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File: 1372946995931.png-(136 KB, 441x517, hexcalibur.png)
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Whoa hold the fuck up. This thing is just a sword. Just a sword. It's a sword. Is Gamefreak running out of ideas or what? First we have that flame bird, now a sword (that's just a sword, it has no face, it's emotionless). What the fuck Gamefreak.
And its name: Hexcalibur. That's just excalibur with an H.
It's just a blinky sword.
Here we go.
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But it has Midna's hair-arm.
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Whoa hold the fuck up. This thing is just a bird. Just a bird. It's a bird. Is Gamefreak running out of ideas or what? First we have that flame bird, now a bird (that's just a bird, it has a face, it's emotionless). What the fuck Gamefreak.
And its name: Pidgey. That's just pigeon with a gey.
It's just a brown bird.
This is BAIT.
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Whoa hold the fuck up. This thing is just a dog. Just a dog. It's a dog. Is Gamefreak running out of ideas or what? First we have that masked bird, now a dog (that's just a dog, it looks like someone took my mom's dog and put it in the game). What the fuck Gamefreak.
And its name: Herdier. That's just herd with a terrier.
It's just a fucking dog.
it looks just like my mother's sword
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Whoa hold the fuck up. This thing is just a bird. Just a bird. It's a bird. Is Gamefreak running out of ideas or what? First we have that normal bird, now a flame bird (that's just a bird, it has an angry/smug expression). What the fuck Gamefreak.
And its name: Talonflame. That's just talon with a flame.
It's just a fire bird.
you know what I don't like about this thing? It's just a fucking sowrd. That's it. They drew a real life sword and made it blinky. Seriously, it looks like someone took my mom's sword and put it in the game.

Older pokemon actually had personalities to them. They had quirks that separated them from actual objects. This thing? It's. Just. A. SWORD
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Whoa hold the fuck up. This thing is just a deer. Just a deer. It's a deer. Is Gamefreak running out of ideas or what? First we have that flame bird, now a plain deer (that's just a deer, it has no personality, it's so plain looking). What the fuck Gamefreak.
And its name: Stantler. That's just Antler with 'St' prefix.
It's just a boring looking deer.
To be fair, it's a bird with hot wheels decal top and silly pajama pants.
>not realizing this is intentional to create another shitty version of the old copypasta
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>implying this isn't exactly what OP wanted
Whoa hold the fuck up. This thing is just slime Just slime It's slime. Is Gamefreak running out of ideas or what? First we have that generic mouse, now a sword (that's just a slime puddle, it's just a face). What the fuck Gamefreak.
And its name: Muk. That's just Muck without a C.
It's just a purple blob with a face.
Seriously guys, stop. Stop defending the new shitty design of Pokémon. It's just a sword, you can't deny that fact. Pidgy and Herdier are shitty, but this shit is just a sword.
but i like stantler ;_;
>No quirks
So if you were just walking around and you saw this, you would just think it was a normal sword? Dumbass. I don't see how this is much different from Yamask or Cofagrigus.
That's one big bubble butt.
Golurk + Hexcalibur + Bronzor

Man, the genwunners get onto these things quicker and quicker with every leak. I suppose you also think that Rotom-G is just a Lawnmower.

Swords are awesome. They don't need to be dressed up, or altered, because sword's don't need that shit. It'll stab and slice and generally fuck your foes up for you.

Swords work. There's no point messing with them.
File: 1372948084559.png-(58 KB, 251x197, 102Exeggcute.png)
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Seriously guys, stop. Stop defending the new shitty design of Pokémon. It's just a bunch of eggs, you can't deny that fact. Pidgy and Herdier are shitty, but this shit is just a bunch of eggs.

Exeggcute is one of my favorite designs from Gen 1. I don't know why people always mention it as a response to "genwunners".
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Whoa hold the fuck up. This thing is just a caterpillar. Just a caterpillar. It's a caterpillar. Is Gamefreak running out of ideas or what? First we have that brown bird, now a caterpillar (that's just a caterpillar, it literally looks like someone cartoonified a caterpillar and put it in the game). What the fuck Gamefreak.
And its name: Caterpie. That's just cater + pie.
It's just a fucking caterpillar

i like it too

but still

it's a bunch of fucking eggs
I like Pidgey, Herdier, and Exeggcute. I don't get the problem people have with simple designs. They're usually the best.
>stop defending the new shitty design
>I mean there were shitty old designs but this one is NEW, NEW I tell you
>>12885098 (OP)
It looks just like my mom's sword.
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Whoa hold the fuck up. This thing is just a pokéball. Just a pokéball. It's a pokéball. Is Gamefreak running out of ideas or what? First we have that bunch of eggs, now a pokéball (that's just a pokéball, it has no face, it's emotionless). What the fuck Gamefreak.
And its name: Voltorb. That's just Volt and Orb, a fucking electric ball.
It's just an angry pokéball.
>now a sword
>it has no face,
Okay, what makes it so hard for people to see that the sheathe is clearly GIGGLING?
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>That's just excalibur with an H.
>Not knowing what a Hex is
Why do these idiots never fucking google anything
Still thinking it should have been named for Durendal.
That's not a pun though
thanks made my day.
you made me laugh for 4 seconds.
Could have found one, though.

But it makes more sense to, in a France inspired region, draw from the Matter of France for name inspiration, rather than the Matter of Britain
at first, this was the only pokemon from this gen that i had really disliked, but then i looked at it more, and i think i can appreciate its design. also dat typing
>>12885098 (OP)
Anyone who has accepted that Vanniluxe exists can't get too upset about a sword.
i think the only relevent part of this is "my mom's sword". go home kid
right, i forgot about all those other pokemon that demonstrate emotion so well, like unown, magnemite kabuto, forretress, silcoon, cascoon, metapod, kakuna, lunatone, solrock, bronzor, etc
maybe they're gonna have britain as a post-E4 region and they'll have a load of british themed pokemon like this one there
Idgf it's amazing and I want it on my team.
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>being this numel
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It has a face
It also has a ponytail.
This is my fetish.
This design is awesome, and this pokémon is awesome.

All of the butthurt all of the time on /vp/. Go cry on your chicken nuggets.
Your fetish is a ponytailed sword?

Fine taste.
Waitor you've left this pasta out for ages

I demand a refund
Yeah but they've never been restricted like that before.

Why do people assume that because the region is France every single Pokemon will be French? Gen V had the French story, the three musketeers. Gen I had an Australian Kangaroo. Gen 2 had native american totem poles. It's never been the way they do it and it never will.
I'm not saying that all pokemon should be drawn from France, just pointing out that when there's a perfectly valid and awesome French sword which doesn't get the love it deserves, it makes more sense to name it after that.
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It's always my throwaway posts that people seem most pleased with. I do not fully understand this.

These fags amongst others did this.
>pink board

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