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On Sunday we rolled out new HTML for 4chan's imageboards. The new code validates HTML5/CSS3, the design should appear exactly the same, pages should load slightly faster (especially long threads), and extension/user script/archive developers should have a much easier job parsing our pages. This is the first time in approximately ten years that it has been updated.

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We are still working through a few bugs with the new code. Please report any bugs you find to newhtml@4chan.org.

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So I've been playing pokemon since it first got released. I've enjoyed every gen, and those are the games i've put in most time into. Although I've never played in a competitive way. I'd like to get into the whole breeding sick pokemon and more serious battling. Any pointers, opinions or pics about battling and breeding for starters in gen V would be highly appreciated.
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Here ya go, bud.
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Dumping collection of image-guides.
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Last but not least...
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Thanks guys, you are the best.
live no one ever was?
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I got a question about EVs..
If I want to max out say speed. I get myself a newly bred sneasel, take it to a place with loads a magikarp and keep killing them untill ive got 252 EVs. Is it possible to do that if I have an exp share on the sneasel ? Also does that mean I can't kill anything with sneasel from when its born untill its EVs has been distributed to get the right results? In this case 2 stats maxed out.

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