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Here's something this new Pokemon has got me thinking.

Ghost types before have revolved around haunting specific items. Banette with the popular doll, Rotom with various mechanical appliances, Yamask with masks and so on.

If this new Pokemon haunts swords, that means that swords have to have existed in the Pokemon world, and perhaps in great numbers. Why?
>>12887232 (OP)
why else?
Almost as if there was once a time in history where there were swords and shields used for many centuries, like when there where thousands of sarcofigi and dolls lying around too.
In medieval times people fought eachother with swords

There may have been rudimentary pokemon battling, but they'd more likely be tools of war used alongside human warriors.

See movies 8 and 12
The same reason swords existed here? I'm sure a long time ago before humans and pokemon co-existed in relative peace they had to ward them off, not to mention hunt them for food and what not.

Swords are a weapon, a weapon used for wars and shit. The games have already proven there have been wars in the past.
Does /vp/ even speculate history?
We know that since Crystal
Skarmory dex entry: The feathers that it sheds are very sharp. It is said that people once used the feathers as swords.
>>12887232 (OP)
To fight off level 2 zigzagoons
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>>12887232 (OP)

Just passing by...
Pokemon BW outright says that there were wars between people in the pokemon world in ancient times.
>>12887232 (OP)
Have you not seen the lucario movie?
there's a story in the Sinnoh Library talking about a boy going out and essentially killing pokemon with a sword, apparently causing them to be wary of humans and attack first, it would be weird if Monorpale was somehow linked to this.

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