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Ghost type thread?

I'll dump what I have
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I fucking love ghost types.
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ghost type is the best type
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You and me both mate
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pencil art
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bring in the chicks...
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Maybe you'll find this interesting
so...I want to build the coolest ghost team. Not essentially the strongest, but the one most fitting of the type. Any help/suggestions/pictures of frosslass and Banette that haven't already been posted?
Can you be a bit more specific? What exactly are you asking for?
ah...which six ghosts best embody the type as a whole.

What, no image love for Misdreavus?
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shes to the left of lampent
Well that's open to opinion, of course. In my opinion it are the following:

Gengar: It's a classic, and one of the strongest Ghost Pokémon so far.

Mismagius: Also very strong, and fills the role of a strong female (Although male mismagius exist). That role is a bit rare in the ghost types. You can always count Froslass, but due to her ice type I'd go for Mismagius.

Bannete should definitly be in there. Have you read the Pokédex entries? A discarded doll that turned into a demon and seeks revenge on the child that dumped it? Sounds cool to me.

I'd say Dusknoir deserves a spot too. The Gripper/Horror Genie part of it made me use it in my team.

Yamask. Not as much as its looks, but the Pokédex entries again. I would totally use a dead human being that carries around his/her face from their past life.

And the last one would be Chandelure. Not very creepy, but really fits the empty spot I suppose. Also, if you're looking at battles and stats, it has an insane special attack.

That's pretty much it for me!
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spot the ditto
Chandalure burns your soul away leaving your body behind. To me, that seems horrible.
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but swap Chandelure for Shedinja
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For some reason this creeps me the fuck out.
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Spot the N
prepare your anus, Ethan
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Anyone else notice the Evil Twin: Cypriens chronicles reference?
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I dont even know what that is

Captcha: spirit etaryon
ooh spooky
Uhm...I'm not.

So not to anyone in particulair, but is Cofagrigus a good team member? Looking at it's stats will mean that it's a tank, just like Dusknoir, but the latter seems more powerful.
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WE /x/ NOW!
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damn straight

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