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Can any Frenchfags translate this?
I get the gist of it, but that's it.
"The pleasure of being cummed inside."
I heard cheese, surrender, and baguette. But my French is a little rusty.
Non, pas envie fdp suce ma grosse bite
>>12888290 (OP)
He is telling everyone about the time he fucked ur mom
Masuda, go back to reddit.
I think he's just confirming that Kalos is based on France, the different places in France that he was inspired by, and the new pokemon.
Vous êtes des sous-merdes, allez vous faire enculer sales anglais de mes couilles
>remastered Sinnoh music
Shit. I wanted to reply to >>12888327
>>12888290 (OP)

That's not very nice
>region inspired in France
>theme of the game is beauty
So all we get is that fucking sword?
>>12888290 (OP)
You know what Masud? I don't careeeeee.
>evil team is trying to artificially create the most beautiful pokemon
>country of fashion and culinary sophistication
>>12888290 (OP)
Hah! Finally, though I'm not ecstatic riding the hype train now.

Heard the content of the video was about how France became the new inspiration for this generation.
Still working on the rest:

>This is the first simultaneous global pokemon game, which means that people can start battles or trades at the same time! I am very excited at the idea of seeing this.
>Kalos is greek for beauty
>>12888290 (OP)
> Dem Youtube comments

I... I need to learn French.
Wow, I have this application in Youtube that shows the flags of the countries you are from and I'm surprised:

> Americunts
> Canadians (daww)
> Belgiums

Speaking typing fluent French.
>Karnac confirmed

Menhir pokemon better be a beast.
I saw something about white/black. I'm guessing that they are, indeed, trying to work out transferring pokemon between them?
He signaled three fingers.

Basically yes, also he confirms all the work around "beauty" of France. He confirms that the rock place is inspired by Carnac in France, and also that Monorpale is a sword with an ancient soul in it.

Otherwise, nothing really interesting.
Illumise inspired in Paris
Also took inspiration from Lyon and Reims
Carnac was inspired by some aligned stones
Yep, that was a waste of hype. At least we got a cool new pokemon.

He says he likes France-things and shit.
>>12888290 (OP)
French is the third most commonly spoken language in the States after English and Spanish, it shouldn't be all that surprising.
>>12888290 (OP)
Why is Masuda so kawaii, faggots?
>What if the evil organization uses pokemon to make fur coats and boots and handbags and whatnot :o
>>12888290 (OP)
> Dat I don't give a fuck eyes plus pouty lips
i think he was merely saying he visited france in 2010 after the release of black/white and got inspired, so he later returned in 2011 for a more serious visit in order to create the new games
>this generation, pokemon is being released worldwide at the same time
>information given out to france before anywhere else
That attack it used was kind of retarded. I like how it froze golem for a second though.
He just told he went in France after B/W and it gave him inspiration for the game so he came back with the team for 1 month, touring all over the country in cities like Paris, Reims, Lyon, Aix, and Carnac.
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All that hype.. For a sword.... A fucking sword.... With an eye....
>>12888290 (OP)
yes, 3 month until release
Fucking Masuda. He goes out of his way to create a shit storm, but his big reveal was truly something meh.
Same thing happened with 'murrica at e3, except that actually had TONS of info. French people onl got the sword. Japan is the one getting the short end of the stick.
Calling it now, the different coloured soufflés each raise EVs in a particular stat
>Well, I recorded this message destined for the Nintendo booth at the Japan Expo in Paris for you unveil a number of information about Pokemon X and Y.
>The action game will take place in Kalos, which is in reality inspired by France. I decided that one of the themes of the game is the beauty.
>Reflective on a place that would best correspond, a country came to mind.
>>12888290 (OP)
Wat. No recorded audio but inserted Sinnoh music.

Still, it's beautiful and majestic and made me nostalgia'd so fucking hard. Forgiven.
Considering Wakfu's popularity, the choice of pokemon to reveal wasn't made at random.
>>12888290 (OP)
> Dat Sinnoh music

Has it been that long? My tears...
>>12888290 (OP)
> le pays in one of his translated dialogues

>>12888290 (OP)
> Sinnoh orchestral music as BGM


Half-life 3 and pokemon collaboration confirmed
Pokemon sure has gone far. That beautiful music, nostalgia, I hate it. I just love all Generations. My childhood. My innocence, I will continue to play you until death do me apart.

Btw, thank you GF, thank Masuda, thank you autistic originator of Pokemon whose name I forgot and Pokemon Company throughout the world.
>The country most visited by tourists, the country of fashion and culinary sophistication, the country with linguistic sophistication - France!
>In fact, Kalos comes from the ancient Greek word for beauty.
That was already said, but it's there.
>>12888290 (OP)
>Dat fucking attack of the sword
Well that was a waste of time. he spends 5 fucking minutes talking about his visit to France and how it's a beautiful, linguistically/culinarily sophisticated country and so he sought to incorporate elements of Paris, Lyon, and Reims, among others, into the cities of Kalos. Then he reveals the sword, and says he won't reveal anything else because he wants to keep things a surprise.

It's so beautiful, Masuda and his message. So beautiful.
3 more remakes of Kanto
I can't focus with such a melancholic Sinnoh music in the background, damn, I'm old but I will still continue to support GF.
cue corocoro leaks
>>12888290 (OP)
> Carnac

Carnac SERIOUSLY confirmed.
Well BGM was good. But all that hype for nothing. Good thing I went to bed.
>>12888290 (OP)
Hahahaha, the word 'le'. I know, I know! It means 'the' but internet ruined it for me.
Yes. He said the games are being released in 3 months.
Fuck off, holy shit.
>>12888290 (OP)
Dammit internet, I don't know if I can keep a straight face when I hear the word 'le' in real life conversation, with native speaker of French or not because I can't fucking control myself watching Masuda's vid.
Will corocoro have anything this month?
pseudo legendary confirmed for red eyed electric fighting bear that wear grotesques masks.
flabebe evolves into plant fairy 4 leach clover loli
Are we being invaded by shitposting reddlt fags?
Three fingers to... finger you, Mr. Faggot.

Back to reddit.
It's the first worldwide simultaneous release for a pokémon game
which means that people will be able to start doing fights or trades at the same time!
I'm very excited at the idea of seeing that!
So, I recorded this message adressed to the Nintendo stand of the Japan Expo in Paris
to reveal a certain number of information on Pokemon X and Pokemon Y.
The setting will take place in Kalos, which is actually based on France.
I had decided that one of the thema of the game would be beauty.
By thinking to the place that would match the best, one country came to my mind.
the country that would be visited by most tourists ;
the country of fashion and culinary sophistication ;
the country of the linguistic refinement... France!
By the way, Kalos comes from ancient greek, which means "Beauty".
The first time I came in France, was in 2000, for the release of the first pokémon film.
10 years later, in 2010, i came back alone for a one-month long journey,
after the end of the project Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.
I went through Paris, Avignon, Arles,
Marseille, Nice, Eze, Mont Saint-Michel,
Versailles' Castle, and castles of La Loire.
I found that everything was pretty.
Then, in 2011, new travel, serious and with all the team this time, to gather work material.
Lumiose, the central city of Kalos, is inspired by Paris.
Obviously, all the team went there to do researches.
The heart of France, it's really Paris!
So we included everywhere parisian elements.
Of course, we didn't limit ourselves to Paris!
We took inspiration from Lyon and from Reims, among others.
Look carefully at Kalos' map.
Right on the left, you should see some kinds of aligned stones.
I got the idea with Carnac.
From Japan, it was impossible to find informations on the alignments of this town,
so I went there with a guide.
During this journey, we were accompanied by members of the team in charge of the french translation of the game,
so there hasn't been any linguistic problems.
(translating the end)
> Dat masterful art of trolling

Only Kubro can do this. Or Mashima.
>The first time I came to France, it was in 2000, for the export of the first Pokemon movie. 10 years later, in 2010, I returned one for a trip a month after the finish of the Pokemon Black and White project.
>I went through Paris, Avignon, Arles, Marseille, Nice, Eze, Mont-Saint-Michel, the Chateau de Versailles, and the Chateaux of the Loire Valley.
>>12888290 (OP)
Ah Sinnoh, it has been a while.

Btw, theme is on beauty. Now I'm excited to visit France myself.
>>12888290 (OP)
Ah Gay Paree... always on the theme of beauty and sophistication. Which I don't mind.
That attack the sword used was pretty cool, whatever it was.
Don't go to marseille, it's the worst dump i've ever had the displeasure of visiting. So many fucking gypsies.

Im so sorry you had to see that, masuda.
Or, you know, whatever.
>But SEVERAL times, I was asked: "Are you not Mr. Masuda of Game Freak?" And I thought, "Gee, people will know that the game is based on France."
Thanks anon.
Thanks, frenchfriend.

Too bad we didn't get anything too worthwhile other than the Ghost-sword and the fact that Kalos s based off of France and not only Paris.
Wait, like how the ninjas attack their enemies and all of a sudden, a traditional Japanese sliding door appears and they all become shadows and the ninjas continue to slash their enemies? Interesting. Western plus Japanese influence.

Oh yeah, like in Hurricanger.
Oh, finished with sakura petals at that. Coolio.
>Warning: this is not because Kalos is based upon France, and that is a fact. We have created a new world, and I hope you enjoy it.
> Depicted only in Hurricanger

But yeah, basically this.
But several times, people asked me:
"Aren't you Mr Masuda from Game Freak?"
and I was thinking: "Damn, people will know the game is based on France!"
Attention: it's not because Kalos is inspired by France
that it's a copy of reality.
We created a new world,
and I hope that you will like it.
There will be of course plenty of new pokémon in this region.
About twenty of them were already introduced.
While I'm here, I'm going to reveal one more.
its french name is Monorpale,
its japanese name is Hitotsuki.
This pokémon is steel/Ghost typed
and is in the form of a sword containing an antic soul.
There are only three months left before the release of the games.
In order to not disclose everything and that everyone can discover
what they have to offer in october, I will stop there.
Hold your breath!
Oh, yes, before I forget, one last little thing.
Poké-amie! It's a new feature we have worked a lot on.
I hope you will like it. Personally, I love to scratch/rub(?) my pikachu.
With this, good bye everyone!
Is that fucking IT?
i mad a rejun basd on fronse it pretti cuntry :D
That's it.
>There will, of course, be lots of new Pokemon in this region. A score was already shown to you.
You can't let me have anything, can you?
>>12888290 (OP)
Well then.
/a/ pls go
Oh Masuda-sama, such a tease. We will wait of course. We even got CoroCoro next week to be leaked. Don't fret yourself over such a simple video though the explanation is respected.
That's it? Thank you, nevertheless, Mr. Masuda.
>antic soul

I think antic is a obsolete word for "ancient", so he meant ancient soul or ancient spirit.
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I gotta say, I love Monorpale. Love how it unsheathes itself, holds it while swinging at its enemies
Allez tous sucer des queues de nègres en rutes bande de putain d'amerloques de merde lécheur de couille de moineau. Vos mères les putes gratuites qui pratiquent la sodomie toutes les heures avec des retraités bisexuel qui adore les bites de chintoq'. Sur ce, allez vous faire mettre.
Don't lose hope or you GRIP cause next week be CoroCoro week people. Keep up the faith!
Where's Enter and his quote?

C'est lavie.
>>12888828 (You)
Yes, that's what I meant. Ancient soul.
>>12888828 (You)
Fuck. 5 bucks says that the soul is of an ancient knight or some shit
>>12888828 (You)
Maybe he meant antique?
>In order to not disclose everything and that everyone can discover
what they have to offer in october, I will stop there.

Does he mean stop giving info altogether?
>what is corocoro
I think he only meant his message for the japan expo.
>>12888828 (You)

My antics say I'm right
It will give you sight beyond sight.
Its a magazine

No, he just means "Oh, I'm giving so much away in this video, I better stop before I spoil everything!". Nothing more than that.
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>I hope you will like it. Personally, I love to scratch/rub(?) my pikachu
Sorry, I should have been more clear with my translation. He actually said "I love to thrust my dick in my pikachu".
A lot of the places he visited are all in the south-east of France, which is technically not part of the Kalos map.

Nice, Avignon, Eze and Arles are all in the same area. It's interesting they didn't make it into the region map. Unless they're part of a post-game region?

Mont-Saint-Michel is confirmed already as the island town, and the Stonehenge brigade can shut up now that the Carnac Stones were blatantly confirmed. He was very keen on that area, perhaps it feeds into the mythos of the region?
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That can be possible since this new generation and setting is based on Europe, more specifically France.

antic is also a obsolete word for antique. But it's the same thing, a ancient/old soul possessing an inanimate object.

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