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>Kacho ON! Belmont Stakes Final Furlong Edition
Season 17: Episode 5 (#161) Best Keiba: Derby Stallion
(Famicom only) premiered on Thursday, June 6.
(Check for new announcements during off weeks.)
Recently subtitled episode: (#124) Metal Storm


(The [K] English dubs are not recommended.)

>TORRENTS, FTP, ETC. >>>/t/555877
username: install
password: gen2

(Use a cache to bypass registration walls.) Also, follow fb.com/sagccx


>DISCUSSION POINTS to keep /cxg/ relevant to /vr/
Are you currently playing any games featured in the challenges?
Has Arino inspired you to try (or retry) any of your own challenges?
Which retro games do you want to see Arino attempt in future challenges?
Which episodes have you watched recently? Which episodes are your favorites?
>Retro Game Master: Game Center CX Collection (DVD)
Only the challenge portions from the selected episodes appear in the DVD set.
(The non-challenge segments from these episodes can be found online fairly easily.)
Numbers 1 - 12 have English subtitles and a choice of Japanese or English narration.
Numbers 13 & 14 have English subtitles and Japanese narration only.
The subtitles are by Nina Matsumoto (zari-gani) from the SA Team.
>>>DISC 1
1. (#29) Ninja Gaiden (Famicom/NES)
2. (#59) Super Fantasy Zone (Mega Drive/Genesis)
3. (#33) Bonanza Brothers (Mega Drive/Genesis)
4. (#06) Solomon's Key (Famicom/NES)
5. (#53) Clock Tower (Super Famicom only)
>>>DISC 2
6. (#39 - #41) Mighty Bomb Jack (Famicom/NES)
7. (#01) The Mystery of Atlantis (Famicom only)
8. (#43) S.O.S. (Super Famicom/SNES)
9. (#81) Battle Golfer Yui (Mega Drive only)
>>>DISC 3
10. (#61) The 53 Stations of the Tokaido (Famicom only)
11. (#68) The Wing of Madoola (Famicom only)
12. (#87) Golden Axe (Mega Drive/Genesis)
>>>DISC 4
13. (#92 & #93) Shiren the Wanderer (Super Famicom only)
14. (#96 & #97) Ninja Gaiden 2 (Famicom/NES)
>Game Center CX: Arino’s Challenge (Nintendo DS)
Localized for the U.S. as Retro Game Challenge:

>Game Center CX: Arino’s Challenge 2 (Nintendo DS)
This game has not been released outside of Japan.
Due to low sales of Retro Game Challenge, an official English localization is unlikely.
Information on the independent translation project:

>Kachou On!: The Unofficial Guide to Game Center CX (Amazon Kindle e-book)

>Game Center CX 10th Anniversary Soundtrack CD (available on July 24)

>Why does Arino frequently stick those pads on his forehead? What are they?
They’re called reikyaku/netsusama sheets. They relieve fevers, migraines, tension and fatigue.
They allow Arino to push past the limits of human endurance to unleash his full power.
>>773559 (OP)
>(Use a cache to bypass registration walls.)


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Patiently waiting for next sub release
>>773559 (OP)
>Recently subtitled episode: (#124) Metal Storm
It's been so long. When will we get the next one?
i turned into a skeleton waiting
>The subtitles are by Nina Matsumoto (zari-gani) from the SA Team.
Hopefully people will read that before commenting. There were some misinformed people at the end of the last thread.
That's a dumb comparison. "Gaijin" isn't insulting.
It's been "any day now" for the last couple weeks.
It is when you don't see yourself as an outsider. Also there are nicer ways to say foreigner in Japanese
>>773559 (OP)
The /t/ thread OP is finally fully relevant again. We just got hit with another big YouTube purge.
>It is when you don't see yourself as an outsider.
But she IS one.

>Also there are nicer ways to say foreigner in Japanese
But I've heard people in GCCX saying gaijin at least twice. Are you saying that they would air something racist?
Why do people still upload GCCX to youtube, what the fuck do they thinks going to happen?
>It is when you don't see yourself as an outsider.
Japan, like most of Asia and Europe, is not an immigrant nation.
She is an outsider any way you cut it.
Japan airs plenty of racist shit on TV. Racism is pretty casual in a country where most of the population is Japanese.
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>that feel when he'll never play Snake Rattle N Roll because it was never released in Moon Land
So, what's the word over at SA? Are they close to releasing a new episode yet? How about LCGCCX?
If her name is 'Nina Matsumoto' and she doesn't live in Japan, I think it is reasonable to call her a foreigner. 'Gaijin' is not a pejorative any more than 'foreigner' (not to say that these words can't be used to exclude/offend people).

[Citation Needed]
How much Japanese TV do you watch?
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Am I the only one who thinks that this would be a cool Kachou game?
Pretty much every day or every other day.
Then you must have a different definition of racism then I do (which would be 'hatred or intolerance of other races').
Or how they use black people as token idiots and white people as generic people other than them and treat them lower? Or how the Japanese in general don't give two shits about any other race then their own and only put on a act for the rest of the world?
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Speaking of foreigners, you see this badass? He's a Canadian who's lived in Japan for most of his life. Speaks perfect Japanese. He got a role in this show called Kyoryuger, where he plays a Viking warrior from 500 years ago who has a Dinosaur robot buddy. Basically because of this they asked him to speak like a foreigner and he said it was the hardest thing he's ever done.
Robert Baldwin.
Cool guy.
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Sounds like you need to toughen up like /vr/ feels Nina should have and stop being so offended. The Japanese are naturally superior and will always remind you of this.

Pic semi related, this is how Squaresoft portrays black people.
/r/ picture of Inoue in stereotypical rice-picking hat in Cambodia
I hope you're not trying to imply that racial stereotypes only appear in Japanese television (or that is it anywhere as bad as you make it seem).

>only put on a act for the rest of the world?
This part made me laugh. Is this all part of their master plan, involving everybody from toddlers to yakuza, from preteen girls to seniors, and that they are secretly out to get us? They're even worse than the Jews! (Not that I believe in any of that /pol/ crap).

Anyways, this is a GCCX thread and this discussion belongs in /int/ or /pol/ so I'm going to stop taking this thread further off topic by ending with this: claiming that a whole race of people are racists is ignorant at best and could even be construed as a form of racism itself.

That's pretty cool; it must be surprising to fans when he speaks perfectly in interviews and such. It reminds me of the guy who plays Chekov in the recent Star Trek movies.
Ma'am, Exile is Japanese!
>mocks the notion of Japanese toiling in secrecy while putting on a false face and having dire plans at heart

It's like you've never studied mid 20th century history.
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>claiming that a whole race of people are racists is ignorant at best

Claiming that the notions and behaviors of the Japanese Empire were anything other than ultra-nationalist and racist is itself absurd.
Yea clearly I'm implying that there's some big conspiracy from scary ol' Japan. I think Japan is great don't get me wrong but they have a massively long history of being and continuing to be xenophobic as hell and thinking they're a master race. Have you never studied Japanese history? They changed the hatred to elitism.
Any nation that doesn't look out for themselves is suicidal. Japan will still exist in 100 years; no European nation will.
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Whole argument is based around us assuming that the fundamental character of the Japanese nation from the 19th through mid-20th centuries was immediately arrested and reversed when we dropped bologna on them.

Do you not find it more likely that they put their false face back on after this?
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Well, ok, Russia will.
The Commander fights for Norway. He expects other Europeans to fight for their own country. He does not hold out hope for Sweden.
Japan wont exist if they keep up their shit.
>birth rate declining
>wont let in foreigners
>work force going to shit because of both
yeah ok.
Incidentally Commander Breivik respects Japan more than any country in the world. He does so for their attitudes toward foreigners.

In the aftermath of Norway's worst violence since World War II, documents are beginning to emerge that show the online life that suspected killer Anders Breivik lived. One comment posted to the right-wing site Document.no shows Breivik had admiration for the "monoculturalism" of Japan.

In comments made on New Year's Eve 2009 by the suspect, in response to a claim that globalization and modernity cannot be reversed, Breivik looks to Japan and South Korea for his response.

"You may not have heard and Japan and South Korea? These are successful and modern regimes even if they rejected multiculturalism in the 70's. Are Japanese and South Koreans goblins?" the suspect asks.

On Sept. 1, 2010, Breivik expands on his views on Japan and South Korea, expressing his admiration for the two nations' refusal to accept refugees.

"The UN has for years been trying to push them to receive hundreds of thousands of refugees but the number has ended in a tiny fraction of the original claim," Breivik says.

"Multiculturalists will be very embarrassed if you mention Japan and South Korea as these nations proves quite obvious [sic] that mass immigration is only a result of specific Marxist doctrines and very rarely economically or culturally privileged. Japan/South Korea has a border and border guards. If one lacks the visa one is denied passage ... (Europe had known this scheme prior to 1950-1960).

"The interesting question is, why are not Japanese and South Koreans demonized as Nazis and fascists?"

It's unlikely Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be happy to see they have such a fan.
Population rose exponentially in the 20th century. It can't do that forever. There has to be a hit some time.
I think Japan would understand this if that were the case. They are trying to promote people to have sex and make children so I think they're worried.
/pol/ pls go ;_;
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More GCCX, Less /pol/
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Arthur = me seeing new /cxg/

Boss = /pol/ discussion
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seriously, like

wtf guys
>Watching Derby Stallion raw
>All those horse (uma) puns Arino is making while naming his horses
Where did you watch the raw?
>And now I just realized InokoU MAx

I'll keep an eye on that guy's account.
I've never used that site before.
>registration required during "peak" times
I'll wait for the torrent and Nigoli2 on DM.
So, any way to watch this on an xbox now that youtube.com/gccxkachoon got shut down?
Does Wii or hacked XBox or X360 or PS3 have DailyMotion?

supposedly DM works fine on PS3, dunno about the other systems
There is a Dailymotion app on 360, but it's pretty bad.
There you go boys, get your Kacho here.
Pretty sure Dailymotion works on Wii U as well. You can go ultra comfy mode with the gamepad only

They openly do black face on Gaki No Tsukai... I'm always shocked at how racist Japanese Society seems to be...
They seemed so fucking shocked in one of the batsu games when a black man spoke fluent Japanese.

That's something I don't understand, like Japanese isn't some fucking secret code no one understands. I think things will change in Japan but it's one thing if they wanna make sure people assimilate into their culture and another when people are and they still treat them like shit.
>assimilate into their culture and another when people are and they still treat them like shit.
See this is a moronic way of thinking and mostly stems from completely ill-conceived notions of expected treatment.
You can adopt other people's culture and attempt to "assimilate" all you want, you still can't become part of the natives.
This goes for 90% of the world's countries.
>black face
That only has connotations of racism in America. Stupid too since hollywood's earliest support of black actors came from some of the big blackface stars.
>in one of the batsu games when a black man spoke fluent Japanese.
The joke was that he spoke perfectly in a local dialect. Like hearing say a deep south accent on an asian out of a sudden.
They've had Bob Sapp on their skits prior to that so the notion of blacks speaking japanese isn't something new even for the show.
>seriously, like

You go too.
Stop being another apologist
Stop trying to push off your retarded Americanisms on other countries then.
>m-muh slavery
Bet you get offended when east euros call blacks negros as well.
only if he does sonic 2 and 3+knuckles first
>Episode 161.
>Picks a horse for the derby race.
>Arino gives it the name "Mama Watanabe".
>It's 490kg according to in-game stats.

Oh u Kacho!
I finally get home from a business trip, load up my DVRed GCCX and find that Arino's trying to breed incest horses.

yes, that is right, he/she shall be assimilated
he/she shall become part of the /vr/ hive
groupthink is good
all hail groupthink
The Inoko MAX horse and Toujihorse have broken legs, is Arino forced into horse incest?!
/d/evient here and that sounds hawt to me. Though I'm probably imagining something different with "forced into horse incest" than is intended.
AP Iida apparently has a boyfriend.
Yes, the Japanese do tend to be eletist about their culture. But I think the basis of this and their views of other cultures is more based on cultural misunderstanding rather than pure hatred, so, as it is still frustrating and sometimes disgusting, it's not racism, since racism is defined by hatred.
Arino is cross-breeding horses for short-term results, disregarding long-term victories in racing

likely different from what you're thinking.
I'd say it's more /int/ than /pol/
if it was /pol/ there would be more posts about how racism is good and jewish conspiracies and words like nigger and jew thrown out a lot and the discussion wouldn't be civil at all.
/pol/ is objectively the worst board on this site.
yeah, I figured that's what you meant, but my imagination goes to naughty places.
Arino makes a typical mistake.
Kan: Stand up.
Arino: O.K.,
Kan: This isn't some game.
Arino. O.K. Even though this is a game...
Kan: Games aren't just for fun!
Arino: I guess that's what it's become...

Giza Watanabe horse gets sick, switches to new Nakayama horse.
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I don't even remember her, got a pic of her? Is the girl from the Super Mario Kart episode?
She never appears. She made a few Retro Game Master requests, but outside of that she's basically a ghost.
anything new concerning Kacho and Lost Vikings?
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I think it's Ishida, not Iida.
Staff pic from the latest episode.
Wow, she's actually stunning.
>it's not racism, since racism is defined by hatred.

I agree. kinda weird though, because back in the day Hitler granted the japanese the title of being "honorary aryans" and applauded them because they are holding on to their culture so much.
Nothing, but the show has a pretty long production cycle. It may even be years till there's any word.
that's fine. that means they might run out of Nintendo titles at some point and gotta do something else.
This /int/ and/or /pol/ discussion needs to stop.

The thread is being overrun by it.

Please make a thread on another board.

You can link to that thread from here, but we need to stick to GCCX.
>This is a list of video games released for the Super Famicom in Japan (1442 on SFC, plus 231 on Satellaview).
There's 1055 Famicom games.
yeah, so? I don't think they will do overly obscure titles but more popular ones. I only remember them doing three different western games. there really could be some more.
GCCX is a show that needs to make money to stay alive. If they have to stick the majority retro-game market to do so, well...
I'm just saying that there is no real likelihood of running out of Nintendo games. I agree that many obscure titles don't warrant a whole episode (although it's fun to discover games I haven't heard about).
They do fucking hate the koreans though
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Is there a torrent for yesterday's episode yet?
Not yet. It seems to be behind schedule, at least what we're used to.
more megaman arino!
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>that guy in the USA episode
I'd love to see him play Rayman, the difficulty curve in that game is a little silly.
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Just watched the Pokemon/Lost Levels rematch special.

Arino named his Pikachu "Clinton."

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I wonder...
To be honest, the latest episode was pretty boring (excluding the horse-name puns).

I doubt he could have made any horse racing game exciting

unless we're talking about Japan World Cup



I think I'll stay
It's not a question of who he named it after, it's the logic behind it.
Conbro here. Got my Retro Game Master DVD set a couple days ago, can't wait to give it out. Problem is, I can't seem to find a good collection of old school games, so I need either visit a Goodwill or use a extensive PS1/PS2 library since all of my old games are in another state so I can actually run this Catch Copy game. Other than that, I think I've just settled on Paris-Dakar Rally, since the more I rewatch episodes the more I'm convinced that it's perfect for a group of people.
Maybe he named it after George Clinton, of the Parliament Funkadelic? It's electric!
>watch the Ninja Gaiden episode
>"Well, I think I'm going to play after watching this episode"
>3 bosses one after the other and if you die you go back to the beggining
Yeah, no. I'm too casual for that.
I wonder where the guy who made that GamingCX app went. He promised to fix it and poof, gone.
Tonight's going to be awesome. Gonna watch the RGM DVD and probably play some retro games on my PSP. Tonight is Kacho night.
I haven't watched the horse episode yet. Is there a teaser for the next episode or any more word on the upcoming G.rev game?
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I need a new subbed episode before i die. This is a serious medical condition
Finally started watching not long ago. Any particular episodes I should make sure to track down, or just keep proceeding haphazardly?
I keep checking nyaa, hoping to find a torrent of the latest raw episode which doesn't even interest me that much. I need my fix. We are not well.
Which episodes have you seen so far? If you don't want to start from the beginning, we can recommend some based on what you've enjoyed up until now.
If there are multiple episodes from a series of games, try to watch them in the order they aired to avoid spoilers. Seasons 3 & 4 should be watched complete and in order due to spoilers. The Zelda episodes may be tempting, but they're generally regarded as pretty weak.
I've really just been following links on Dailymotion based on whims. Here's what I've seen:

Dragon Ball
Kirby's Adventure
Mega Man 3
Pacman 2
I really reccomend Tomimeki Memorial. Best episode ever.
Okay, so you've only seen stuff from Season 10 and later so far. You might want to give things a shot from the beginning. It's alright to skip Season 1 if you want, as the format was much different back then. By the time you hit Prince of Persia in Season 2, you'll be having a great time.
Thanks. Think I'll get started on these next chance I get. Any other seasons that work like this?
I think we need to make a list of "FIRST TIME EPISODES TO WATCH" for new people since they keep getting asked. I know tastes can be all subjective but I like the Something Awful approach of "I want to see x".
>Any other seasons that work like this?
Not seasons as a whole, but there are scattered spoilers for some things here and there. You should try to watch the "epic" multi-episode challenges before the stuff that comes after them, just in case there are spoilers that I'm forgetting. This includes Mighty Bomb Jack (39 - 41), Quest of Ki (54, 55 & parts of 60) and Lemmings (73, 89 & Live Compilation).
This sounds like a good idea. Disagreements will happen, but we can hammer something out. The SA model would be good to follow.
GCCX in the USA is where I started to be honest and it's great...though you feel kinda bad about that old fat store owner giving zero fucks...
In my mind, the best paces to start are games the average american/euro might have played as a kid.
the Mario Bros, Megamans, Ninja Gaidens, Ghost n Goblins ( et al ), Punch Out, Lemmings, Sanic. That lets you get the most empathy early on so you can work your way up to more ( forgive the word ) obscure titles like Konami wai wai world etc
I wouldn't recommend MegaMan to a newbie. They're gonna get real pissed at how bad Arino plays those games. Instead of cheering for him, they're just gonna yell at their screen. Everything else you said are good choices though.
Only Megman sperglords get angry over those videos. They're really just entertaining because of how forgetful he is and how far he manages to get despite his inefficient gameplay.


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