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  • File: 1331541651.jpg-(85 KB, 564x564, 1309559442679.jpg)
    85 KB /k/ommando 03/12/12(Mon)04:40 No.8951000  
    So, /vp/. we finally meet. I'm normally over at /k/, but a friend of mine recently told me that this board was the nostalgia board, to which I claim bullshit.

    If you can make me nostalgic for them, my friend wins a 50 dollar bet.

    HINT: Ruby and Sapphire were my fucking life when I played them.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:42 No.8951004
    You are right, this board is mostly against nostalgia. Nostalgia fags are the hipsters of this board, it's like /a/ and mainstream anime we just don't go there.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:44 No.8951007
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    Gen V is best gen

    Nostalgiafags gonna hate
    >> Grimer SS:1635 9104 9773 !!2GoZQKjEz3R 03/12/12(Mon)04:44 No.8951010
    They're still everywhere, it's almost like they're not hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:45 No.8951011
    Sorry, but you'll only find a shitty community. Also, nostalgiafags are shit on, especially those who like Ruby and Sapphire. Oh wait, did you guys hear. Junichi Masuda scratched his nose a couple days ago! HOENN CONFIRMED!

    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and dubbed anime.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:45 No.8951012
    Uh, alright

    Do you remember when you caught that Trapinch?

    You didn't think much about him, sure

    But once he evolved?

    It's like you struck fucking gold, wasn't it?

    Yeah it was

    Do you recall that song? You know the one. It's running through your head automatically, isn't it?

    Not enough trumpets for you?

    What about that little Lotad? You thought he looked just as derpy as the Trapinch. Even his evolved form didn't help him. But when you used that water stone? Ohohohoho, you betta berieve das a bona.
    >> /k/ommando 03/12/12(Mon)04:46 No.8951017

    >Trumpet song

    Close.... Close.... Not enough to put me over the edge however
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:47 No.8951019

    >almost being the key word

    I honestly like all the games. Though the inventory and box system in gen 1-2 are a pain in the ass


    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:47 No.8951020
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    >HINT: Ruby and Sapphire were my fucking life when I played them.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:47 No.8951021
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and real women.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:48 No.8951024
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and happiness.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:49 No.8951026
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and strait people
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:49 No.8951027
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and showers.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:50 No.8951029
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and 3DPG.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:51 No.8951030
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and personal hygiene.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:51 No.8951031
    Oh. Not enough for you?

    H'alright then.

    You've just beaten the game. You beat the big four, and Steve. Steve's got swagger in spades, and all sorts of bitches of all ages know it.

    You get bored, and you decide to see if he's still at his house. But he isn't. But what's that? A letter and a fucking Beldum?

    Not enough for you?

    You know Braile? The language of blind people? You get to follow cryptic puzzles you had to translate, and do the inane bullshit, like having a Relicanth and Wailord

    Oh, did you forget about those two? How hard it was to catch Relicanth? Or when you saw Wailord's pokedex entry? Yeah you do
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:51 No.8951032

    Remember when you saw Latias or Latios?

    Remember how you always wanted Latias more, because FUCK YEAH, RED ONES GO FASTA


    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:51 No.8951034
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and real high school.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:52 No.8951036
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and friends.
    >> /k/ommando 03/12/12(Mon)04:52 No.8951038
    Fuck, I lost...





    >knew my favorite pokemon
    >knew which one was better

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:53 No.8951040
    GTFO nostalgiafag
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:53 No.8951041
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and employment.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:53 No.8951043
    When's the last time you visited your secret base?

    And when's the last time you HAD TA GO FAST on your mach bike?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:54 No.8951045
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and /v/
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:54 No.8951046
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and medium or larger condoms.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:55 No.8951050
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and weight loss.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:56 No.8951054
    Look, if you've come here looking for us to rekindle your nostalgia then that must mean you have a desire to pick it up yourself anyway. Dont deny it, dont hide it. If you dont wanna lose a bet then just tell your friend /vp/ was full of faggots who laughed and called you underage for having r/s/e as your nostalgic choice of game and they complained about water routes and trumpets.
    Then just, go relive it. You dont need convincing, if you're here trying to be convinced then the desire to pick it up again is there already. You just need to decide if it goes as far as just r/s/e or if you want to see how pokemons doing now days and see a whole new world we live in with pokemon black and white.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:56 No.8951055
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and eating healthy.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:56 No.8951057
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and exercise.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:58 No.8951063
    /vp/ and nostalgia go together like /a/ and naruto.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:59 No.8951067
    >gen 3
    gtfo kid.
    >> /k/ommando 03/12/12(Mon)05:00 No.8951069

    >Implying those Secret Bases weren't a pain in the fucking ass
    Implying I didn't have the best looking one in my entire fucking country
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:01 No.8951071

    >still stuck in the 90's

    Nostalgia fag confirmed
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:02 No.8951072
    What about the plot.

    The creepy song that played as the weather went haywire and threatened to destroy the region.

    Then how you show up, face off with the pokemon, and made it your own.

    Or when you discovered the under sea sealed chamber, translated the braille, followed the instructions and then faced off with the Regis.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:03 No.8951073
    If your nostalgia is gen 3 you are a little faggot kid
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:06 No.8951080
    The plot was fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:10 No.8951087
    That fucking *DINK* whenever you pressed ANY button
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:29 No.8951124
    I'll just leave this for you OP:
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:34 No.8951135

    Not so much nostalgia as fucking awesome.

    Spending that time relaxing in the city, looking at the white walls and talking to the inhabitants-- unbeknownst the impending trouble. The stage becomes set shortly after-- Battle of the land and sea itself.
    >> DRAGON BALL Z 03/12/12(Mon)06:04 No.8951200
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    Oh god the tears of joy just don't stop
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:30 No.8951245
    So much fucking love.
    Is there a Gen 2 ending version? A quick google search shows nothing

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