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/wsg/ - Worksafe GIF

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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

File: 1338919930826.gif-(911 KB, 246x185, aww.gif)
911 KB
Cute gifs!
6 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
File: 1338921184528.gif-(1.96 MB, 259x195, killerkitten.gif)
1.96 MB
Ha! He got out!
File: 1338949250705.gif-(433 KB, 200x156, 1291485586711.gif)
433 KB
File: 1338949631348.gif-(427 KB, 321x270, RWAn3.gif)
427 KB
More children.

File: 1338949239204.gif-(26 KB, 219x151, 666.gif)
26 KB
Post 666 GET

Milhouse is now a meme
fuck you
already shit posting, mother fucker? reported, congratulations.
it is a gif...
File: 1338949896682.gif-(5 KB, 231x342, shit posting.gif)
5 KB

File: 1338876668770.gif-(662 KB, 560x420, 82ec8f02-3c9d-418e-87ce-9299b80333d0.gif)
662 KB
well, Miku approves of this board
File: 1338949689264.gif-(463 KB, 400x503, 1265164707684.gif)
463 KB
File: 1338949780245.gif-(140 KB, 300x250, 1273296178394.gif)
140 KB
Didn't mean to sage.
File: 1338949880882.gif-(299 KB, 192x256, c452260d5fe33b6629bb4d91531194(...).gif)
299 KB

File: 1338948277709.gif-(1.22 MB, 200x200, 1332057412103.gif)
1.22 MB
15 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
File: 1338949186521.gif-(1.97 MB, 246x210, parking.gif)
1.97 MB
mumble can't do gifs
File: 1338949263864.gif-(129 KB, 272x200, 14547_o.gif)
129 KB
File: 1338949420373.gif-(1022 KB, 300x200, 1338400943392.gif)
1022 KB
File: 1338949526603.gif-(2.24 MB, 280x160, crazy_dog.gif)
2.24 MB
File: 1338949551284.gif-(1.78 MB, 300x242, 1320813769830.gif)
1.78 MB

File: 1338945543031.gif-(2.66 MB, 200x113, fuck fuck fuck god jesus dicks fuck fuck(...).gif)
2.66 MB
I just wanted to post this, because I want some of these <1000 gets
60 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
File: 1338948702303.gif-(2.41 MB, 199x135, time to hide.gif)
2.41 MB
File: 1338948809684.gif-(1.68 MB, 320x240, what could possibly go wrong.gif)
1.68 MB
File: 1338949263852.gif-(782 KB, 480x269, 1336107278713.gif)
782 KB
What is this from again? I remember it being funny, but can't remember the context.

File: 1338949224383.gif-(499 KB, 500x205, 1333443306172.gif)
499 KB
i need more of these

File: 1338949173813.gif-(494 KB, 500x324, Cheers.gif)
494 KB
A toast to /wsg/ !
who will join me in celebration.

File: 1338948156949.gif-(453 KB, 240x211, 1306724644134.gif)
453 KB
Unhappy nuclear reactor cooling tower thread
Post unfortunate nuclear reactor cooling towers.
File: 1338948198478.gif-(484 KB, 245x179, 1336355137915.gif)
484 KB
This one is especially sad!
These are pretty depressing actually
Poor towers :[

File: 1338949014173.gif-(1.99 MB, 446x252, 1335613889288.gif)
1.99 MB
cartoon tranformation gifs

File: 1338948871397.gif-(495 KB, 500x281, tumblr_luz58a0GUX1qgvg4to1_500.gif)
495 KB
backwards man

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