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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

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Retro ads
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tfw GamePro ads
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Is this real life?
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No way those were really made.
Is that even allowed today?

>New Sony ad

They absolutely were. They were all published in a UK magazine called Viz
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I miss the '90s, heh.
They were in a mag called Viz (lewd/explicit comics).
Someone needs to bring back Sega-tier advertising.

It will probably be MS and will suck
I wonder if spoilers work
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>SEGA created the NOGAEMS meme
Haha, holy shit. It's like the shitposting on /v/ when a new console is out.. Except that one is actually funny
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B-but quality is better than quantity!
L-look at all those shovelware, third party games!

Actually both the Genesis and the SNES had huge libraries of amazing games. But people were too focused on console wars to even notice.
Shit, I really miss the aggresive advertising from those days.
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It is. Sony did it recently.
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>Actually both the Genesis and the SNES had huge libraries of amazing games. But people were too focused on console wars to even notice.

Nothing has changed.
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>All that SEGA hubris
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What a cruel ad
I miss all those amazing add-ons and peripherals of old consoles.

Oh boy, looks like SEGA tried to give a warning here.
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>You won't see ads like this these days
Feels bad mang
The irony hurts me.
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That's cold as shit nigga, 2edgy4me, fucking SEGA
Sega always talking shit, never delivering. It wasn't surprising when they went out of business.
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>Video Jukebox
Oh god, I need this. I would totally buy something similar for actual consoles.

But those pics come from an era where videogames were seen as toys and anybody was so insicure not to agree with it.
>never delivering
Wrong, they delivered big time
Too bad it was too late by then
Wow shit, you'd never see this being done today
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Not an ad, but in the same vein as the ones here.
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I wish the pic had a better resolution, that ad is a goldmine for reaction images.
I wonder what would happen if Sega made a new console
>Shenmue 3
>Yakuza 6
>VC 3 and 4
>Vanquish 2
>A good Sonic game
Holy shit.
Generation and Colors are good.
I wish Sega could do a console again too
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The funny part about this is that I just saw plug in converters that would let a SNES play SEGA Genesis games and let a SEGA Genesis play SNES games a few weeks ago. Pic related.
>average /v/ answer to everything.png

What the fuck man. I hope Fatboy went to jail for this.
I-is that for real?
Source please, I still have my old Megadrive, I would love to play SNES games on my little beast.
The thing about those is, the SNES just powers the cart which has all the guts needed to play a Genesis game.
You can use the SNES pad that's plugged in, but the video cable goes into the RetroGen cart.
The Genesis playback also isn't as reliable as the original consoles.
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That shit's wack yo. I wonder how the 90's would react if we showed them this.

I believe Amazon has both versions of the converters.


Good to know. I haven't had any hands on experience with them I've just seen them in passing. I was kind of wondering how they would work so thanks for the explanation.
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Don't get why this ad was so hated when Sega's ads were equally as arrogant.
I love comic books, and my mom would always pick up a bunch of old comics for me at the secondhand bookstore really cheap. And by "old" I mean "a few years old", 1988-1993, and there were tons of ads for games.

I remember one in particular, for some Castlevania game. It had graves for Simon and Trevor Belmont, and a third one dug for Richter. I thought it was really cool, atmospheric, made me want the game. But I had Genesis and never played a non-handheld Castlevania; can anyone tell me what game that would be, or even find the ad?

With multiple lawsuits most likely

And now we know who turned gaming from a niche nerd hobby to the hip new thing that every last casual is into it is today. Fuck you Sega.
There will never be awesome hint and tip hotlines ever again :(
Because it was corny as fuck
Because Daikatana
I can't read that at the bottom, what game is this?

I seem to remember this ad, must have run in EGM.
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yet another case of great in the arcade, bad on the console
Does anyone remember this one? It was some Japanese RPG or fighting game for the PS1, and the ad had the tagline "With friends like these... you'll wish you had enemies."
Isn't that a EU/JP cartridge in a US unit?

That's a pretty huge TV for the time. It even looks like a flat screen.

Don't blame SEGA for the state of the industry today. They fought against it. Look at the Dreamcast; cool, original, arcade titles that nobody wanted because they were waiting for "realistic" PS2 graphics.
I have some old comic scans that include ads (I know most people prefer noads but I think it kind of adds to the experience of reading an old comic), I can dig those up and post them if you want. I'm talking old early 80s, ads for Colecovision games.
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I don't understand how that 1-color piece of bullshit still won over all other handhelds.


Plus the GameGear ate up batteries like a bitch.
Patrick Bateman gets what he wants

Sega's ad were somewhat funny.

This is just some kind of lame name-calling. Not to mention Daikatana.
Oh my god that man has a monster cock with a face on it.
Game Gear was the size of a small house, took twice as many batteries to operate, and had nogaems. Fucking duh, man.

And don't get me started on the Lynx, just don't.

Moonwalker: the crown jewel of the Genesis era.
Because Suck It Down™
Fucking saved, that's a great ad.
4 hour battery life using 6 alkaline batteries.
Game Gear ate batteries like a straving African child.

It's a great port
It didn't help that the GG weighed as much as a brick and ate through batteries.

It also didn't have any good games
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Not gonna lie, first video game art I fapped to.
It was a simpler time.
Why was I not aware of this Blaster Master 2?
I heard it wasn't as good as the first game
I wasn't either, I was trying to see if there were any magazine or comic ads for Gunstar Heroes when this came up.
I liked the ad. The game didn't keep up, though. If you're going to be a cunt, you have to deliver the games.
It's people like you that stopped us from having awesome things.
So am I the only one who actually saw any of these when they were timely, because I read vidya magazines and comics?

Get the fuck on my level, you scrubs.
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Not so edgy but I don't think they show ass like this anymore in ads. Haven't had a magazine in a while though.
k-kawaii batou-san
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I remember seeing this image too in some magazine

I still have the magazines with them in it.
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>Two players on one screen
>Mom not even looking at the TV.
>Going left in SMB.
And those fuckers didn't even insert the cartridge.
Or they have two of them.
Me too, probably, I don't really throw magazines out. I'm almost certain I have all 154 issues of Toyfare around my house somewhere, plus easily 100 issues (combined) of Nintendo Power and EGM.
Oh, and you know what's bullshit? The only magazine I'm subscribed to right now is ESPN the magazine, and apparently vidya companies don't want the non-fat audience because they never buy ad space in that mag.
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>not advertising your game as an STD
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Why is Klonoa so sexual?
oh, man, that's great. Fucking making fun of the name while advertising it.
Fucking furries.
>game ads used to show people playing the games and liking them

Fuck that gave me a feeeeeeeeel you guys.

Nintendrones are loyal to the end
It was ads like those (the screen shots of gameplay) that really sold me on games as a kid. WHERE DID WE GO WRONG? ;_;
Batou rockin the :3 face, goddamn
>He [...] his over-sized ears to fly.
Is that word there "flaps", or is it missing an "L"?
It always comes down to games, why don't people facing off against Nintendo realize this?
Seriously, my uncle had a game gear and literally only one game for it -- the Sonic game.
I think it was Bloodlines and Richter wasn't from the games back then.
but the old gameboy was huge too. It probably didn't eat that many batteries due to nocolor though. You know they had power cables back then, right?
Game Gear had no games.
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>Your face when you actually bother to read all the words in this ad as an adult.

Regretting that tl;dr you gave it in youth yet?

>Portable system
>Power cable

Kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

>Power cables
>Portable systems

Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being, you know, portable?
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And more cockiness.
I had that game, it was tight, fuck haters.
I don't think I've used a portable system as a portable system more than 10 times. Portable to me means I can take it on a trip and play it in the hotel room.
Not entirely.
>Want to play gameboy at school
>Use batteries

>Want to play gameboy at home continuing a game from school
>Use power-cable to avoid bankrupting family on new batteries.
You're not everyone. Playing vidya on a long bus trip, an airport or something, that's how people use it
I beg to differ.
>>17742 →
Does anyone have the hotdog one?
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that boss is even more phallic without the explosion
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Technically counts as retro.
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Do they mean "pick up the guns they leave when they die like in almost every other FPS" ?
holy fuck I forgot that sierra published HL1.
>turn on flashlight
ads always exaggerate features
How common were flashlights in games thne?
Can't think of any FPS games with a flashlight that predates Half-life.

HL1 pioneered tons of shit we take for granted now.
Doom 3.

Didnt System Shock had a flashlight? And I can't recall if Deus ex came before or after HL
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The G.G. Shinobi was good. I played it as a kid (borrowed Game Gear) and never completed it. The final stage is a huge maze. No surprise I never completed it back then, but I replayed it recently and it's easy once you've watched a video walkthrough.
You do realize there was a half-life game before half-life 2, right?
Doom 3 came out in 2003, dude
Half Life came out in 1998
>Doom 3
uhh son.. Doom 3 came out in 2003.

Deus ex game out in 2001, HL 1 is from 1998.

System shock may have had a flashlight, love me some system shock.
I said Doom 3 as a joke... Sorry I didnt put a silly reaction face to make you understand that.
>game out
came out, whatever.
Oh god I must really suck at jokes if everyone gets mad like that so fast.
Yep you pretty much suck at jokes.
You're the Doom 3 of joke making.
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B-but you know, they said in this ad that using a flashlight was an innovative feature, so ...

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Yeah, well, at the time, it was. Hilarious.
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I'll try to make amend by being thread related then.
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This isn't the one I'm looking at in my magazine, but it's just as bad
did they really sweared
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OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN This fucking magazine, I forgot about this shit.
>Run, shoot, run, shoot, push box, box gets stuck in a wall, reload game, run, shoot, run, shoot, jump into platform, miss, reload game, jump into platform, miss, reload game, jump into platform, land on platform, magically slide off the platform, reload game, jump into platform, miss, close game, uninstall, burn computer, call the cops, call moot, sage.
I so want this to be real.

Except in real life they'd probably just show the text and then maybe the logo in the corner.
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I love this ad so much
Woah, I saw this one on an Argentinian magazine back in the day.
Hah, fucking great. Loved Sierra.
So how come only nerds play on PC while the jocks all had a PS2?

>See Spider-Man in that SEGA stack.

Holy fuck. Bringing me back to my kid days.
I wonder how this shit works. If it works.
So I'm not the only one.
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They knew Klonoa was a virus even then.


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Games nowadays need more bondage ads.
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>Genesis Does What Nintendon't
>No video
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>The ultimate moon shot
Good thing my IQ is 13!
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Old school Kinect. You were supposed to control it by moving yourself over the motion sensors on the platform.
I wish this has a picture of a genesis tower of plug in accessories on it.
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I'll admit.

This helped in me getting my Rocket Knight Adventures addiction.

By god it was worth it.
And we wonder why video games were badly seen.

The only thing non-players were seeing were those ads, so of course everyone thought video games are evil.
I don't think 'non-players' even saw those ads. We certainly would have heard about how offended they were.
Oh god I remember I tore this page apart and threw it in the trashbin because it was too lewd for my christian mind.
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Oh man, I still have old game magazines that have these ads in them.

No lie, I fapped to this ad a few times when I was younger.

Too bad they only shipped about 4K copies of PSD. Fucking love that game.
Sega's ads attacked other companies and fanbases, not the consumer directly.
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But it's just a bare, flat ass.
You kids just don't know how hard it was before the internet.

Hey, tell that to my younger self when he was going through puberty.
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It must have been very hard considering you were fapping.

I had AOL back then, but at the time, I couldn't exactly masturbate while I was at the computer and get away with it.
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Everything was game back then
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>64 mb ram
>that blue color

>Donkey Kong Land's story is about Donkey trying to prove DKC didn't sell well because of the graphics but because of the gameplay
>Advertise the game for it's graphics
Dammit NOA
game boy pocket was so slick.

then gameboy color blew it out the water

>March 1
>That's my birthday
>All that barbie shit
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I'll take "ads you could never get away with printing these days" for $100, Alex.
As a graphic designer, that pasty blue is pissing me off
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Reminds me of this.
I don't get what's lewd or remotely phallic about that.
Even girls love Metal Gear Solid
No,girls love Kojima

I'm in the process of planning on modding an android phone inside the case of one of my dead GBCs, with functional buttons to play emulators. Just to look fucking awesome talking on that thing.
Well, it is as well written as a teenage girl's fanfic.
>Genesis does what Nintendon't
>celebrity endorsed shovelware

It was probably a reference to bulimia. You know, women being picky over what they eat.

Also, we finally got into the tens of thousands, so what was the 6502 get?
Read the last sentences, chums.

Is this for real?

I can only imagine the look on Sega execs' faces when they had a game with Michael Jackson rescuing little kids... right before the first accusations came out.
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>That horrible pun
>Implying Eric and John were Belmonts

Oh 90s ads, you so crazy
What the fuck were those graves dug for deformed midgets or what
Game Gear and Lynx owner here.

The games were mostly decent.

You NEEDED that fucking adapter (car or wall) and a power cable. Or that big-ass battery pack. And the Magnifier unless you wanted to ruin your eyes (mine sucked anyway)
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You bet your ass it is.
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Yes. That's done due to it being the "universal" cart shape. SNES carts cannot fit inside a Super Famicom, but a Super Famicom cart can fit inside an SNES.
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Here's the other version.
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Too retro?

Hahahaha. Oh god.

Even then, they knew enough about perfect reaction faces to include the black guy in both ads.
Holy shit, I jerked it a few times to this ad when I was a kid.

From which year is this?

Those Saturn games were pretty hot, weren't they?
>radio internet

Would it be more or less bullshit than Steam, I wonder?
Jesus fuck I want that blue keyboard so much.

>"I'll show the boys what girls can do!"
>nothing but crappy shovelware
Haha oh wow
>implying that's not the definition of a *G wifi network

>Radio transmitting
Is this before the Internet?
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Google says it's from this book, which was published in 1982.


There's people offering the whole system. You can probably convince them to let the keyboards go, but I doubt it'll be cheap.

It's pretty cool how they where spot-on with a lot of things.
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>NES isn't on
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>the exciting party-game for the whole family
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...what? How can they so blatantly lie?

SEGA is worse than Sony ever was.
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Hah! Totally true. The Commodore was way more important than women
Does anyone have that "You kids and your video games" ad, for some Atari cartridge changer or something?
Did you even watch the movie? She was naked for like the whole beginning. Don't tell me you didn't fap to the movie either.
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Quake was indexed, wasn't it?
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>dat board game information on the lower left

Oh boy..

I still have the wheel on the right
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oh man all that fuckin hype
only real time i've ever reserved a game
It would've been funnier if they said "Step Up To PlayStation #420 blaze it faggot"
How come computers don't come with like 50 games and shit programs anymore?

Myst = Jewelquest

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lol imagine the hicks with the hot wheels one
>Diablo hellfire

Ans that's the shitpposting that will ruin this board
They were dug for the games...
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>you could get used to this

Yeah but it will probably end up like Doom and get taken off it pretty soon.

Anyway, anyone got the ads for the RPG Nox?
They were some of the most offensive ones I've ever seen and IIRC even caused a small shitstorm.
One of them was a guy with a bag of popcorn and a cup of soda standing in the background of a complicated and extremely dangerous heart surgery, while grining like an idiot and the second one was the same guy doing the same shit during a funeral.
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They weren't kidding; the Cauldron games really WERE a bitch to play and almost impossible to win.
I thought this pic would have extremely cautious guesstimates that would seem outdated and laughable to us, but it actually had surprisingly nice predictions about future gaming. I'm impressed.

I remember I masturbated to this when I was around twelve years old. No, I was probably younger.
Everything basically came true, but we still prefer those old games.

Jesus they were dark times.
My cousin had one of those, He managed to find an ac adapter for it, but without it ive never seen anything eat batteries like that thing did.
don't forget Pokemon
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Though somewhat more innocent. These were times where you could have a game where Michel Jackson took kids and no one batted an eyelid

>the water gushing on the screencap below the guy

holy shit
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>You won't get graphics like this on your stinkin' game console!

That reminds me, can someone post the "Yes, this is a pc game screenshot" one?
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>toilet installed in front of computer

Why do so many neckbears use bottle s and shit bins when this is so much more elegant.

All my fucking this.

I was like a sniper trying to spot a tit on tv at midnight to fap. Ol' tiems.
>>21826 →

I just tried to, it's already been posted elsewhere on the board.
Some things never change
Why would there be. They were a rip off, we have gamefaws now.
Good enough. You got the Minecraft version too?
I don't, sorry.
Aw, too bad. I was in the thread where it was made and forgot to save it, and I can't get my hands on it anymore.
>Based Viz
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