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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File: 1333773958.jpg-(113 KB, 463x502, Forever Cubone.jpg)
    113 KB Pokémon General Paul !!aLnwsl6Nn16 04/07/12(Sat)00:45 No.9093121  
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)00:46 No.9093124
    Paul pls go
    >> Paul !!aLnwsl6Nn16 04/07/12(Sat)00:47 No.9093127
         File: 1333774038.png-(63 KB, 262x350, Elgyem - Okay.png)
    63 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)00:47 No.9093129
    Look at that tumor.
    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 04/07/12(Sat)00:48 No.9093132
    I though that was a tumor before realizing it was supposed to be the "forever alone" face.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)00:48 No.9093139
    I bet it looked delicious, too.
    >> Kaleon !IzumiRISII 04/07/12(Sat)00:49 No.9093141
    Do you do this on purpose?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)00:50 No.9093145
    I like you, Paul
    >> Dual !1Bariothn2 04/07/12(Sat)00:51 No.9093148
         File: 1333774263.jpg-(51 KB, 550x550, 1327208620526.jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)00:51 No.9093149
    What does PG do on the shitter?
    >> Thectsper 04/07/12(Sat)00:51 No.9093153
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)00:52 No.9093155
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)00:52 No.9093156
    >Not reading a magazine or Dirty Mad
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)00:52 No.9093157
         File: 1333774361.jpg-(54 KB, 720x600, 1272092920213.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Kaleon !IzumiRISII 04/07/12(Sat)00:53 No.9093159
    I read shampoo bottles
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)00:53 No.9093160
    Play word search on my phone
    >> Julio !V8SaberQSQ 04/07/12(Sat)00:53 No.9093163
         File: 1333774437.jpg-(91 KB, 1280x720, 1323915198858.jpg)
    91 KB
    >Searching for more games to download
    >Find this

    Play videogames.
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)00:54 No.9093164
    Watch TV
    >> kobo1d !gkOBo1DCkk 04/07/12(Sat)00:54 No.9093169
    I like the idea Paul but it really looks like a tumor.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)00:56 No.9093175
    >Popular Roms
    >NDS Rom: XXXX - Pokémon Black 2 (Japan)
    Is your cousin a boy or girl? You could try Super Princess Peach if the latter.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)01:16 No.9093238
    How the fuck do I stop this annoying music on /v/, fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)01:16 No.9093241
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)01:19 No.9093252
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)01:19 No.9093253
    So you have a problem and no one else can help. If you can find them I think you should try The A Team.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)01:20 No.9093255
         File: 1333776004.png-(59 KB, 600x480, 4f2d8fa8MFZePVs3.png)
    59 KB
    >Pop in Gears of War so I can run through the trilogy
    >Slow as fuck
    >Shaky ass camera
    >Enemies and allies look the same
    >Shitty ass, inaccurate weapons
    >Cut game off
    >Pop in Vanquish
    I think I'm just gonna skip to Gears of War 3.
    >> A person 04/07/12(Sat)01:20 No.9093259
    Been thinking lately: what if global warming is occuring because someone shot articuno in the wing and moltres is having a field day? Damn shooter...
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)01:22 No.9093264
    You can play the campaign with me, if you want.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 04/07/12(Sat)01:25 No.9093279
    Go back the the "pokemon are real" RP thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)01:26 No.9093283
    I don't know. I saw it in the sticky. Firefox doesn't play the nonsticky music for me.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)01:27 No.9093286
    I'll pass for now, I'm headed to bed shortly anyway, I just wanted to kill a couple of Argus.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)01:40 No.9093330
         File: 1333777218.jpg-(455 KB, 2560x1440, 0318_004.jpg)
    455 KB

    I'm trying to do a no-death run and have died four times, at least two of those times to kamikazes.
    >> Dual !1Bariothn2 04/07/12(Sat)01:44 No.9093349
         File: 1333777474.png-(138 KB, 300x300, banshee.png)
    138 KB
    I just teleported right next to your cloaked infiltrator ass and instantly killed you. Woops. I can also take like 10 Black Widow bullets to the head without exploding, despite the rifle being capable of killing bigger, more armored things in 3 shots.

    Look at my biotic titties.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)01:48 No.9093368
         File: 1333777715.png-(78 KB, 337x234, Gorgie.png)
    78 KB
    Fuck, one of them leapt from behind cover and tried to blow up on me just now. Then I wrenched his torso off.
    >> Sigismundo !!7XfM4lXpeKH 04/07/12(Sat)01:51 No.9093386
    What game is it? Sounds fun.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)01:53 No.9093400
    Vanquish. Dual speaks of Mass Effect 3.
    >> Dual !1Bariothn2 04/07/12(Sat)01:57 No.9093412
         File: 1333778223.jpg-(149 KB, 802x999, top158.jpg)
    149 KB
    Vanquish and Triple Color Adventures: In Space.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)02:01 No.9093429
    >Pokemon Ruby
    >Go to Safari Zone
    >See and catch a Heracross

    "Are you serious?"

    >Go back in
    >Find another Heracross
    >Catch it rather quickly

    "Holy shit, that's luck." Any of you had fantastic luck recently?
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)02:02 No.9093434
         File: 1333778567.png-(66 KB, 474x593, Cerebella Annoyed.png)
    66 KB
    >Hear another Gorgie winding up to explode
    >Run like hell
    >Get hit by a chunk of falling building
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)02:04 No.9093441
         File: 1333778662.png-(866 B, 96x96, Spr_5b_426_s.png)
    866 B
    >first shiny in 14 years
    >favorite gen 4 pokemon
    >fuck yes drifblim i love you
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)02:05 No.9093446
         File: 1333778756.gif-(219 KB, 648x605, Fuck Marvel.gif)
    219 KB

    I'll leave with a tune. Unknowns are cool, they're basically Rezbits, but actually threatening.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)02:07 No.9093450
    Fuck that thing. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)02:07 No.9093451
    Holy shit, you lucky son of a bitch. The odds that your first shiny is your favorite pokemon... wow. Wow.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)02:17 No.9093473

    Similar story; my GF's first shiny was her second favourite Pokemon.

    And it was Articuno
    >> Brad 04/07/12(Sat)02:21 No.9093486
         File: 1333779698.jpg-(2.52 MB, 3648x2736, Vanquish steel book.jpg)
    2.52 MB
    Speaking of Vanquish, I just learned there was a steel book for it the other day. I want it bad, IIRC it was a UK exclusive.

    >> Sigismundo !!7XfM4lXpeKH 04/07/12(Sat)03:23 No.9093634
         File: 1333783404.jpg-(83 KB, 1024x604, samurai shen.jpg)
    83 KB
    Oh my.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)03:25 No.9093641
         File: 1333783532.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, 1271065525337.jpg)
    50 KB
    >jet pack knee slides
    Okay, yeah, I'm going to go get this tomorrow. Also, have you seen that new Dark Souls art book? It looks pretty cool and I'd like to get it.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 04/07/12(Sat)03:32 No.9093661
    Haven't been home all day but did Tomas show up today?
    >Start Black version.
    >Find out Munna has Synchronize.
    >Farm on every nature of it so I can catch the perfect natured team members easy.
    I'm the autistiest.
    >> Audino !ExpKeroLso 04/07/12(Sat)03:38 No.9093671
         File: 1333784296.png-(257 KB, 300x440, 300px-BlackRoseDragonCT05-EN-S(...).png)
    257 KB
    >Have Fire Red
    >Buy a ton of Abra
    >Send over the ones with the natures I need and synchronize
    >> Brad 04/07/12(Sat)03:51 No.9093695

    New art book? No clue. Throw a brotha some knowledge.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)03:54 No.9093697
         File: 1333785253.jpg-(187 KB, 406x700, Capra Demon waiting at the fog(...).jpg)
    187 KB
    Was in one of ENB's newer video. There's some designer interview's in there too. Of course it's Japan only.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)03:57 No.9093701
    >random apostrophe
    >> Brad 04/07/12(Sat)04:14 No.9093739


    I remember watching his stuff before stateside Dark Souls. Got me so excited. God damn that book is sexy.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 04/07/12(Sat)04:27 No.9093771
         File: 1333787261.jpg-(82 KB, 1280x720, its go time.jpg)
    82 KB
    >Polar Bear Cafe
    >Dat OP.
    >Dat FukuJun.
    >Dat tire hula hooping.
    >Dat ED.
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 04/07/12(Sat)04:28 No.9093774
    And this misquoting...
    >> Mel 04/07/12(Sat)04:29 No.9093778
    It was boring.
    On a positive note, I stumbled onto rule 34 of it earlier tonight if that floats your boat.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)04:31 No.9093784
         File: 1333787488.jpg-(144 KB, 728x429, dmysterious_girlfriend_x_063_0(...).jpg)
    144 KB
    I'm just waiting for MGX tomorrow
    >> Noel !iWvubKyoko 04/07/12(Sat)04:32 No.9093789
         File: 1333787573.jpg-(41 KB, 139x139, bear on picnic2.jpg)
    41 KB
    >Watching Panda doing Panda things.
    Still dat ED. Also, no.
    Oh boy.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)04:42 No.9093818
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)04:44 No.9093825
    Subs when?
    >> Mel 04/07/12(Sat)04:49 No.9093843
    I have a fetish for Nick Swardson's dolphin fetish.
    >> Mel 04/07/12(Sat)04:50 No.9093851
    I thought you got banned earlier. Thank goodness they went easy on you.
    >skipped ED before
    >went back and watched
    >moonwalking panda
    Wow, I almost missed that.
    >> Mel 04/07/12(Sat)05:00 No.9093877
    >implying janitors can ban
    >implying you're the real Mel
    >implying we aren't the same person with borderline personality disorder
    >implying Nick Swardson isn't a furfag
    >> Mel Mel 04/07/12(Sat)05:04 No.9093892
    implying this isnt Mel general
    >> Enzio 04/07/12(Sat)05:22 No.9093947
         File: 1333790554.png-(154 KB, 513x462, you're kinda old but very pret(...).png)
    154 KB
    >Finally finally finally figure out from where I saved this again
    Thank fuck I was able to find it again holy shit
    >> Maya !6FaPNwEQbw 04/07/12(Sat)05:27 No.9093960
         File: 1333790830.jpg-(76 KB, 329x325, Lucifer=Teddy.jpg)
    76 KB
    >Find Parasite Eve
    >Already have a shit ton of PS1 games to finish
    When will the suffering end?
    >> fligh/tg/uy !!USvlahNxTB4 04/07/12(Sat)06:20 No.9094071
         File: 1333794007.jpg-(7 KB, 279x181, Ziltoid2.jpg)
    7 KB
    Good day all

    Would you like to share with the rest of us?
    >> Tsuka !IARG6w3Ir2 04/07/12(Sat)06:23 No.9094080
         File: 1333794180.jpg-(65 KB, 471x500, 1333593481514.jpg)
    65 KB
    >implying we even needed new janitors
    >implying gardevoir has fur
    >> Enzio 04/07/12(Sat)06:27 No.9094085
         File: 1333794460.png-(91 KB, 400x500, ishizu ishtar (4).png)
    91 KB
    I was actually wrong, it wasn't specifically where that image was from, but it was the same series at least. There seems to be 4 chapters but I can only find 3 and 4, and that image isn't in either of those. It's not so bad to me since I think the 3rd one is the best anyway but I'd still like to find the others
    >> fligh/tg/uy !!USvlahNxTB4 04/07/12(Sat)06:36 No.9094102
         File: 1333794966.jpg-(61 KB, 640x480, What_Joker_Glasses.jpg)
    61 KB
    Oh well, thanks anyway
    >There are live action movies as well according to that thread
    Oh Japan, u so silly
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)06:37 No.9094103
         File: 1333795037.jpg-(231 KB, 640x480, anime_expo_2010_by_coolpizza16(...).jpg)
    231 KB
    You will never be on this guy's level. How does that make you feel?
    >> Enzio 04/07/12(Sat)06:40 No.9094111
         File: 1333795203.jpg-(498 KB, 706x1000, ishizu ishtar (7).jpg)
    498 KB
    >And then years later I hear the manga briefly mentioned on some episode of Law and Order: SVU that my mother was watching.
    I remember that fucking episode but I did not think it was real.
    >> Tsuka !IARG6w3Ir2 04/07/12(Sat)06:40 No.9094114
    >thought it was some fag in homemade TES armor via thumb
    >open it and realize he is a god among insects
    feels bad man
    >> fligh/tg/uy !!USvlahNxTB4 04/07/12(Sat)06:41 No.9094118
    Extremely releaved
    >> DE? !a9QTzDc0HM 04/07/12(Sat)06:43 No.9094121
         File: 1333795386.jpg-(227 KB, 1024x768, installingthegrafix.jpg)
    227 KB
    Feelin' good.
    >> fligh/tg/uy !!USvlahNxTB4 04/07/12(Sat)07:12 No.9094177
         File: 1333797135.png-(1.22 MB, 900x1600, Japan.png)
    1.22 MB
    >Halt, evildoer!

    And I'll never eat sushi again:
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)08:08 No.9094251
    Have you fags liked the dark souls wall yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)09:39 No.9094407
    >Tough Love
    >Type: Dark
    >Power: 100
    >Accuracy: 100
    >Effect: this move will always work if the user is under the effects of Attract.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)09:41 No.9094416
    Shut the fuck up Vodka, that move is useless.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)10:49 No.9094602
         File: 1333810179.png-(810 KB, 1544x478, 1zdoqcz.png)
    810 KB
    AVR previews start today at 4:30 p.m. ET.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)10:55 No.9094617
    We appear to have non-transforming werewolves, so the casuals are going to be happy. Also looks like R/W decks could be getting more support, which is kickass.
    >> Ruby 04/07/12(Sat)11:37 No.9094755
    Why does that Cubone have a tumor. Hey Sage, if you're around, my sister pulled one of those Entei/Raikou Legend cards. It's the top half.
    >> Chief !CpdS/BOSSg 04/07/12(Sat)11:41 No.9094767
    Call me chief.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:44 No.9094775
    >Russian /co/.
    >Homestuck General, Korra General, Simpsons porn thread, How to pirate comics sticky.
    Just like home.☆
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:44 No.9094779
    Will do, Sarge.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:46 No.9094788
    I shall call you Boris
    >> Chief !CpdS/BOSSg 04/07/12(Sat)11:46 No.9094792
    It hits home very well, eh, comrade?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:48 No.9094798
    I will call you Faggior, Priest of the Faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:48 No.9094799
         File: 1333813711.jpg-(25 KB, 533x542, implying hurpaderps are derpad(...).jpg)
    25 KB
    Who's chief, and why would he want to call you?
    >> Chief !CpdS/BOSSg 04/07/12(Sat)11:49 No.9094801
    Because I'm the boss.
    >> Grim Reaper !!5gCwNOahF1G 04/07/12(Sat)11:51 No.9094812
         File: 1333813882.jpg-(48 KB, 304x304, bruce-springsteen.jpg)
    48 KB
    I doubt it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:53 No.9094819
    >Do you think that in Gen VI, that the Pokémon Center and Pokémart should have a different appearance that matches the theme of the town, but they can still be identified?
    >> Chief !CpdS/BOSSg 04/07/12(Sat)11:53 No.9094820
    You can doubt it all you want, Mr. Fussypants.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:54 No.9094824
    >Do you know that you're using greentext incorrectly?
    >> Stealth !ROCKSX.pIo 04/07/12(Sat)11:56 No.9094828
         File: 1333814173.png-(74 KB, 618x429, 1331545003263.png)
    74 KB
    >> Chief !CpdS/BOSSg 04/07/12(Sat)11:58 No.9094840
    Fae Trip General?
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)12:01 No.9094846
         File: 1333814480.gif-(2.67 MB, 640x360, 1332993226786.gif)
    2.67 MB
    Top of the morning to you all.
    >Playing a P&P RPG today
    This is gonna be good.
    >> Grim Reaper !!5gCwNOahF1G 04/07/12(Sat)12:03 No.9094858
    Which one?
    >> Mio !vIA/KYUBEY 04/07/12(Sat)12:05 No.9094861
         File: 1333814733.png-(75 KB, 340x352, 螢幕快照 2011-12-13 上午(...).png)
    75 KB
    People should stop focusing on tiny details and instead view the possibility to improve the game on a larger scope.
    >> Luxeon !QBee1TB5wU 04/07/12(Sat)12:07 No.9094866
         File: 1333814833.png-(3 KB, 98x98, 1301846489530.png)
    3 KB
    Escaliver gets UrfQuaek?
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)12:09 No.9094873
    It's one my friend's father made when he was around my age. He's been working on it ever since. He basically uses us as crash test dummies for it.
    Highly unlikely, but I like the idea.
    >> Luxeon !QBee1TB5wU 04/07/12(Sat)12:10 No.9094881
         File: 1333815044.jpg-(63 KB, 404x375, 17712687.jpg)
    63 KB
    How does it play?
    >> Chief !CpdS/BOSSg 04/07/12(Sat)12:12 No.9094886
    Bring back the details, soldier.
    >> Mio !vIA/KYUBEY 04/07/12(Sat)12:13 No.9094894
         File: 1333815215.jpg-(236 KB, 1115x1600, 2012-01_359.jpg)
    236 KB
    Other than newer moves available on monsters, also the game format. Things such as expanding the worldview, post game quests, and alternate endings, although all the above mentioned are highly unlikely.
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)12:17 No.9094915
    I guess it's like a typical RPG. You're given a mission, make your own decisions, what you do determines the outcome for your groups' "storyline" in future missions, and how much EXP you and your group members get.
    >post game quests
    Hell, if they did it with FR/LG they can do it again.
    >alternate endings
    I wish.
    >> Dead★Master !vIA/KYUBEY 04/07/12(Sat)12:24 No.9094943
         File: 1333815882.png-(890 KB, 1280x720, 1333312387130.png)
    890 KB
    or a "True end" after completing some major long postgame quest if alternate ends are too much of a hassle.
    Anyways, they're mostly ideas that popped in the mind up after fully completing Final Fantasy Type-0.
    >> Luxeon !QBee1TB5wU 04/07/12(Sat)12:27 No.9094956
         File: 1333816025.jpg-(102 KB, 418x807, 1333814764780.jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:27 No.9094965
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)12:28 No.9094969
    >> Luxeon !QBee1TB5wU 04/07/12(Sat)12:33 No.9094994
    Butt it apparently came from Russian.
    >> Eco !roCkeTrYqs 04/07/12(Sat)12:37 No.9095012
         File: 1333816667.jpg-(87 KB, 463x700, 1333761858726.jpg)
    87 KB
    Whats up, PG?
    >> Luxeon !QBee1TB5wU 04/07/12(Sat)12:39 No.9095018
         File: 1333816794.jpg-(36 KB, 250x250, Q-Bee Exploitable another 2.jpg)
    36 KB
    Not much.
    >> fligh/tg/uy !!USvlahNxTB4 04/07/12(Sat)12:41 No.9095022
    Speaking of RPGs, just stumbled across a WoD Beast Wars adaptation
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)12:46 No.9095032
         File: 1333817182.png-(209 KB, 453x435, 1330181343029.png)
    209 KB
    Not much. Also, what the heck happened to Bromishi? Did he ever explain why he didn't show up at Final Round?
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)12:48 No.9095040
         File: 1333817287.jpg-(241 KB, 600x750, 26407273.jpg)
    241 KB
    I think I'll enjoy Tactics Ogre, it's like FFT but not slow and shitty.
    >> Eco !roCkeTrYqs 04/07/12(Sat)12:48 No.9095041
    Yeah he did. He purposely went AWOL
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)12:49 No.9095049
    He did go
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)12:50 No.9095053
         File: 1333817421.jpg-(65 KB, 625x350, SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.jpg)
    65 KB
    >That feel when you find a really nice hat with a simple design
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)12:50 No.9095055
    Was he the one that went missing because he'd have gotten shit on?
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)12:52 No.9095060
    >Flat billed
    It's bad. Art is interesting.
    >> Luxeon !QBee1TB5wU 04/07/12(Sat)12:52 No.9095064
         File: 1333817556.jpg-(47 KB, 512x512, Bad End.jpg)
    47 KB
    >Get the fuck out of here and take this weaboo shit with you, murrican faggot.
    Are Russian Anons really this hostile? I thought Russia liked emulating older games...
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)12:56 No.9095072
         File: 1333817777.jpg-(169 KB, 457x381, 1330618387639.jpg)
    169 KB
    Unfortunately, flat bills are the only hats I don't look stupid in.
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)12:57 No.9095075
    Fuck looking stupid, then.
    >> Eco !roCkeTrYqs 04/07/12(Sat)12:59 No.9095078
    Cal, have you actually practiced combos yet
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)13:01 No.9095088
    Whenever I'm on that, I'll practice doom loops in the corner, Ghost rider things, A little bit of Firebrand, and the occasional Dante one.
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)13:03 No.9095097
         File: 1333818202.jpg-(30 KB, 384x492, Shit started fading in less th(...).jpg)
    30 KB
    >Ghost Rider
    I completely forgot he was in Ultimate. Is he worth giving a try?
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)13:04 No.9095101
    Huge range and good damage, but slow as fuck. I can occasionally do really well with him, but I'll panic and input the wrong movements.
    >> Eco !roCkeTrYqs 04/07/12(Sat)13:07 No.9095111
    >I'll practice doom loops in the corner

    6H, S, H, S x3 is not hard

    Learn the midscreen one first.

    Also, Dante is easy once you can bold cancel which I can't yet
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)13:11 No.9095118
    I have no clue what bold canceling is. hell, I can't even use assists well.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:13 No.9095124
    >"Bold cancelling" is using Dante's "Bold Move"(ATK +S), to cancel out of certain moves and essentially allow new and diverse combo opportunities.
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)13:14 No.9095132
    >> Eco !roCkeTrYqs 04/07/12(Sat)13:16 No.9095140
    No one uses Bold Move other to cancel from Stinger anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:21 No.9095157
    I got that from a youtube video. I don't even play UMvC3.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:28 No.9095180
    >Playing a SC2 game which features a bunch of probes versus a zealot
    >If a probe dies, they can choose to help one or the other
    >Die do to others feeding, decide to help zealot
    >Probes votekick me
    Fuck it, I'm going back to 1v1 games.
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)13:29 No.9095184
         File: 1333819749.jpg-(76 KB, 333x600, Nergal enters the world of MGQ.jpg)
    76 KB
    >That feel when you can never think of a third member for your team in Vanilla
    I always keep switching between Hsien-Ko, Spencer, Joe and Ammy. I'm not that great with any of them either. I'm just terrible at Marvel to begin with. God damn.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:30 No.9095188
    You're terrible at a lot of things.
    >> Brad 04/07/12(Sat)13:32 No.9095197


    Anyway, it's Vanilla so just slap Tron in there and call it a day. Or Ammy since Cold Star is pretty sweet.
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)13:36 No.9095228
    I've learned to hate her and try to avoid her Supers at all costs.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:41 No.9095242

    Why is it so adorable?
    >> Audino !ExpKeroLso 04/07/12(Sat)13:42 No.9095248
         File: 1333820544.jpg-(94 KB, 900x727, Morrigan.jpg)
    94 KB
    Man I still have a lot to learn with UMvC3 compared to you guys. I'm just glad that I finally learned 3 of the most obvious commands
    >> Luxeon !QBee1TB5wU 04/07/12(Sat)13:44 No.9095254
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)13:44 No.9095255
    I'd still be willing to bet you'd shit on me.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:44 No.9095260

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:47 No.9095266
    >> Brad 04/07/12(Sat)13:48 No.9095271

    >Not awesome and cute as fuck



    I found UMvC3 pretty easy to pick up, and this is coming off MK9. The real problem and reason I don't play is the bullshit factor is just too high. Getting in to it was a pretty smooth path though, nothing overly difficult. Flight cancel shit gave me problems though.
    >> Luxeon !QBee1TB5wU 04/07/12(Sat)13:50 No.9095283
         File: 1333821059.jpg-(51 KB, 550x367, worker-bees.jpg)
    51 KB
    >Not Kawaii.

    Call me generic.. it just means I'll have to use my nondescript powers to get you to listen!
    ...Or something.
    >> Luxeon !QBee1TB5wU 04/07/12(Sat)13:52 No.9095289
    I will meet you for awesome, as Chameleons and stuff, but not cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)13:53 No.9095294
    >Too many eyes
    >Can't pet them
    >Not loving
    >Mindless workers and feeders
    >Short lifespan
    >> Mio !vIA/KYUBEY 04/07/12(Sat)14:03 No.9095342
         File: 1333821839.jpg-(159 KB, 460x360, clv-honeycomb-2009-de.jpg)
    159 KB
    Their contributions to delicacy outweighs their shortcomings by far.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:08 No.9095361
         File: 1333822126.jpg-(100 KB, 1024x768, Am I kawaii Uguu Spider.jpg)
    100 KB
    Say that to their faces motherfucker

    picture, unrel-awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:09 No.9095363
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)14:27 No.9095440
         File: 1333823268.png-(335 KB, 800x545, 1332926898969.png)
    335 KB
    >Chow mein noodles with honey garlic sauce, a bit of spaghetti sauce and a shitload of shrimp
    Best thing I've ever made.
    >> Eco !roCkeTrYqs 04/07/12(Sat)14:30 No.9095458
    Hsien-Ko should never be part of anything
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)14:36 No.9095487
         File: 1333823792.jpg-(143 KB, 400x550, 001.jpg)
    143 KB
    0/10 I ain't even mad. You're right though, she's pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:39 No.9095508
    >Decide to try Aerodactyl
    >No second STAB
    Come on, this thing should be able to do something other than suicidal SR.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:40 No.9095518
    >Aerodactyl will never have Rock Head BB/Head Smash
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)14:40 No.9095521
    >Pretty bad
    The only redeeming quality is that fucking assist.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)14:41 No.9095524
    >No second STAB
    But he has Aerial Ace. Brave Bird Aerodactyl would be pretty nuts.
    >> fligh/tg/uy !!USvlahNxTB4 04/07/12(Sat)14:41 No.9095526
         File: 1333824111.jpg-(8 KB, 249x231, Sad_Cat.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)14:42 No.9095528
    Suicidactyl is awesome though.
    We can only hope.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)14:47 No.9095553
    >aero with reckless and bb/head smash
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:48 No.9095562
    It already has Rock Head, genius
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)14:49 No.9095568
    But it would make it that much more powerful.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)14:50 No.9095573
    I know and don't care. Reckless on everything.
    >> Scientist Sage !dscience9E 04/07/12(Sat)14:58 No.9095622
    Nice. I'm still missing the top half to my Raikou & Suicune Legend and Darkrai & Cresselia Legend.

    And have you heard of Cardfight Vanguard?
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)15:03 No.9095641
    Is Fallout 1 still free on that website? If so, anybody have a link?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:04 No.9095646
    Is The Witcher 1 worth playing?
    >> Mio !vIA/KYUBEY 04/07/12(Sat)15:06 No.9095650
         File: 1333825596.jpg-(1.51 MB, 1710x1818, 25469119.jpg)
    1.51 MB
    We really need more kamikaze type pokemons.
    >> Grim Reaper !!5gCwNOahF1G 04/07/12(Sat)15:06 No.9095654
    Nope. It's $6 now.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:09 No.9095660
    Rock Head goddamnit. That's the very point
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)15:09 No.9095663
    I've said it a few times before but it's what blaziken should have been.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)15:13 No.9095673
         File: 1333826010.jpg-(107 KB, 711x845, e1c7ffbc224f6c69ad730b4db23b36(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    I wanted a Technician Blaziken
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)15:17 No.9095687
    Infernape seems like more of the technician type.
    >> Thectsper 04/07/12(Sat)15:18 No.9095692
    I wanted Sand Rush Rhyperior but we don't always get what we want.
    >> Cal !Pyro3E1V0k 04/07/12(Sat)15:19 No.9095697
    I want Blaziken unbanned.
    >> kobo1d !gkOBo1DCkk 04/07/12(Sat)15:22 No.9095708
    >> Jmex !BUrEiduOH6 04/07/12(Sat)15:22 No.9095709
    A move that boosts speed, def and sp def
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)15:23 No.9095713
    3 stage boosting moves are bad.
    >> Jmex !BUrEiduOH6 04/07/12(Sat)15:25 No.9095717
    what about only Speed and Def?
    starmie learns it
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:25 No.9095718
    dragonite pls go
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)15:26 No.9095724
    No starmie you have enough already stop being a fat fuck and let the other pokemon have some
    >> Eco !roCkeTrYqs 04/07/12(Sat)15:27 No.9095731

    Just another day
    >> Mio !vIA/KYUBEY 04/07/12(Sat)15:29 No.9095745
         File: 1333826976.png-(81 KB, 286x440, 螢幕快照 2012-02-14 上午(...).png)
    81 KB
    Coil Ver.2
    >> Jmex !BUrEiduOH6 04/07/12(Sat)15:29 No.9095746
    jesuschrist ok screw my idea

    see ya all later

    reminds me of that mail about you know which smash bros group
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:34 No.9095770
    Are Pokémon Generals just off-topic tripfag circlejerks?
    Haha, oh wow. First and last time I visit one of these.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:35 No.9095772
    Good riddance, homo.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:36 No.9095779
    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, brother.
    >> kobo1d !gkOBo1DCkk 04/07/12(Sat)15:37 No.9095783
    Gorilla warfare is the best one. Next is unpatriotic shit.
    >> !Hash !sMishaE/OU 04/07/12(Sat)15:39 No.9095790
         File: 1333827567.gif-(261 KB, 500x300, tumblr_m04neyXcPJ1qksbsro1_500.gif)
    261 KB
    Oh wow.
    God this shit is annoying after a while. I can't even laugh at the gorilla warfare part anymore.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)15:39 No.9095792
         File: 1333827597.png-(448 KB, 550x630, 26324822.png)
    448 KB
    Fuck flavor, technician would have made Blaziken distinct without displacing the monkey or running roughsod over the game.
    >> Eco !roCkeTrYqs 04/07/12(Sat)15:40 No.9095796

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:41 No.9095805
    You're fucking dead, you little shitstain. Don't think I'm fucking joking, because I'm fucking not. Does it look like I'm fucking joking you little shithead? I will fucking bury you. When I find you, and I will, a shitstorm of biblical proportions will rain down upon thee and I will bask in the glory of you getting the ass-whooping of your life. I am 100$ serious. I already have your IP, and your home address, phone number, credit card information, and social security number are all just a few clicks away thanks to my leet hacker skills. You are fucking ruined, little kid. You thought you knew hardship? You have no fucking idea of true hardship is, but you will once I'm finished with you, you little prick. Don't even try, don't even think of fucking trying to stop me because you will be met by so much resistance you will break down and have to be committed to an asylum. That's how intense I am, and that's how goddamn serious I am. I have a black belt in ninjitsu and karate and kung fu and mixed martial arts so I will be able to kill you in over three hundred different ways before you can even finish one breath. You are going to wish you had never even been born, you piece of shit. You are going to wish you had been an abortion before I'm even halfway done with you. Don't even fucking say anything else to me or I will break your ass in half, you little shithead.
    >> Dead★Master !vIA/KYUBEY 04/07/12(Sat)15:47 No.9095826
         File: 1333828027.jpg-(12 KB, 301x320, until_you_like_it.jpg)
    12 KB
    Every day every night.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:49 No.9095836
    That Cuebone looks like it has horrifying cancer
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)15:58 No.9095851
    AVR spoilers start in a half hour.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:59 No.9095856
    Does Blaziken even learn anything besides maybe Vacuum Wave that would benefit from Technician?
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:00 No.9095860
    Reckless would have also made blaziken distinct. Speed and versatility vs raw power.
    Probably low sweep or something along those lines.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)16:01 No.9095863
    where at?

    I have been trying to build a pauper EDH deck and its just as annoying as making a normal one.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:01 No.9095864
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:01 No.9095866
    Hidden Power and gimmicks like Bulldoze and Low Sweep.
    Also Nitro Charge.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:02 No.9095871
    PAX, there's a link to a stream on the main site. Obviously it's not up yet, but it will probably be shitty due to how many people will be watching it.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)16:07 No.9095896
         File: 1333829246.jpg-(272 KB, 788x1069, filia_otakon_pose_color_sm.jpg)
    272 KB
    Flame Charge, Double Kick, Vacuum Wave, Low Sweep, Quick Attack, maybe Aerial Ace or Acrobatics
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:08 No.9095899
    >implying any of those are stronger than flare blitz, overheat, focus miss, or close combat
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:08 No.9095901
    forgot to put >even with technician
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:09 No.9095904
    They're more reliable.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:10 No.9095910
    >100 acc
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)16:11 No.9095913
         File: 1333829467.jpg-(27 KB, 169x167, The Great Emerald's power allo(...).jpg)
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    Completely missing the point, it's about utility, not raw power. Flame Charge lends itself to setup, it's a pretty strong move with STAB and Technician on top of boosting speed. Double Kick fucks with Substitutes and the obvious extra crit chance, Vacuum Wave shouldn't have to be explained, Low Sweep is strong with STAB+Tech and fucks with switch-ins, Quick Attack shouldn't need explaining either, and Acrobatics is for gimmick shit.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:11 No.9095914
    It still has a drawback. It's a moot point anyway because scarf reckless with flare blitz/hjk/bb/wild charge.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:14 No.9095931
    What if Blaziken got Blaze?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:15 No.9095934
    UU at best
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:20 No.9095973
    >Same thing as Infernape with a slightly different moveset
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:22 No.9095987
    And very different stats.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:26 No.9096004
    The only things noticeably different are Speed and HP.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:29 No.9096012
    Like those stats are even important.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:29 No.9096014
    See: Gen 4
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:30 No.9096021
    But HJK over Superpower
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:31 No.9096024
    Blaziken's health is ~10 points higher, and Infernape's Speed is around 50 points higher. Blaziken's Attack and Sp. Atk are 32 and 12 higher, respectively.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:33 No.9096033
    So it turns out they aren't actually streaming it but there is a chat that will likely give pictures of any spoiled cards. Also you can ask questions.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)16:34 No.9096039
         File: 1333830898.jpg-(156 KB, 800x600, pundercracker-verticalvest-slo(...).jpg)
    156 KB
    Just gimme a 1 drop discard and a 1 drop Black Vamp and I'm set.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)16:36 No.9096049
    All I really care about is seeing what the new mechanics are.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:37 No.9096058
    I'm pretty sure the preview cards will demonstrate them.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)16:42 No.9096078
         File: 1333831341.jpg-(128 KB, 480x680, Grizzly Bears.full.jpg)
    128 KB
    Avacyn was tricked into the Helvault by the demon Grizzlebrand.
    Griselbrand confirmed for 2/2 2 drop
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:44 No.9096090
    >Jon: Angels are newly empowered. You'll see lots of them in this set!
    >Jon: There are many different types - some of them are warrior like, some rogue like
    All of them bland
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)16:46 No.9096107
    >Jon: Avacyn is no the only legendary angel in this set
    Limited is going to have even more white fliers than normal, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:46 No.9096109
    >Avacyn has 3 flights - and each has a legendary messenger
    oh babby

    inb4 all of them are shit
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:46 No.9096111
    Avacyn is no the only legendary angel in this set
    Saturday April 7, 2012 4:44 Jon
    Avacyn has 3 flights - and each has a legendary messenger

    So there will be 4 legendary angels total, and at least one demon.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:47 No.9096117
    Also the chat isn't updating for me and I have to constantly refresh. Anyone else getting this?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:48 No.9096120
    Works for me.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)16:48 No.9096125
    Its working here
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:48 No.9096127
    Working fine here
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:48 No.9096128
    >caring about chat
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:49 No.9096133
    The chat is just Jon dictating the conference. There is no video of any kind so that's all there is.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:50 No.9096136
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:51 No.9096146
    Jon: Undying was the mechanic that is also in AVR.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:52 No.9096151
         File: 1333831936.jpg-(105 KB, 1280x720, [Saikou] Pocket Monsters Best (...).jpg)
    105 KB
    This reminds me of that pic from /v/ with the dude from Lazy Town eating shit.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:52 No.9096156
    >With the third set being a large set, the design team looked to make it unique while still maintaining a little mechanical flavor
    So this pretty much means the kept the tribal subtheme and maybe some graveyard stuff.
    >Undying was the mechanic that is also in AVR.
    I approve.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:53 No.9096157
    >Demonlord of Ashmouth! 2BB, Flying, Undying, 5/4, when enters the battlefield, exile it unless you sacrifice a creature.
    There's your 4 drop, Nergal.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:53 No.9096161
    Demonlord of Ashmouth! 2BB, Flying, Undying, 5/4, when enters the battlefield, exile it unless you sacrifice a creature.

    more shit to morbid spam?
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:54 No.9096164
    >Soulbond is a new mechanic in AVR
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:54 No.9096165

    Soulbond is a new mechanic in AVR

    It reflects humans working together

    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)16:54 No.9096167
         File: 1333832074.jpg-(228 KB, 400x600, 5384c8af4d3ac9cec1daf27c1b617a(...).jpg)
    228 KB
    Cool, something to follow up Geralf with.
    It's gonna be Mythic, isn't it?
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)16:54 No.9096168
    >Play it
    >Sacrifice itself
    >It comes back
    >Sacrifice something else
    >4 drop 6/5 flier
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:56 No.9096178
    There have been many attempts at this mechanic over the years
    Next card: Silverblade Paladin - 1WW, 2/2, Soulbond (You may pair this creature with another unpaired creature when either enters the battlefield. They remain paired as long as you control both of them). As long as Silverblade Paladin is paired with another creature, both creatures have double strike.

    It is a rare card.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)16:56 No.9096183
    Seems kinda complicated. Memory issues and shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:57 No.9096184
    There have been many attempts at this mechanic over the years
    Next card: Silverblade Paladin - 1WW, 2/2, Soulbond (You may pair this creature with another unpaired creature when either enters the battlefield. They remain paired as long as you control both of them). As long as Silverblade Paladin is paired with another creature, both creatures have double strike.

    It is a rare card.

    sort of toned down Mirran Crusader?
    mite b cool though
    >> kobo1d !gkOBo1DCkk 04/07/12(Sat)16:57 No.9096186

    Good card though.
    >> Every day-ish until you like it or I get bored of posting it Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:57 No.9096187
    >Pauper EDH
    Why not just play noble?
    I feel like I could make this work in a Heartless Summoning deck.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:57 No.9096189
    I'm not gonna be able to talk about Pokemon for the rest of the day, right?
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)16:58 No.9096192
         File: 1333832305.png-(82 KB, 386x425, 1333755671453.png)
    82 KB
    So it's Banding 2.0?
    >> Thectsper 04/07/12(Sat)16:58 No.9096194
    I want Angels that aren't White or fallen Black.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:59 No.9096201
    More like, as long as both of these creatures remain alive, both get a bonus.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:59 No.9096204
    That was not the link I meant to copy.
    That's stupid.
    Timeshifted Arkoma.
    >> kobo1d !gkOBo1DCkk 04/07/12(Sat)17:00 No.9096205
    Red and Blue have had angels that I can recall.

    Time for Green angel.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:00 No.9096206
    >turn three thalia/champion/whateverthefuckisdroppedsoon and is ridiculous + paladin
    theorycrafting sucks sometimes
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)17:00 No.9096209
    There are some similarities but soulbond works with abilities and banding just makes one huge mass of creature.
    That's kinda hard to do flavor wise because angels are made of white mana.
    >> Thectsper 04/07/12(Sat)17:01 No.9096213
    I meant more.
    Yeah I know.
    Garruk's Harlot.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)17:02 No.9096216
    Not really, banding had a ton of combat bullshit that happened

    >4x rancor
    There is my deck, enjoy beating that with commons. Using a rare in a format of commons is a retarded idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:02 No.9096218
    Next preview card: Restoration Angel - 3W, Flash, Flying, 3/4, When Restoration Angel enters the battlefield, you may exile target non-angel creature you control then return that creature to the battlefield under your control.

    It is rare.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:03 No.9096224
    next card - Sigarda, Host of Herons - 2GWW - Flying, Hexproof, 5/5, spells and abilities your opponents control can't cause you to sacrifice permanents
    >> kobo1d !gkOBo1DCkk 04/07/12(Sat)17:03 No.9096226
    Momentary Blink Angel. I like.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)17:03 No.9096227
    This may have a place in my karador deck.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:04 No.9096230
    OP as fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:04 No.9096235
    next card - Sigarda, Host of Herons - 2GWW - Flying, Hexproof, 5/5, spells and abilities your opponents control can't cause you to sacrifice permanents

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:04 No.9096236
    legendary and a mythic
    >> kobo1d !gkOBo1DCkk 04/07/12(Sat)17:05 No.9096243
    Speaking of green angels...
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)17:05 No.9096249
         File: 1333832746.jpg-(31 KB, 312x445, Flicker.full.jpg)
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    I love flicker effects

    about time
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:06 No.9096251
    Another mechanic introduced - Miracles!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:07 No.9096263

    Unprecedented gameplay. Creates dramatic tension in the game. Created a lot of tension during the draw step.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:08 No.9096267
    Card: Thunderous Wrath - 4RR, Instant, Thunderous Wrath deals 5 damage to target creature or player. Miracle R (You may cast this card for its Miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn)
    >> kobo1d !gkOBo1DCkk 04/07/12(Sat)17:08 No.9096269
    Fucking miracles, how do they work?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:08 No.9096273

    Jon: Uncommon.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)17:09 No.9096275
    Go go topdeck mode
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:09 No.9096277
    Oh for fuck's sake.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:09 No.9096283
    >There is my deck, enjoy beating that with commons. Using a rare in a format of commons is a retarded idea.
    There are plenty of decks that can deal with that.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)17:09 No.9096284
    Sounds absurdly powerful in limited.
    >> qnqn­x !CylYBJT.Sw 04/07/12(Sat)17:10 No.9096287
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:10 No.9096288
    These cards have a new frame treatment to help make sure you know to reveal it when you draw.
    There are no black miracles
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:10 No.9096291
    These cards have a new frame treatment to help make sure you know to reveal it when you draw.

    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)17:10 No.9096292
    >There are no black miracles
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)17:11 No.9096294
         File: 1333833060.jpg-(60 KB, 650x453, NOPE.jpg)
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    We Yu-Gi-Oh now
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:11 No.9096297
    Poor nigs, they just can't get a break.
    >> Thectsper 04/07/12(Sat)17:13 No.9096316
    This will do.
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)17:15 No.9096321
         File: 1333833306.png-(148 KB, 227x324, 1333334766747.png)
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    >Get blown up by a fat ass insta-kill missile
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:15 No.9096324
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)17:17 No.9096333
    Just like how there are no white curses
    oh wait.

    Ways to deal with a 5/5 hexproof creature that grows? Only non-rares I can think of are Pestilence, Crypt Rats and Sickening Dreams. Nobel is dumb.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:19 No.9096346
    >Ways to deal with a 5/5 hexproof creature that grows?
    By winning faster, or getting stronger creatures and blocking.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)17:19 No.9096347
    Curse of exhaustion. Also geth's verdict.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:20 No.9096356
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:21 No.9096363
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    It will probably be ignored, but I sent it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:22 No.9096372
    >There will be a much larger Dave assures you all there will be cool things for black and red!.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)17:25 No.9096389
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:25 No.9096392
    >Question: Is soulbond isolated to creatures, or are there ways to grant soulbond with other things like equipment or equipment.
    >Answer: No comment.
    That's a yes.
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)17:26 No.9096400
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:26 No.9096401
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:27 No.9096407
    Neat art
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:28 No.9096411
    new thread
    >> Nerffie !/Aeon.5uQo 04/07/12(Sat)17:28 No.9096412
    Looks like a rare....also looks a lot cooler than any of the other Innistrad demons.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:29 No.9096416
    Is that not appearing as a direct link for anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:29 No.9096418
    I would totally stream me playing through Super Mario World and failing horribly but I don't know if my computer could take it and if anybody would watch.
    >> Zeight !Geist1zqpw 04/07/12(Sat)17:29 No.9096420
    >Jon: Soulbond is a new mechanic in AVR
    >Jon: It reflects humans working together
    Why the fuck would someone even ask that, its pretty fucking obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:30 No.9096423
         File: 1333834201.jpg-(124 KB, 400x500, Implying.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:30 No.9096424
    because https
    >> Ninetales !Q4999999xM 04/07/12(Sat)17:30 No.9096425
    You suck at this. I bet your thread sucks too.
    You're right, no one would watch.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)17:32 No.9096442
    I bet you suck penis.

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