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  • File: 1335171273.png-(1.2 MB, 1542x1106, gentypesleelee.png)
    1.2 MB Fave Pokemon Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)04:54 No.9205110  
    Let's get one these threads going. Comment/Criticise on others to keep it interesting, Template in next post
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)04:55 No.9205116
         File: 1335171327.png-(105 KB, 1540x1106, 1328028747358.png)
    105 KB
    >> Mel 04/23/12(Mon)04:55 No.9205119
         File: 1335171359.png-(1.56 MB, 1540x1106, Mel hates everything you like.png)
    1.56 MB
    Here ya go OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)09:59 No.9205886
         File: 1335189544.jpg-(1.2 MB, 1542x1106, Paulsfaves.jpg)
    1.2 MB
    As queer as its poster
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)10:06 No.9205904
    Template of the ''chibi'' pokemons please?
    >> Mel 04/23/12(Mon)10:10 No.9205916
         File: 1335190202.jpg-(1.19 MB, 2976x2016, ptta.jpg)
    1.19 MB
    Glad to hear how upset you are.
    There ya go.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)10:14 No.9205936
    Not upset at all. Just commenting like OP asked
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)10:16 No.9205940
    Yesterday, someone named Mel was calling Rhydon an abomination compared to Rhyhorn. This is why it's stupid that there are like 4 of you. Seriously, get a new name. At least use a tripcode.

    Also this.
    >> Mel 04/23/12(Mon)10:17 No.9205943
    Did you not read the picture? You're one of the ones who doesn't read context. Good job making a fool out of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)10:22 No.9205960
    Oh, you expect people to care so much that they read everything on your image and infer that these are Pokemon you DISLIKE? Sorry, namefuck, no one cares enough.
    >> Mel 04/23/12(Mon)10:23 No.9205967
    Way to angrily backpedal there. Keep at it. Next time at least check the filename. Might save you some embarrassment.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)10:27 No.9205980
    Oh yes, Mel. I'm so embarrassed on an anonymous image board on the internet. No, unlike you, I'm not a fucking attention-whoring namefag. I can leave this thread and no one will ever know I was here. You, on the other hand, will continue to further your reputation as one of the worst posters on this board.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)10:28 No.9205983
         File: 1335191329.png-(15 KB, 700x600, 1280774659706.png)
    15 KB
    fuck man, you REALLY think people care that much about your shit ??
    >> Mel 04/23/12(Mon)10:30 No.9205987
    >>9205980 I can screw up and nobody will ever know, you're such an idiot for holding yourself accountable.
    Do you ever think before you type?
    Then simply don't respond to it. You're allowed to block all my posts as well if you'd like. I'd not stopping you. I wear a name so you can if you'd like.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)10:32 No.9205990
    Who screwed up? It's only obvious that your image refers to Pokemon you dislike if you actually take the time to read all the details and your filename. Again, no one gives a fuck about you.
    >> Mel 04/23/12(Mon)10:37 No.9206010
    >>9205990 It's only obvious that your image refers to Pokemon you dislike if you actually take the time to read
    My point exactly. Please don't respond to things you don't even take the time to read one bit. You're literally admitting to slinging mud when you don't know what you're talking about. I might hold a ring target, but you are the cancer. Also, I don't want anyone to give a fuck about me. I'm not that needy. I'd be circlejerking in PG, Wifi General, TR RP, or one of the other many fine circlejerks we have on this board if I was. The people who impersonate me to further slander my bad rep are just like you, people I've proved foolish in the past.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)11:09 No.9206095
    >dohohoho, I'm proving people foolish on the internet!
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)13:52 No.9206416
         File: 1335203527.png-(602 KB, 1584x664, favorites.png)
    602 KB
    fuck templates
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)15:35 No.9206797
    Why you such a faggot Mel?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)15:40 No.9206815
         File: 1335210047.png-(981 KB, 1540x1106, Pokemon Finished.png)
    981 KB
    Took way too fucking long to make this.

    I haven't played DPPt but Platinum is on it's way so I can update it then.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)15:45 No.9206827
         File: 1335210355.png-(247 KB, 1540x1093, totalitarianism.png)
    247 KB
    I'll stick to normal sprites i will
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)15:49 No.9206847
         File: 1335210593.png-(541 KB, 1542x1106, favoritesextended.png)
    541 KB
    Mine. combined with the older template I had done.

    Wasn't about to grab sprites again. Easy to reference though.
    >> Mel 04/24/12(Tue)03:08 No.9210437
    My jimmies are eternal.
    >> Mel 04/24/12(Tue)03:13 No.9210457
    >further slander my rep
    I thought I didn't give a shit about my rep?
    >> WhispyWoods 04/24/12(Tue)03:25 No.9210498
         File: 1335252340.png-(710 KB, 1662x530, favoritepokeblank.png)
    710 KB
    too lazy to make another template... this is mine


    >Favorite Starter
    >Favorite type
    >Favorite pokemon
    -The bro of the bros in the template
    >Most hated pokemon
    -I think I just hate Cryogonal and others inexpressive shits like Bronzong or baltoy
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:25 No.9210691
         File: 1335259501.png-(1.1 MB, 1540x1106, all favorites.png)
    1.1 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)05:52 No.9210726
    Why does OP wants people to copy-paste a miljon tiny pictures into a template??

    It's called a script, get with the internet-times already.

    Easy enuff to do with a form you fill out, press submit and out comes the picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)06:54 No.9210790
         File: 1335264856.png-(721 KB, 1540x1106, 1335171327588.png)
    721 KB
    got bored
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)07:01 No.9210797
    OPs a fag, not paint friendly

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