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File: 1362434405086.jpg-(358 KB, 1200x1500, Electross (1).jpg)
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Part 1. >>11524179
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i like xatu she's wise and a bird and hot
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First time I've seen a black Ginijka
>First time I've seen a burnt Ginijka
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Which Pokemon is that supposed to be?
Raichu judging by the tail (coiled up on her side)
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Yeah, I'd say Raichu
Hipster Registeel
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>>11556757 (OP)
I love me some yuri.
[spoilerSide note:]How do the mods feel about human on gijinka?[/spoiler]
I don't particularly care much for Arcanine but I absolutely fucking love this.
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I doubt that have a problem with it.
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Any gijinkas of Togekiss or Altaria? Also I made this Lickitung gijinka outfit a while ago.
More of this. (Your art, not Lickitung per se)
I'm flattered but this is the only gijinka I've ever made. Sorry!
Do you think you could do this but with Audino?
I suppose I could give it a shot... No guarantee, though.
Just do your best,judging by that previous pic,you have a talent for this.
Do you have more art in general?
Well, yeah, I draw all the time, but I don't want to abduct this thread or anything like that...
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>not putting a link in the email field
Posting gijinka because on topic.
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I'll color it if you're still here, just give me the go ahead...
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not the OR but I would give you the go ahead just to see it colored
Sorry,kind of fell asleep there. Sure,go ahead and color it.
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>>11556757 (OP)
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>>11556757 (OP)
10/10 wouldst fornicate.
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Without a response after a while I went to bed. I'm up now though, I'll give that Audino Gijinka some colors.
File: 1362526822820.png-(92 KB, 400x993, Audino Gijinka.png)
92 KB
Okay, it's done now, anon.
File: 1362529093434.png-(375 KB, 320x320, Audino 13.png)
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375 KB PNG
Awesome, thanks.
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51 KB
Could not find a bigger version of this, but enjoy yandere Missingno.
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Thank you
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I follow the guys who draw Waldo and such
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Is this from a comic?
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Nah, just OCs

Not all these are Pokemon Gijinkas, but most of them.
The Kadabara one (pic related) is great
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Ah, I had no idea. I just saved them off Google.
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yandere missingno
noice, if not a bit scary
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>Gives you 99 of any item you want.
>Corrupts your game if you box it
>Ruins all other pokemon.

Yup, sounds yandere to me.
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18 KB
erika looks kinda like Haruhi
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