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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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Update: /rs/ - Rapidshares is fixed—sorry for the downtime there. Also I think we've fixed most issues with boards.4chan.org and sys.4chan.org. Keep your fingers crossed!

File: 1339442290099.png-(24 KB, 200x250, 1337565426262.png)
24 KB

Your best/favorite ones.
File: 1339442421072.jpg-(49 KB, 351x480, 1339000567197.jpg)
49 KB
I always find pokemon x Hokuto no ken, hilarious
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79 KB
File: 1339444305084.jpg-(404 KB, 544x750, 1335913995780.jpg)
404 KB
can you post more of that?
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14 KB
Don0t have anything else, sorry
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46 KB
i really like the effort put into this one
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9 KB

Here is one of my favorites, short and to the point.
File: 1339466986312.jpg-(144 KB, 768x576, xcbnY.jpg)
144 KB
File: 1339474029093.png-(129 KB, 398x397, I don't know whos trolling who(...).png)
129 KB
made one today
I laughed to the point of coughing
File: 1339474310401.png-(22 KB, 300x200, 1333354826352.png)
22 KB
I enjoy this one
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124 KB
File: 1339474728306.gif-(167 KB, 170x170, 4d3696ad848d6d5c4eae7aaa5e5d55(...).gif)
167 KB
File: 1339475310207.png-(410 KB, 618x750, 1314868927518.png)
410 KB
Pokemon reaction pics are some of the best reaction pics. Totally going to unleash a dump upon this thread.
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36 KB
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66 KB
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39 KB
Have to say, pretty much anything with Haunter is bound to be good.
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27 KB
File: 1339475681563.png-(17 KB, 102x138, oh_shit.png)
17 KB
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31 KB
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70 KB
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19 KB
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25 KB

Made a better one
File: 1339476030308.png-(322 KB, 450x600, Deoxys & Jirachi.png)
322 KB
File: 1339476073351.jpg-(91 KB, 199x276, asshole.jpg)
91 KB
File: 1339476104694.png-(126 KB, 320x240, I'm Calling Bullshit.png)
126 KB
This with the caption "I'm calling bullshit" would be all kinds of awesome
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548 KB
File: 1339476154958.jpg-(97 KB, 950x534, James as Gendo.jpg)
97 KB
File: 1339476197964.png-(321 KB, 473x339, jigglypuff wtf is this shit.png)
321 KB
File: 1339476236945.png-(108 KB, 898x516, Laughing Monfernape facepalm.png)
108 KB
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298 KB
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69 KB
Here you go
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93 KB
File: 1339476861010.png-(38 KB, 211x210, Lugia awesome face.png)
38 KB
Thanks guys!
Gastrodon saying "I don't like it"
On my phone so don't have the pic, anyone else feel free to post it.
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24 KB
File: 1339477585012.jpg-(25 KB, 375x383, No sir, I don't like it..jpg)
25 KB
And for good measure.
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118 KB
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168 KB
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2.12 MB
I remember the thread when this was made too. Still makes me laugh.
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19 KB
File: 1339479841737.jpg-(280 KB, 700x600, PokeJustAsPlanned.jpg)
280 KB
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69 KB
File: 1339479918323.jpg-(375 KB, 700x700, Precisely.jpg)
375 KB
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239 KB
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880 KB
Love this one.
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480 KB
File: 1339480834855.png-(183 KB, 515x360, Barry flipping the bird.png)
183 KB
File: 1339481568171.jpg-(259 KB, 600x460, And then there's this asshole.jpg)
259 KB
File: 1339481614132.png-(563 KB, 500x500, And then Spearow met Meowth.png)
563 KB
File: 1339481730947.jpg-(42 KB, 722x355, 1330234136266.jpg)
42 KB
File: 1339483301423.jpg-(98 KB, 950x534, Gendo James.jpg)
98 KB
File: 1339484187607.png-(51 KB, 319x260, 1318033673418.png)
51 KB
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28 KB
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1.64 MB
File: 1339538182433.png-(144 KB, 640x480, Mijumaru is informed of his en(...).png)
144 KB
>this thread
File: 1339538663419.jpg-(52 KB, 325x450, 553.jpg)
52 KB

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