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    File: 1336320175.png-(361 KB, 500x501, fushigidane2.png)
    361 KB Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)12:02 No.9271154  
    Hello, /vp/. I'm making a very slight hack of Pokemon Leaf Green, which I'm tentatively calling "Leaf Green DX". I'd like your input, since you guys are who I would be sharing it with first.

    The purpose of the hack is to incorporate all original 151 Pokemon into the game pre-Elite 4, along with removing all trade evolutions. I realize this has been done in some shape before, a la Fire Red Omega, but I found that many Pokemon seemed thrown into places they probably wouldn't appear. I want to make sure the places each Pokemon show up make sense and don't give you TOO much of an advantage in-game.

    That being said, feel free to give some ideas for new Pokemon areas, and also three new starters. Remember, keep it to the original 151.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:08 No.9271172
    scyther in viridian forest please.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:11 No.9271180
    >three new starters

    One thing you should do is make the boss battles harder and give them more diverse teams.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)12:18 No.9271204

    I've been putting a bit of thought into the major battles. For instance, perhaps making Brock rock/ground and giving him a Diglett and Sandshrew in addition to his Geodude and Onix. Would still be easily taken out by a water-type, but it is the first gym.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:24 No.9271225
    Improve the teams of the gym leaders
    Mewtwo should not be available pre-E4
    Think about where you want the wild starters to be found: Squirtle in the Seafoam Islands, Charmander on Cinnabar Island, Bulbasaur can chill wherever
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:24 No.9271226
    Omanyte. For the love of fucking god, Omanyte. If you can give Onix Fire Fang without making it broken.... Wait, this is Gen III. Change it up so that Bulbasaur isn't so hax
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:24 No.9271227
    Make Farfetch'd much more common.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:25 No.9271228
    Bulbasaur and Squirtle should also appear near the Power Plant or on the other side of Vermillion, since there are trainers in Rock Tunnel with them.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:27 No.9271230
    3 Normal Type Starters
    Kangashkhan, Chansey, Tauros

    Make Tauros the only Pokeomn who can use surf.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:27 No.9271231
    In every city there should be a few additional trainers who are on a pokemon journey like yourself. Build teams for them based on Pokemon one would have likely encountered and utilised thus far
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:29 No.9271233
    Start the game with Eevee
    Changes things up so that it is set BEFORE Mewtwo makes his escape so you can catch Mew/Mewtwo on Cinnabar Island
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)12:29 No.9271234

    Ah, hadn't thought of that, even though he's one of my favorites. Will probably replace Pidgey with him in a few places.


    He shall have an Omanyte. Should I throw him Kabuto as well?


    I don't know about having Squirtle show up near where Electric Pokemon congregate. Bulbasaur could happen, though.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)12:30 No.9271236

    I thought about making Eevee and Pikachu two of the starters, since I always wanted the Eevee in Yellow. Pikachu has been done to death, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:31 No.9271242
    Or you could have a randomly generated starter at Level 5 (so it would not have evolved).
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)13:03 No.9271342

    Not a bad idea, I'll see if I can do that.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:04 No.9271345
    ITT: a romhack that will never happen of a game evreyone's played/hacked to hell and back
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)13:05 No.9271347

    It'll happen, even if it's just for me to enjoy. Whether anyone else wants to play it is up to them.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:13 No.9271367
    Just have three Eevees as starters. Have them each holding either a thunder water or fire stone
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)13:20 No.9271386

    Perhaps. Don't know if I like the idea of being able to evolve them from the get-go, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:21 No.9271388
    Just stick to the original starters.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:24 No.9271397
    >Three New Starters

    Machop, Rhyhorn, Doduo
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:26 No.9271402
    You could replace the eevee in celadon with the ability to choose one of the stones.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:27 No.9271405
    Either up Dratini's appearance rate in the Safari Zone, OR have it also show up outside Bill's House at those pond... Things. You know, like how the giant Dragonite showed up there in the anime?

    Lapras should also either show up either in Seafoam, or its level in Silph Co. should be upped slightly.

    If you plan on having Mew show up, I suggest making it a roamer if possible. Like, have it show up on Cinnabar Island in the lab, as if its looking for Mewtwo, then it runs away and starts roaming.

    Change Bruno's team so that he has Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Machamp, Primeape, and Poliwrath. Obviously Agatha, Lorelei and Lance can't have all-Ghost and all-Dragon teams without being somewhat redundant given the Gen I lineup, but there's no reason Bruno should have anything other than Fighters.

    Finally... Have Cubone show up somewhere other than the Pokemon Tower. That honestly never made sense to me. I mean, I get that the ones that show up there are supposed to be the ghost Marowak's children but to have the only population of a non-Ghost species be in a manmade tower dedicated to the dead... It just seems odd to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:29 No.9271414
    Have Mew appear after you capture all of the original 150. Not sure where though.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:33 No.9271426
    The way FRO handled the fossils to me was kind of stupid. Just have the super nerd you fought at Mt. Moon give you the other fossil later due to not getting to Cinnibar somehow, or the ability to grab both.

    Speaking of which, you should be able to grab both hitmons in the dojo either way.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)13:33 No.9271428

    Well, since Machoke will be able to evolve into Machamp without trading, that would kind of make it unfair to the other two, no?


    Well, except by the time you're in Celadon, you can just go buy the stone you want.


    For Dratini, I could do both, but would prefer to do only one. Leaning more towards putting them in Bill's pond and letting the player go back once he/she gets Surf.

    Lapras will probably show up wild in Seafoam, albeit pretty rare.

    Bruno will be a fighting machine.

    Cubone definitely needs to be more apparent, but I'm not sure how. As a starter, perhaps?


    Seems like everyone likes the idea of Mew in Cinnabar. I'll see what I can do in that respect.
    >> Volvic 05/06/12(Sun)13:35 No.9271436
    You know that house on Two Island with the wireless minigames? Replace that with a family who gives you berries or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:36 No.9271439

    Cubone Pikachu Spearow/Doduo as starters
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:42 No.9271460
    Make the Staters the Eeveelutions.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)13:43 No.9271465

    That's another possibility. I could edit their movesets easily, and their stats too if they're an issue.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:44 No.9271466
    You don't want want to try integrating more hoenn and johto pokemon?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:44 No.9271468
    Really? No...
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)13:45 No.9271472

    I could for the metagame, but for the pre-Elite 4, I'd like more of a pure 151 experience.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:45 No.9271474
    That'd be for the post-game, if only OP wasn't a flaming nostalgiafag.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:46 No.9271482
    Let the starters be cached in Sevii. Only 1 of them.

    1 Pokeball at Mt. Ember
    Lv 5

    1 Pokeball at Boon Island Cape
    Lv. 5

    1 Pokeball at Berry Forest
    Lv. 5
    >> Volvic 05/06/12(Sun)13:46 No.9271483
         File: 1336326412.png-(22 KB, 451x396, electrode-tears.png)
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    Does this mean that Flareon will finally be useful?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:47 No.9271489
    Nice, I'd be in agreement with that.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:48 No.9271498
    Don't edit stats!
    Then they're not the same pokemon.
    Just pick some balanced starters.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:50 No.9271514
    >Cubone definitely needs to be more apparent, but I'm not sure how. As a starter, perhaps?
    No. Make it appear in the area south of Cerulean city, around the rock cave and West of Lavendar Town
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)13:52 No.9271538

    Around Rock Cave and west of Lavender were two areas I was considering, actually. He'll be there.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:00 No.9271575
    Pinsir in Viridian Forest
    Consider creating a trainer class system. Your type of trainer determines your starter. For example, a water trainer is allowed to chose between Staryu, Squirtle and Polywag. A bug trainer could have Scyther, Pinsir or Venomoth. You get the idea, I'm sure
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:02 No.9271589
    make the starters...

    normal pokemon, that you can find in the first few routes. so that you don;t have some unstoppable force with you the whole game, but not the ones you find in the first route.
    >ie geodude, spearow, mankey
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:03 No.9271591
    Elaborate pl0x
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:05 No.9271597
    Magnemite, Rhyhorn, Seel starters please
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:10 No.9271614
    OP when do you think you'll be finished with this romhack?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:11 No.9271615
    Have one starter that evolves two times, have one starter that evolves once, have one starter that doesn't evolve.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:13 No.9271621

    With what I'm planning on doing, it wouldn't take long. Editing starters and leader/rival teams and dispersing the original 151 evenly could be done as early as today.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)14:14 No.9271623

    Ah, forgot to namefag.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:16 No.9271631
    Have a number of trainer classes. This could be based around Types or it could be based around in-game trainer classes. For the sake of ease, let's just talk about Type-based classes (which could be given fancy names as required). I tried to maintain a principle of having a 3-stage evolution, a 2-stage evolution and a non-evolving pokemon to choose from.

    Fire trainer
    Charmander, Growlithe, Magmar

    Water trainer
    Squritle, Staryu, Lapras

    Grass trainer
    Bulbasaur, Exeggcute, Tangela

    Electric trainer
    Magnemite, Pikachu, Electabuzz

    Psychic/Ghost trainer (not a lot of options here, Abra is a non-viable starter so combined with Ghost)
    Gastly, Drowzee, Mr Mime

    Fighting trainer
    Machop, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan

    Flying trainer (didn't bother with Pidgey/Spearow as they are attainable within the first few hours of gameplay. An alt lineup would be Pidgey, Spearow, Farfetch'd)
    Farfetch'd, Doduo, Aerodactyl

    Poison trainer
    Nidoran(M), Nidoran (F), Grimer

    Will finish this later if people are interested
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:17 No.9271634
    new starters: abra, machop, ghastly; mind, soul and body for some pizzazz... though no trade evo would make them rather useless
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)14:18 No.9271636

    Removing trade evolutions means letting them evolve to their third form via level up. I could do that, but I'd have to edit Gastly's moveset so he could attack normal Pokemon early in the game.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)14:33 No.9271712
    A little update: I'm working on leader teams right now. Brock has Geodude, Onix, Omanyte and Aerodactyl, all with movesets that aren't completely pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:59 No.9271856
    >I'd have to edit Gastly's moveset so he could attack normal Pokemon
    You could make Lick a Normal type move. I would also increase the power of it.

    Continuing the Trainer class starters from above:

    Rock/Ground trainer
    Geodude, Sandshrew, Onix

    Bug trainer
    Venonat, Pinsir, Scyther
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)15:07 No.9271884

    Not a bad idea. Abra, Machop and Gastly starters confirmed, then?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:09 No.9271891
    I'm looking into making a hack myself, what do you use to edit trainer pokes + movesets.

    Thank you
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)15:14 No.9271910

    To edit trainer Pokemon and movesets, I use PET.

    This page might help you out some, has some of the things I use.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:17 No.9271919
    Fucking awful idea. Who would chose Abra? May as well make the starters Metapod, Kakuna and Magikarp.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)15:18 No.9271926

    I forgot it only knew Teleport. I could edit its moveset to be more on-par with how a starter Pokemon should be.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)15:23 No.9271959
    I've ran into a snag giving gym leaders more Pokemon than they originally had-- will try to work out. Even if I cant, the Pokemon that the leader does have will still be a challenge, whether they have two or six.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:24 No.9271965
    No. Part of the difficulty of raising Abra is that it has no offensive moves.
    You also have two starters with a type advantage over the third. I would prefer 3 starters that are a 2-stage evolution and require a stone to reach the next level:

    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)15:27 No.9271978

    I like that, too. It all boils down to what more people would prefer, then.
    >> King Bumi !!SgDtTjnBuCg 05/06/12(Sun)15:28 No.9271987
    Are you listening?
    Wait, are you still listening?
    Incorporate all Pokemon from the 5th Gen into this game.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:33 No.9272008

    no no no, what he's gonna want to do is give all the pokemon their anglicized japanese names
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:33 No.9272011
    You'll never make everyone happy. I would just go with whichever set of starters you prefer
    >> That F5 guy 05/06/12(Sun)15:34 No.9272012
    Make the new moves too plz
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:34 No.9272014
    Make the gym leaders stronger. Let their Pokes have pretty good moves. Also change the IVs to make them hard. I dunno about you, but I think someone like a gym leader or Elite 4, who basically does Pokemon for a living, should have Pokes with perfect IVs and EVs. Also, give them moves and increase the levels a bit maybe.

    As for starters, keep them the same.

    Make all gym leaders continually battleable, so you can grind on them instead of needing to grind against wild Pokemon.

    Add more trainers, if possible. Don't give trainers derpy teams. Give them pretty good teams and Pokemon with decent moves, especially later in the game. Make it so that you can have a pretty good chance against the elite four without having to grind.

    Increase the levels of the Elite Four pokes. If possible, give each member a pool of Pokes to use. If you can, have the computer read what team the player has, then generate a team based on pokes that'd have a good chance of beating your team. Or, have good, Smogon-levlel teams programmed in (Maybe Bruno having a Sandstorm team or Lorelei having a hailstorm team, for example).

    Second chances to acquire legendaries. Don't leave PARTICULARLY good Pokemon to the end of the game, at which point there's no use in acquiring them.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:35 No.9272016
    You should play as Lance and have a Dratini as your starter
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:36 No.9272021
    I would play the fuck out of this.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:36 No.9272026

    I... would like this.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:37 No.9272028
    My input
    Don't use the DX after the name. Don't really care what, but I dislike the "DX" name. Everglade Green or Leaf Green GP or something I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:38 No.9272037

    Leaf Green Deluxe imo
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:41 No.9272055
    I've always assumed DX was supposed to mean Deluxe.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:42 No.9272064

    I thought it meant director's cut

    oh well lol
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:44 No.9272078
    I believe it can be either, but in this case, since I'm assuming OP didn't work on the original product or employed by the franchise as a director, it would have to mean Deluxe.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)15:45 No.9272083
    I'm still trying to decide which starter set to go with. I know it'd require less editing to go with Staryu/Growlithe(or Vulpix)/Exeggcute, but I'm just imagining the final showdown with the rival, Alakazam vs Gengar, etc.

    In the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions for a Pokemon the leaders didn't have that you think would fit them well, throw some out. For instance, I'm probably giving Misty a Vaporeon.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:47 No.9272093
    I personally like that lineup of starters. Then again, my favorite pokemon is Arcanine, so I'm a little biased.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:49 No.9272112
    if you're not going to give all the pokemon their japanese names, at least give the leaders and e4 their japanese names

    kasumi > misty

    then you could call the game pokemon green advanced
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:51 No.9272127
    Lt Surge with Electabuzz and Jolteon would be cool. Geovanni with Mewtwo would be epic to
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:51 No.9272129
    op you know what you should do? change the text for getting the starters so they all have charmander's text. even though charmander won't be a choice
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:52 No.9272133
    BROCK: Onix, Graveler, Crobat, Tauros
    MISTY: Vaporeon, Starmie, Slowbro, Lapras, Gyarados
    LT SURGE: ???
    ERIKA: Bellosom, Venusaur, Exeggutor,

    KOGA: Weezing, Hypno,

    SABRINA: Alakazam, Xatu,

    BLAINE: Arcanine, Rhydon, Charizard, Clefable, Kabutops

    GIOVANNI: Mewtwo, Golem

    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:53 No.9272144
    >Well, except by the time you're in Celadon, you can just go buy the stone you want.

    but you can change that.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)15:54 No.9272146

    Lt. Surge was already getting an Electabuzz, so we're on the same page there.

    On another note, if I'm going with Staryu/Growlithe/Exeggcute, I'll probably edit their movesets a little, perhaps to be more recent. Only them, though. I want to make whatever the starter Pokemon are a little special.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:56 No.9272156
    Legit idea:

    >Make the Elite 4 have both Johto and Kanto Pokemon, since they serve as the Pokemon League for both.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:56 No.9272157
    Why Tauros on Brock?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:56 No.9272161
    give them their chinese names.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:57 No.9272162
    and after defeating giovanni for the second time, he gives you mewtwo as a reward
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:58 No.9272165
    Something with high attack and defense that isn't weak to water/grass. I'm trying to give them pokes that make them harder. YOu can have Brock with a Golem, Rhydon, whatever, all the powerful Rock type pokes you want... but when I play this game, they are all going to be OHKO'd by Surf from my Starmie. And I don't want that.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:00 No.9272181
    >Surf from my Starmie
    >Badge 1
    Don't worry, bro. Brock is a fucking tough first gym leader with this lineup
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)16:01 No.9272184
    If I'm not able to fix this bug where I'm not able to give a leader more Pokemon than they originally have, what two Pokemon should Brock have? Obviously one should probably be Onix, unless people wouldn't rage if he didn't use one. I was thinking Omanyte/Omastar for the other, both above at least level 15 with good movesets.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:01 No.9272187
    Give brock something with high special defense.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:06 No.9272205

    Aerodactyl and Omastar. He lives right next to the museum and Mt Moon
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:07 No.9272209
    Or, after defeating him, you have the opportunity to catch Mewtwo. Mewtwo leaves him for being a loser, and you can go catch him, maybe? Or, yeah, you beat him, Mewtwo leaves him and goes with you because you're better. I dunno. Something like that.

    I'm not sure what Pokemon you can put into it... it's got the 386 programmed in, right?Or is it just the 151?

    LORELEI: Lapras, Wallrein, something with Hail, something that resists electric, Jynx (starter, with max speed EVs and Lovely Kiss to sleep your first Pokemon)

    BRUNO: Machamp, Croagunk (to resist psychic), Poliwhirl

    AGATHA: Gengar, Umbreon, Dusclops,

    LANCE: Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp, Kingdra... add some kind of a failsafe to make sure his team cant be swept with Ice Beam from Articuno. Because that'd be annoying.

    Champion: Whatever team you want. Special sweeper, physical sweeper, tank, wall, cleric, physical sweeper.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:10 No.9272225
    Considering Staryu and water gun, it should be easy to sweet Brock.
    Give Brock a sandstorm team then. Hippodown, and Steelix. Hippodown, and Omastar or Aerodactyl. Something rock but that raises SP DEF in a sandstorm.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:16 No.9272237
    it's leaf green, gen I-III pokes only
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)16:17 No.9272240

    I like this.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:21 No.9272258
         File: 1336335693.jpg-(75 KB, 517x450, bullshit.jpg)
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    >Croagunk (to resist Psychic)
    >gen 4
    >x4 weak to Psychic
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:25 No.9272278
    Deeper part of Viridian forest requiring surf or strength or whatever to reach. Has wild Bulbasaurs, Scyther and anything else that makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:26 No.9272284
    Add the hidden area behind Bill's House with bulbasaurs like that old rumor.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:29 No.9272296
    For the starters, do a questionnaire like Mystery Dungeon. Depending on how you answer the questions determine what starters are available to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:30 No.9272300
    Any chance of making Pokemon follow you?
    Or would that be too much work?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:30 No.9272301
    I thought it was Dark/Poison with fighting moves?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:31 No.9272303
    It's Poison/Fighting.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:32 No.9272307
    Oh woops! Still a good addition to have. Something dark to resist psychics or maybe something else psychic to help out. I just dont' want gym leaders that can be swept by a single move like FR/LG used to have.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)16:32 No.9272308

    I don't think anyone has developed a good system for Pokemon following you in Gen 3. Even those who have half a system are cursed by how gaudy it looks.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:40 No.9272335
    When'll it be done? HOw will we know when it can be played?
    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)16:41 No.9272342
    Yes, how long will this take?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)16:42 No.9272345

    It'll be done either today or tomorrow, if all goes well. I'll be keeping this trip-- if the thread isn't dead when I'm finished, I'll put it here, if not, I'll start a new thread declaring it finished.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)16:44 No.9272351
    Wow, you work that quickly? I'm impressed.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)16:46 No.9272369

    There's not much to do, really. Editing the starters, replacing Gym Leader Pokemon and dispersing Pokemon to more fitting habitats isn't all that hard. If I were constructing new areas or creating brand new events then it would take a bit longer.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:52 No.9272394
    I think some eastern johto pokemon should be in western kanto.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)17:04 No.9272457
    Bump so he can post it tonight
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:09 No.9272478
    totally pumped for this
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:09 No.9272479
    Should make a HGSS hack instead and make it so you start in Pallet Town.
    Flesh out the areas HGSS shrunk down, power everyone up, etc.
    Have the Johto gyms be much more powerful than the Kanto gyms are in HGSS. Like, the Viridian Gym should be late 40s-early 50s, then you take on the Elite 4 which are low 50s-low 60s, then head to Johto and the Violet Gym starts at around mid-50s and then go up from there.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)17:13 No.9272499
    Also, just for novelty, should I make it so Metapod evolves into Venomoth and Venonat evolves into Butterfree, then alter the stats/movesets accordingly?

    If so, should I just switch the names, or do any of you have better ones?
    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)17:16 No.9272515

    But make Venonat available in Viridian Forest, too.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:21 No.9272530
    Already done in Troll version.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)17:22 No.9272535

    I didn't really care if it had already been done or not, ha. Just asking if people wanted it done in this version.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:24 No.9272547
    So you're making a hack of exactly the same stuff pretty much every other hack already does?
    Cool originality, bro.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)17:26 No.9272554
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    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)17:29 No.9272566
    Excuse me, can I see your original hack that' any better than what he's doing?

    Oh, right, original hacks don't exist.

    All Pokemon games have the same theme, and generally the same storyline. And we enjoy it.

    So shut the fuck up and let the man do what he wants.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)17:31 No.9272571
    First member of the E4 has mid level 60 Pokemon. Lowest level of Pokemon will increase by increments of about 3 or 4 after each battle. E4 is using mix of Kanto and Johto Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:35 No.9272591
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    I have some small ideas:

    >> Make Squirtle, Wartortle and Blastoise Water/Dark types.
    >> Make Psyduck and Golduck Water/Psychic.
    >> Cubone should be able to turn into both Marowak and Kangaskhan maybe from a moonstone or something.
    >> Give Scyther the ability to use fly.

    The last one has bugged me since gen 1.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)17:36 No.9272598

    That last one is already taken care of, my friend. The only thing that bothers me is Scizor using fly; it seems too heavy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:37 No.9272601
    >I have no real reply so I'll just spout memes

    >implying an original hack would need to completely change the game
    Even making Brock a water type trainer instead of rock would be more orignal than the shit you're eating out of OP's ass.
    But you're just a typical fanboy that'll guzzle down anything with "Pokemon" stamped on it, so what do you care, right?
    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)17:42 No.9272618
    Troll spotted.

    Activating HIDE POST function.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:44 No.9272624
    dont want to annoy
    but is there a suggested ETA for this
    im very excited
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)17:45 No.9272635

    Took you that long?


    Soon. Today or tomorrow, if all goes well.

    Debating on giving Bruno a strong water type, would that be too much?
    >> Apparently I'm a Troll 05/06/12(Sun)17:46 No.9272638
    >bawww someone is disagreeing with me they must be a troll
    Why are you even on this site if you can't handle criticism?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:52 No.9272652
    >Debating on giving Bruno a strong water type, would that be too much?
    Poliwrath would fit in his team nicely.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)17:53 No.9272654

    I was thinking of Blastoise, but switched to Poliwrath right before you posted.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:56 No.9272664
    >Original 151
    Fuck off, you retarded nostalgiafag, go die in a fire.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)17:59 No.9272678
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:00 No.9272680
    So, which starters did you decide on, OP?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)18:01 No.9272684

    Seems like everyone reacted pretty well to Growlithe, Exeggcute and Staryu.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:04 No.9272695
    I've had an idea!

    What about a Water->Ground->Electric starter pool?

    Poliwag, Cubone (Marowak evolves into Kangaskhan with a Moon Stone), Pichu sounds like a nice set of sarters, wouldn't you say?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:04 No.9272697
    I was thinking of doing something similar to this, but don't really like the idea of not having all the current Pokemon available for use.
    Gonna wait until B/W tools become available.

    Looking forward to seeing yours, OP.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)18:11 No.9272716

    Different strokes for different folks. Hope you find success with your hack as well!

    Also, would anyone object to Gyarados also achieving the ability to fly?
    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)18:14 No.9272744
    Not I.

    It IS a flying type.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:20 No.9272777
    Please ensure that Doduo/Dodrio do not learn fly. That shit was stupid
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)18:22 No.9272791

    Don't know if I can argue with triple sevens...
    >> B0A 05/06/12(Sun)18:24 No.9272801
    Do NOT mae Cubone evolve into kangaskhan.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)18:25 No.9272814

    Won't be happening, no worries.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)18:45 No.9272896
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:53 No.9272934

    You have to admit, the theory does make a lot of sense.

    But getting rid of Marowak? Fuck no.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:53 No.9272938
    >BW tools become available
    Track down a guy called Haunter S. Thompson
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)18:56 No.9272950
    Finished editing all the gym leaders and elite four, now to do the tedious work of redoing the rival's teams.

    Anyone have suggestions for what he should catch and use through the course of the game?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:56 No.9272954

    Growlithe makes me happy, but Exeggcute and Staryu?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:02 No.9272983
    make the catch rate of the starters higher so i don't have to spam dem pokeballs
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:02 No.9272985
    It's cos they are both 2 stage mons with a stone-based evolution

    I would like there to be more change in the rival's team. He pretty much holds onto the same pokemon he starts out catching , only changing things up towards the end.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:09 No.9273006

    I, for one, would like there to be little or no change outside of evolution.

    Sorry if this is directly contradictory to your post, just want to let the guy know that there's people on the other side as well.
    >> Passerby Boy !WcOabcjNAM 05/06/12(Sun)19:14 No.9273028
    Call it Pokemon Anti-Social edition.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)19:15 No.9273035

    It'll be somewhat in-between. He'll always have his starter and Pidgey and one or two more stationary, but he'll also have a wildcard or two as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:17 No.9273042
    OP, I'm so excited for this. I'm going to do a speed run, and if I like it it's going to be my next LP.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)19:19 No.9273051

    Awesome! I'll have to watch it when you do.

    In Rival news, he's going to have a habit of teaching his Pokemon moves they aren't supposed to know (in third gen, at least) or shouldn't have learned yet.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:35 No.9273101
    >teaching his Pokemon moves they aren't supposed to know
    I hope you know what you're doing. I don't want to be fighting my rival's Squirtle only to find it unload a Fire Blast on my Eggsecute.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)19:37 No.9273115

    I'm mostly taking from later-gen movesets and move the Pokemon usually don't learn until later. For example, his Pigeotto will know Twister.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:39 No.9273126
    might have missed it before

    are you havin the pokemon we can catch learn later gen move sets too?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)19:43 No.9273138

    Only the starter Pokemon and the Pokemon your Rival uses will have that advantage, sadly.

    There will be small edits here and there, though, such as Scyther and Gyarados being able to use Fly, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:46 No.9273155

    sounds good, im guessing its compatable with visual boy advanced
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:54 No.9273188
    Looked him up. It's cool that he's working on a hack and all, but I can't find shit about where to download any tools for doing the same anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:07 No.9273259
    Hey, OP, this looks pretty sweet! I'm excited. Thing is, I don't creep around /vp/ all the time and I don't want to miss your download link when/if it turns up (and I've an essay to write tonight, otherwise I'd try and stick around longer.) Is there a webpage or something that you have that I could bookmark?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:10 No.9273275
    Warning, I'm about to promote myself.

    I'll put the DL link on my youtube page.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:16 No.9273312
    Thank you!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:32 No.9273391
    If you're putting starter in the wild:
    Bulbasaur in Viridian Forest
    Charmander in Rock Tunnel (as it lives in the mountains)
    Squirtle in Seafoam Islands
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:33 No.9273401
    I seriously hope you didn't do this.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)20:34 No.9273405

    None of them will be accessible as early as Viridian Forest.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/06/12(Sun)20:35 No.9273413
    Almost done? Been following since morning.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)20:36 No.9273424

    Almost finished with the rival, had to take a break to actually eat something too, haha.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:49 No.9273500
    My body is eagerly awaiting this, OP. Even though this seems like a fairly simple hack, I think it could actually become pretty successful. Good luck!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:20 No.9273656
    bumpity bump bump
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:23 No.9273671
    Keeping the thread alive OP. Can't wait.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)21:29 No.9273695
    Update: Rival's gonna be an actual rival this time, instead of a pushover.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:45 No.9273771
    Made that list this morning but lost the thread..

    Some new gym leader pokemon ideas ;

    Brock - Onix, Geodude, Zubat and Omanyte
    Misty - Staryu, Starmi, Goldeen and Poliwag
    Lt. Surge - Raichu, Pikachu, Voltorb, Drowzee Electabuzz and Magnemite
    Erika - Tangela, Victreebel, Vileplume, Ivysaur and Vulpix (For fun/ironic diversity)
    Koga - Venomoth, Muk, Golbat (or not if Brock has Zubat), Weezing, Scyther and Venonat
    Sabrina - Mr.Mime, Alakazam, Slowbro, Ditto and
    Blaine - Arcanine, Rapidash, Magmar and Kabutops
    Giovanni - Rhydon, Dugtrio, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Persian and Kankaskhan (or Sandlash/Tentacruel)
    How about that?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)21:47 No.9273786

    All gym leaders are probably going to have fully-evolved Pokemon, with perhaps a few exceptions. Brock has a level 16 Omastar currently.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:51 No.9273815
    Make sure you make good teams, dude.

    And give Flareon and Arcanine Flare Blitz. Also, have all moves automatically have Max PP.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:00 No.9273883
    >Implying it matters for flareon.

    3rd gen, all fire type attacks are special. If you want flareon to be useful in 3rd get it would need moves like Superpower, Earthquake, Rock Slide, and Shadow Ball/Claw. OP, if you want to make Flareon good, give it a couple of those.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:01 No.9273890
    Also, Flare Blitz was introduced in 4th gen. So, derps all around.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)22:01 No.9273893

    I'll toss it Earthquake and Shadow Ball.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:06 No.9273912
    It already has Shadow Ball
    Give Jolteon more Special moves
    Electric and Bite if you keep it unevolved plus the 50% Hidden power is not enough.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)22:07 No.9273922

    I'll make the Eeveelutions more usable.

    Also, fun fact, your rival is going to have Pokemon around level 80 as champion.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:09 No.9273933
    Yes. Both of these things. I already love it.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)22:12 No.9273954
    How the Elite 4 basically works:

    You better god damn have a strategic team.

    You walk in facing early-to-mid 60's Pokemon off the bat, and the Pokemon level up about 4-6 levels per battle, until you get to your rival.

    Also, your rival will end up with one of three Pokemon depending on what starter he ends up with. If he ends up with Arcanine, he'll have a Poliwrath. If he ends up with Exeggutor, he'll have a Ninetales. If he ends up with Starmie, he'll have a Victreebel.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:16 No.9273970

    Holy shit. There better be a good way to grind/EV train.

    ...or reallocate EV's after you beat the 8th gym leader...
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)22:20 No.9273994

    Some trainer levels will be upped, and there's always VS seeker.

    I'll also probably let Lucky Eggs be bought in late game, perhaps as a Cinnabar specialty.

    I've also decided that I'm going to let the original starters be found in the wild in different evolved forms. Bulbasaur will probably be found near the Power Plant, Charizard will be somewhere near Victory Road, and Wartortle will be off the coast of Cinnabar.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:21 No.9273999
    This is looking good OP. Are you changing experience yields then, to give us a fair fighting chance?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)22:28 No.9274029

    On second thought, I may let a mart sell Lucky Eggs earlier on in the game... but wild Pokemon will also have a higher level, so hopefully that will ease on the grinding at least a little.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:30 No.9274054
    Woo! Don't make us wait so long though. I don't wanna catch a level 20 Bulbasaur if I want a Venusaur, and all my guys are already level 30, you know?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:35 No.9274073
    Are you able to upload this to a static page? I'd really like to play, but my irregular browsing of /vp/ might mean I will miss out.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)22:36 No.9274081

    I don't have a webpage or anything. If anyone has any ideas, please feel free. I'd love to share this with as many people that want to play it.
    >> OP !zBOJlYwduc 05/06/12(Sun)22:44 No.9274125
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:46 No.9274141
    Accidental tripfagging from another thread, not OP...
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)23:18 No.9274324
    How would you guys react to Champion Rival having a completely different team from any he's had when you face him previously in the game, save for his starter and perhaps one more?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:24 No.9274358
    Do it. I would be okay if the Champion/Rival had a completely different team EVERY time you met him. I was always surprised to see that Gary caught all the Pokemon but only used... the same 7-8.

    Make him all powerful.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/06/12(Sun)23:26 No.9274371

    He'll be pretty damn difficult, I can say that.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:27 No.9274376
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:44 No.9274508
    Make a quick Twitter page for the game or something for updates. Also, people could share it with their twitter followers, giving a bigger audience.
    Everyone would be able to view it and there would be no danger of the thread dying.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)00:32 No.9274899
    Editing Pokemon now, would anyone be vehemently against switching Venomoth and Butterfree?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:56 No.9275074
    Ehhhh..... Messing with headcannon stuff is dangerous...
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)01:07 No.9275160

    True. I'm about to call it a night, so I'll think about it more tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:10 No.9275178
    switch the bitch. you have my blessing.
    >> B0A 05/07/12(Mon)01:13 No.9275192
    DON'T SWiTCH iT.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:32 No.9275271
    please do.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)05:50 No.9275881
    Don't do it. Keep it as it is. I think that butter free represents a butterfly better than venomoth. In cases where opinion is divided, I would stick with the status quo
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)05:58 No.9275887
    It's 150 unless you're a cheating pleb.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)06:30 No.9275918
    you put Mew under the truck of course
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)06:30 No.9275919
    >Implying mew isn't a Pokemon
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:14 No.9276611
    how's it progressing?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:22 No.9276648

    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)13:38 No.9276961
    Oh god, OP is this posible? Can you add an area to the side of the SS Anne so that it can actually happen?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)13:42 No.9276984
    Not OP, but completely possible. You'll need to change some scripts and flags though. Hopefully it won't break the game.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:21 No.9277143
    He also said he was only making minor edits, it didn't sound like he was going to do that much.
    >> Volvic 05/07/12(Mon)14:46 No.9277232
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    Ohgod I want this so hard. PLEASE OP DO IT FOR US
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:00 No.9277275
    I've had this thread open for a solid day, OP, please tell us how this project is going.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)15:00 No.9277276
    Necrobump. Hacking day 2 is going pretty swell.

    To previous posters, yes, Mew will be available, no, it won't be under the truck.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:03 No.9277281
    Awww, a million tears. Do you think it'll be done today OP?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:04 No.9277285
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    doh god i cant wait
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:05 No.9277290
    So can you do a quick re-state of all the things you've done to change the game for us?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)15:08 No.9277300

    I'm not really wanting to break the fourth wall too much with this. Realistically (at least as much as Pokemon canon gets), why would Mew be under a truck?

    I'm going to see if I can edit a few bits of text in game to make how I implement Mews into the game make a bit more sense.

    Also finalized positions the old starters will be in. Charizard is staying inside Victory Road, Wartortle is still off the coast of Cinnabar, but Bulbasaur has moved from the Power Plant to the area below Pallet where the Tangela patch used to be. I like this, because they're all somewhat near Pallet itself, answering the question where the original starters were captured, and also makes them available late-game but before the E4.

    Bulbasaurs will be available in the wild at levels ranging from 5 to 40, if I'm not mistaken. Wartortles will probably be 25-35, and Charizards will be somewhere between 50-65.

    Also was able to fix the error I was having and have been able to give gym leaders more Pokemon than they originally had. Brock currently has Omastar, Onix, and Aerodactyl, which should pose a decent threat given what you'll have access to before battling him.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)15:16 No.9277325

    All wild Pokemon levels have been changed, some monsters' locations have been changed entirely, and there's generally more variety in each route through the entire game. You'll encounter things other than Tentacool while surfing in the ocean, as well.

    All gym leaders have been reworked, given much stronger Pokemon and actual movesets, plus the AI of the Pokemon has been upped.

    The Elite 4 are going to be a huge challenge. Stepping in, they have mid-60's Pokemon right off the bat. Base levels raise by about 4-5 after each battle, meaning Rival has Pokemon in the 80's.

    And obviously, new starters. Exeggcute, Staryu, Growlithe.


    Gym Leaders, Elite 4, Rival Battles: 100% (barring tweaks)
    Wild Pokemon locations & levels: 60%
    Trainer Pokemon: 25%
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:23 No.9277341
    If pokemon locations are changed will the pokedex locations correspond or are you gonna leave it up to us to find em?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)15:27 No.9277347

    The latter. Some decent Pokemon may be in one patch of grass in an area that isn't often visited. Instead of plowing through the game, I want to promote exploration.

    Basically, I want the person to think about generally where the Pokemon they want would be, then go there and see if they were right.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:32 No.9277376
    I can dig it.
    >> Volvic 05/07/12(Mon)16:21 No.9277573
    OP, what kinds of changes have you made to the islands? I made a suggestion a while back about replacing the house with the minigames on Two Island with a family that gives berries; maybe you could do that?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)16:26 No.9277594

    I remember that. I'll see if I can do something like that, and if I can I will.

    In terms of the Islands in general, I haven't touched them yet. Still working on getting the mainland finished, which was my main goal anyway.

    If I do anything to the islands, it would be adjusting the levels of wild Pokemon there, and also making them entirely second and third gen since you won't see any anywhere else. That would obviously delay release, however.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)16:45 No.9277698
    I'm working on Bill's cape right now. I have a bit of it done, including Dratini being in his pond when surfing, but does anyone else have any ideas for Pokemon that would be good fits?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:47 No.9277706
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)16:47 No.9277708

    Way ahead of you.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:52 No.9277733
    I always hated the fact that you could never see his pokemon collection..
    Maybe a slowpoke? Not sure why but it kinda feels fitting. Oh, and I have always wanted to be able to get poliwag earlier in the game..
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)16:54 No.9277743

    Slowpoke sounds good.

    You can get Poliwag shortly after the second gym.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)17:11 No.9277823
    A little teaser/update: not including Caterpie/Metapod and Weedle/Kakuna, there are 6 unique Pokemon that now find their homes in Viridian Forest, all of the Grass or Bug type.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:13 No.9277841

    So do you mean that gravler will evolve into golem by level gain now?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)17:14 No.9277846

    Yes, same with Haunter and Machoke.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:20 No.9277890
    Beacuse it's leaf green does that include seadra?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)17:24 No.9277912

    Since I'm limiting pre-E4 to 151, probably not. If I figure out a way to insure the Pokemon doesn't try to evolve until you've beaten the Elite 4, ALL evolutions involving trade (specifically those that let the Pokemon evolve to something from another generation) will be level up, such as Slowpoke, Scyther, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:44 No.9278016
    will leaf green gamesharks still work?
    >> Gary 'Fucking' Oak 05/07/12(Mon)17:46 No.9278025
    for what compatible? GBA? or DS?
    GBA would be awesome.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)17:49 No.9278046

    They should.


    Leaf Green is a GBA game, so do the math.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:50 No.9278048
    Leaf Green = GBA, think...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:57 No.9278087

    good stuff, i promise not to break ur game, i just like the free money and stuff
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:57 No.9278088
    OP, why not create a YouTube account if you don't already have one, direct us to it and leave the link/updates there once it's done?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:59 No.9278092
    Astro, just a suggestion:

    Make TMs work like HMs so we needn't have a hard time deciding which Pokemon gets what. What do you say to that?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:05 No.9278126
    Or, even better, make it possible to buy them at various stages of game. We won't have problems with money thanks to VS Seeker anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:10 No.9278161
    Or just make it possible to buy them and operate them as HMs.

    It's perfect.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)18:10 No.9278163

    Ah, forgot to mention my little mart plan I'll try to implement.

    You'll want to visit marts a bit more. Each town will have TM's that match up with the type the gym leader will have. Many marts will also have specialty items for sale, such as EXP Shares or Lucky Eggs.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:11 No.9278173
    did we every decied on the name?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:12 No.9278177
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:15 No.9278191
    >> NotAFarmer 05/07/12(Mon)18:38 No.9278283
    Progress check again, OP?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)18:43 No.9278303

    Not counting the Sevii Islands, I'm about 70% finished all around.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:48 No.9278331
    Is this your first hack?
    >> Volvic 05/07/12(Mon)18:50 No.9278347
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    Awesome, OP, I can't wait. This will be a great way to kick back after my finals.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:58 No.9278397
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    OP, since I know there is data of the Hoenn character sprites, do you think there's a chance you could replace the main characters with their ruby/sapphire counterparts? I always thought the R/S/E character sprites on FR/LG looked really nice.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)19:02 No.9278406

    I kind of like that, and it would mix things up. I don't know if I would do it or not, but if I can do it easily enough (backsprites included) then I wouldn't rule it out.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:04 No.9278412
    I'm against a replacement but if you could add the two of them as trainers in the game, that'd be cool.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)19:07 No.9278427

    I know people would be very split about it, which is why if it wouldn't be too much trouble to replace it, I could just make two versions, one with Red and Leaf and one with Ruby/Brendan and Sapphire/May.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/07/12(Mon)19:08 No.9278432
    Will this be a patch, a rom, or just posted on something like Vizzed?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)19:09 No.9278437

    It will be distributed as a ROM, no patching needed.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:18 No.9278473
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    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)19:30 No.9278520

    I thought this was a custom sprite generator at first and got really excited.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/07/12(Mon)19:49 No.9278589
    My impatience is high.

    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:54 No.9278608
    >Remember, keep it to the original 151.
    Fuck you. Put Togepi under the truck.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/07/12(Mon)20:17 No.9278742
    Any news at all?

    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)20:27 No.9278820

    It'll be finished when it's finished; won't be that long now. Finishing up the Seafoam Islands right now, and that'll be the last of the pre-E4 wild Pokemon.

    Then all that's left is upping the levels of trainers, modding a few Pokemon and fixing the evolutions, editing the marts, and figuring out what if anything I'll do with the islands. Doing the marts and editing the Pokemon won't take long at all, so the only real time-consuming thing left is the trainers, although that won't take too long either.

    So the if's:

    >Doing something with the Sevii Islands. I'd like to at least up the levels of wild Pokemon and switch them out with Gen2 and Gen3 Pokemon, but that would be more time consumed.
    >Making a version replacing Red and Leaf with Ruby/Brendan and Sapphire/May.

    Also, I'm thinking about putting those EV-reducing berries in a shop somewhere so you can re-train for EV's before the elite 4.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/07/12(Mon)20:27 No.9278828
    I'm so excited, so excited, so impatient.

    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)20:29 No.9278838

    It's good to be excited, makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile, heh.
    >> NotAFarmer 05/07/12(Mon)20:31 No.9278856
    You are, trust me.

    Next time I see a thread asking for a good ROM, I'm posting yours.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:32 No.9278869
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    Where does one learn to do this...
    please dont say google..
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:34 No.9278880
    see >>9271910
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:38 No.9278916
    im also mad hype dude
    been following since yesterday
    and i dont even frequent vp
    hit it on a good day i suppose
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)20:39 No.9278928
    The game in general will be harder, but praise be to allah, Zubats are much more rare. I just stripped all traces of Zubat and Golbat out of Seafoam.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:41 No.9278942
    Hope it's not too late, OP:

    1. Make all TM's purchasable.
    2. Make PP Up/PP Max buyable.
    3. Make Max Ether/Max Elixir etc buyable.

    Can you also change the rates on the Pokeballs?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:42 No.9278949
    I cant wait for this to be complete, but feel free to take your time because it will be well worth it. Been following since yesterday as well
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:44 No.9278959
    Less zubat? I love you.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:45 No.9278980
    I think that changing the startets but keeping the sme type is pretty much the same thing, especially if you fix their movepool to make them better. I like the idea of other types trio or three normals.

    Adding a THIS to the rival having different teams every time you battle him.

    Other than that, awesome job, OP!

    >So you're making a hack of exactly the same stuff pretty much every other hack already does?

    Really? Link us to them then, genius.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)20:46 No.9278989

    Less Zubat in all caves.

    Also got rid of that wild level 20 Pidgey stuff. No reason to have Pokemon that high level be unevolved.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:59 No.9279103
    I'm not that guy, but omega fire red does much of what op is doing. Despite this, I like Op's way of thinking and it might be an entertaining hack from reading the updates thus far.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)21:02 No.9279119

    Fire Red Omega is similar in that it removes trade evolutions and re-arranges Pokemon, so at the core they are alike, but I think the developer of FRO and I have two different views for the respective projects.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:06 No.9279141
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    >boss battles
    What boss battles? since when pokemon had boss battles?
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)21:15 No.9279225

    I believe that's a group term for leaders, e4 and rival battles.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:19 No.9279255
    I know you said keep to the original 151 but I think you should throw in a few Johto Pokémon. Red and Green was originally going to have 190 Pokémon but didn't have the space.

    Since Fire Red and Leaf Green had the ability to own Johto and Hoenn Pokémon anyway the data will be there anyway.

    If you want to stick to only catching the original 151 then how about this; give a few trainers Johto Pokémon.
    >> Astro !ioYK/OxOlQ 05/07/12(Mon)21:20 No.9279261

    E4 has Johto Pokemon along with Kanto.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:21 No.9279270
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)21:23 No.9279298
    Didn't see those posts. Silly me.

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