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  • File : 1266622441.jpg-(73 KB, 1035x1005, 1265035531132hr.jpg)
    73 KB Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)18:34 No.2683886  
    Hello, I'm from /b/. What is /wg/ about?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)18:46 No.2683929
    OP is epic samefag:

    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)18:47 No.2683933
    >> GHΩSTY 02/19/10(Fri)18:49 No.2683945
    What's wrong with trying to learn what a board is about?
    >> patachu !LULZISTwQI 02/19/10(Fri)19:01 No.2683984
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)19:15 No.2684004
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)19:16 No.2684005
         File1266625005.jpg-(491 KB, 1680x1050, 1266544009438.jpg)
    491 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)19:17 No.2684012
         File1266625067.jpg-(111 KB, 1125x750, 1266547526618.jpg)
    111 KB
    and this
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)19:48 No.2684105
         File1266626884.jpg-(369 KB, 800x635, e765a2699ba56d5848aa328994ee83(...).jpg)
    369 KB
    <but never this...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)19:48 No.2684106
    Stop spamming Aɳoɳ with your stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)19:54 No.2684122
    it's all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)19:56 No.2684126
         File1266627364.jpg-(1.69 MB, 1600x1200, dn.jpg)
    1.69 MB
    /wg/ is about wallpapers
    wallpapers of any [general] subject
    not relating to anime
    that belongs in /w/
    we tell /w/ fags mean things and to go away
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:29 No.2684194

    because hes a fucking newfag and he can find out shit on his own, its pretty self explanatory.

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