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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

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Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 thread.

This was my first game ever. Ever. I recently remembered it and I completed it on a site that had it online.

'Tis still fun as fuck. Anyone here that had played it?
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I really enjoyed it a lot.

Which was the one where wario was immortal for some reason
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I have played like all the Wario games, including the shitty WarioWare ones, except the virtual boy and the first one. Maybe I should give it a try.
But WarioWare Touched was fun

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Thoughts about this?

Quite underrated in my opinion.
agreed, lost vikings was a platforming gem

Also one of the rare platformers I liked.
Lost Vikings were awesome.

One reason I liked Trine is because after first 10 minutes of gameplay my reaction was THE LOST VIKINGS! That feeling never left me throughout the game.
the sequel was insane
with that space shit
I much preferred the second one, but I also played it first so it may be hard to judge. LV just frustrated me a lot, whereas LV2 always felt tough in the good way.

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Sorry, just the best beat 'em up passing through.
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Must be that weird bug where the image you post gets changed?

I'll fix the thread for you, OP.
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Every Capcom arcade beat em up from the 90's.

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ITT: Post your favourite co-op games growing up! Pic very much related!

Such an oddity at the time, still kind of odd now. Shame the sequel made it a more straightforward platformer, but I loved playing it with friends. Still not completed a random world to this day.
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I drew this for the /vg/ drawthread.
Both of them past their funkadelic years, after opening their office and such.

That game was amazing. Finished it alone and with 3 different bros, and from time to time I pick it up on my PSP to just get some boxes and visit floor 0 to chill in the jacuzzi.
It's a shame they got turned into niggers.
I tried playing the second game recently. I just... can't do it. It's got some things, but it sucks so bad it makes me sad.
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>>19304 (OP)

>be a kid about 8 years old, growing up in the 90's
>dad grew up on a farm, dislikes or outright hates video games
>grumbles, gives me shit whenever he sees me playing them

>get Toejam and Earl for Christmas from Santa
>dad sees me playing it, surprisingly doesn't give me shit
>asks to join in that gruff but still somewhat awkward way dads can
>we play together and have a fucking BLAST.
>Toejam and Earl is now our game, and we play it together for years after
>still occasionally take out the Genesis when I come home and play some with my dad, now retired and aging

It was only a couple years ago that I realized he was the one that probably bought it for me in the first place, so that he could play with his son on Christmas.
This is a gem of a game. Played the second one when I was a kid, fell in love with it and then, many years later, I found out it was the sequel that I played and not the first on the series. Played that shit with my girlfriend after discovering it was a roguelike and had the most fun I've had with video games in years. We even got out of a randomized world alive, that satisfaction at the end, jesus.

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Hi /vr/, remember me?
I don't know, you're anonymous so I have no idea if we ever even met before.
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You broke my heart.
I never finished it, but it was really nice

feeled liek an ice mix of Terranigma and Secret of Mana
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Trying to get all the items in Secret of Evermore is boring as shit. Also a lot of the puzzles/ labyrinths are infuriating. Didn´t age well IMO.

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Do any of you o/vr/ the hill fogeys still say 'Nintendo Tapes'?

Or 'Paddle'?

Or 'Boards'?

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Mother thread?
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Gyigas battles. Both of them.
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Definitely the Eight Melodies.

Picking the second favorite would be hard though, some of them are just way too good.

For some reason, during the credits of M1, I bawled my eyes out. I'm not sure what it was about that game, but it really moved me. I honestly like it more than 2.

>Jeff is supposed to be a genius
>Highest IQ I've ever had him at was around 85 or so


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Anyone here remember Manic Miner/Jet Set Willy?

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well since /v/ is almost obsolete by now, let's discuss 2d puzzle platformers, my favorite one is the oddworld saga and i've been wanting to emulate another world and flashback on my PSP, anyone knows another good ones?
Flashback is great. Another World is pretentious shit. The snes Prince of Persia is okay and has a bunch of levels that other versions don't. There's also nosferatu on the snes but it looks like shit and has retarded controls.
Blackthorne for the SNES.

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Is a remake of a game released before 1999 considered retro? Eg. the Dragon Quest remakes for DS.
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prolly lol
I'm sure it'd be okay to discuss it in a Dragon Quest thread, but don't make a thread specifically for the remake.
It actually has more claim to being 'retro' than the original does.

'Retro' refers to contemporary art made in the style of older, out-of-date art. Games from before 1999 aren't retro, they're just old.
I'm not much of a fan of the Dragon Quest series.
But if there's something amazing that I'm pissed no one copied on the other games, which is absolutely retarded as it's an amazing idea is the party chat.

Man I had so much fun and loved the DS remakes just because of that.
>check a fireplace
>hero: It's warm
>friend1: I miss home.
>friend2: Careful not to get burnt!
>friend3: My hands are freezing.

That concept was amazing, really amazing.
This board needs a new rule: If you feel the need to ask, it probably doesn't belong here.

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which is your favourite house of the dead game?
did you ever finish any at the arcade?

pic related
>dat sxe pump action
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I know HotD 1-3 all have PC ports that are pretty easy to download
I haven't played 3, but 2 is an absolute master piece. 4 is really awesome too, surprisingly good for a this gen/last gen game.
Thanks man, that looks awesome!

Only had the chance to play arcades when I was on Vacation and don't remember the names of the ones I liked, do you know of any side that has roms and also a bit of information about the games?
I remember first playing HotD, sucking at it, and complaining about artificial difficulty.

I can beat it all in one life now. It's actually too easy.
the best thing you can do is go to youtube and look up a walkthrough on how to set it up.
>protip: for extra awesomeness try playing the games with a ps3 or 360 controller.

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Should we count Shattered Soldier? I feel it's pieces of III plus ideas they weren't able to pull off in early hardware.
Original NES version is still the GOAT.
It's not really retro tho. I could have added other Contra games otherwise.
I see. I was just trying to recall whether Contra Operation was that DS game or something else from this decade. That was the one with select-jump unlimited height, wasn't it?
Operation C was in Gameboy. While it's lowest in my rankings, I still love it. Sadly it's a bit too short and no co-op.


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I can't be the one who played this shit
I used to play Dreams Illusions and Fantasies for hours on my Amiga. What system OP?
I played it on an old PC with DOS I had as a kid. Shit was cash.

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Is anyone here a fan of Gain Ground?

It's one of my favorite Genesis games, but nobody elsewhere has played.

If there are any games similar to it then I'd be interested in knowing.

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I just picked up a game pad, what games should I emulate?
All the games, bro

All the games
If you like JRPG: Chrono Trigger.

If you like Platformer: Super Metroid.


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