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Mother thread?
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>Result of feminism
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Come to think of it, I don't think Mother 3 would belong on this board.
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Well if that's the case, what are some of your favorite moments from 1 and 2?
Every fucking moment.
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Anyone here used codes to noclip through walls?

All areas are on the same X and Y axis, so you can go anywhere after doing that.

The final boss room is right next to Onett.

What's your favorite music in Earthbound?

Mine's the Store theme.
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The Earthbound credits, definitely.
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Probably the creept music in the "Your Sanctuary" areas, used to scare me as a kid.
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Onett or Winters theme
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One of these days, I'm going to use PK hack and hack in a present box with the Sword of Kings so I don't have to go through all that trouble again.
I could never get past the boss after Saturn Valley. And don't get me started on 1, I think I only got past the graveyard once.
They're pretty good otherwise.

My last run of earthbound I told myself I wasn't going to try for the sword of kings because endless grinding for >1% drops was for retards. It dropped from the 5th starman super just going through the area as normal. Don't think I'll ever have that kind of luck again.

It was surprisingly underwhelming considering how hard it is to get
Gyigas battles. Both of them.
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Definitely the Eight Melodies.

Picking the second favorite would be hard though, some of them are just way too good.

For some reason, during the credits of M1, I bawled my eyes out. I'm not sure what it was about that game, but it really moved me. I honestly like it more than 2.

>Jeff is supposed to be a genius
>Highest IQ I've ever had him at was around 85 or so



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