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why is iris' dragonite always mad
Because Salamence is better than him in almost every way
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To give it a personality that distinguishes it from other Dragonite.

Dragonite is usually super-happy.
I get that, but putting a permanent scowl on its face seems unnecessary.

shame about that design though.
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Maybe, but it works.
>>11504232 (OP)
If you watched the episode with Iris vs Drayden, he makes a mental note,

>"I can see this Dragonite's past. What an intersting life he's had."

I'm guessing he was abused by humans, which is why he doesn't trust them
Not surprised by writing this lazy if that were true considering the anime.
>>11504232 (OP)
Writers desperately finding ways to make Dragonite look cooler than other Dragon types because nobody likes Dragonite. Anymore
>but it works
>>11504232 (OP)
Because it's female and on it's period
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Remember in that one episode with Bill's lighthouse when they acted like Dragonite was some rare mysterious one of a kind super giant Pokemon?

And now one of the trio has one and its bitchy as shit.
You really should stop watching the anime.
It's getting worse every season.
I know, it looks like Barney the dinosaur.

That's another reason why Salamence is better I guess
God, I really hate her Dragonite. Like what the fuck is it's problem? I don't even watch the anime anymore, and it just pisses me off everytime when I see it. The whole "tough/badass" thing doesnt work with Dragonite's design, and it just looks fucking retarded. All they're trying to do is recreate a 2nd Ash's Charizard
>All they're trying to do is recreate a 2nd Ash's Charizard

There's the answer. The anime has been reusing a lot of plot points from the past. A Mario anime would not be this repetitive.
Anime ending theme confirms that Dragonite and Charizard will be bros
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This, Dragonite is supposed to look happy and kind-hearted (but powerful as fuck at the same time). That's what makes him different from most dragons.

I wonder if Dragonite is pissed off because it's no long the only Dragon type Pokemon? There's a ton of them now that are better than it.
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>>11504232 (OP)
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"Bitch, please."

>The whole "tough/badass" thing doesnt work with Dragonite's design

That's the point.
It's not funny either.
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>The whole "tough/badass" thing doesnt work with Dragonite's design
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>It's not very effective
There must be a Charizard parallel in every season from now on.

Dawn had Mamoswine disobey her, and now Iris has Dragonite disobeying her.
As well as all those Ice attacks it's been shrugging off.
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>Japanese Dragonite
>happy and smiling
>American Dragonite
The anime is already all over the place with battle mechanic and rules, why do you think this would make a difference?
See, it works with them because they don't even have badges. And anime Iris is a trainer and not a gym leader/champion.

With Ash's Charizard it makes no fucking sense. Apparently helping Charizard recover from an ice attack is much more effective than collecting 8 Gym badges from a region.
That makes more sense.
Getting 8 badges, with like 5 of them being pity badges. Or personally caring for a hurt pokemon, even damaging his own hands while he's been an arrogant shit to his trainer all along. making the pokemon remember the good times.

I wonder what's more effective?
Because Gym Badges in the anime have some kind of effect other than being generally useless collectables, right?

People, can you please stop trying to impose gameplay mechanics onto the anime? It works for some things, but for others it doesn't because the anime can get away with a lot more stuff.
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>Saving Charizard's life earns you his respect.
Yeah you're right, it doesn't make any sense...
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I was never a Dragonite fan (I always found it design too goofy) but I like Iris' Dragonite. It's a nice change from the "Oh look at me, I'm a super cute, huge dragon which is so popular to the girls" attitude that Dragonite usually have. And I also love good tsundere characters (I said "good" because most tsundere characters are annoying as hell).
>>11504232 (OP)
because it is the Grand Dragon being ordered around by a little black girl who's guie is an old Jewish man.

>Ash gets charizard back
>Charizard vs Dragonite rivalry
>Charizard kicks the youngsters ass every time
>Charizard teaches Dragonite values
> It all turns into "power of friendship" asspulling
>flying type
>wings can't be called wings

you can't say shit about dragonite when you have that
>nobody likes dragonite
what is multiscale
it's "i swear to god, if this nigger don't shut up..."

the anime is made on japan faggot.
and they are both as bad
>using le epic 8gag meymeys


What is Sneaky Pebbles.
Meant for >>11505192
>It's getting worse every season.
Actually, it started off good, went to complete shit in Johto, and has gotten slightly better every region since.
Personally, I enjoy the more cutesy Dragonites AND Iris's Dragonite about equally. It is just a character. The anime does this shit all the time. No idea why people would make such a big deal over this. Even among just Iris's Pokemon, her Emolga is much more unbareable by far. There's actually some cute moments with Dragonite getting embarrassed when she fawns all over it. Everyone saying Dragonite has always been cutesy doesn't remember Bill's Lighthouse or Lance in the games Hyper Beaming Team Rocket with his Dragonite in Gen 2.
>Oh no! He used an image from a website that I hate because anonimoose legiun/9fag warz. How horrifying!
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>mfw I watched that from the episode she caught him till the end of conference then Giovani's madness for Christmast afternoon with my family
>missing the point/joke completely
The USA covers for Kirby games are infamous for taking the usually happy and smiling Kirby, and giving it angry eyes, and generally making it look angry. Iris' Dragonite, which was caught in a region based on the USA, is infamous for taking the usually happy and smiling Dragonite, and giving it angry eyes, and generally making it look (and act) angry.
I didn't get your joke at all until you explained it. We're not mind-readers.
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Start collecting shards then find a move tutor. Don't be shy to ask.
probably because he can't get that dark loli pussy, I'd be mad as hell too
I'd agree for the most part. Though Best Wishes is kind of lacking in general
>>11504232 (OP)
'cause he's a gangsta.
Iris has no business with a Dragonite anyway. Give her a fucking Haxorus. Let's see all the memorable Dragonites from the cartoon:

>Lighthouse fuckhueg mysterious as shit Dragonite
>Mewtwo movie, first true debut of Dragonite
>Orange Islands League Drake's Dragonite
>Lance's Dragonite
>Dragon's Den Dragonite
>Professor Oak's Dragonite
>Iris' Dragonite equipped with the "stick up butt" item

I honestly think Dragonite is the most widely owned Pokémon in the show. I mean, does one of the animators like it or something? It's meant to be rare as shit. The reason Mystery at the Lighthouse was so cool was because you never really could tell if it was real or an illusion or whatever. Now my mom's dog has a Dragonite. Couldn't they give Iris a Salamence or one of the BILLION other dragons they've been furiously wanking over for the past ten years?

>We need to give Iris a strong Dragon-type Pokemon!

>We can't evolve Axew because it's cute and marketable, so Haxorus is out! Druddigon belongs to Drayden, so it's out too. Wait! The gang is in Eastern Unova, where older Pokemon exist! Let's give her a Dragonite! It'll appeal to both kids and older fans!
>Couldn't they give Iris a Salamence
Hoenn pls go
>>11504232 (OP)
Sand tomb in her vagina.
That's like complaining about Ass still being the main character even though he never gets nor he accomplished anything. Why do people keep watching this crap is beyond me.
damn i remember it well that one hsow there was rare they dont get that big

>Why do people keep watching this crap is beyond me.

Because they can't let go of their childhood.

They can't accept the fact they aren't the target audience anymore.
I know its trying to be all scary and mad in that pic, but it just looks like a derpy fucker taking a shit.
i stop watching after hoen i wish i did sooner why did the quality of the anime drop so much ?

in jotho stuff begin to take a strange turn around the end
Though one thing was kept consistent.
Ash losing Pokemon leagues.
Ash won Orange Island League. Nothing is consistent.
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Johto was really horrible.

The Pokemon Ash caught in Johto got few battles, and no development. Totodile being the most blatant example.
orange islands were good
It wants that chocolate loli so badly but it can't.
Doesn't count. Only reason why he won that was because that was the filler season and not part of the games.
>comparing the anime to the games
Do you realize how retarded you sound? That was part of the anime. We are talking about the continuity of the anime. The games hold no part in this discussion, and you never cross the canons. This is why you have trouble with the anime. You are making it into something it isn't designed to be.
Filler doesn't count for shit.
>an entire long arc
I hate you faggots so much.
B-but my Bleach's fillers.
>thinking the anime is actually divided by seasons
The anime is divided into series and there's only four of them:
>Pocket Monsters
>Pocket Monsters: Advanced Generation
>Pocket Monsters: Diamond & Pearl
>Pocket Monsters: Best Wishes
Ash beat the battle frontier too.

That counts for way more than winning some shitty tournament.
Seasons, even if you insist on being an idiot.
Then how was the anime adapted? Anything that happens in the main series will have an effect on what the anime writers do. They skipped the N and plasma plot due to B2W2.
>They skipped the N and plasma plot
What is Episode N?
>due to B2W2
What is a motherfucking tsunami?

Don't chime in if you have no clue what you are talking about.
I'll give you that one since that was adapted from official canon mixed in with revisiting Kanto which had the FR/LG games out around that time.
I mean they skipped it until after the Pokemon League episodes. It's now obvious they're basing it on the return of Team Plasma and N plus Colress as well.
>adapted from official canon
Leave. Just leave. There's no "official canon". The anime is canon to the anime. The games are canon to the games. No one takes priority from the other or adapts from one another aside from the broadest sense of characters, region layout, and Pokemon. Gary is not Blue, nor is the opposite true no matter how much your headcanon wants to compare them.
They were going to air the episode another time but changed their minds after finding out about the sequel games coming up and would base an arc on that game. Hence why you don't see Rekrom or Reshiram in the anime either.
First episode. Also, they already had a movie.
Is in the Episode N plot.
A STAB Surf in rain. nah, just kidding
If the anime was canon to the anime, why is Ash visiting the regions at the same time the games with those regions came out? The reason he visited the Orange Islands and revisited Kanto was because they couldn't simply just stop and wait for the developers to release the next main games. So they had to make up their own thing. That's why there's so much filler in say, Johto. The anime is also a base for showing off a new Pokemon for a new Gen such as the movies.
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Marketing. There's no direct relation, just marketing.
FUCK. Zekrom. Fucking typos.
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oh man you had me going for a second
Yes and no.
Yes they're different people in the sense that they have a different character.
No they're the same people in the sense that an alternate universe version of you is still technically the same person as you.
And that's basically what they are. You can't deny that their looks, relationships teams and characters are similar over the different media. It's basically an alternate universe scenario. "What if half the gym leaders were part of team rocket and the Elite 4 giant douches?" For the manga.
"What if red was incompetent and had a proper name instead of a color?" for the anime.
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Iris's Dragonite is kind-hearted as fuck. He's just the classic "softie" character like pic related.
And yet the manga was a closer adaption to the games than the anime which did whatever the fuck it wanted. At least the manga wasn't as drawn out with filler as the anime was.

he's right, kill yourself for using it
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B-but I don't want to kill myself

you're a fucking dumbass and should kill yourself too
>And yet the manga was a closer adaption to the games than the anime
Specialfags cancer will never end.
>At least the manga wasn't as drawn out with filler as the anime was.
Filler isn't a word for anything you don't like. That word has meaning and while the Pokemon anime was notorious for filler in the past, Best Wishes has very little filler relatively. Orange Islands was an entire plot arc, which is also not filler because it is part of the intended plot at the time. Filler is the episodes between arcs while the writers figure out how the next big arc is going to play out.
I wouldn't call the Red and Yellow arcs a close adaptation to the games at all.
Why isn't it exploding on contact like "energy" related moves do in every other episode? That doesn't even make sense.
Both their wings upset me. Dragonite's are too small and Salamence's wings are jointless making flight impossible.
>Best Wishes has very little filler relatively
Oh don't worry. That will change very soon.

>Orange Islands was an entire plot arc, which is also not filler because it is part of the intended plot at the time.

Was only intended because they had to wait until it was close enough to 2nd gen before they could start putting those episodes out. And for that it took a new league with 4 badges. Battle Frontier was a convenience. Don't believe me? Just look at the Johto arc which had no made-up land they went to between Johto and Hoenn.
I said closer than the anime. Even Satoshi himself said the manga was closer to his vision.
To show how tough and badass Dragonite is.
DBZ logic.
>Just look at the Johto arc which had no made-up land they went to between Johto and Hoenn.
Exactly, which is why Johto got bogged down in filler land. They learned to start making more plots after that like Battle Frontier or slowing the hell down with the main plot like Diamond and Pearl did. Diamond and Pearl was too slow though, so Best Wishes gave us the plot in a timely manner. It isn't even long before the next games come out, which is when they can move to the next region, so there will be little filler this time around. They finally figured out how to do this right.
That quote has passed the statute of limitations by far, and it isn't even in relevance to Special manga. Electric Tales of Pikachu bro.
I love Iris' Dragonite.

"Ice attacks? Bitch please! I'll take that head-on!"
You mean, the manga full of ecchi, drawn by a pr0n artist and censored in every way possible in Murrica? Although I agree Tajiri's quote is no longer relevant (maybe yes maybe not, I don't recall he talked about it again), EToP is not much closer. IIRC, what Tajiri liked about Special is that the protag changed for each arc, allowing the "previous" one to actually succeed, which isn't the case with the anime.
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>Mario anime
>not repetitive
>anything Mario
>not repetitive

We live in the BAH BAH era now.
>what Tajiri liked about Special
There's no famous quote of him talking about Special, so that's basically headcanon mixed with ignorance.
Not true. It was definitely Pokemon Special.

>"This is the comic that most resembles the world I was trying to convey"
Nowhere in that quote did you prove anything. Keep trying.
Someone doesn't get the exaggeration.
The only thing you proved is how often people misquote that.
Because he was finally introduced as a main character in a season with the worst protagonists.
I wouldn't mind it so much if he actually had to suffer the consequences of being rash and overconfident by losing matches, and eventually realize that he's doing something wrong. But the writers feel that it's fine to have him take 10 super-effective hits in a row and come out of it unscathed.
Some Pokemon in the anime are small and quick to dodge. Others use their bulk to brace against attacks. Pretty simple concept. Iris did at first have to learn to trust Dragonite who knew he was better off bracing attacks than trying to dodge slowly and getting hit with the full force.
>Others use their bulk to brace against attacks.
I honestly can not remember this happening to the same extent as Iris' Dragonite with any other pokemon in the anime. Even Lance's dragonite actually bothered to move out of the way of attacks.
A good example was Torterra during the Diamond and Pearl arcs. I remember it being in the anime as far back as battles in the original season, one in particular with Ash's Kingler banging on something using Withdrawl.
Tell me, when exactly did he say that? Did he say it when it was still mostly following the plot of the games, or did he say it when they decided to do the whole LETS MAKE THE GYM LEADERS AND THE ELITE 4 EVIL LOL ZAPMOLCUNO MAGIC BADGES crap?
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maybe he used to be owned by the angriest person ever.
And the only thing you proved is that you only want to win an argument.

Got your source on him quoting Electric Tale?

Totodile was one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situations, because he started out a happy-go-lucky fucker, which is usually what you're supposed to strive toward. Most pokémon started out more or less neutral and would later reveal issues: Caterpie's wish to evolve, Charmeleons disobedience (probably a result of abandonment issues), Chikorita's tsundere crush, Gligars insecurities,... Minor issues, but issues the writers could use for episode plots and resolve. Totodile's defining point however was that he was perfectly happy with everything. If they tried to change that, the viewers would be complaining about needless dramatising.
>Barry's dad's Dragonite
What's the problem with Dragonite? I mean, it is a solid Pokemon since it got Multiscale.

But well, my problem with Iris' Dragonite is not really that is mad and disobedient. It is that THEY ARE REAPEATING THIS PLOT POINT SHE HAD ALREADY.

Good lord, she had problems with Excadrill already, the overcame this to come with another problem like this. I adore Iris, she could had been a good character, but she unfortunately suffers the bad writing of the anime.

I understand that she can not be the prodigy she is in game, but yeah, at the very least show why she is Drayden's apprentice other than "calming and taming dragons".
>the viewers would be complaining about needless dramatising.
The viewers are 10 years old and don't give a fuck. They could have easily turned Totodile into Charizard II, a fucking asshole who hates Ash for no reason, and kids would have loved it.
>implying I care about dubs
The dub has nothing to do with the notion or fact that the anime is separated into seasons just like any other Japanese anime.
Except the anime isn't separated by seasons in Japan. It's separated into series:
multiscale can be pretty useful
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The dragonite from the first movie that delivered mail was a bro
It's a pretty powerful Dragonite. If they had it listening to her, it'd be wrecking too much shit and too quickly. Plot points would be over immediately.

It doesn't excuse her having to go through two disobedient Pokemon-- But that'd be the reason why. Unfortunate, really. I do like the fact it's a grumpy dragonite with a soft spot only for Iris, though.
Oh look, Bulbapedia is wrong, again. Normally this would be a free pass for you, but considering you used Bulbapedia as a source it is not. Whether or not they acknowledge the separation of seasons for their own convenience of labeling episodes, it is in the Japanese anime. You see the new openings, new titles, Battle Frontier, Galactic Battles, etc. and everything else new seasons bring everytime a new season starts.
Then what are the names of the seasons in Japan again?
It's a kids show, writing isn't going to be superb and they'll probably avoid topics like animal abuse and neglect. It's really not hard to read between the lines.
>>11504232 (OP)
Cause he has a small penis.
...I don't wanna know how you got that piece of information...
They said it was easy money, not clean.
I always thought that was strange
>>11504232 (OP)
Cause it's constipated.
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That anon you were arguing with here. Further evidence that you're wrong:
Maybe it was because that thing was so big?

I mean, Dragonite's aren't that fucking big, usually. So maybe they were acting like that because it was a super rare Giant-ass dragonite.
It's one thing to take a hit
It's another to tank 3 STAB 4x super effective hits from an offense oriented pokemon then proceed to OHKO it with a neutral attack
I know I should be used to this bullshit by now, but it still pisses me the hell off
>Pokémon Gold Silver
>Pokémon Orange Island

I think you're destroying your own argument.
>Pocket Monsters: Advanced Generation
>Pocket Monsters: Diamond & Pearl
>people have opinions
No shit!?
Not going to lie, this made me like Dragonite.

It always looked too retarded, especially when depicted in Colosseum
Simple explanation: Dragonite is much higher level.
>>11504232 (OP)
dragon rage
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Maybe it belonged to Tobias
Well the anime DOES act like fanfiction sometimes.
well the games are truely just based off of numbers. id like to believe that real pokemon could actually endure more than a pokemon who had 1 more stat in attack than they did in defence.
inb4 real pokemon wut?
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Unova is America
Everything is angrier in America.

See: pic.
Lmao. I love that there are a few edited American versions where they have the angry faec.
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Another example (coincidentally also developed by Sakurai"
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Oh god the subtle brainwashing.
I thought it was because he had something stuck up his ass...didn't ashes charizard flip shit all the time? Then when he was released they both cried (from what I remember)
Much as I hate to say it, Charizard was done better. He got Ash into trouble several times, cost him the league, and got wrecked by Poliwrath due to overconfidence. Dragonite has suffered nothing for being a douche.
Sure, that's fine
But again the damn thing was literally covered in ice attacks, shook them off, then pulled a sudden victory out it's ass
I have no problem with pokemon winning despite type disadvantages, but that shit goes right up there with aiming for the horn and turning on sprinklers to hit ground types
Here's why you were wrong. You were arguing they don't do seasons and instead catalogue only by series. That isn't the case. They keep track of seasons during series too. The only difference is America doesn't use the broad series cataloguing, only noting which season it is. That's really what you get for starting a dumb argument based on something you read on Bulbapedia.

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