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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

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Oh my.
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he dies
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Is boogie here?
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>Meloetta is tired of boogie's shit.png
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So are we still getting that Desert Resort special or not?
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What do you think?
>tfw moonrunes look like fangs in thumbnail.
No mention of it. This is a teaser for the new Team Rocket special.

But hopefully we'll get that too.

god what would it be of this anime without him
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What the fuck am I looking at and where can I watch it asap?
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Giovannis and Meloettas death?
James confirmed for the next leader of Team Rocket?
Fucks finally given for the anime?
Team Rocket vs Team Plasma still not airing?
>Not Serebii confirmed and filb bro sleeping
Well then...
It's on filb's home page.
>Implying anime would kill characters.
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>filb bro sleeping
I spoke too soon

>Giovannis Jap. VA
He certainly was in character...
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>Pokemon Hunter J.
>implying there isn't a first time for everything
>Implying every death by far has been reversed.
So where's Hunter J.? Do you seriously think they wont do the same thing.
>So where's Hunter J.?
At the bottom of the sea.
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That's fucking creepy.
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>Dat preview.


Ohohohoh this is gonna be fun.
So it can be assumed that she's dead.
She could be saved by bunch of Tentacruel's.

Which then proceeded to rape her with their poisonous tentacles, killing her.
So... Watched the preview. We can guess that Giovanni goes fucking crazy with power, like Archie with the (Blue ? Can never remember) Orb during the Kyogre VS Groudon special, with Jessie, James and Meowth trying to save him from it.
Also, legendaries showdown, I'm more than interested.
Oh cool, is this gonna be another special they'll hype these coming weeks then skip it for a bullshit reason?
>skip it for a bullshit reason
Please don't say that...Mr. Tsunami and Mrs. Earthquake are watching.
>bullshit reason
Be hit by a fuckhuge heartquake, then you can say that it wouldn't shock you to see it 2 weeks later.
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I'm gonna need both hands when reading RSE arcs.
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I was talking about the anime, but that works too I guess.
Oh my gosh, it's happening. It's really happening. Gio being back is enough, but this situation seems hold the ultimate answer we've all been waiting for. Will the Trio continue to be loyal to Gio, or will he show his true colors and they realize the error of their ways? This is what we've been wanting to happen ever since this new TR premise began.
Nah, they'll be evil.

Anime needs comedy relief and someone to occasionally beat in comedic fashion.
So who owns that Golurk? I mean it could be Shauntal or Richie 2.0
You haven't been watching this saga, have you? They have proven that not only is TR's constant presence not necessary, but they've plugged the comic relief onto characters. However, I also didn't say which outcome is more likely, since either is equally valid. They can continue to be villains, but I fear that if they see who Gio really is...It will be the end of their involvement with TR. I don't see any way they can continue to be villains and also have this realization, though. TR aren't really bad people, they never were. If you think about it, nothing they've done this saga is truly evil other than the matter of stealing pokemon and being totally devoted to TR. They were always like that, it's just that they seem to think that they should take it seriously since Gio himself has given them attention. (save perhaps for Meowth, who still severely crossed a line with his plot)
Either Shauntal, or Luke's Golett could've evolved, if he appears.
SPOILER: giovanni dies
>Luke's Golett could've evolved
It evolved a couple of episodes back during the Pokewood episode.
No, it didn't. That was an illusion cast by Zorua.
SPOILER: Giovanni and Team Rocket, as well as Ash and friends get teleported to an alternate universe where Mei is taking on Team Plasma at the Giant Chasm and needs their help. Giovanni joins Team Plasma and helps Ghetsis while Ash and Co. help Mei. Two part special ending with Ash and Mei fighting for their lives and being saved by a mysterious Green haired fag, which will end with a to be continued.
btw my dad works at the Pokemon Anime studios.
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Oh shit...well then thanks.

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