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favourite pre-VII Final Fantasy game?
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Plot/character-wise, VI

Gameplay-wise, V
IV - VI are all High Tier+.

I don't enjoy really oldschool JRPGs so I didn't like I - III.
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>getting those rages
yes. FF6 is fucking godly
FF6 (FF3 in 'Murrica) hands down.
Here is how I played it.

Grew up with a SMS, GG, GB, NES, Genesis. Went to PC before SNES.

Nesticle came out. I played nes roms on it.

Years later heard about Zsnes. Specs were awesome. Never played SMS games.

Got it. Played Super Metroid. Mind blown.

Played Zelda 3. Super Mario World. All good.

Sorted folder of 600 SNES roms by size. Biggest non-sports game: Chrono Trigger.


Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, FF4-6. Terranigma (then IoG/SoulBlazer). Earthbound. So on.
>Never played SMS games.
never played SNES games, sorry.


Are you even in the right thread?
Was describing how I played FF4-6.
Probably VI or IV.
V is best

Nothing quite like an entire party of mimes performing Dualcast Bahamut and nuking the shit out of anything for a one-time MP cost.
FF6 by far in almost all aspects, however I'm a much bigger fan of the FF3/5 job system as opposed to espers and anyone being able to use any magic.

If FF6 had the traditional FF job system, or even something closer to IV with dedicated magic users (making the unique abilities of other characters for pronounced/useful), it would have been perfect. of course thats just like my opinion man

I think FF5 is overrated by most people here, job system is god tier but the story was abyssmal. Also FF3 seems underrated, job system not quite as good as FF5 but story is better. I'd honestly say FF3 = FF5 in terms of ranking.

Overall FF6 > FF4 > FF3 = FF5 > FF1 >>>>>>>>>>>> FF2
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>Not using roman numerals

There you go /vr/, I expect you to use proper unicode roman numerals from now on.
Call me crazy, but after FF2 gets the rebalanced treatment, I enjoy that game. It's like the ghetto precursor to SaGa, and that Dawn of Souls sidestory thing was alright.

I'd have to say FF1 was my favorite though. Really reminded me of CRPGs and I have an irrational boner for party creation.

I'm fond of FF5 too, but you really have to intentionally fuck yourself over (i.e. change everyone to monk) to get a decent challenge out of it. One had to go out of their way to not utterly break the game.
Half the fun of V was seeing just how hard you could break the game.
How are the PS versions of V and VI? I just finished IV on my Vita, I'd like to continue playing my FFs on it, but I'll reconsider if there are significantly better versions.
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Poor, play the GBA versions with the Restoration patches instead. You get all the extra features, better translations, better load times and the SNES-level visuals and music.

The color restoration seems stupid to me.
All GameBoy games had extra bright colors to compensate for the weak screen.
With that the games will look super dark on a real GameBoy. I'd make more sense to use an emulator that can adjust the colors to how they look on the real screen, like no$gba or VBA-M.
Thanks, downloading.

The odds of people playing them on a real GBA is pretty slim at this point.

Regardless, the sound restoration is worth it.
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>play a game
>/v/ discuss it after two days
EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. Also why people think this cowardly piece of shit is cool?
>abandons best friend
>abandons daughter
>jacks off to his pile of gill
Don't you remember what he said to Terra?
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>grinding in the veldt for Gau
>playing FFIV Advance
>check the bestiary, see that one monster has an item I like
>get Edge, never used Steal before
>encounter monster
>attempt to steal
>finally steal something
>it's a different item
IV, although the DS version is superior.
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This is nothing against the power of the Void!
IV had the absolute worst stealing mechanics. Well, if you ignore the first game having a thief that is incapable of stealing.
Which is better between the DS and PSP versions?

The DS version is harder and has better gameplay and customization, but you might be put off by the graphic style.

The PSP version has the sequel, the after years. As well as a HD retro graphic style.
PSP version for sure.
which is a better game, Chrono Trigger or FF VI?
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Cronotrigger hands down.
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>>10629 (OP)
>mfw playing FF1 for the first time and carrying on with 2 and 3 once I'm done
Same here.

I really really like the job system just to master the traveller. Then customize every fucking thing before the big boss battle.
I played FF1 on the PSP with every single character as a monk. Then redid a playthrough where the main is a monk with 3 white mages.

Both games were fucking hard, but plenty of fun and challenges.
Sad to say but you'd probably dislike 2.

I went with this route using emulators.

4 (II) > 6 (III) > 5
1 > 2 > 3
7 > 8 > 9 > X > (did not finish X2 and XII)

Haven't started XIII, XIII2.

The SNES games had the best stories and gameplay imo.
I still need to play 3 and 5 to determine this. Currently it's 6 unsurprisingly.
Will this work if I already have a save file? Because going near the desert hides the map and sears my fucking eyes.
Also, ff5 is the best, nothing beats that moment when you start tearing things to shreds with rapid fire
I haven't played any except 7. Never beat it. Don't remember much about it.
I don't belong here.
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>>10629 (OP)
I find it hard to choose between VI and IV

FFVI is great and all, but at times it's too silly and it clashes with the overall atmosphere, and having everyone do magic makes Terra and Celes less special. Speaking of that, I know the point was to have the player choose the main character (I pretended Edgar was very important), but at the end it just feels like lazy characterization. And the magitek was barely used.

FFIV is a bit simpler in gameplay and story, but it feels more like a well done movie, the ONLY problem is the awkward character deaths, everything else is just awesome, and the main battle theme makes me feel like a true hero.

That said, I love the simplicity and timelessness of FFI, and FFII (remake) is very underrated, the music is the 3rd or 4th best in the series IMO.
I actually didn't think the combat mechanics in FFII were that bad ( I played the GBA version so I don't know what they fixed from the original). What I really disliked was that the plot had so many retarded moments in it.
>but it feels more like a well done movie...and the main battle theme makes me feel like a true hero.

Oh god, this. I'll never forget that feeling of fighting against the odds and being a hero when you fight Golbez and he kills everyone in your party until at the last moment you are saved. It was perfect how the ost switched to the elemental archfiends theme right as Rydia stepped in. That's when you knew shit was on.
II was fun for me because of how easy it was to abuse the system and get stupidly powerful. You don't even need to attack your own characters, just keep running into the higher level areas, keep spamming berserk to get enough attacking power to kill the enemies until you move onto the next area.
The problem is that the fourth slot tends to be utterly useless. You have two useful characters: minwu and ricard, the rest are utter shit and need grinding to keep up.
Also, dead ends are such a dick move. Having four doors with three going nowhere is really shitty level design
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>II was fun for me because of how easy it was to abuse the system and get stupidly powerful.
This, I'm surprised even FFV enthusiasts aren't more fond of this game.

The DS version shows FFIV could be a kick-ass movie, the only thing better would be FFI TAS. The fun part about that game is you can make what you will of the party's personalities and backgrounds, it would be so easy to translate to a cartoon.
V easily has the best character system. Jobs.
>>10629 (OP)

What? /vr/ is for pre-2000 games. Make VII and VIII eligible. IX misses out by just a few months. If I have to play by your rules than FFI.
6 > 1 > 4 > 5 > 2 = 3
>Note that 'Fifth generation', and later consoles are not considered retro.

The circa 1999 bit contradicts this but this sentence is more definite.
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This is the same reason why one of the most fun combat systems in the series is in Final Fantasy X-2


>OP specifically mentions pre-VII
>answer VII

If there's a thread about cats on /an/ it doesn't mean you need to also talk about dogs in the same thread just because both are animals.
>being a master at every job
>being a master at red mage
Where do you grind so you can get a master the quickest?
Movers in Rift

200 per battle IIRC

It doesn't take THAT long in the final area.
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Final Fantasy Legacy. I wish I could play through with some friends just one last time.
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It was a BYOND fangame with a shitty community and shittier developers, but awesome potential. Not an official game but worthy of mention.
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Mystic quest.
>>10629 (OP)
Good question. I don't think I can choose between the three, since they all have unique strengths.

FF1: The party system allows you to choose between about 1000 different combinations, which makes the gameplay gloriously open-ended and allows for a huge degree of replay value. But there's too much grinding and the story is nothing special.

FF2: This one is quite well-balanced: the grinding problems from the first game are almost completely resolved. There's also a great story this time around. However, new party system is a step back: the game just hands you specific party members with very little player choice involved.

FF3: One of the best stories in vidya. There's also a large amount of freedom again, with tons of party members to choose from and all kinds of ways to use each one. Unlike the previous two games, it also looks excellent, with some of the best 2D pixel work of its generation. Its major flaw, though, is that the combat is pathetically easy.
>using the US number


That's confusing man, use the japanese titles.
key to beating final fantasy 3 (english) - have 2 dragoons and a summoner & white mage, heal + spam summons jumps, at some point your dragoons will die to spells but your mages should only be taking 50 damage or so per lightning bolts, meaning particle beam is your only worry, and you should be able to easily outheal the 1000 or so damage it does
key to beating final fantasy 6 - dualcast on either terra or celes, party of terra, celes, sabin and gogo, you should be able to cast 4 ultima spells per turn for 40k damage, just heal and hope rng doesn't fuck you over and you should be fine
V is the underrated classic those with perceptive taste herald as the best
V has the best gameplay but VI has too many unforgettable scenes and characters

Although I admit Galuf is awesome, Exdeath is Xande-tier (i.e. forgettable)
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As long as you have a white mage it will be fine

>mfw in newer FF I don't even need to spam white magic every turn
>Exdeath is Xande-tier
Eh I think he's pretty memorable though. That fight with the turtle is fucking hilarious

Best gameplay.

Complete non-story.
Story is better than FFIV
Someone on /v/ made a final fantasy 6 compilation pack with a bunch of artwork and music and shit

We should do that for the other games
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search foolz for compilation pack
DS version hands down because it is the best considering game mechanics. I actually had to use spells during battle and use slow on random encounters none-the-less target certain enemies because of the skills they perform. Also check up videos of PSP Zeromus boss fight compared to DS version. PSP is babby mode with Zeromus taking about 1/2 of most characters HP with his most powerful skill. In the DS version if you didn't grind to max level you HAD to defend with anyone who wasn't Cecil because Zeromus will one shot anyone else with Big Bang. It made for a very intense boss fight because when he started to shake you knew shit was about to get real.

Here you go.
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V is my favorite from the SNES era but naw, the story was basically an excuse to have a zany light-hearted adventure. And that's fine since it's obviously the point.

That said, Galuf's death is one of the saddest/manliest scenes in vidya.

I'd probably enjoy VI more than V if the character customization wasn't so limited.
VI is the best final fantasy. it uses Amano's artwork the most, has Uematsu's best score, and still the greatest ending in all of vidya.
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So far from what I have played I like:
Though I never finished VI because it just got a bit dull later on trying to find everyone again at the world of ruin.
>IV first
>VI last

I don't understand
genji gloves, phantom scroll, lightbringer, valiant knife. tell locke to 'fight.'
We should make a pastebin

We can make compilation packs for each game + tips on hard fights
6 is best by far, people don't like it because they have the mentality that if its popular with critics or people it means that is crappy.
It was the first Final Fantasy game I really got into on the PS1. I played a few JRPG's before it and Final Fantasy VII, but I wasn't as woo'ed with FFVII. Even though Final Fantasy IV lacks unique character growth and customization, it keeps you moving from big event to big event. Seeing a getting carpet bombed, going into a cave in which you can't use steel, and even flying onto the moon.

Final Fantasy VI just kept on breaking my party up over and over again, then when I finally get everyone back I have to find them again. I was really tired of it. Not only that but I played SaGa Frontier before hand so something like The World of Ruin wasn't as impressive as it could have been.
Kefka destroyed the world and you were too bummed to pick up the pieces and fight back? Confirmed fot not a warrior of light.
No, I was sick of continually trying to get my party back together again. There is only so much I can take until it goes beyond irritation.
I like IV, it's a solid title and a lot fun.
I think you're missing the point of a fragmented party

The whole point of the game is to keep your entire party strong so that no matter how it splits up you'll be okay

It's all in prep for the final area in the game where every member of your 12+ people has to be at least semi-survivable
>playing final fantasy V for the first time while reading this thread
>accidentally hovers over your spoiler tag

Or because different games have different strengths and weaknesses and people have different tastes.

An alien idea around here I know.
Now you know it. Please train some magic jobs for him

I am pretty sure everyone train him as Monk or Knight or some shit like that
I'm doing butz as a mystic knight lenna as summoner + black mage galuf as white mage and farris as blue mage

Working pretty well so far
How are my separated characters getting stronger in the World of Ruin? You get a bunch of people but you will stick with your four favorites. That is what I ended up doing. I don't think I have Strago, Shadow, or the Yeti yet, but most of the other people.
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V hands down
It jumps into the gameplay really quickly without a lot of exposition, the characters and overall game have a really lighthearted humorous nature to them, which serves to make the serious moments even better for me(pic related), and the gameplay with dat job system is an absolute treat. I like how the game is bright and colorful and varied and the music is one of Uematsu's best.

I honestly couldn't enjoy VI all that much, it was just too dark and bland, it didn't give as much of a good impression starting out. I honestly haven't finished it yet and didn't get super far, so maybe it'll get better and I'm just missing something, but I just couldn't get into it.
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>they are actually people who main 4 characters in FFVI
shadow aint cool. and he knows it. he tells terra not to be like him. he just looks cool but its a front. he's a broken man. he's how locke wouldve turned out if locke didnt get over his past. but locke would never be like that bc he IS the coolest
get out.

Most people don't bother with spoiler tags at all with games this old so it's a pretty risky endeavor to be in this thread.
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I don't know but I think you need to accept every one of them are different and so is the tone of the story. I don't know how but I end up liking both, though I am more of a comedy person so I really, really likes V. VI though is a completely different beast, the main theme is dark and sad but the character interactions are pretty fun and amazing at times. Also, Ultros and tons of funny moments when it comes to Locke, Edgar and Setzer. Cyan and Shadow are like the complete opposite of them and probably why the game is so diverse
Chrono Trigger had better gameplay obviously

In terms of everything else I think FF6 has a slight edge, but they are both phenomenal
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His story is amazing, but then which one in FFVI outside of Mog/Umaro doesn't have good stories?

>those dream sequence
>tfw I never really used Locke nor Terra

Sabin Cyan Gau forever friends
Shadow Relm and Strago at the same time
I'll probably give the game another try sometime when I'm feeling like playing some FF, been on too much of a Fire Emblem binge lately to get interested for now. I'll probably start the game over too to just play it fresh instead of jumping back in where I was(I don't even remember where I stopped)

I love you.

Obviously you should combine the two and play Final Fantasy Tactics instead.
OP here, i love how this has basically become a FFVI thread, but i'm not surprised, its the best one
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I love you too anon
Have some more Exdeath

I've played FFT to death already, it's my best friend's favorite game so we've torn it apart after all these years
well 1-3 don't have much to discuss, do they?
>>10629 (OP)
Which ever one was 2 in the US
that would be IV
Kefka > Exdeath > Xande > Garland > Zeromus > Emperor
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At least everyone can agree FF3 is the hardest one

Remember when there are no phoenix downs and no-save point dungeons?
not really, i'm surprised there isn't much mention of IV though
Hey, the Emperor was pretty cool, he took over Heaven AND Hell, and he's fabulous
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I really like the idea of Emperor though

Too bad the story is ballz. Also what's with Leon? Motherfucker try to be an Emperor himself and end up joining you just because
Talk about over powered.

and one day I'll finish it
Without knowing all of this annoying stat abuse in my younger years, aka younger then 10y old, my party was *always* Edgar, Mog, Sabin and either Locke or Shadow, forget the last part.
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Personal opinion
V > III > VI > II > I > IV
Hello, fellow gentleman. V is my favorite too.
I like how some look like they are always looking at your and some others to the left.
>playing III
>not abusing dragoons

i seriously hope nobody here did that
Wow III > VI

that's a first, but I can respect your opinion
>you just realized white mage is a boy
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I'm surprised to see III that high, but alright
Hello fellow V bro
>3 dragoons jumps
>1 monk with Retaliate

Also I notice the game can go beyond 9999 even though the display show you did 9999 damage. Almost one shot the final boss with the
You can oneshot the final boss with a fully focused Level 99/Job Level 99 Black Belt
finally someone got it right
yeah level 90+ jump does nearly 30k damage on weak enemies
6 = 5 > 4 = 3 > 2 = 1
I'm a fan of 5 (buttz/rena/faris/galuf/krille) personally. Love the dialogue, love gilgamesh, love the class system. All pretty great.
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Didn't play the Mystic Quest games
>fell in love with rydia + terra many times over

god damn the 16 bit era rpgs had such a huge impact on me
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Given Gilgamesh popularity you would have bet Square will includes him in the original FFVI though
Mog is the last of his species.

He treasures his new friends a lot because, well, al those other cute moogles at the beginning are dead.

Umaro is problably in the same grounds.

I still can't get over the 'beat yourself up to level up quickly' mechanic in 2.

You must've really enjoyed encountering Gilgamesh in FF XII.
4&5 are my favourites.
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Final Fantasy V

Anything else is wrong, and you should feel bad for even thinking it.
Best boss music
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Hi have you Guitarman yet?

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So don't do it, its not hard. In Dawn of Souls and beyond you don't have to grind in 2 at all, they rebalanced it perfectly
Call me boring, pleb or whatever, but I cannot handle any remix or redone version of anything (to the exception of 2-3 things in rock music). It's OST or bust, so someone doing guitar themes is meh, good or not.
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Except for the Dawn of Souls part, where if your guest members aren't properly skilled and equipped, you will never, ever beat it.
You actually can if you manage to get out of the first dungeon

>mfw Minwu dies in 2 hit

Goddamnit. Though my Richard is pretty strong so I barely escaped that place and once you reach the town you can just grind
I hated FFV till I replayed it recently. It's just silly fun and the job system makes it even better. I don't really care for plot if everything else is good and that's exactly what FFV. The plot was "good enough".

I completely agree that FF6 should have had a more pronounced skill system or something to not make the characters' special abilities useless once everyone gets magic.
load times are absolutely abysmal.


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