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Yeah... no.

I played every game and trained many pokemons which didn't appeal to me at first glance but ended up being bro-tier (Trubbish, for example). What I don't understand is why people get so buttdestroyed about new mons 'for being an object with eyes', but sucking on Electrode or Magnemite's dick just because, you know, nostalgia, gen 1, Kanto4ever, etc.

What the hell, /vp/. I usually don't give a fuck about genwunners, but they were so loud and annoying the last two days that it hurts.
>>12901370 (OP)
>maybe if I bring up how shitty voltorb is that'll justify every single shitty pokeon that GameFreak has made since Gen 1

It's a sword with an eye, people are allowed to think it's shit, fuck off back to facebook
It think its alright, I can understand why people dislike it though.
This guy gets it

Also, Magnemite is a hell of a lot more creative. He's more than a horseshoe magnet with googly eyes straped on.

It has a round metal core with screws to express emotion, an eye, and magnet on the side likced by electromagnetism.

Stop bringing it up

I swear to god, Honedge fags are obnoxious as fuck
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>>12901370 (OP)
This pokemon makes me feel RIGHT at home.
My prayers have been heard.
Honedge is a hell of a lot more creative. It's more than a sword with a googly eye straped on.

This Pokémon is a dead warrior's blade which has been enchanted by an evil spirit and has grown a ghostly hand with which to weild itself, and floats due its ghostly telepathic powers.

I swear to god, kantoelders are obnoxious as fuck.
No, it's a possessed sword with a piece of cloth it can use as an arm and an eye.

Eat shit OP, Honedge apologgists are a hell of a lot more annoying

You faggots need to into reading comphresion.

>>12901370 (OP)
YOU need to not greentext the points to confuse the above faggots

And YOU ... you are a total bro, don't ever change for anyone
I hope the genwunners get raped by this mystical sword ghost in the ass tbh.
inb4 gen war
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I don't plan to.
I just found my Gen VI Bro-kemon
I used to think that Trubbish was so dumb, but then:
>Shiny Trubbish

Blue Garbodor was bro-tier.

I=V>VI (so far)>IV>II>III
Someone get the drawfags.
>>12901370 (OP)
Genwunners or not, it is rather silly to see people get so butthurt over a Pokemon. It'd be nice if people could just respect other peoples likes/dislikes and just move on but this is /vp/ and that will never happen. People who like it think the people who hate it are genwunners/nostalgiafags, and the people who hate it think the people who like it will love anything. Personally, I like it, but I also like Voltorb, Magnemite, and Trubbish. Still it's better than when Newtwo was revealed. God that was an awful week.
>People who like it think the people who hate it are genwunners/nostalgiafags

That's not true at all. The genwunners and nostalgiafags are the people that hate on it because it's a sword, while defending shit like Magnemite as a more creative design purely because it comes from their "perfect" gen I, when both are equally creative regardless of whether you like one, both, or neither.

I have no problem with people who dislike the design. What I have a problem with is people disliking the design for arbitrary reasons that ironically apply equally to the very Pokémon they defend, and for insulting the people who disagree with their subjective taste. They're judgmental hypocrites, not reasonable people voicing valid opinions.
>>12901370 (OP)


I've never heard this before. Have you gen4 babbies really gotten so buttfrustrated about your underage status that you've made up a silly name to call people?
Honedge would be a hell of a lot cooler if it didn't unsheath at all, it just look hella' plain when it is.
>I've never heard this before.
You must be new
Can we all agree that every gen gave us good and shit designs?
>hasn't heard of a genwunner
u wot m8
lol nope
the problem is that it is overdesigned
Hey OP, no one is angry because this doesn't look like a Gen 1 Pokemon. They're pissed because it's a lazy design.

Now fuck yourself to death, faggot.
>he criticized immature hypocrites who hate people with different opinions
>must be underage sinnoh fan

I'm 23, I started with Silver, I've played at least one game from every gen, and I like every gen more or less equally (though I'd probably say gen IV is actually my LEAST favorite, as it happens). If you'll read my post again, you'll see I distinguished between people who favor gen I and people who like it exclusively to the point of hypocritically crucifying later games for the same flaws their own favorite games are guilty of. If anyone's "buttfrustrated", it's those idiots. And while they're clearly not underage, they certainly act like it.

Also, how fucking new are you?
>Sheath face
>Tassel arm
>Possessed by a ghost
Cool beans
>>12901370 (OP)
ITT: People who don't know the japanese culture that goes into making a pokemon.
In shinto everything has a soul, and this makes everything a potential monster to use as inspiration for a pokemon, be it an animal, an object, or even a concept. And we have had all of them since gen 1. I would say that they have gotten more creative since they aren't just using cartoony animals.
But that said, I do think that Honedge is kind of boring and dosn't really look that much like a pokemon, without the scabbard on.
No, I like Honedge and I agree it's a 'lazy' design, but it'll likely evolve into something awesome and incredible.
will do.
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Everyone felt the same way about Klink, so if history is to repeat itself it will just evolve into more swords.
But it's not a lazy design at all. The sheathe and Tassel obviously had effort put into it. Saying "it's a sword that looks like a sword so the design is lazy" is stupid. Is Blastoise a lazy design because it's just a tortoise?
>yfw it evolves into 2 Homedges wielding each other.
>2 honedges wielding eachother evolves into three honedges tied together into a giant spinning blade of death
Man I knew the inanimate object Pokemon of this Gen would cause some shitfits, but I didn't expect people to get this terrible about it. We've been having like 10 threads a day since this nigga has been revealed.
implying that isn't magneton 3.0
Named Damocleave
I kind of like Honedge. But from day one of Pokemon there's been some pretty shit ones and some pretty good ones design-wise.

I actually like how simple Honedge looks. Also ghost/steel it was either that or a suit of armor, and I get tired of possessed suits of armor. Though a possessed shield could of been cool.
It has nothing to do with generation. Boring is boring.
No. There are very few pokemon that I actually dislike. Gen 2 didn't have a bad looking pokemon at all.
Shut the fuck up.

Lazy is absolutely not a word you can use to describe the design if you're doing that with the idea that other designs in the series, and I mean every design practically, wasn't equally as lazy. In fact, the two posts that I'm quoting just don't go together. It doesn't make sense for it to be over-designed and lazy.
>Gen 2 didn't have a bad looking pokemon at all.
Chikorita line
None of those look bad, and they were all original.
>muh perfect Gen II
Tell me your definition of original.
I actually like all those except Stantler muh hypnosis EMM tho, Natu, and Unown

Chikorita is my favourite Gen II starter

The gap in appearance between Blastoise and an actual turtle is about 3 galaxies wider than the gap between Honedge and an actual sword.
I'm going to do two things first:
This is how i'd rank my generations by design. Clearly 2 isn't my favorite. I don't think it was perfect. A lot of the pokemon don't completely stick in my mind, but none of them were designed bad.

Original, in the context of pokemon, would mean a pokemon that brings something new in its design or concept that we haven't seen before. All of these pokemon do this essentially.
And the gap between Muk and a piece of purple shit? Or the gap between Grimer and a bigger Muk? Or the gap between Electrode/Voltorb and a pokeball? Or the gap between Raticate/Rattata and any other rodent in the world? Or the gap between Persian and a slightly bigger regular cat with a pointless jewel on its head? Or the gap between Taurus with two tails cut off and a regular bull? Or the gap between a seel and a seal? Or the gap between Pidgey and any other bird in the world?

There wasn't much of a gap between what a cartoonized version of most animals would look like and their pokemon counterparts in gen 1
5>4 (excluding HG/SS)>3>1>2 (including HG/SS) is the correct answer
Nah it's 5 > 1 > 3 > 4 > 2. Gens 4 and 2 had too many Older Pokemon in the region and it made them feel like actual sequels. Nintendo's games are better off being as standalone as possible. Gen 5 was the best because it completely disregarded previous generations until the post-game.
nice essay m8
Valid Criticisms
- "I think living swords are overused."
- "I'm fine with it being a sword but why did it have to look so boring?"
- "It's not horrible but it doesn't really appeal to me."
- "I really wish they'd done a better job at making a sword Pokémon, maybe it will have an evolved form that looks better."
- "I don't care for the design."

Dumb Complaints
- "It's a fucking sword!"
- "Gamefreak have really run out of ideas."
- "Gen 1 had much better designs."
- "Pokémon should be animals not inanimate objects."
- "I was fine with Magnemite, Klink and even Vanilluxe but a sword Pokémon? That's going too far."
- "Gen VI sucks!"

Seriously gamefreak? Its just a fucking cobra, a giant cobra? That's all you can think of?
trade honedge with Escavalier = new Pokemon fusion
You not only stated your opinion but you based it on facts and did so name-calling. You're too mature for 4chan. Get out.
hoenn confirmed
>not having a favorite
Okay, lets break out the edge list.
[v/] 1. Is a ghost type that eats your life force
[v/] 2. Is a steel type that uses man-made weapons
[v/] 3. Almost certainly has a backstory filled with pain
[ ] 4. Is a poodle


A very cool pokemon that will show off sword-centered moves like cut, aerial ace, and the slash moves. It will be on my team if I get a 3DS. If I don't, I'll just look up all it's animations on youtube.
Still a bullshit design, it has no personality at all and it looks way retarded than Magnemite.
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Indeed, there are things I to like and dislike about every region.

Just about anything I like I enjoy and dislike equally.
You badass
Your mom is a bullshit design

I like them all though. Yellow was my first game.
Look at that fucking bullshit on the left. It doesn't have a stalk, just some stupid faggy little green nipple on the top, it's a stupid colour, and why the fuck does it need an outer later?
Such bullshit, it's not even a fruit anymore.
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>mfw I actually like this on pretty much.

I usually don't like "uninspired hurr durr random object" pokemon. Voltorb and magnemite sucks pretty much. But just because they were in gen 1 there's no reason to continue making them. The first game is allowed to make some mistakes.

At least this one has an ok design. Just imagine how bad a sword pokemon could have looked!
What the fuck IS creativity anyway? all we ever do is put two or more things together to make other things.

ghost sword is cool idea, comrade, so shut the fuck up, cause we don't need to go though the same complainy bullshit yet again.
>>12901370 (OP)
I can't even believe there are people who dislike Honedge.

They must be little faggots or girls that like the shit outta Sylveon. This here? This is a man's pokemon.
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Haunted swords have appeared in a ton of games already. Personally, I'm fucking ecstatic that Pokemon is getting a ghost sword.

People who object to it are just grumpy.

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