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What kind of personality do you imagine each of the protagonists having?
I always see the DPPt female as a sort of snooty princess type, and the BW female as a total tomboy who's very over the top. The HGSS female is sort of like BW except in a more girly/excitable way.

>>12903862 (OP)
Silent but gifted trainer forced into shit.
Sorry, I don't consider them pussy ass faggots..
>>12903862 (OP)

They're fellow Anons like us. Don't say a whole lot in meatspace, probably talk lots of smack when anonymous.

The only question is, what boards do each of them visit?
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I haven't read the manga, so these are just the impressions I get from their game and their model.

Quiet loner who doesn't really care about the immense power he has. Nor is he even really aware just how strong he is. Usually just floats through life.

Knows his limits. Is righteous but also a little impish. His ego may serve as a hindrance, if not careful.

A little arrogant, but still righteous. Would make a good protagonist of any animu. Is the most resourceful. He and Gold would make the perfect partnership.

Humble and respectful. Doesn't let things get to him, really. Doesn't play around, though. Highly intelligent. Comparable to Trunks. Has the best fashion sense.

A laid back guy. Usually has his eye on the prize and knows how to get it. The most normal.

Looks childish, but is actually quite mature for his age. Best friend material, the type that pushes to keep ~you~ going. Likes challenges, but knows when it's time to get cereal. The most persistent protagonist.
Red- a gruff "is this nigga serious?" personality. Questions everything, including authority, and philosophizes when alone.
Leaf- a kind, curious girl with a lot to prove. Always feeling inferior, she needs to be at the top to show the world she's ready.

Gold- A fit, athletic, fiery lad. If he were in Unova, he'd probably grow up to be a football player. Doesn't know what he wants out of life, but wants to find out.
Kris- A strong, resilient, home-grown girl. Raised on a strong, steady set of values, she's rough, tough, and a dominant personality in any situation. Will kick your ass no sooner than she'd lower her guard for a friendship.
Lyra-A piece of shit who doesn't deserve an analysis

Brendan- A man of nature, but no hippie. He wants to get lost in the woods and isn't afraid to beat the shit out of a wild attacking Mightyena. He wants nothing more than to know the world for what it is.
May- A clever, wise girl with a warm, genial personality. She can see right through your plans and knows every move you've got up your sleeve, but never holds it against you. Content with any situation, she just wants to exist.

Lucas- A quiet, toying tinkerer. He loves gadgets and spends more time living and thinking in his vision of the future than in the present. Always ready to blast through any problem of tech or logistics. Loves ergonomics and fashion, he embodies the future he loves.
Dawn- A seemingly average teenage girl. She is everything more than that beneath the surface. Hates to lose, will do anything to protect her pride of the pride of her friend. A fierce girl of all flavors of passion, yet a girl who takes the time to check in on her friends.

Hilbert- The "normal." An urbanite, this kid knows every aspect of every city. Knows politics, the news, foreign relations. A diplomat from birth, he could barter his way from a paperclip to the Royal Unova, given enough time. Loves helping friends not skilled in urban culture, but isn't snarky


Hilbert confirmed for normalfag
>disliking Lyra
Red is serious about his shit
Ethan/gold looks like the more smugish of the group
Brendan is the wildchild (keep in mind he could do crazy ass tricks on the acro bike at the age of 10)
Lucas looks like the type of guy who enjoys the adventure more than anything
Hilbert looks the most determined
Nate looks like he wants to take a dick up his ass
Calem looks ready o take on the world
Hilda- A girl with a need for speed. A born rider, she loves having fun with her friends above all. The open road is her soulmate, and she loves bringing the best of the past, present, and future together all in one. Knows how to be a lady and a martial arts master, but never wants to invoke violence, because those matters don't matter to her. Wants only to exhaust the world of its fun, and show others how to lighten up.

Nate- A straight up baller, this guy has a hit-or-miss personality. He will do what he must to get what he wants, even when he can't see the consequences, but has a deeply buried set of morals. He's actually a cool person, but never appreciates himself, so he always wants to become more likable. Wants to become champion to achieve eternal adoration.
Rosa- A relatively naive girl, Rosa would love nothing more than to cuddle up with some poor soul down on his/her luck. Her heart melts at every instance of suffering, but she sometimes doesn't know how to implement it. Despite her naievety, she knows when the line is crossed and has no hesitation to call upon her beloved pokemon to protect herself. Wants to simply be an influence on people for the better.
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Red - the quiet
Leaf - the mild

Ethan - the chill
Lyra - the happy

Brendan - the gay
May - the girlstronk

Lucas - the puss
Dawn - the snoot

Hilbert - the norm
Hilda - the hot

Nate - the edgy
Rosa - the crazy

Calem - the whipped
Serena - the whipper
10/10 would headcanon again

Wasn't he the first protagonist to have those expressionlessly happy anime eyes

it's why people have trouble ascribing him a personality
My pet idea is that the credits song for each game kinda sets the tone for the protag personalities.

Ethan/Gold and Lyra have a catchy-ass upbeat credits tune, so Gold's a cheerful energetic adventure-seeker and Lyra is upbeat and cheerful.
Hilda and Hilbert have that intense hype ending theme, so Hilbert's a focused and determined hardworker and Hilda's a competitive type.
Lucas and Dawn have this chill ending theme, so Lucas kinda just quietly goes with the flow and Dawn's a poised, composed type.

etc etc too lazy to write every gen
Nate and Rosa were the first to have those.
>Calem - the whipped
>Serena - the whipper

Lost it.
Yes Brendan is very gay
9/10 because I think Brendan's metrosexual.
What battling style do you think each protagonist has

It was neither funny nor clever.
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>he doesn't know how to check for samefag
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>everyone that has fun is the same person
He's just mad because no one replied to his own post, let him be.
>Not Ethan
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cry more hoennbaby, your protag is a faggot

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