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Okay, we got RE1, RE2 and, technically RE3.

Which one is your favorite?
Silent hill
2 by a long shot.

I think 3 is the worst in the series and 1 while a decent game is utterly pointless after REmake.
These are retro? Fuck, I'm old.
>>13167 (OP)
RE2 with RE3 a close second. Great games, but RE4 blows them all out of the water.
Fatal Frame
>I think 3 is the worst in the series

I liked RE3, not as much as RE2, but definitely more than RE1, why do you say is the worst?
>>13167 (OP)
I honestly never understood this game so much and never really liked it, but I'd say RE3
I got Resident Evil 1 downloaded. Dunno if I should play it or not.
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I haven't played RE3 but in terms of 1 and 2, I prefer RE2.

It just feels messy, short and unsatisfying to me.

I remember hearing Mikami isn't that happy with it either.
I think it's the biggste clusterfuck (in comparison with 2 and 3), but it's really interesting, give it a shot.
Play it, just hope you have a speed up button for opening doors

Pretty much this, it's all about going and coming back and going and coming back, not to mention if it's your first time.
RE2 because there was only one machine-gun, with one clip in it, for the whole game. Though I would have preferred if it didn't exist at all. RE3 actually gave you an Assault rifle at the beginning on Easy difficulty if I remember, absolutely stupid. Machine-guns have no place in survival horror games.
Wait thought fifth generation consoles (PS1, N64) wasn't considered retro?
Oh I agree it feels really short but I think it has a nice story and dynamic gameplay.

Shame the bosses are really easy.

The only survival horror RE games are 1 and REmake and that wasn't even intentional really.
Also, RE3 had a dodge button, forgot that
RE2 is my favorite. It was a perfect sequel to the original.

RE3 added a lot of cool things, but ultimately led to the series going downhill. Still a great game, though.

The dodge in RE3 is one of the only good things about it.
I haven't played the original RE1 only the remake on the game cube. Is there any differences between the two other than fancier graphics?

There's a bunch, I'm sure someone compiled a larger list.

REmake is better in pretty much every way except for some people (myself included) prefer the original bad acting and dialogue.
i love RE3

>dat open city clogged to the gills with zombies
>nemesis. not only does he show up when you really don't want him to, but he actually runs faster than you do.
>mixing bullets
>making narrative choices that are more meaningful than mass effect's
>dat quickturn, dose dodge maneuvers
>the hardest puzzles in the series. the hardest game in the series, period.
>the return of the hunters
>going back to the police station, and it's the same as RE2's... even has the same awesome music
>finally seeing raccoon city in whole

i could go on and on and on. it's my favorite in the whole series
The REmake fills A LOT of plot holes in the story, which it means, adding new characters, monster, rooms and places in the mansion.
>playing on easy
and that assault rifle goes away pretty quickly, just like all overpowered weapons do in the RE series
>>the hardest puzzles in the series.

I'm not sure about that, but that fucking music puzzle from the factory. Ugh, it took me ages to figure out how to do it the first time...
>>13167 (OP)
Liked 2 the most but 3 did the best job at making me shit bricks.
>checking 50 times a desk to get some fucking picture
>>13167 (OP)
2 > 1 >>> 3

3 was more like a spin-off

It was supposed to be, you could consider CV the "real" RE3
that's actually the one that i was picturing when i said that.

it wouldn't be hard to beat the others in puzzle difficulty however. RE2 basically didn't even have puzzles they were so easy
I loved the Crimson heads in REmake, the whole gasoline can/burning mechanic was simple yet cool
I enjoyed 3 the most. The environments felt more varied and the emergency dodge was fun to tool around with.
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Hey guys I just found this, might be useful.
RE3. Nemesis is the best thing in the franchise.
3 was the beginning of the end, honestly. Sexualized Jill with ammo up the ass and tons of action, exploding barrels and a really shitty plot attached to the whole thing.

1 and 2 excelled in that sense of helplessness, like, you didn't know if you had enough supplies to make it to the end of the corridor. You had to strategically kill and/or avoid enemies in areas you planned on revisiting. 3 was just run 'n gun.

Nemesis was great, although that grey dude in 2 did it better.
The powder thing from RE3 was neat too...
re3 is like the second scenario of re2 with no story
re2 had an interesting story, re3 doesn't have a story
>never used to read notes or guides to play RE
>didn't set on fire the bodies on REmake the frist time I played it
>crimson heads everywhere

What the fuck is going oooon
i like 3 the most because it was the first RE that i played when i was a kid and it scared the shit out of me.
Dude RE2 has buttloads of ammo and leon was a total powerhouse with custom weaponry. I see a lot of people badmouthing RE3 when its part of the original PS1 era and just as good as the others.
Some of the death scenes in RE2 were brutal.
I just finished an RE1 run. Beat it in 3 hours 10 minutes, not too bad. It's my favourite in terms of straight up Resi fun. RE2 in terms of everything else. RE3 was fun just for the basically unlimited ammo you get at the start
Though you wouldn't really call resident evil retro, since. there are a bunch of games that come out today that copy it with just more polygons.

Gameplay wise games haven't really change since the psx days
>sexualizing the women
>really shitty plots
>lots of action
>not a part of resident evil

the only RE that could even be called survival is the first one. that "lots of ammo and action" actually started with RE2; they gave you enough ammo to kill every single monster in the game.

as for the sexiness, well, you should see jill's belly shirt in RE1. *whips out dick*

RE4 was the beginning of the end, even if it is a great game
Damn straight
Seconded. Although I appreciate that they tried to add something new, the ammo crafting made it too easy. I remember using the shotgun and never needing another weapon because you could get so much ammo for it. It was fun for a single playthrough.
>although that grey dude in 2 did it better.

Oh god fuck Mr. X

One of those BOWs appeared at the end of RE3.

People love shifting blame on different games in the series.

Oh it was 4 that ruined everything, no it was 3 but 4 was the last good one, well 4 is good but CV is the worst, etc

I like all the canonical RE games. I'm not sure why people want to draw lines in the sand all the time but whatever. All of them except 1 and REmake were pretty pewpewactionguy
>playing RE3 on easy
>complaining about ammo
>RE4 was the beginning of the end, even if it is a great game

I agree, its genre did a 180º turn.
Wasn't complaining about it, just pointing out that the game gives you enough ammo to beat the game with. Also I'm talking normal difficulty, not easy

>its genre did a 180º turn.

But that's wrong.
>>13167 (OP)
RE2 was one of the most anticipated games ever alongside Tomb Raider 2, and they both delivered.
Everything that came after them was just a recycle of the same formula.
personally i don't think RE is ruined, i even like RE6

but RE4 is definitely the one that turned the series into straight action games. even though you COULD kill all the monsters in the old games, it was more prudent to avoid combat altogether. there were lots of ammo, but it didn't grow on trees like RE4-6. and you're just a lot more powerful and capable to deal with threats than you were in the old RE games
>>13167 (OP)
RE3 because of casual as fuck auto aim
>I don't think RE is ruined
>I like RE6
There's your problem
RE1. More specifically, the REmake.

RE3 is such a bore to me, it's the only main RE game I've never bothered completing.

RE2 always felt too easy and "watered down" to me. It's when RE really started to turn into an action game, with them throwing an excess amount of ammo at you.

2 was an action game too. 4 just made the series more modern.

Compare Shinobi (arcade) to Shinobi (PS2)
>even though you COULD kill all the monsters in the old games, it was more prudent to avoid combat altogether
RE1? Yeah. Not since RE2 has it mattered either way.
>implying RE3 is the only resi game with auto aim

RE6 isn't a bad game though.
Yes it is.
The story is unoriginal, the gameplay is awful, the graphics are bland as fuck, the characters are boring as hell.
It combines the worst of RE4 with the worst of RE5
worst of all, it wasn't even fun
Never played any RE, even though i should. But the idea of constantly backtracking to pick items and use in certain places just so you can use other items in other places kinda annoys me.
Maybe I'll get them on PSN later, with Dino Crisis


I could just as easily say the exact opposite and it would be just as valid.
I wish I could be like you.
I tried so fucking hard to like RE6.
This is coming from a guy who prefers RE5 over RE4
>worst of all, it wasn't even fun
A friend and I thought it was fun at first while we were making fun of the game and laughing at its expense.

But then the laughs wore off and he was hit with severe buyer's remorse.
Part of the whole strategical aspect. The fact that you have to revisit areas means you have to balance two things - How much damage you risk taking each time passing through, and if wasting ammo to kill them all pays for itself in the long run.

In REmake there were several corridors that are just sealed off because there're so many zombies. Oh shit, is REmake not retro?
>Is REmake not Retro?
No, but it's probably fine to discuss in a thread like this. Just not creating your own thread with it

Well it could be that I don't care about Leon, like at all.

2 and 6 are probably my favorite games in the series, CV is pretty good too.
Who else enjoyed not picking anything up until you reached the police station?

You miss out on some seventy rounds and a second weapon but it felt more like RE1 then.
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I love it when I watch someone play REmake and they go all trigger happy on the zombies, only to later realise they are completely fucked when they're low on ammo and the dead zombies are respawning as the stronger Crimson Heads.
I used to do it all the time when I found out about Brad

I just take games for what they are instead of trying to make them something they're not. If I wanted to play RE1 I'd play RE1
Resident Evil 1DS
Resident Evil 2(gamecube)

best by far
>CV is pretty good too
I thought I was the only one who likes CV.
It certainly has its flaws, and I resent the game for providing me with so much ammo. but I can't help but enjoy it.

Wait, are we allowed to discuss Code Veronica?
Which worked like ass.
They're all shit games OP.
Brad scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. Like, that tunnel is probably the only safe spot in the game, and suddenly there's a fucking zombie there.
I like this game for all the wrong reasons

I've only played the Dreamcast version, apparently CVX changed stuff so maybe that's why people dislike it.

>Wait, are we allowed to discuss Code Veronica?

I don't see why not. The thread isn't about it specifically
I got the same feeling in the bonus game where you had to collect the bombs and there were zombies in one of the safe rooms.
Code Veronica is god tier. I loved that game
I was the only one in my friend group who didn't find Steve annoying
CVX just mainly changed stuff to give Wesker more screen time
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You mean five of them?

> mfw it was implied Umbrella dropped them to wreck a US Delta Force team
Homosexual undertones?
I've played both, and I prefer the original (Dreamcast) version.

The cutscenes added in CVX were just too ridiculous for me, emulating The Matrix like so much media around the time. And I disliked the added focus on Wesker. He didn't need to be the big bad guy behind everything. I thought he worked better as a high level henchman.
The plot
The game play is actually pretty good once you get past the learning curve.

The direction of the game is terrible, I'll admit. Several parts of the game drag on, and it suffers terribly from tunnel syndrome. The team up fights where you and 2-3 other people fight a boss was a great idea if they didn't die 2 weeks after because it relied on a coincidence of people being at that same point.

Mercenaries was great though.
He should have died in RE1. The plot is more interesting if you don't know who's pulling the strings.

Nothing wrong with the plot of that game

An Umbrella European facility where Tyrants are mass-produced? Yes please
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adding the DS mode and the 180turn really helped this game.

So it's the Twin Snakes of Resident Evil
Bingo. That's a perfect comparison in my opinion.
skippable door load screens too
That game was sure something..
shame it also runs the japanese difficultly
>hunters die to two shotgun blasts
>zombies die to two handgun rounds

what a joke...
>Wesker gets literally bitch slapped in his smug face by Alexia
>Wesker dodges everything with crazy acrobatic flips and wall runs

I couldn't forgive them for that.
dat mansion replica

My favorite was RE2.

Didn't care much for survivor or its plot (Tyrants are made from scared teenagers? Come on)
Anything other than RE2 is bullshit.
I know it's a little too new but I really liked Dead Aim a lot.
Scary moments? The closet zombie in RE1, you know, that one.
It's grimdark
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I know that it's entirely the wrong reason to like a game, but I'm an absolute sucker for nice sibling relationships. So I like Code Veronica in particular because of Chris and Claire.
I.. I like Resident Evil 3..

Does that make me a bad person..?
Best part of Survivor was the way the whole game is just a tacked on FPS interface re-using a bunch of assets.

I like to think the protagonist is an idiot who literally flew around until he ran out of fuel and then got himself and the people he saved killed in a fiery/watery helicopter crash.
No I like it too ;_;

It doesn't show up that often in non-RPGs I think it's perfectly valid to like a game for it's character relationships.

Hell Persona 3 is fueled almost entirely by it.
Hmm...the first licker on RE2.

The car crash at the start of RE2

I just have a car phobia thing
The bit at the start of RE2 in Kens gunshop or whatever it's called, when I was a kid everytime I heard the glass smash I would shit myself
Oh lordy, don't get me started on that game. You literally have to kill nothing but the bosses. The whole thing takes like half an hour to run through.
Mr X bursting through the wall both times

Hunters on a boat
I always liked that part where you see him approaching via security camera, as you're completely cornered at that point so you know you're going to have to fight your way past him.


Also this >>15850
itchy. tasty.

I like the jump scares though, I don't care what anyone says.
The best part about RE3 was that things were randomized. It kept me on my toes each playthrough
No, it was good. But it had some monsters and other shit that made playing it tedious (other than Nemesis showing up a bunch of times in two different forms). The ammo tool was ok, but it wasn't cool having to carry around gunpowder until you found an item box. Also, the square hole at the beginning of the game. It opened a shutter full of grenade rounds, but you had to wait until you found a square crank (which wasn't until later).

Were two types of hunters and lickers necessary? Also, that fucken worm that would drop into certain spots and deal a lot of damage.

I was like "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?!"

Jump scares get old is the problem. Like the 1 way mirror in RE2.

It's pretty obvious the second time

Also every hallway with windows ever.
>Were two types of hunters and lickers necessary?
RE2 already had two types of lickers.
>Also, that fucken worm that would drop into certain spots and deal a lot of damage.
>that fucking time going to the trolley with the oil

Oh fuck I hated that part so much, it always hit me.

I always used to escape from Nemesis (when I could) and I remember one time that fucker appeared at the electric station with his bazooka, I wasn't expecting him at all, the faggot killed all the zombies around.

Did it? I can't remember either.
What were those things in RE3 that walked on two feet when they attacked and sucked blood from you, were they a type of Licker or something new, I think they could poison you too
I always shot at him, bazooka or not, but the trolley fight was bullshit. There wasn't even enough room to use the fucken dodge feature.
That sounds like the Chimera from RE1. Were they also in RE3?
They were called Drain Demios
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These things, yeah.
Not retro.

Look at this, this is the main problem of this fucking board, non-retro games being posted
Drain Deimos* my bad.
To this day I still have no idea what the fuck those things are, or are even supposed to be
Shut up
They kinda looked like lickers, but moved like a spider, they had a green-ish color too, and when they attacked they went up on their hind-legs for a few secs and ran at you, and if they got you they latched on and sucked blood from you

Not sure if they were in RE1, ages since I last played it
Yeah, I don't remember reading notes about them in the game.

You could blow up one of them in one of the alleys.
Yeah, they pretty much brought them back as a type of licker. They hung on the rails to slash you and all that other good shit.

My favorite enemy was the Hunter Gamma. Out of nowhere, it would swallow you whole if you got close and your health was at orange caution.
>The Drain Deimos are mutant fleas that were infected by eating the flesh of infected animals. Like many arthropods, the fleas responded to the virus by increasing in size and strength considerably.
>Those things
Fucking seriously? RE is REtarded, but c'mon
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Chimeras should have been used more often.

>"created by artificially-inseminating a human ovum (egg cell) with fly DNA, and then impregnating women with the creatures"

Fucking horrible.
Thanks man, looks like I'm never playing RE3 ever again
>walking in two legs towards to you

>>13167 (OP)
if you don't include REmake, then:

RE2 and 3 are still fun to play occasionally. RE1 really hasn't aged well, especially with the graphically superior REmake. Looking back, I didn't realize that RE3 implemented elements that would become a staple of RE (pseudo QTE's, crafting) that I've had a lukewarm reception to since RE4.
There's no normal difficulty in RE3, only easy and hard.
And no self-respecting RE fan plays RE games on easy.
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>Looking back, I didn't realize that RE3 implemented elements that would become a staple of RE (pseudo QTE's, crafting) that I've had a lukewarm reception to since RE4.
RE3 also introduced Mercenaries.
I hated Mercenaries just as much then as I do now
I love that game too
RE2 had Extreme Battle
I think RE3 mercenaries was less like RE4/5/6/3D Mercenaries than RE2's battle game.
I think it was the Saturn port of RE1 that introduced that.

It also had a different type of hunter.
No self-respecting RE fan plays RE3 seriously
I could careless
nah wesker is a bitch
that part in RE2 where you open the door then zombies suddenly came out
Which is why him getting slapped around by Alexia is better. Are you disagreeing?
Where you start with Claire?

My first RE game was 1 and RE3 is one of my favorites.

I don't know where this hostility towards RE3 comes from, it's very underrated.
The arms through the windows.
Always used to get me.
Like I said, RE3 was tedious to play.
I never played 1 but really liked how 2 and 3 had weaving storylines and were basically happening at the same time. 2 is probably my favorite though...

I don't see how, it's exactly the same recursive unlocking gameplay of the first two, except that sudden Nemesis encounters keep you on your toes.
I've tried to like RE3. Multiple times.

I always just get too bored and stop playing after around half way.
It's much more easy than the other 2 in my opinion.
exactly the same

RE2 is way easier, although yeah RE3 is easy compared to RE1, especially if you play smart.
>resident evil
>not retro

Yeah, maybe back in 2001, but it is fucking 2013, everything in the 90s is retro now. Nirvana gets played on classic rock stations now. Playstation 1 is a retro gaming console. DOS games are fucking totally nostalgic. Get over it.

looks like you psfaggets need to pack u and head back to /v/, or mabye to the resident evil general in /vg/.

I can't understand how anyone that enjoyed the first two games wouldn't enjoy RE3. It's more of the same, with perfected controls, and a lot of secrets and depth to explore.
The worst part are the recycled Racoon RE2 areas, the least shitty areas are the clock house mansion and the sewerage treatment plant (no pun intended).

The game picks up after you escape in the Tram
>RE2 is way easier

I think you're right, but unlike RE3, you have to play two different stories to actually finish it, that's something I guess.

We're not talking about the Playstation, we are talking about Resident Evil, a trilogy of games released from 1996-1999.

Kindly get fucked.
eh, never been a big fan, though this particular minigun does work a lot better with RE4 and beyond's gameplay.

I've finished RE3,4,5, played RE1 remake (haven't finished as it was quite tedious and I played it on hard so it was hard as fuck), started RE2 but then I got to the police station and it was like RE3 so I stopped playing because I thought it's going to use many places RE3 did).
What other RE games should I try?
>started RE2 but then I got to the police station and it was like RE3 so I stopped playing because I thought it's going to use many places RE3 did).

Nigga, you better pick that RE2 up, it uses just a few rooms.
>>13167 (OP)
I still remeber the first time i played RE2, i was just 8 years old and couldn't sleep in 1 week

now i can't stop playing it, also RE1, 2 and 3 are equally my favorites
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Hello there, little girl~
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RE4, RE5, RE6 didn't feel like Resident Evil... Well, RE4 had a hint of survivor horror left, but after RE3 and Code Veronica there was no back tracking and all the shit you were used to in the first 3 games... I mean, they added chapters like it was fucking Sonic the Hedgehog. It feels so linear, and there's no mystery of where you are supposed to go or which key/item you use when/where. It just action action action walk in a straight line more action chapter complete!

The worst part is knowing that Resident Evil will forever be a shitty 3rd person shoot 'em up action game from here on out. There's no going back to the glory days...
I love RE4 but I agree with you.

You want to get depressed?

Now everytime Jill appears, be it in a game like Marvel vs Capcom, it's the blond one from RE5, and her biography only mentions her BSAA days
I'm with you but RE4 was a great game. Ah I feel so conflicted.
don't remember the outbreak ones, those side stories with civilian were fun as fuck

now is just modern warfare with BOWS
i mean don't forget, fuck i'm high
Code Veronica
RE2 is my favorite by far, i mean come on Leon A, Leon B, Claire A, Clair B. Its like 4 games in one plus Extreme Battle Mode, which i believe has Ada, Chris, and Jill as unlockables.
I'm playing through Fatal Frame now so it'll have to wait.
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Personally, RE3 is my favorite.

Seeing Jill take on ruined Raccoon City was the best. It had the coolest weapons like the Western Shotgun and Mine Thrower.

And then there's nemesis. The hulking mass of meat that chases you down relentlessly. When I first found out he could follow you through areas, the terror was amplified by 100%.

"You lose."
Oh man that fucking cutscene when Brad dies, it chased my dreams when I was a kid.
Mah nigga.
Because of the REmake I'm more partial to RE1. But dat Claire in RE2.

Only got around to playing RE3 a couple of weeks ago. While it was... Alright, it was nothing great.
I always save the sub machine gun for this fucker. Shit is satisfying.
Last rocket + Machine gun.

RE2 or RE3? Why?
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If we're not counting REmake or CV:


3 just feels tedious for me after a while. Nemesis is scary as fuck at first, but after a while I just get tired of him.

2 is perfect, though. And I had the most ridiculous crush on Claire when I was a kid, you don't even know.
Most are going to say RE2 because it was the most recognizable and universally loved of the series, but I personally want RE3.

With today's technology, a REmake of RE3 could be so great and they could make in truly terrifying and challenging.
i enjoyed resident evil 3 more because it was more complete than 2. 1 was too harsh imo. as much i love hard games, re1 was really too much. re2 is in 2nd place for me.
>that pic

God damn it Barry.
RE and RE2 are one of those examples of a great original game, followed by a sequel that did everything better.

RE3 is just your standard 'playing with the formula' you always get.

Still wishing they'd re-launch Outbreak. Shit is hella fun optimized on an emulator, even missing that critical online element.
I don't see RE1 as hard at all. Most of it can be taken straight on. Go through, clear the enemies, do your puzzles and then move on.

The only parts I thought were hard were the second fight against the Yawn and the final Tyrant fight.
>and the final Tyrant fight.

I used to think that too until I realized I could just run until Brad throws me the Rocketlauncher.

Every RE fan should beat Arrange mode as Chris at least once.

It is, the ultimate survival horror experience.

given, the game is farily straightforward but eventually i can't continue when i end up without ammo. i suck with the knife ;_;
I came here just to say that RE3 is my favorite

RE2 is great, I think the atmosphere is a bit better

but getting to explore zombie-overrun Raccoon City is glorious

I love exploring areas overrun with zombies
I've done that a few times. I've played through the first Resident Evil so many times it takes me about an hour and a half to beat it straight through on any mode.
But Mercenaries is the only good thing about the newest RE games....
>that hunter gauntlet run to get the magnum ammo

I still get chills thinking about it.
You got to play and play until you understand how to save ammo.
Yeah, I only really liked Nemesis of RE3, everything else was pretty mediocre.
RE1 isn't hard when you know what you're doing. Its a bit more difficult when you don't know where all the hidden clips are, what the map layout is, how to use the shot gun, or how to watch for death animations.

That's actually something I kind of miss. A lot of games used to be set up so that about halfway through, once you've figured out how to play, you realize how screwed you are and start over so that you can conserve resources.
The thing is that there are places where you don't need to go through at all and there are enemies that you don't even need to fuck with.

Remember the Yawn where you get the crest? Run right around that bitch, no fucks given.
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does the REmake belong here? because it came out in 2002/2009 and i like it the most

Doing that makes him tougher in the piano room, though.
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No it doesn't?
All the Resident Evil games have tons of ammo, as long as you conserve some of it at the start... Before every final boss I have so much ammo that I have a hard time deciding what weapons to bring.
>not saving your B for the Grenade Launcher


To get the special shotgun ammo obviously.

Shit makes it almost as good as the magnum, which means it's as good or better than the Grenade Launcher.


I remember reading it in a FAQ but I'm not sure which one.
Oh yeah I noticed after posting, I didn't know about that, you need to make like 7 shotgun boxes and then you get the special ammo?
For some reason the first one is my favorite. Couldn't ever get into the second one, never bothered with the third. Four was pretty fun but we can't discuss that yet since apparently 10 years isn't retro enough.
RE2 for atmosphere, RE3 for action, RE1 for really shit dialogue.
No! Don't go!
Wesker, where have you bean?

Well I guess that settles that, here's the original thread which is really interesting in how it breaks down the game too: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/198462-resident-evil-directors-cut/57899736

Am I at least remembering correctly that Yawn will be scarred if you fight him the first time?
He comes out with battle scars regardless. The only difference I can see it makes is it can poison you in the second fight if you don't fight fight it the first time.

Apparently, the difference is that taking serum makes you immune to poison. He's always poisonous.

This place is filled with terrilbe demons... Ouch
That entire scene. That entire scene is the epitome of bad voice acting.

I've yet to hear worse voice acting than Richard's in the original RE.
Also, that's a really cool breakdown of the game. Gonna bookmark it for later reading. I've never really thought about most of this stuff, so it's cool to read about someone who did.
I'm pretty sure watching a friend play RE3 when I was a kid permanently made me a pussy when it comes to horror games. Fucking Nemesis.

I also always get immersed in everything I play so that doesn't help.
STOP! Don't open THAT door!
I love this game, everyone else I knew hated it
i liked this game, but the ps2 one was awful
I think it's a fun game, but it is pretty bad game in general.

But it also had one of the coolest tyrants of the series.
>I hope this is not chris' blood
It's a WEAPON. It's REALLY powerful. Especially against living things.
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I liked Dead Aim. I beat it and I kind of want to see Bruce and Fong in another Resident Evil.

I had hope that Fong would show up in 6, but that didn't happen. At least Ada got a Fong costume.
Since we're all quoting it.

Goddamn, almost everyone Resi are hot. It's ridiculous.

>RE3 dodge button
>playing Mercenaries mode
>playing as Mikhail
>come up against instakill Hunter types
>i'm in the corner of the room and go to shoot
>dude just keeps rolling in the corner evading and dodging attacks for like 15 whole seconds as the Hunters are trying to kill me
>just continually rolling into the corner like i'm Blanka doing vertical rolling balls

( ´_ゝ`)
>>13167 (OP)

I grew up with RE2, so I'd have to say that's my favorite. Though RE3 is pretty good as well.

I've never actually played the original Resident Evil, though. I've just played REmake.

There's no Lisa Trevor in the original RE1 for Playstation.
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>Resident Evil Gaiden

Whoever thought that was a good idea should be shot.
it was a generic FPS game until i discovered i could use my light gun with it, then it became 10 times more fun
Those people are now making RE6-2

>And then there's nemesis. The hulking mass of meat that chases you down relentlessly. When I first found out he could follow you through areas, the terror was amplified by 100%.

Oh, fucking christ, this.

This shit made me NOPE the game every time I rented it when I was a kid.

Man, that was such a strangely good design decision. Except in most save rooms and during certain times in gameplay, you're pretty much not safe no matter where you are, even if you've cleared out the room.
Gaiden is my #2 least liked RE, behind Dead Aim.

It's number 2 because at least it's difficult, even aside from the shitty shooting system. Ammo isn't that available, and one boss just soaks it up until you push him back in to some pipes or some shit.
Bruce was an idiot and Fong Ling was a bitch. I'd rather see more brilliant detective work from the detective Ark Thompson than those two chuckle-fucks.
Fong was the shit. Bruce was just a typical "stupad americahn" but he got shit done.

Ark was lame as fuck.

I have a slight fondness for Gaiden because it's the only RE game with Barry as a main protagonist.
RE3. It was my first RE game so I guess that bias is there.
So, thoughts on 1.5 and the leaked GB version of RE1?
This. I'd be happy if the main games went back to building on the old mechanics from where Outbreak left off, and offshoot/Mercenaries-only titles came out alongside them with modern RE mechanics. The best of both worlds then.
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RE1 is the worst. too slow, clunky, bad grafix and awful voiceacting. no point of playing it when there is remake
Yeah, but he was so hilariously stupid.

>Welp, here I am, investigating a secret bio-weapons factory-island stronghold. Better impersonate the guy who runs the place, surely no one know what he really looks like!

Speaking of, has anyone actually played Mercs 3D on the 3DS? It's like it combines the best of RE4 and RE5's Mercenaries modes. I kinda think it's better than RE6's Mercenaries.
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Resident Evil 3 is the only one I played. I liked it.
I played a little bit of it at my friend's place. It was fun, definitely felt like RE5's merc.

Get out.
I'll have more thoughts on 1.5 once we have a leak free of the team's tampering (though I'm definitely interested in what their finished product will look like). I never tried the GB RE1.

Although, I did think it was interesting how the overall structure of 1.5 was pretty much the same as the released version. The only thing that seemed dramatically different was the Police Station. Hell, the Lab and the Train were almost identical.
YOU! People like you are why people think Dawn of the Dead is a Ving Rhames rage-zombie movie!

It doesn't matter how hilariously bad any or all particular aspects are, I haven't played a game since that captured that B-movie feel is well as the original RE.
Meh, nothing to write home about.

Nah it's fine I'll stay. Better than 1 at least.
The train looks pretty similar to the retail version, but from what I've seen, the lab, the police station, the factory, and the sewers are completely different from the retail version.
I can't handle the controls
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Is REmake allowed here? Because that's easily the best RE game.
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You have no idea what you're doing. 3 is by no means bad, but it's the worst game from the original 3.
I wouldn't go that far son.

I have seen people play RE1, everything about that seemed terrible.
He's completely right though
In the most objective sense, putting the legacy and the reputation behind it, the original Resident Evil is the worst of the first three.
The lab is visually different, but the structure is almost identical down to the items you need to use. The room where you get the fuse case is actually identical, and the room where Annette confronts Claire is almost exactly the same in -- they didn't even touch up the pre rendered background. It is a lot shorter, though. It's missing all of the lower level.

I couldn't get into the sewers. The fucking thing crashed every time I tried to load a room from it.
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No. I recently replayed RE1. It has aged the worst of the original 3. RE2 and RE3 still hold up incredibly well, but RE1 just feels really awkward and lacks the nice features that the other games brought in.
Most of my knowledge is old shit from the gathered builds mixed with shit I picked up from the 1.5 hype. I've tried to stay away from the leaked build so I can experience the game in full when it comes out.
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In terms of enjoyment 1 > 0 > 2 > 3

In order of greatness 2 > 1 > 0 > 3

Yeah that's constructive.

>the worst of the original games

Uh... What? No it wasn't. Really, 1 would probably be the worst.



Yes, I played it a ton with a friend. It's better than RE5 Mercenaries (not counting No Mercy mode for PC) because it throws more bosses at you at once, and of course, has more content. I also think it's better than RE6's mercenaries, but I actually prefer RE6's mechanics.
Ah, that's understandable. I wish I had the same kind of self-control. I just couldn't help myself after salivating over 1.5 for god knows how many years.
Desperate to see more Rebecca in future games.
Oh god I can't stop laughing.
I wouldn't hold your breath, mate. She seems to be totally forgotten.

I've been hearing some rumors about a spiritual sequel to REvelations staring Claire? Any truth to this?
I hope this is not Chris'ses' blood...

Best ending song.
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Rebecca was playable in Mercs 3D, but yeah. She probably won't be having any more plot relevance.

Which is a shame, because she is my favorite Resident Evil girl and she's cute as fuck.
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So glad to see this glorious Resident Evil thread. Maybe splitting /v/ again wasn't such a bad idea after all....
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The 4th survivor is the best minigame ever.

>Summer of 2000
>Playing RE: Survivor with my friend at his house one fine Saturday
>Suddenly, my friend's weird ass super Christian cousin that we both hate appears
>Any time we play a game or watch a movie with content more extreme than Solitaire he throws a shit fit.
>Does exactly this, loudly ranting about how the game is evil and scary and this and that
>We ignore him
>Motherfucker gets up and PULLS THE POWER PLUG OUT OF THE WALL
>Says "Well, someone had to do it."
>We go berserk, wrestling him to the ground and slapping the shit out of him.
>My friend drags him outside into the backyard to the Torture Rack (A yellow plastic slide that we would tie people on on when we were playing) and ties him up with a rope.
>The whole time he is screaming and yelling about how he just wanted to save us.
>I start whipping him with a plastic jump rope while my friend got some mud to rub on him.
>After a minute or two of this, we stop and debate on what to do next. We decide to go to the pool and leave the bawling mud man tied to the slide to bake in the sun.

I felt like a Roman centurion, but damn we got in so much trouble for that.
Even though the REmake is my all time favourite, it doesn't fall into pre-1999 era obviously. But I'd have to go with RE2 being my favourite of the three.
I can't stop laughing... you hassholes certainly turned him into some crazy ranting extremist, that day.

... Haaa, Gun survivor. I should make a remake of it on SDK. Well, at least once I'll go through the trouble of understanding how that thing works. Again. Oh, and after I learn one thing or two about modeling, rigging and texturing...

... hell. I'll never do it in my lifetime.

HNNNG that Rebecca
The remake was glorious for the GameCube. It felt like it wasn't the same game anymore.
I'll forgive Capcom for a lot of sins if they'll ever give us Claire, Rebecca, or Barry and some other forgotten protags for a game. Sherry was a great addition though RE6 could have been better, but I miss the old crew.

Claire/Sherry team up game would be just amazing.
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So are we going to talk about all the classic style games or only allowed 1-3? REmake is obviously an exception, but what about Code Veronica and 0?

Anyways RE2 master race. Been playing RE DS lately. Surprised they were able to put the FMV in.

This whole having THREE vidya boards is kind of stupid. /vg/ makes sense, but this doesn't.
Resident Evil was a series of games initially released for the fifth generation of consoles.

Eat pigshit.
There was a rumor floating around for Claire to be in a story DLC for RE6 alongside Jake. Still no word on it though.
It's fucking acid rounds barry, at least give me something to shoot them out of you bearded berk
>This whole having THREE vidya boards is kind of stupid. /vg/ makes sense, but this doesn't.

I'll have to respectfully disagree there. Its nice to be able to discuss older games without having to sift through the shit that is modern gaming, which covers not just video games in general, but news as well. I'm of the opinion that /vr/ should cover everything up to current gen consoles, and current gen stuff can stay on /v/ with all the news and controversy and meme spewing faggotry.
What's up with the terrible directors cut music? The original's was nowhere near that bad
I don't know, if it wasn't so full of shitposting, I think current gen and older stuff could co-exist fine. I still play tons of new stuff and keep up with the industry though. I guess your description makes sense, but I don't see /v/ improving and being a good source for current stuff with a ton of the better poster probably just moving here.

Really, it's a just kind of odd for me having to deal with 3 (occasionally 4 because of /vp/) boards for one subject. /v/ must be absolute shit if we need to be split so bad when a two topic board like /co/ cand exist fine.


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