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So do you think X and Y will have a catacombs based area? Or is that concept too grim for Pokemon?
>every gen thus far has featured a pokemon graveyard

Yeah, doesn't strike mas being to grim. This is likely to be the same as the ones which came before.
They've had four towers where you're literally walking on the graves of dead Pokémon. I don't think the catacombs would be a problem.
Yes, but the catacombs have human bones in every direction. That seems a little past Pokemon's maturity level, even if stuff like Cubone exists.
Just make them pokemon bones instead and it's all cool, since there's things like cubone and vullaby and all those creepy ghost pokemon entries anyway.

Besides the graveyards, there have also been literal haunted houses with actual human ghosts in them.
Gen2 didn't have a graveyard
>Just make them pokemon bones instead and it's all cool
So basically Kalos stacks all their dead Pokemon like the catacombs? That's a little unnerving even for adults haha
It had a funeral home though.
Lavender town.
Oh right my bad
I mean they'd be pokemon catacombs, which aren't really any more grim than the concept of graveyards.

Yeah it did, in Kanto.

I still keep wondering how did that little house managed to become a replaced for an entire tower of graves and how did they even move all those graves there.

And also why not just build the radio tower where the house is instead of moving all the graves to turn the old tower into a radio tower.
Specially with all the superstition going on about the tower, you'd expect people to leave it the fuck alone.
Come on.. they're definitely more grim than graveyards. Imagine you're going to visit your mother's grave and instead of a tomb stone they have her bones on display
I always figured that Pokémon Tower didn't hold the actual graves, just memorial stones.
They're more grim to see and visit, but as a concept? They're not really.

It'll be played up as a 'resting place' for pokemon, and perhaps the atmosphere will be spookier than it's contemporaries, but unless you;re experiencing the atmopshere in person, it isn't that different.
Yeah, it never really made sense how you could have graves on the first floor and up unless the dead bodies were under the floor boards or they decided to put dirt inside the building (even though it was clearly tiled)
I'd think that too if it wasn't for Pokemon Special. Even if you say "it's not game canon", if there's an official source where there are zombies in the Lavender Tower, combined with the ghosts there and the all those seemingly possessed trainers in the tower would make you wonder if there isn't actual bodies there somehow.

The Celestial Tower feels more like just memorial graves, though, for some reason.
i think in japan they cremate most of their dead and the graves would store the urns

dont quote me on that though

even so, if i put a family member or dear friend to rest at some place and a cunt replaced his/her resting place with a radio tower, id be pissed
Don't worry. Kalos will feature a catacombs based area in the new Underground Tower. Unlike previous Pokémon towers since one tunnels far underground and contains nothing but Honedge.

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