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With the sheath!
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worlds edgiest pokemon
"The foes Golem died"
i know right? it puts the sheath BACK ON to attack its opponent. fuck.
One minute of silence for the poor Golem killed for exhibition.

That is the most retarded thing ever, wow.
>this kills the Golem
in the other 3D games, weren't there only 2 attack animations for each pokemon? one for contact moves, and one for everything else? maybe it's a similar thing here, where it'll put its sheath back on and slice for contact moves
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what is Drill Peck
Or the animation is supposed to show the pokemon slamming into the pokemon following the initial strike, and the only way to show that is by having the sheathe follow it in.
Probably to protect their asses from the ESRB since they know soccer moms in America will cry bloody murder over a sword slicing a living object in a children's game. Not like they don't cry about it enough in rated M games.
Yeah if you look it hits much higher up the blade that is, i think the sheathe and sash are just clipping or something
I can't tell if you're all blind, or just being silly.

In case it's the former, I'll just point out that it doesn't hit the sheathe doesn't hit Golem until AFTER the flash of light which indicates the blade's strike. Not only that, but the sheathe strikes both after and lower don than the blade.
Here's the worst part: These same parents don't want to parent their own kids, they expect the TV to be a passive baby sitter.
It's not an interesting enough a thread to warrant a bump.
ironic that you would bump it then
link to video?
Got to admit, the page only just indicated it was updated, so I didn't even bother checking the last post.

Even so, /vp/ isn't so fast a board that 7 minutes is much time, and UI really didn't see the point of saging.
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Are the petals there for japanese dramatic effect or what?
What type would you assume this attack to be?
I think so, I've seen that kind of stuff in anime before
Pretty sure there leaves, and yeah - dramatic effect.

Personally, I reckon it's Night Slash.
Nah, night Slash's Japanese name is a word that literally means testing out your new blade on a random person walking past you. It's too heroic looking.
Cherry Blossoms symbolize death or something of the sort.

Play any JRPG and they usually come up somewhere. See FF/KH and Zantetsuken,
It's from various "single strike" samurai attacks
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>>12906793 (OP)
This and this equals your question. Hurricanger demonstrates it the best althought without the cherry petals. And yes, they symbolize death.
That guy>>12906805
I said it because the sheath part was inside golem and poking out at the side.
The background could be representative of the crossroads, where such kills occur.
Pretty neat.

My bet is that it's a signature move, and it is steel type.
Most likely silk screen
Well looks like we found Pokemon#666
>instant bro

From Baiken's DESTROYED.
It wouldn't be a Japanese game without cherry blossoms...What a fucking joke.

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