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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

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New adorable bro for life right here. Am I right or am I right.
>people calling it "bro" before the game is even released
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you are right!
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oh you're right OP
No. I'll probably ignore it for the gen's useful pokemon.
I had to call my brother 'my brother' before he was born, you know
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That's what kind of makes me think people are retarded. When literally within minutes people are posting fan art of newly announced pokemon as if they are trying to be the first person to do so. How can you really like a pokemon that much without using it. There's millions of "cute little anime animals" that you could make your imaginary bro if design is the ONLY appeal
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>>12338490 (OP)
At first i hated it, but now it seems kinda... dare i say it? cool

well that's because he was literally your brother
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It's supposed to be based off a frilled lizard, right? I wish it looked more lizard like, and less like a stupid wiener dog with stupid triangles on its face
it's not stupid, it's really cute!
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so people cant like something solely on the fact it looks good?
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>it's not stupid, it's advanced
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Go ahead and like it, but the point was that it seems to go far beyond "liking" it when they are rushing to post fanart and rule 34 by the next day, creating threads about it on discussion boards, and calling it their "bro"
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don't you have some Pancham, Gogoat, and Fletchling threads to ruin? or, wait, let me guess, you actually like one of those
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The battle animations have me very interested.
Will it do that for all attacks?
Just the special attack ones?
What will the physical animation be?
What about attacks like flamethrower, where an open mouth would be expected?
Yeah we give them a lot of shit, but they have to do a significant amount of work on each little animation.
I'm happy and hype as fuck.
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at least someone is with me

appreciate the little things brotha

Or you could address my point or not respond at all. I'm not trying to rustle anyone, I just think it's weird
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>>12338490 (OP)
you betcha
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It was less hate and more a lack of enthusiasm about it for me, but I'm really looking forward to this guy now.
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>but they have to do a significant amount of work on each little animation.

No they don't. They could just pull a battle revolution
welcome to the internet
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Okay I'll address it:

uh, Idunno
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>>12338490 (OP)
Depends on how much you're ready to make a contract with it.
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looks like a (sorry, i don't know the english word for it, but pic related)

and that's not bad. at all.
Candy wrapper?
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yeah, I guess that's it.
thanks anon! have this cute fanart!
>This nigga doesn't like Gogoat

Not shitting on your thread or anything, but Gogoat's a total bro.
I liked this nigga before his lines were explained and now all these frilled neck fags have crawled out of the wood work, fuck you hipster shits
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>not liking all 4
This nigga


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