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evangelion time?
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have some, not best quality but will post
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and im done
again sorry about bad quality
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Lel it's like I'm rewatching Eva
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>not the actually animooted version
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for all that is holy bump!!!!
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how many of these were from those new movies I keep hearing about?

Unfortunately, I origionally saw it in english, so I have to wait for them to be released! :(

cant switch languages in a series. so. hard.
these are from the new (aka Rebuild) ones..

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are they in english yet?

retold for the better?
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if you haven't/never watched the old series, the new Rebuild series definiely better as they save you from Shinji's wussy crying and rants..

stories changed a bit.. better VFX and details.
so wait... shinji isnt going to make me want to stop watching?

I mean, I know it is out of character for him to badass-it-up... but the whining definitly went way too far

in the new Rebuild series, Shinji whine lesser..
is it in english though?
The longest forty-five seconds in anime history. They should totally make Kaoru Pez dispencers.
nope, i can't find and euglish dub to date, nor i rem there's rips of english dub anyway..

maybe it's time you learn to watch original japanese dub with subs..


i'll try.. somehow.. but maybe some might beat me to it lol!

i lost the old series as my DVD set got corrupted (optical layer got eaten by some nasty shit)
now trying to dl the back, starting with EoE..
If you don't like Shinji's crying you don't know SHIT about anime.

But seriously, Rebuild is fun but not nearly as good or interesting as the original series.
ummm all the rebuilds have english dubs. have you been living under a rock?

i know they have english dubs, i said either i just couldn't find them on any torrent sites, or there's just no seeders seeding the english dubs
i doubt any normal person watching the old series won't cringe every time Shinji wuss up..
ok i miss understood.
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> arguing over trivia stuffs instead of posting more .gif..

why post gifs if i can just watch the dvd's?
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>can spend his time watching the videos but instead came here

then what are you doing here?
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dudes, relax....

weekends is here

have a can of cold beer or something
>dudes, relax....

>weekends is here

>have a can of cold beer or something

Can't, I work weekends.

btw this is the old TV series, not the new Rebuild ones

maybe i wasn;t searching hard enuff lol


Did they give that EVA a clitoris?

oh boy
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You best not be trolling.

I fucking HATED the original series. Seriously, for every COOL thing that happened, we were treated to about 6 episodes of Shinji's BULLSHIT and pointless panty shots, tit shots, and off camera sex scenes.

I appreciate some tits, ass, etc, but... Within some reason.

If I want porn, I got hentai, if I want awesome action, THAT is why I watch anime like this.

Seriously, the series felt like it was a kinda interesting storyline... SOME action scenes... and then it was like watching a 15 minute long youtube video of an emo person talking about hos misserable his life is while stopping eveey five minutes to show some boobs, butt, or off camera moaning, then back to emo shit... GOD I hated that series!
can i get a bump :D

Rebuild 1 & 2 are already dubbed by Funimation and they are actually pretty good. Rebuild 3 releases next month.

I don't remember this one in "You Can Not Advance"... O_O
Thats from the end of evangelion, its from the series not the movies.

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