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Lets talk about Pinball

i put the coin in and the ball flew out

bip bop bap bop and the fuck flew straight between the flippers

what the fuck

oh well its turtles im going to give in one more try

fuck i lost again

fuck flippers

oh theres no arcades

then ok flipper is alright
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Sadly most people these days don't care about pinball.

I would love to have a room full of them.
I would be lucky to even find a working one where I live.
i remember pinball machine emulation being impressive
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I've been wanting to get my own pin for a while. Played a ton of Pinball Arcade and bout 2 years ago a local arcade opened up with around 30 pinball machines.

Found this "Flying Aces" at my local pawn shop for $150 dollars. It was made for home use back in the 70's and havn't decided whether I want it as my first machine or not. Its missing its legs and I'm nut sure if its worth the money... Regardles I'm still hoping something nicer shows up on creigslist.
I have never been able to figure out emulation of pinball games. Supposedly you run the board through one thing and it interfaces with something else to do the actual pinball but fuck if I was ever able to make it all work.
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Addams Family is still the best Pinball game.
It was also the only one I was good at, too
They're expensive and fairly simple.
back when i tried it, you just downloaded the machines in full, remade. everything was taken apart and measured autisically to be put in-game. not sure where pinball emulation is at currently
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This is the best looking pin at my arcade... Sadly it seems to drain the ball faster than all the other machines.
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I miss playing pinball, South Park and The Simpson pinball machines were my favorite

Its so satisfying getting that ball into the toilet. Can only do it every so often though
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>implying this wasn't the most mind-blowing machine at the time
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Why haven't you gone to the Pinball hall of fame yet?
The ACDC machine at the local pizza joint is very popular.

>Pay for pinballs
>Receive ACDC
/tg/ here, one of the LGS i go to has one of these in their shop. Nothing like some pinball after a long game of magic.
What was the secret to pinball? I was always awful at it, the ball would constantly go right between the flippers while I waved them frantically.
Excellent Pinball taste.

>implying Revenge from Mars isn't superior in every way

Aim your shots and don't flail around like a retard. Also, ball control.
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> the only pinball i was good at
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When in doubt, aim for the flashing target
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>implying Revenge from Mars isn't superior in every way

This. I went to Gamewarp 2 last year and this game had a solid line pretty much the entire weekend. It's pretty amazing and a really fun scoring game.
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After watching the CGR review, I would get "Future Spa" in a heartbeat
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I have a multitude of pinball machines in my house but I'd have to say that my favorite is captain fantastic even though the fucking game is hard as shit. Also have space odyssey and freefall set up, with a couple of others yet to be restored.

ill post some pics if I can get them off my phone to my gmail within the next 5 mins
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heres Captain Fantastic
We have one at the arcade here. I tend to drain the ball bout every other game from those duel left flippers
>having paddles on your pinball machine
Do you even retro?

Play your asses off
VPinMAME is superior, brah.

You know I'm jelly, I'd love a captain fantastic.
So do you pay the big buck and get the pristine refubished/new machines or buy the used non-working ones and fix them yourself? Maybe both?
big deal.

just trying to help.

/ i made a cruddy little "blue oyster cult"table in 01 - 02ish.
Not him but I imagine restoring a table to be way more fun, and possibly more cost efficient if it's an old table with simple, cheap parts.
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Pinbot is my all time favorite.

I'm also fond of the Terminator 2 and Star Trek TNG machines.
Hey, glad you guys are enjoying captain fantastic as much as I am. The collection belongs to my Mom's long time boyfriend and he always told me the best way to avoid this was to let the ball bounce on the left flippers and in fact I rarely ever see him use them to begin with because of the amount of lost balls going in between them. Hope that helps.

Pinbot is an unforgiving robo-whore. Fuck.

Gorgar is also a favorite brutal rapist of mine. The ball fucking loves to drain on the sides. Nudging is essential to Gorgar.
The collection is my Mom's boyfriend. I believe he bought all of the units in the early 90s for a couple hundred bucks a piece. He likes to refurbish what he can and knows quite a bit about getting the machines to work himself but the big factor here is time. He has a few guys he knows through friends and through craiglist that are generally cheap to my knowledge in helping to restore. Those guys are really into pinball and know literally everything about them....they get paid in time spent working with their favorite machines for the most part.
The single best piece of Pinball advice for nubs :

Do not mash both the flippers wildly like an autistic sperglord. Only use one flipper at a time (like 99% of the time, there are exceptions). Why? This prevents the ball from draining right down the huge open gate you make from using both at the same time. Seriously.
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one of my favorite tables

actually found one in my town, so lucky
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What are the odds of me playing this in my lifetime?
anyone here ever play Stern's X-Men table? I really want to get one someday
Do any torontofags here know of a place where I can play pinball? It's been ages since I've played real pinball, and digital stuff isn't cutting it anymore.

There is only one place nearby brother, and it is in Mississauga. Dare you enter my magical realm?
I live all the way in Scarborough, but I could swing by it sometime. what's it called?
I could work with that

It's called The Church of the Silver Ball.

An old man runs it and he's absofuckinglutely insane. But he has tons of awesome pins.


He usually opens it up at random nights and charges you like $5 for unlimited play (in reality he's only open for like 3-4 hours, so still a good deal) for what he calls "mass". He never, ever updates his website. You need to email him and shit. I might email him myself. He also sells and restores machines. It used to be open like a business but for some reason he has stopped doing so.
>sells tables

Well colour me interested. Thanks for showing me

He has a lot of shitty pins I'm not interested in, but imo, the highlights are :

- Haunted House
- Twilight Zone
- Theatre of Magic
- Judge Dredd
- Fireball
- Fun House
- Lost World
- Circus Voltaire


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