is this other than terrifying?
what the hell is that thing?!
Whaaaat the fuck

That's awesome
this is the doppler effect
an ambulance coming towards you will sound higher than an ambulance going away from you
the middle of the circles, the ambulance
which provides the sound, the circles
and how the observer, the white line, would observe them
in this case the ambulance doesn't move but the observer, wich makes it a little different
but it still shows that when you're in front of the ambulance, before you pass it, the waves are closer together than when you're moving away from it, ergo shorter wavelengths in front of it, higher sound
longer wavelengths behind it, lower sound

the same can be seen with starsystems, a blue light has a shorter wavelength than a red light, the doppler effect can show us which starsystems are moving away less quickly, since it would have shorter wavelengths than a very fast starsystem, which would be more red since it would have longer wavelengths so seem more red to our point of view
It's called Dolly zoom.
He/she walks backwards while zooming in with the lens.
How the fuck can't you know?

Away with your sorcery!
what is that?
some weird japanese candy
I want to know too
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2.42 MB GIF
>lady parts.gif
what in the colossal mother fuck is that monstrosity?
It's an aircraft flying into a sheet of smoke designed to show wingtip vortices as they occur.

Wingtip vortices are caused by the high-pressure areas below the wing and low-pressure areas above the wing meeting up at the wingtips, causing these vortices to form. Notice how they go "bottom to top".

In practical applications, wingtip vortices cause increased drag force for the aircraft, leading to slightly more inefficient flight. Recently, new aircraft have "winglets" or little protrusions at the wingtips to minimize wingtip vortices as much as possible.

Wingtip vortex sizes and longevity are proportional to aircraft weight (and therefore the forces generated by the wings needed to maintain aircraft lift) and can remain stable for up to 10 minutes on calm days for the heaviest aircraft, with A380s having wingtip vortices that can remain stable up to 10 minutes, while 737s have wingtip vortices that remain stable for up to 4 or 5. They can also drift around depending on the wind, and can drift over to parallel runways or onto the originating runway itself. This is dangerous to all aircraft, and there is legally mandated separation between takeoffs and landings to avoid wingtip vortex effects, the times varying between 3 to 12 minutes depending on the aircraft size mismatch. If a light general aviation aircraft flies into an A380's wingtip vortices, it can be flipped around within the space of a second, leading to an unrecoverable crash state.

Source: I'm a commercially licensed pilot and this shit was hammered down from the get-go.
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Man gravity is crazy.

Especially the part with it being omnipresent: every single bit of matter in the universe has at least some level of gravitational pull on every other bit of matter in the universe.

>We are pulling VY Canis Majoris at this very second

everything in the universe is pulling each other.
A cattail.

I believe it is called a "Ticklish Tim", but that's what I was told as a kid.

Reminds me of the time my friend and I dropped a match into an empty bottle of Stroh 80.


This commercial really sucks. You've been warned.

It's a cat tail reed

Forgot why this works
A golfball hit a wall
At this point, the system gets rebooted and we start all over again.

Mark my words, I'm right
That's the June 2012 Venus transit. mislabeled gif.

Of course, life in the universe will have died out completely thousands of duodecillions (trufax) of years before then, that is to say a few tens of trillions of years from now. The energy and material left over from old stars won't be enough to form new ones, and once you've run out of stars, you're fucked in every way a living being can *be* fucked.

Oh, and fun fact: A tenth of a trillion (100 billion) years from now, the spaces between galactic clusters will have grown so large that nothing outside the Local Group will be visible. Meaning every other galaxy will have passed beyond the Light Horizon of the observable universe, which, for all practical purposes, IS the universe itself. Any species of sapients left at that point will look outside their galaxy, and find themselves completely, utterly, cosmically alone.
That's a fat ass bloke.
you dont really plan on being on the road in a sandstorm. youre on your 15 mile commute to or from work and it hits youre not going to pull off the road, youll just slow down, hopefully. i used to live in the phoenix area, for weeks afterwords theres a layer of dirt on everything esp if it rained right before/after
i really wasted that get. sorry guys
full blown panic attack. no idea why. must be powerful to have overridden the antidepressants/ anti anxiety meds i'm on. fuck...
no, it doesnt.
Explain your witchcraft!
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Meisser Effect. When an electric current flows through metal, it generates a small magnetic field. With a super-conductive metal, the same magnetic fields are formed, but because it is super-conductive and has no resistance; these fields last indefinitely.

In the gif, a cooled super-conductor is placed above some magnets. The two magnetic fields interact and repel each other which makes the super-conductor 'levitate' above the magnets.

related video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws6AAhTw7RA
need to pee? wiggle your dick cause getting a hard one blocks the pee as of instinct
since when was "science" synonymous with "stuff happening slowly"

Gravity tends to break down on the smallest and largest scales. Electrons, protons and what not aren't affected by it, and the expansion of the universe isn't determined or altered by it. It's weird like that.
You just went full retard.
somebody explain this thing
no it's not you idiot. A monsoon has nothing to do with sand. We call it a haboob because the media thought it was a funny word. It's just a fucking sandstorm, typical to AZ where it doesn't rain.
>Electrons, protons and what not aren't affected by it

Gravity does affect electrons and protons, sir.
Nah it isn't. My physics prof demoed this a few years back
It's a similair thing.
Wrong. You mean the Meissner effect? The Meissner effect describes the fact that matter in the superconducting state repels external magnetic fields. Superconductors also exhibit zero resistance, but this is NOT the Meissner effect.
I think its called water graphics, or something along those lines. dip coating possibly. Basically, you place this sheet on the water, spray something (an activator I believe), and then you dip whatever you want coated in the sheet. It all has to do with surface tension and hydrophobic substances.
Oh yes it does. As long as something has mass, it will be affected by gravity. Protons and electrons have mass, thus they are affected by gravity.
This was meant for >>111228
not >>111256
somone re-do that and put "your mom" at the end
no u
what exaclty happened there
It has been done already.
well does anyone have it?
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Fun fact, it is also why eagles and vultures tend to have slotted pinfeathers. Prevents the formation of large wingtip vortices, which reduces drag and therefore allows them to fly slower without stalling. Good for loitering at altitude while searching for prey.

I don't have any GIFs of large raptors so here is a 3d representation of a 4d hypersolid
frames per second synching with the speed of the rotor
Nobody gives a shit about gets on the civilised boards.
shit's a simulation of two bodies interacting through gravitational forces
>Fun fact, it is also why eagles and vultures tend to have slotted pinfeathers.
Damn, evolution is a fun bitch. I wonder if birds wings have evolved any equivalents to wing fences or on-wing vortex generators.
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it is but thanks to some fag on channel 5 constantly saying it now everyone calls em haboobs
I love this one.

Thanks for your enlightening answer!
Damn, this was funny till "Deal with it" ruined yet another gif.
Yeah but you have to realize they won't necessarily look like this. Photos are really misleading with their exposure times.
>And just like that, we too could be sucked up

That's not how black holes work, they just have a gravitational pull like any other celestial object. It'd be the same if we got "sucked up" by a star or whatever other big mass is out there. Nothing would change, you don't just get automatically sucked up into black holes.
Ahhh! Nooo!!!
>That's not how black holes work, they just have a gravitational pull like any other celestial object. It'd be the same if we got "sucked up" by a star or whatever other big mass is out there.

No, no, no. Black holes behave VERY different than any star or celestial object.
I don't understand the world anymore
You have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you are talking about
from a gravitational standpoint, they aren't. if you replaced the sun with a black hole that had the same mass, the planets would continue to orbit exactly the same.
Pyrocumulus. Sweet.

makes me wanna puke
In fact, it actually depends on what type of black hole are you talking about. In order to be indistinguishable from any other cellestial object (from a gravitational standpoint), tt has to be a spherically symmetric solution to the Einstein's field equations.


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Well, that was thoroughly enjoyable. This thread postponed my plans by half an hour, and I have now missed that traffic accident.

Or have I?
>Where is this? Siberia
>or some place in russia
actually we don't know if this is true.
heck, we don't know anything about 95% of the gravity out there. Only that it is weird.
So, how to measure if gravity from 10^xyz lightyears away does affect us? Might be unknowable.
I'd like to see one of these going back to our solar systems creation.

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