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fuck off
>>12890296 (OP)
>Back in the day, All Pokémon were based on animals. Now we have swords and ice cream. GameFreak raped my childhood.
What is magnemite
Blablabla Voltorb blablabla Muk blablabla genwunner blablabla obvious troll blablabla
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It was stupid in gen 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
That doesn't mean they should continue making poor design decisions!

Just because there are worse/similar designs doesn't make this good. But you all know that, you just choose to ignore it like you will ignore this.
Keep eating shit /vp/
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I actually wasted 30+ minutes on this image.
Drowzee is a tapir
Lickitung is a lizard thing.
Why are they bad just because they aren't animals?

The whole reason people bring up voltorb and magnemite is because genwuners and other retarded hypocrites use 'Gen 1 wasn't like that' as their justification for disliking non-creature pokemon or that 'they didn't look like pokemon' even though pokemon have ranged from animals,humanoids, and objects from the beginning.
>implying this is why Gen II is most superior Gen.
Jynx is a nigger.
I could actually live without 90% of these Pokemon.
Actually Jynx is based off of ganguro. Not golliwoggs.
Shuppet and Banette too
Loudred is still a bear and exploud is some kind of godzilla whether or not they also have speaker parts etc and scraggy are lizards
Execute is not based off of an inanimate object.
Wobaffet is not particularly human.
Loudred and Expload incorperate aspects of objects but are not simply based off of them.
Castform is based neither on an inanimate or human object. (inb4 I'm too lazy to go to bulbabpedia to verify this)
Regigigas is based off of a golem which as a creature given life to from the earth. As are his creations.
Darkrai is not based off of a human. (If he is then where's Lucario on your list?)
Cryogonal is based off of a frozen ice partical, not really an object.
All Ice Cream has feelings. It is absurd that you choose to ignore that.

My spelling his horrible and I'm too lazy to look up the official names. Thank you please come again.
Gen 5 has only one more Pokemon line than that of Gen 1...
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for what it's worth it wasn't a waste, anon. I don't think some things belong on there, but you have made me realize the only pokemon I actually like in that entire menagerie of disgusting is from gen 5, so you have managed to single handedly improve my opinion on gen 5.
sorry two more. Sawk and Thro got me.
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If I forget anything or chose something that isn't inanimate/human then it is due to my own cursoriness, not because of bias.

I googled "Are eggs alive" and came up with no.
Wobbuffet is a punching bag.
Castform is a doll thing.
I'll give you Regigigas but the trio are more "piles of rocks/ice/steel" than they are golems
Cryoganol is a snowflake. Not inanimate.
You're right. I'll go start a tumblr complaining about how the cis scum are oppressing the ice cream.
Just remove Hypno then you're good
>Not inanimate.
Fuck. Not animate.
I chose to get rid of Drowzee and keep Hypno because out of the two, Drowzee actually looks like a tapir that happens to be bipedal while Hypno looks like a man with a very large nose.
Come on lots of pokemon are more humanoid than hypno
Castform is a cloud. Inanimate though not of human creation.
You could also argue it's a weather antenna I guess.

Unless you consider monkeys human and stuff? Then you might need to add Slaking's line and some others.
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Aw fine.

Isn't Deoxys based on the concept of DNA or a virus?
Assuming the latter that's a living being (though not scientifically an animal) and shouldn't really be counted as "humanoid"

Also you forgot the Abra line which is literally just humans with psychic powers. One dex entry for Kadabra even states that a human boy in a lab turned into one.

Also on an unrelated note, the game is called pocket MONSTERS, not pocket animals and nobody said mutated or mysterious people can't be monsters.
I like you
I thought that was what Shuppet was supposed to be.
Also aren't Drifloon and Drifblim based off of real Japanese myths about spirits carrying away children in addition to being balloons? If Gengar and other straight "ghost" Pokemon get to be excluded from the list than the Drifloon line should either be removed or the Wailmer line should be added for being based off a hot air balloon and a blimp respectively.
man that dex entry makes me think of akira
Viruses aren't alive. I wouldn't call DNA alive either. And the Abra line have fox ears/heads which makes them about as human as Lucario.

Also I forgot Ghastly. Whoops.
My only problem with these inanimate object Pokemon designs is they all feel cheap with not a lot of thought put into them, bar a few of them I suppose. When it's an animal combined with an inanimate object it just feels more original or lively then a fucking a ice cream cone, or a guy hold a fucking beam.
What inanimate object is the Metagross line? Are you just throwing robot-like things in there?
but wailmer is also quite obviously based on a whale, which is an animal
>not liking magneton
>not liking bronzong
>not liking chandelure
>not liking hexcalibur
The thing is, they aren't poor design choices. The design choices are actually really neat and interesting. The subject at hand is something that is nice to delve into. There is nothing wrong with taking an object and making it into a Pokemon since this has always been true since the beginning.

Your dislike of the Pokemon does not make it a 'poor design'. It makes it something you don't care for. Luvdisc is my least favorite Pokemon because I find its design to be incredibly boring, but that doesn't make it 'poorly designed', because it is designed based upon what it was meant to be.
I combed Bulbapedia and saw nothing about an actual myth about spirits carrying away children. I'll add Dusclops though because it is a possessed paper lantern.
Turns out it's not specific spirits but it's the same kind of thing.

I don't know if they scientifically count as alive but they reproduce and they need to actively sustain themselves via a source of sustenance so they're really dead. And they're 100% organisms.

Some are really clever like the Litwick line or Rotom. Hell even Muk and Weezing are kind of cool even if they're almost criminally simplistic. Also stuff like Gardevoir, while not the most complex or clever design in the world still falls under the broad term "monster" and holds up well as an interesting and varied Pokemon species.
Not saying EVERY Pokemon design ever is good, Personally not much a fan of Meditite or Medicham, but I don't hate any Pokemon design and I think most are pretty neat.

As mentioned above, Drifloon and Drifblim are also based on non-human, animate concepts in addition to being balloons.
If you need an example, I know from personal research that crow tengu are often cited as carrying off children in Japanese folklore and they're probably best described as monstrous. crows.
blame my late replies on the murrikan skyfires celebration
>>12890296 (OP)
0/10, you can't even follow the basic idea of that exploitable
>forgetting alakazam
see >>12891605

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