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/wsg/ - Worksafe GIF

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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

File: 1338952568416.gif-(498 KB, 500x293, kMcVy.gif)
498 KB
I wonder if moot is lurking?
If he is, Hi Moot!
Here, have this

File: 1338952458778.gif-(1.55 MB, 256x256, ashat256.gif)
1.55 MB

File: 1338952217282.gif-(851 KB, 309x150, lFkKm.gif)
851 KB
>add this shit board
>don't add /kr/

this is a much needed board and fuck koreans.
gb2 learning about the bible in public school, faggot.

File: 1338947776736.gif-(990 KB, 250x250, 1305085845933.gif)
990 KB
kpop gifs thread
File: 1338948060580.gif-(1.4 MB, 194x194, 1308066419938.gif)
1.4 MB
File: 1338952322673.gif-(1.31 MB, 320x180, 1337162037508.gif)
1.31 MB
>find this thread by duplicate file entry

o k

File: 1338911877158.gif-(1.74 MB, 512x288, AngelBeatsEscape.gif)
1.74 MB
Time for animu gifs! Let's start off with Angul Beats! Reaction gifs preferred.
12 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
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472 KB
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498 KB
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1013 KB
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2.4 MB
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967 KB

File: 1338951562642.gif-(2.01 MB, 300x491, banana.gif)
2.01 MB
This is a banana.

File: 1338950698421.gif-(624 KB, 408x229, blow sheryl blow.gif)
624 KB
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778 KB

File: 1338929740368.gif-(669 KB, 500x284, moot-dick.gif)
669 KB
Thanks moot.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.
File: 1338950895240.gif-(320 KB, 228x239, mp1.gif)
320 KB
Yep, thanks.
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352 KB

File: 1338950196601.gif-(443 KB, 500x200, tumblr_m00itxfH9Q1rpivi1o1_500.gif)
443 KB
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.
File: 1338950537949.gif-(464 KB, 500x323, tumblr_m38noj2puW1rupgkzo1_r1_(...).gif)
464 KB
oh also: amy gif general
File: 1338950622383.gif-(865 KB, 254x198, dws5amy7.gif)
865 KB
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1.41 MB
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650 KB
File: 1338950797573.gif-(2.69 MB, 312x176, 1336160427914.gif)
2.69 MB

File: 1338947877074.gif-(70 KB, 120x89, Lelbron1.gif)
70 KB
22 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
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2.97 MB
File: 1338949707966.gif-(2.38 MB, 512x288, Kornbot.gif)
2.38 MB
/sp/ buncha fat nerds

lmao owned
File: 1338950210650.gif-(1.08 MB, 295x221, Ok why.gif)
1.08 MB
File: 1338950243640.gif-(3.85 MB, 260x194, frazier swag1.gif)
3.85 MB

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