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  • File : 1276659236.jpg-(416 KB, 1600x964, nanami-collage.jpg)
    416 KB Madobe Nanami Wallpapers Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)23:33 No.1067161  
    Old Thread >>1011248 is auto-saging (2 months!)

    I've collected 4/5 original 1440x900 WHS campaign wallpapers, with one being in "png" format. We're still looking for the rest of the themepacks.

    I'm going to resize them all up to 1920x1200 as well, then apply a sharpen, but I haven't finished them just yet.

    Here's the 5 original WHS campaign walls.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)23:51 No.1067170
    I asked this in the previous thread, but since it's dying now, I'll ask again.

    Would anyone mind cleaning the "Windows 7/Windows Home Server/Great together!!" text off from the Santa Nanami wallpaper while leaving the ribbon in the background? I'm not very good with photoshop; my attempt looked too obvious and out of place.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)01:19 No.1067224
    I'm working on it, but it won't be ready for a day or two.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)06:07 No.1067378
    You have my support anon
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)08:08 No.1067429
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)10:10 No.1067479

    You are a hero of /w/ my friend, good job
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)14:19 No.1067628
    Here's original EXIF and hashes:

    ● NanamiWallpaper1.jpg (CD bust theme wallpaper distribution)
    MD5: 2FACAD0090AA32AB65815E0B54A53B36
    CRC32: 88B787A5

    ● NanamiWallpaper2.jpg (CD sofa theme wallpaper distribution)
    MD5: 3AA7492D4FA807D1D2F21176064C89B9
    CRC32: C0A60E89

    ● NanamiWallpaper3.jpg (CD distribution theme wallpaper SD characters)
    MD5: 1299B991DDF8D61744F26E22FD90F0CE
    CRC32: 1E5F7154

    ● nanamiwallpaperv2-1.jpg (Kurisumasusantakosu)
    MD5: 644E0B1513D7436156F30065C587735B
    CRC32: 316465E9
    Resolution: 1,440 × 900
    Exif information: Author "WAKABA" copyright "c WAKABA / Windows 7 mania. All Rights Reserved."

    ● nanamiwallpaperv2-2.jpg (on your own PC kotatsu)
    MD5: DF0342CE84580EA4CB02A539766A539A
    CRC32: F05D303B
    Resolution: 1,440 × 900
    Exif information: Author "WAKABA" copyright "c WAKABA / Windows 7 mania. All Rights Reserved."

    ● nanamiwallpaperv2-3.jpg (Sunday best New Year)
    MD5: 75FBBBDEA417A1DA15145CDCA1E72EC4
    CRC32: D6191356
    Resolution: 1,440 × 900
    Exif information: Author "WAKABA" copyright "c WAKABA / Windows 7 mania. All Rights Reserved."

    ● nanamiwallpaperv3.jpg (Valentine)
    MD5: 6C0458A50455071C686F5577B4EC4FBC
    CRC32: 36CBC6B5

    ● nanamiwallpaperv4.jpg (Sakura Hanami)
    MD5: 916EFAEB8EDAE20C5288EABE1AB9B1D0
    CRC32: 5AC61AFE
    Resolution: 1,440 × 900
    Exif information: none

    All match except for "on your own PC kotatsu" v2-2.jpg, and I didn't know all the correct names until now.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)00:19 No.1068124
    Here's the 5 resized and compressed in Photoshop, using bicubic interpolation (smooth) then sharpened 50% with 2 px gaussian blur radius.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)01:26 No.1068220
         File1276752375.png-(1.15 MB, 1440x900, nanami-santa.png)
    1.15 MB

    I'm not >>1067224, but here is my FAIL attempt at a detext. I await a better version.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)03:32 No.1068289
         File1276759942.png-(1.02 MB, 1440x900, nanami-santanotext.png)
    1.02 MB
    It's better than what I was going to do.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)06:07 No.1068351

    The MF link isn't working for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:49 No.1068464
    It's been DLed 11 times so far, and it works for me.

    Check /rs/ for a different link.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)09:58 No.1068470
    name is resize.rar

    and yes, there should have been a 7 in that, but I didn't bother.
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)10:18 No.1068480

    Still doesn't work. Tried FF, IE, even DownThemAll in FF didn't work. Says Error 403.

    Checked /rs/ and there's only one link to the MF file.

    Can someone please upload this to MU or RS?
    >> Anonymous 06/17/10(Thu)11:22 No.1068506

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