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File: 1338297856699.png-(4 KB, 163x162, klingklangklong.png)
4 KB
>ITT we make our own Kling, Klang and Klongs.
File: 1338298097458.png-(4 KB, 163x162, Untitledasgdasdg.png)
4 KB
Goddamnit OP, atleast make the background transparent.
File: 1338298208109.png-(13 KB, 302x223, science.png)
13 KB
Oh god... what have i created...
File: 1338298624543.png-(4 KB, 137x127, science2.png)
4 KB
posting another since vp has no imagination
File: 1338298878926.jpg-(10 KB, 149x131, KLINGKLONGKLANG.jpg)
10 KB
Imagination incoming, including the fail paint.net transparent bg skills.

Add the spike ring.
Make one of the outer cogs a small face.
Alternate cog cores red/blue
Give the centre cog the big face.

Now imagine all the edge cogs rolling around the big cog.
File: 1338299639924.png-(3 KB, 99x98, Untitled.png)
3 KB

Like this, but not shit
File: 1338299983449.png-(13 KB, 372x417, dicks.png)
13 KB
File: 1338300596097.png-(6 KB, 192x188, klonklonklonklonk.png)
6 KB
This Klonklonklonklonklonklonk
File: 1338300608725.png-(19 KB, 628x439, MKLDFG.png)
19 KB
i made it better
File: 1338300789762.png-(13 KB, 171x342, Peniklunk.png)
13 KB
rofl xD
File: 1338300828386.png-(4 KB, 168x110, the painbow has come to rain d(...).png)
4 KB
I shall call it... The Painbow.
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68 KB
We really need a spriter to make a cog shaped crown.

Kind of imagined a tiny gear with a "cute-grumpy" face ( >:o< ) with two or three large gears lower down.

The spike rings are at a tilted angle.
( \ _ / )
File: 1338301177250.png-(5 KB, 234x200, Klangklingington.png)
5 KB
File: 1338301362220.png-(22 KB, 313x336, klunk.png)
22 KB
File: 1338301694599.png-(6 KB, 138x323, i don't even know.png)
6 KB
>This isn't even my final form

how do you do that drag copy effect?
File: 1338301937112.png-(3 KB, 103x105, fac.png)
3 KB
>this thread
File: 1338302423307.png-(38 KB, 424x291, swarmofbees.png)
38 KB
Hold shift while dragging in Paint.

That's no moon...
File: 1338302520120.png-(17 KB, 549x353, Image1.png)
17 KB
Its like I just won a game of Solitaire! Lovin this thread.
Best one.
File: 1338302840668.png-(28 KB, 490x396, kingklang.png)
28 KB
Fear the Kingklang
Now do this with them animated.
File: 1338302966603.png-(43 KB, 512x384, Dibujo.png)
43 KB
File: 1338303208037.png-(14 KB, 630x577, 1304788865407.png)
14 KB

Well I'm fucked.
File: 1338303394009.png-(9 KB, 243x226, I accidentally the machine is (...).png)
9 KB
File: 1338303412078.png-(5 KB, 185x133, klinkmobile.png)
5 KB
On it.

In the mean time, have the klinkmobile.
File: 1338303592328.png-(7 KB, 526x335, I AM YOUR ROBOT GOD NOW BRING (...).png)
7 KB
fixed the eye

lol I was thinking how to make it like a car, nice one.
File: 1338303628362.png-(3 KB, 114x91, Untitled.png)
3 KB
File: 1338303678996.png-(17 KB, 431x327, flipyouthebird.png)
17 KB
One Klink ain't give no Klangs
File: 1338303832126.png-(6 KB, 397x247, geardoof.png)
6 KB
Can someone attempt Mechadoof?
This owuld be a good time to post bidoofklang if I had it.
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45 KB
File: 1338304166132.png-(196 KB, 984x752, klungking.png)
196 KB
level up holding King's Rock
File: 1338304355351.png-(202 KB, 984x752, KLANG.png)
202 KB

I want to see this animated
File: 1338304538198.png-(9 KB, 303x227, megagear.png)
9 KB
I like it.
>this thread
Now you can all shut up. This is some creative shit. Or destructive, I can't even tell.
File: 1338304899606.png-(759 B, 91x71, kling.png)
759 B
Crown delivery.

Nothing incredible and I'm too laxy to soften the lines, but still.
Oh Jesus Christ
File: 1338305212780.png-(36 KB, 359x367, onlydeadgears.png)
36 KB
Of course it is not!

We all want.

Someone can make a "Only dead can know peace from this evil (gears)" using this?
That's a good job there.
Why can't I hold all these Klink
We need a rar with all these things
File: 1338305890551.png-(757 KB, 1781x985, adfaedafasdfas.png)
757 KB
Be afraid
File: 1338305909513.jpg-(20 KB, 255x213, hurr.jpg)
20 KB
Clearly im doing something wrong here
The thumbnail seems like a roscharch test or whatever is called
This is without question one of the funniest threads I have ever seen on /vp/
mark it as Transparent selection first
File: 1338306178607.png-(10 KB, 230x177, klinkv2.png)
10 KB

he's probably using paint.net

paint.net don't know about my transparent selection
File: 1338306257691.jpg-(48 KB, 540x440, 1296116890481.jpg)
48 KB
>RPG Final Boss
Smithy all over again, except about twenty times as terrifying.
File: 1338306722437.png-(82 KB, 732x613, REX.png)
82 KB
File: 1338306818520.png-(299 KB, 1184x1176, ZeroKlingTwoKlang.png)
299 KB
Behold, ZeroKlingTwoKlang.

this is genius, the maractus under there is a clever choice.
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234 KB
File: 1338307961240.png-(87 KB, 593x515, neigh.png)
87 KB
A wild Indian Klingephant appeared!
is mfw
All of you are wonderful people.
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63 KB
File: 1338308180323.jpg-(26 KB, 300x400, its-beautiful.jpg)
26 KB
File: 1338308231068.png-(4 KB, 158x130, general klinklangko.png)
4 KB
I am boring, here me "meh"
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10 KB
No I don't know what it it's supposed to be. I just like the (crappy) design.

Watch out for Raichus and Gastly.

You should make a dex entry for it in the Indian Elephant thread.
File: 1338309038643.png-(34 KB, 400x408, rukisuta.png)
34 KB
This was robo-Konata before I gave up

Add a twisted smile to that thing and it will be perfect
File: 1338310157199.png-(166 KB, 1145x597, fear the mighty KLANKTAPUS.png)
166 KB
Did you all do this on paint? Cuz some of these are pretty fucking awesome and i have no idea how to accomplish that
Ctrl + drag mouse

Are you telling me you never played on paint with the sprites of any game before? woah
read this

i normally use GraphicsGale, that's why i didn't know
read this, i derped
File: 1338310939415.png-(13 KB, 417x295, klangkling.png)
13 KB
What I meant is that I can never accomplish >>9394149
Not that I didnt know how to accomplish it.
File: 1338311175188.png-(44 KB, 450x567, klankraffe.png)
44 KB
File: 1338312028945.png-(13 KB, 371x299, KLINKKLANKCONFIRMSx.png)
13 KB
Here are some more colors for your wicked imagination.
File: 1338312238556.png-(24 KB, 432x328, Kingklangington.png)
24 KB
File: 1338312819450.png-(3 KB, 109x94, Cogman.png)
3 KB
Time to die
fucking lol'd

oh god. let these two fight.
Klanktapus, I fucking lol'd
I like it, actually
We should archive this, guys
I actually agree for once.
File: 1338316484462.png-(42 KB, 511x341, KlinkitinaOriginForm.png)
42 KB
Klinkitina, Origin Form.
Someone archive this thread.
File: 1338324772332.png-(23 KB, 369x374, klinkklink.png)
23 KB
Evolves when Traded holding the Up-Grade.
Some of these are REALLY good. Did you spend that much time in MS Paint? Or did you all use something else?
Why would you want to use anything other than Paint for this, considering all you do is copy and paste?
Because Paint.net is better in every way.
That's why I asked.
Since someone did a Metal Gear Rex, can someone do a Metal Gear Ray?
File: 1338325487357.png-(7 KB, 128x114, Gigigeer.png)
7 KB
Prepare your anus.
File: 1338326047996.jpg-(27 KB, 444x366, I love this thread so much.jpg)
27 KB

It's archived now. Hurray!
File: 1338328498625.png-(57 KB, 1370x776, klank dna.png)
57 KB
Oh fuck. At this point I'm not sure why there isn't a Gundam klink yet.
Oh god, PLEASE!
This thread is great and you should feel great.
>implying any of this shit will spin

File: 1338370226644.png-(97 KB, 541x632, klinku.png)
97 KB
Fucked up the face

File: 1338374483282.jpg-(188 KB, 512x512, wottergear.jpg)
188 KB
bump because awesome thread

Hold on a minute...

Dubs guy, is that you?

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