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>People killing themselves in the pokemon world to become ghost pokemon
>inb4 "B-But the pokemon world is a child friendly place!"
Why does it specifically have to be suicide? Can't you become a ghost by having a heart attack or getting in a car crash?
>>12903897 (OP)
>everyone in the relic castle became a yamask when it hit
>become honedge
>implying you won't need to die in battle
You need to commit suicide by cutting yourself while holding an eviolite on friday in order to become a honedge.
I was always under the impression that only people who were properly mummified would move on to the afterlife (become a yamask)
>Kill self
>Ghost Pokemon
>Fuck PokeWaifu
Death seems nice
although I guess I dont need to be dead for this to happen
>Enter a cave in X/Y
>See something laying on the ground
>Helmet, cape, armor, and shield
>No body because mai E for everyone
>Obvious remains of ancient soldier
>Honedge appears - guarding his/her remains and dignity for all eternity
>Catch him/her and stuff them in tiny ball
>Implying ghost pokemon are dead people

Too bad you probably won't be in the same egg group.
Some of them canonically are, some canonically aren't.
But it's literally confirmed by yamask. The question is if all Pokemon and Humans become ghost pokemon, or if there are specific requirements. The series has literal ghosts like Yamask and spooky entities like Froslass who aren't really undead but just have ghost like elements to them.

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