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Gaze upon my loveliness and despair
The attack is called Geomancy faget
>give it a move with geo in its nam3
>give it sword legs
>have a forest theme
>pure fairy
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>Zerneas appears
>Dubstep cry
Does anyone have a gif with oblivion wing as well

I kinda like both of them...
So it should be fairy/grass/steel/ground?
Would it be good?
>turns pink at the end
definately a fairy
Oblivion Wing looked fucking horrible
They need to fix that up before they release the games
So. Fucking. Majestic!
Gimme a sec...
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Any combo with fairy is fine, preferably steel.
What was wrong with it, I saw it on e and if you're talking about that beam, I thought it was amazing.
>>12988835 (OP)
Maybe my favorite legendary ever
It looked horrible. There's no way they meant for it to look like that. Go take another look at it.
Do you mean the attack or the effect it had on Salamance? I agree the latter part looked kind of silly.
>Not having Deathwing the Destroyer as your favourite legendary

Stay lovey dovey and be all happy about life
it is mine.
>liking edgy mcfuckface
I honestly really like them both. Xerneas just a tiny bit more.
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Just saw it again. The animation gets jerky before hitting Salamence. That does look bad. But if it was smooth, would you still hate it because I thing it looked neat otherwise.
The attack wasn't that bad, but it would have been better if it continued to sweep off-cam instead of awkwardly stopping on the target
Yeah, it was pretty shoddy. I hope that's not final.
>oblivion wing
>literally death wing in japanese
>not edgy
No, it looks powerful and genuinely destructive.
>pokemon based on death
>gets mad when its sig move has "death" in it
Who fucking cares? Do "dark" things bother you that much?
So is anyone going to post the Oblivion Wing gif?
>gets mad
>implying I'm even peeved about a pokemon being less than attractive to me
I prefer things with elegance.
I hope so. One simple anon's request pops up and everyone starts tearing each other apart
Things can be dark and elegant. I would actually argue Yveltal can come across as very elegant in a lot of it's artwork.
Let's talk yveltal for a sec.

Why flying? Fuck flying. They made dialga and Palkia dragon. Why not this thing?

It's not that I like dragons, it's that flying is horrific. So much so that I like Xerneas more now.
If it gets Hurricane all is forgiven
It's a Buzzard.
Yveltal comes off crude to me, it definitely doesn't have the same air to it as xerneas. Even the names seem to have a different ring to them.
Cuz it's a bird.
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>>12988835 (OP)
That move is what sealed my choice in X
Shushup and Skrelp were swaying me toward Y, but man, dat Geomancy
That's kind of the whole point. Xerneas is good, it's majestic, it's about life.

Yveltal is it's counterpart representing death and destruction and is possibly explicitly evil.
Thank you

Also...I do admit the beam just abruptly ending at the ground there looks a bit off
It looks like a cero, what does a laser have to do with a wing based attack?
I get that, I just don't appreciate the aesthetics of yveltal, not pleasing to me.
Its not that bad but the lazer could have continued to move forward so it looks like a death ray
Because it's a fucking bird. I don't get why people kept assuming it would be dragon type.
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Oh god it does
>>12988835 (OP)
Both of these moves look Special, so would it be likely that it will be like Generation 4 again with each mascot being Sp. Atk.-oriented? Or will one (or both) of these be similar to Sacred Fire, in that everything points to the move being Special but it was made Physical to benefit from the stats of the user?

Although I love Special Attackers, I'm hoping Xerneas is Special-oriented and Yveltal is Physical-oriented, with other stats to set them apart from things like Palkia and Dialga / Reshiram and Zekrom.
Is it just me or does it look like an hp draining type of move. Notice how Yveltal sparkles at the end.
>fairy gets a legendary before poison

excluding arceus of course
What if their stat spreads are completely different and not just the same spread with 2 of the stats flipped or anything?
It might look better when used against a Pokemon who isn't knocked outside of the laser during it's hit animation.
I dislike that it's called oblivion wing, but it's a laser.
We got squids that aren't water and scorpions that aren't poison, yveltal should have never been flying.
That's your opinion. I think it looks amazing but I'm just and edgy retard to think that, of course.
That would be fine with me. I'd honestly appreciate the change.
Nah man, I can understand liking it, I just prefer things with a refined air about them, that's my opinion, you are entitled to your own opinion.
Also the fuchsia lines moving upward along the base of the beam from Salamence
Absorbing via beam's a neat concept too
You can see life force being drained during the attack as well.

>those sparkles on yveltal after the attack is used

Wait a sec does that move actually drain hp?

Are we finally going to have a hp draining move that does more than 100 base power?!
I wouldn't count Arceus due to the Plates. I get exactly what you're saying but we should have seen this coming. I wouldn't be surprised at all if one of the event Legendaries is a Fairy as well.
Holy fuck another draining move?
I mean, I'm all for HP Restoring moves, but the amount of new ones that have been revealed are just preposterous
I like "Geo Control" better.
Yeah, I can't wait to see other signature moves, new and old.
>tfw stall is back
Why the fuck would anyone ever get edgy looking Yvetal.

Xernas is already in the top 5 best looking legendaries of all time. While Yvetal is every 13 year old's wet dream.
Please stop sharing opinions with me, you are making me look bad by existing.
I'm hoping for the same thing but in the Gen IV group, Giratina was the different. I was hoping he would be purely physical-based but was more or less a tank Pokemon.
>>12988835 (OP)
This is the first time I have wanted to use a box legendary in my life. I've always considered them among the bottom 10 worst pokemon in their gen because they're always fucking retarded looking, but this guy actually looks pretty decent.
Why the fuck would anyone ever get gay looking Xerneas.

Yveltal is already in the top 5 best looking legendaries of all time. While Xerneas is every faggot's wet dream.
You hate me most likely because you are basement dwelling neckbeard and you are just jealous of alphas like me.

Its okay anon. You don't need to be intimidated by me. You and I still share some of the same opinions.
Jokes on you, I live on the first floor.
I liked "Nitro Charge" but we can't always get what we want.
I jusr noticed Xerneas has a x in its eye
U r 2 fast man... sonic could learn from u

>implying sucker punch/brave bird yveltal won't be wrecking shit left and right

You better pray to Arceus that bird doesn't have high attack stat.
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>implying Xerneas isn't officially the coolest legendary

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>not wanting oblivion wing/hurricane
I was hoping, as much as people say they're tired of it, that it would be part Dragon. At least we have another Dark Legendary aside from Darkrai.
Are you serious?
True. Same way I liked Shell Blade.
So are the new Aura abilities just more mold breaker reskins or are we actually getting something unique?
They're Adaptability reskins essentially
But limited to Fairy and Dark and of unknown potency
Are you for real?
They power up moves for ALL sides.
That's a great abbilities for doubles!
I think it's more of an energy attack that extends from or actually is Yveltal's wing.
All it needs now is
>a more erratic energy beam to look less like a simple beam attack
>more background damage
It's literally death from above, so it needs to look a little more chaotic.

Because fuck another generation of dragons being crucial to the story
This, I've pre-ordered Y,
And if Oblivion Wing heals, I'm cemented in Y
Just cause that's mean as fuck.
Seeing Xerneas in action,
The fact that its the first (and probably only) Fairy-type Legendary,
ON TOP of his badass attack animation...
Goddammit, that's just too awesome not to own X!
>>12988835 (OP)

Fuck. It's like watching a gay pride parade
It's so beautiful and majestic, never have doubted my choice.
Two x faggots fresh from /lgbt/
Why so asshurt bro? Pipe down.
>>12988835 (OP)
Oh, so GTFO with your Edgy Death Wing
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>That attack
Kill you'reself
fans of X
>huhhhh Yveltal is edgy

fans of Y
>huhhhh Xerneas is gay

moral of the story? Both sides are twats
I like Yveltal's design and lore better than Xerneas, but I think Geomancy looks better than Oblivion Wing (which kinda looks like Hyper Beam) and I'd like to have a fairy that isn't cotton candy. I hope they just go the Gold/Silver route.
I'm getting both, like every true fan should. Unless you don't have the money, that's understandable.
I like Yveltal's design more but I have to say Xerneas's attack is hell a lot better looking than Yveltal's.
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mah nigga
Xerneas looks better than last gen 4 legged legendary at least.
Also way more competitive use than Y and it's graviting gravel weakness
Yep, you're right!

>like every true fan should
Oh my god, this is worse
Seeing Geomancy makes me excited to see what the Other "large" moves could look like, such as Eruption and Earth Power, or even OHKO moves like Guillotine,
It should've been ground/fairy. seriously.
fucking ponyfags, you like everything with hooves
It's obvious how Yveltal represents the letter Y by its body shape but how does Xerneas represent an X? Also, Xerneas coming in as coolest legendary in ages, already pre ordered X months ago.
>implying Xerneas has hooves
It has sword legs
i'd like guillotine to look all french revolutiony. they'd slowly march the opponent to a guillotine, there'd be a load of angry pokemon with torches watching, the user would announce, then after the opponent's head's been cut off the user would hold it up and all the pokemon would cheer. the whole thing would last about a minute.

i know it won't happen, but it would be nice
>guillotine on a Koffing or Electrode
gets split in half, like if you put a melon in a guillotine

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